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We examine how students in academic libraries work; their furniture, technology and space needs; research methods used to determine these; and the results and evolution of our space design and assessment efforts. From the creation of a new collaborative center at Mann Library at Cornell University in 2007 to our latest space redesign in 2015, we've used a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods—including surveys, interviews, usability tests, and participatory design exercises—to discover the study behaviors and needs of users, applied this data to help redesign our collaborative study spaces, and assessed the results.  相似文献   

According to industry estimates the mobile device (smartphone and tablet) will soon be the main platform for searching the Web and yet our knowledge of how mobile consumers use information – especially scholarly information, and how that differs from desktop or ‘tethered’ users – is imperfect to say the very least. This article aims to correct this through an analysis of the usage logs of a major cultural, multimedia website, Europeana.eu, which started tackling the mobile challenge in 2011. The challenges of identifying mobile use – no easy matter – are described. The information behaviour of 150,000 mobile users is examined and compared with that for desktop users. The main findings are that mobile users are the fastest‐growing user community and that their visits are very different in the aggregate from those arising from desktops. Mobile visits are information ‘lite‘: typically shorter, less interactive, and with less content viewed per visit. Use takes on a social rather than office rhythm, with use peaking at nights and weekends.  相似文献   

Changes presented by cloud computing—shared computing services, applications, and storage available to end users via the Internet—have the potential to seriously alter how libraries provide services, not only remotely, but also within the physical library, specifically concerning challenges facing the typical desktop computing experience. Libraries have invested time and money in establishing an infrastructure to support a particular kind of computing experience, and advances in cloud computing may make this type of experience obsolete. One of the ways libraries have added value to their services has been by implementing library commons. A key component to these commons has been desktop computing. Cloud computing offers applications via a Web browser, meaning that the applications can run independently of the local hardware and operating system, calling into question the necessity of traditional desktop computing. As libraries have shown in the past, they have the capability to assess challenging situations and adapt to provide users a beneficial experience.  相似文献   

Web site usage statistics are a widely used tool for Web site development, but libraries are still learning how to use them successfully. This case study summarizes how Morris Library at Southern Illinois University Carbondale implemented Google Analytics on its Web site and used the reports to inform a site redesign. As the main campus library at a research university with about 20,000 undergraduate and graduate students, the library included resources from multiple library departments on a single site. In planning the redesign, Morris Library's Virtual Library Group combined usage reports with information from other sources, such as usability tests and user comments. The Virtual Library Group faced barriers to interpreting and applying the usage statistics in the site redesign, including some that were specific to the library's implementation of the Google Analytics tool and some limitations inherent with Web usage statistics in general. Some key barriers in applying the usage statistics to a redesign included sifting through data that did not have implications for the site redesign, interpreting the implications of usage numbers for the site redesign, and balancing competing interests within the library. Nevertheless, the usage statistics enabled the Virtual Library Group to make better decisions by providing a source of factual information about the site's use rather than relying on staff members’ opinions and conjectures.  相似文献   

This paper was given as a key note at the North West Academic Libraries conference ‘Designing Spaces for Learning: Flexible learning spaces, libraries and changing roles’ in September 2006 and was adapted from the eSpaces study so that it met the aims and objectives of the North West Academic Libraries conference. The eSpaces study is shorthand for the Joint Information Systems Committee's ‘Study on How Innovative Technologies are Influencing the Design of Physical Learning Spaces in the Post-16 Sector’. The need for this study came from a recognition that most, if not all, education institutions are now integrating learning technologies into the design of new buildings and the refurbishment of existing ones. Managed learning environments, mobile computing, wireless local area networks and broadband are just a few of the technologies that are influencing how we design, use and manage our learning spaces. They are also changing how we design our libraries. The key findings of this study are outlined and the implications for library space and staff roles discussed.  相似文献   

In spite of the growth of digital information and the resultant questioning by some of the value of public libraries, library usage data indicate there were 497,600,000 more visits to public libraries in 2013 than in 1993. Why do people still visit public libraries in the digital age? While many factors drive people to visit public libraries, one thing that public libraries offer that cannot be duplicated online is physical space. Over the decades, library space has been the glue holding the library universe together even as the specific activities that take inside libraries have evolved. While public libraries do an excellent job of promoting their important role in providing access to information, educational resources, technology, and a host of valuable services, they must also promote the value of public library space itself. This requires more than trotting out numbers; it requires telling compelling stories of how public library space is used and reminding the public that the kind of spaces public libraries provide are, in fact, a vanishing resource. The post-911 tightening of security in public buildings of all sorts—coupled with the increasing privatization of what were once public spaces—has left public libraries as perhaps the last remaining indoor public spaces where an individual can remain from opening until closing without needing any reason to be there and without having to spend any money. Public libraries should promote the uniqueness of their spaces in much the same way that National Parks promote the unique spaces they preserve and make available to the public.  相似文献   

Background:Prior to 2020, library orientation for first-year medical students at Weill Cornell Medicine took the form of an on-site treasure hunt competition. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the orientation for the MD class of 2024 was shifted to an all-virtual format. This shift mandated a full redesign of the library orientation.Case Presentation:The Samuel J. Wood Library sought to preserve the excitement and fun of the treasure hunt in the new virtual format. The competition was redesigned as a Zoom meeting using breakout rooms, with library faculty and staff serving as team facilitators. Tasks were rewritten, shifting the focus from the library''s physical spaces to its virtual services and online resources. The redesigned orientation was evaluated using two data sources: a postsession survey of student participants and a debriefing of the library employees who participated. Student evaluations were positive, while the faculty and staff provided numerous suggestions for improving future virtual orientations.Conclusions:A successful virtual library orientation requires careful preparation, including testing the competition tasks, full rehearsal with library facilitators, and a thoughtful approach to technology and logistics. We have chosen to share the materials we developed for other academic health sciences libraries that may wish to take a similar approach to their own virtual orientations.  相似文献   

Libraries have become increasingly interested in studying the use of spaces within their buildings. Traditional methods for tracking library building use, such as gate counts, provide little information on what patrons do once they are in the library; therefore, new methods for studying space usage are being developed. Particularly promising are mobile technologies, which make it possible to directly observe and track user behaviors throughout library spaces. We found that observation combined with mobile technologies enabled the library to assess user study behaviors and space usage patterns anywhere in the library. Observations were tracked using an iPad with two different types of mobile apps, CloudOn and Counter+. The results were compared to the more traditional statistics gathered by the study room reservation system. The findings showed that the mobile observations more accurately reflected actual library usage and provided additional details on specific study behaviors such as studying in groups and using technology while studying.  相似文献   

In 1999, Northwestern University's Galter Health Sciences Library redesigned the library orientation program for first-year medical students. Surveys indicated tours were ineffective and students retained little of the information presented. Furthermore, the tour was not related to the student's curriculum and did not reinforce their learning objectives. As a replacement, the library staff developed a self-directed two-hour library open house. Stations throughout the library showcased the library staff, services, and resources, focusing on the first-year student curriculum. A follow-up survey found this redesign more useful and relevant to the students' course work, indicating libraries should be creating more interactive tours for students allowing them to learn actively.  相似文献   

采用分组讨论和问卷调查的方式对1 716名大学生进行调查的结果表明,大学生智能手机持有率显著提高,并且有相当一部分大学生拟将自己的通讯设备升级为智能手机,他们对移动图书馆服务有强烈的需求。因此,高校图书馆应联手移动通讯机构营造移动服务氛围,联手移动图书馆研发机构满足读者个性化需求,制订完善的宣传策略使移动图书馆遍及校园。  相似文献   

In this study, researchers observed student study behaviors in the libraries of four post-secondary institutions. In all, 2,773 observations were made. This research replicates and expands an earlier study and addresses its limitations. The results of a logistic regression test indicate whether students had a mobile device readily available and where students chose to study in the library best predicted whether they demonstrated a study, as opposed to a non-study, behavior. Specifically, if students were found in quiet study or computer areas, they were more likely to be performing study behaviors. This research has implications for library stakeholders making decisions about the use of library space. Most importantly, this research demonstrates that library spaces are widely used for diverse purposes.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 我国台湾地区公共图书馆因存在馆舍建筑设备老旧、空间设计不良以及软硬件设施落后等问题,影响读者到馆阅读意愿以及阅读体验。为此,台湾地区公共图书馆抓住旧馆空间改造和新馆建设的契机,对图书馆内的阅读空间进行环境提升,取得了一定的成效。本研究旨在通过调查我国台湾地区公共图书馆阅读空间建设情况,总结其建设特点,为我国其他地区公共图书馆开展旧馆空间改造和新馆建设提供参考与借鉴。[方法/过程] 运用网络调查法和案例分析法,以我国台湾地区6个公共图书馆为例,阐述其在绿色环保、分龄分众以及特色服务理念下的阅读空间建设情况。[结果/结论] 我国台湾地区公共图书馆能够根据相关标准规范建设阅读空间,所采用的空间建设理念较为先进,阅读空间环境具备一定的舒适性和实用性,并且通过分析得出台湾地区公共图书馆阅读空间建设具有以下特点:创新建设理念,打造多样空间;注重文化内涵,体现地方特色;重视通用设计,提供特殊空间;强调色彩搭配,营造空间氛围。  相似文献   

With the rising number of mobile technologies used in work- and private-life domains, opportunities, and challenges of mobile device usage in daily lives arise. Against this background, we strive to investigate how corporately provided mobile devices, i.e., tablets, affect work-life conflict and innovation behavior of public sector employees over time. We analyze employees in German public agencies due to their high intrinsic motivation goals alongside strict working schedules, regulations, and payments in contrast to the employees of the private sector. Our research pursues a sequential explorative multi-method approach of conducting a field experiment with qualitative and quantitative data. Twenty employees were divided into two equal groups: 1.) employees with tablets, 2.) employees without tablets. After analyzing the interviews and survey data using methods from grounded theory, we found that a) digital competences can create a bottleneck for employees' innovation behavior, b) corporately provided mobile devices (COPE) decrease employees work-life conflict despite increasing their workload, and c) COPE-IT can support innovation behavior of employees in public agencies, assisting them in keeping up their efficient work when work demands are high. All these effects can be mediated by the development of employee's ownership towards their COPE-IT.  相似文献   

This article asks questions and invites discussion of important issues that must be addressed for our profession to continue to keep pace with the needs of a rapidly changing landscape. These broad questions invite discussions about: space, staffing, facilities and our changing roles. It looks at space in our facilities and how we use that space as both are pressing issues for libraries. The examination of our space includes the virtual spaces we create via resources on the web. Staffing and how staff will work together in the changing landscape are issues that will shape what our profession and libraries look like in the future. The questions and suggestions are intended to spark conversations in libraries about these important issues.  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆建设标准核心要素分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
根据有关标准,美国公共网书馆面积的确定综合考虑了服务人口、馆藏资源、阅览座位数量和非业务功能区所占比例等因素.服务人口指可以直接或间接享受图书馆服务的人口,计算方法因地而异;馆藏资源总目标以及由载体大小、书架类型和资源类型决定的单位面积馆藏量决定了馆藏资源所需的面积空间;阅览座位数的测算依据包括千人拥有座位量、到馆读者座位占用率和馆藏发展目标总量等;单个座位的面积空间要求,美国有较为详细的标准;非业务功能空间一般占图书馆总建筑面积的20%~30%.表9.参考文献11.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 阅读推广是高校图书馆服务育人的重要途径,文章旨在探讨高校图书馆在阅读推广的过程中如何践行服务育人目标的问题。[方法/过程] 把服务育人与阅读推广工作相结合,分析高校图书馆服务育人的核心目标,并基于中国矿业大学图书馆阅读推广服务育人实践,提出建立健全大学生人格价值体系及其五要素,进而引入课堂教学的三维目标理论,构建了基于服务育人五要素阅读推广的三维KAPO模型。[结果/结论] 高校图书馆阅读推广应聚焦大学生人格价值体系建立健全和德智体美劳全面发展,并进行系统推进。在阅读推广实施中必须厘清服务育人的着力点和系统维度,确立目标、计划、步骤、方法,同时积极探讨借鉴课堂教学方法,系统研究,综合施策,确保阅读推广服务育人的精准性和有效性。  相似文献   

空间评估是高校图书馆空间改造工作的核心环节,可以系统了解现有空间的使用效能,GIS技术为图书馆空间使用评估引入了新的视角。文章基于GIS技术提出高校图书馆空间使用评估的方法,通过扫描观察法收集地理数据,利用核密度法可视化图书馆的聚集区域,结合调查问卷挖掘读者的潜在需求,并以大连理工大学伯川图书馆为例进行实证研究。研究发现不同读者在图书馆有不同的使用习惯和空间偏好,高校图书馆需要从功能分区、家具设备等方面优化空间设计,满足读者的多元化需求。  相似文献   

Research in academic libraries has recently seen an increase in the use of ethnographic-based methods to collect data. Primarily used to learn about library users and their interaction with spaces and resources, the methods are proving particularly useful to academic libraries. The data ethnographic methods retrieve is rich, context specific, and often difficult to collect via other methods. This review provides an overview of research demonstrating how ethnography can be applied to learn about a variety of issues in academic libraries, ranging from space use to a way of teaching new students about library resources and facilities.  相似文献   

随着数字资源建设投入的持续增长,高校图书馆需要明确、客观有力的事实和数据证明其数字资源建设对学校长期战略目标的支持。文章通过文献调研梳理图书馆数字资源使用成效评估的相关问题,从学业成就、学术成就、信息素养能力与职业能力等4个方面构建研究生视角下的高校图书馆数字资源使用成效评估维度,探究研究生图书馆数字资源使用频率与其使用成效之间的关联。来自中山大学研究生样本的观察表明:研究生的数字资源使用频率与其使用成效各维度间均存在显著的正相关关系;硕士研究生、博士研究生在图书馆数字资源使用成效上存在显著性差异;图书馆数字资源的使用成效受到学科影响。面向不同类型用户,高校图书馆数字资源使用成效具有多种表现形式,需要从定性与定量角度,综合采用多种方法加以描述和测评。高校图书馆还应关注影响研究生对图书馆数字资源使用成效的感知与体验的因素,并围绕这些因素改进数字资源的建设与服务质量,进一步促进数字资源价值的实现。  相似文献   

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