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公共图书馆免费开放是2011年度我国图书馆界的首件大事。在公共图书馆的百年历史中,免费开放反复不定,主要是因为保障条件的缺失。而当前的保障条件仍然不容乐观。因此,当前的公共图书馆免费开放只是面对大众需要的一种以最小投入来获得最大社会效益的理性选择。要真正实现免费开放,需要以民主机制建设作为基础保障。  相似文献   


Historically, non-lawyer patrons in law libraries have been viewed with discomfort, and library services, even in libraries open to the public, have been geared toward members of the legal community. However, changes in both the needs of the public and in the demographics of library patrons are challenging the traditional allocation of services in public law libraries. This article discusses the reasons for the traditional allocation of services, the cultural and economic forces that are bringing the public to law libraries in greater numbers, and new modes of service that can better meet the needs of public patrons.  相似文献   

国外公共图书馆的“关注用户”传统及其研究实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于对公共图书馆性质更为深刻的认识,国外公共图书馆领域对用户的关注不仅停留于观念,更见诸于行动。其对用户需求研究的资源投入较早,并已形成多种研究模式,积累了丰富的研究成果。国外公共图书馆用户需求研究理论与实践并行、研究风格开放、研究方法与时俱进;在我国相关研究匮乏的今天,有必要充分借鉴其成果,更多地关注用户信息生活。  相似文献   


The achievement of social justice, which implies the development of collections and the design of services for different user groups, is an objective present in the mission of public libraries. Since the 1950s, Croatian public libraries have been continuously developing collections and services for different user communities. However, one user community has remained largely unrecognized – LGBTIQ people. Therefore, the aim of the research presented in this paper is to examine the importance of the role of public libraries in the life of the LGBTIQ community in the Republic of Croatia. With a sample of 259 respondents, information behaviors, attitudes and experiences of LGBTIQ people in relation to public libraries have been examined via an online survey. In particular, this study explored the extent to which members of public libraries differ from non-members. The obtained results should contribute to a better understanding of the information needs and behavior of members of sexual minorities and help bring this group of users closer to (Croatian) public libraries by ensuring that libraries more adequately respond to their needs.  相似文献   


The current focus on libraries as place involves the collaborative needs of library users for features such as movable furniture, group work areas, and amenities such as coffee shops. Additional attention needs to focus on how the technology infrastructure can support collaborative work in academic libraries. The one-user-one-machine setup common in many academic libraries does not do this. A collaborative workstation that is inexpensive and readily assembled is described along with equipment needs and costs. The impact of such a collaborative workstation for both reference work and public use is discussed.  相似文献   

1976—1990年美国图书馆协会公共关系活动的有效开展有赖于图书馆公共关系意识的形成、公共信息办公室的宣传、公共关系部门作用的发挥及约翰·科登·达纳图书馆公共关系奖的持续颁发。我国图书馆界应借鉴美国图书馆协会的公共关系活动经验,时刻具备危机意识,扩大服务范围和领域;形成图书馆公共关系意识,强化大众对公共图书馆的依赖;重视图书馆和图书馆员的形象,加强与媒体的合作;积极应对社会需求,努力寻找图书馆的立法支撑。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(59):153-162

With more resource-based learning, libraries have become central in adolescent academic lives. School and public librarians play unique and overlapping roles in providing students with informational needs. School librarians, as educators, work with classroom teachers to design meaningful lessons that draw upon available resources. However, school librarians cannot work independently of public librarians, especially reference specialists. While school libraries focus on tools that support the curriculum, public libraries offer references for broad public use. Ideally, public and school libraries coalesce for collection development and service coordination. This article discusses issues and opportunities for school-public library partnerships and coalitions to benefit teens.  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆发展现状及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国公共图书馆星罗棋布、遍及城乡,以行政区域的居民财产税为主要经费支撑。因此,美国公众普遍具有利用图书馆的意识,图书馆普遍具有强烈的服务意识。美国公共图书馆的服务重心随着社会需求适时转变,而且图书馆服务以满足读者需要为改进标尺,体现出规范化、标准化、人性化、个性化等特征。我国公共图书馆应借鉴美国公共图书馆发展的经验,深化图书馆服务,加强馆员队伍建设,实现公共图书馆设置的普遍化。  相似文献   

公共图书馆立足于数字化时代的合理性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新兴数字技术的冲击下,公共图书馆经历着蜕变,在其遭遇威胁的同时,也面临着转机。本文透过维多利亚州立图书馆等案例解析,从理性的角度俯视数字化环境下的种种争论。可以发现,图书馆是由公众资金支持的机构,服务民众是其不可推卸的使命。因而,为了保证图书馆立足于数字化时代的合理性,我们必须透视技术的本质,了解民众的真正需求。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] In view of the differences between China and western developed countries in social system, social culture, economic development level, etc., this paper compares the different characteristics of the special services of public libraries in China and abroad, and provides reference for the development of the special services of public libraries in China.[Method/process] Based on the investigation of the status of the special services of public libraries in China and abroad, this paper respectively identified the main types of special services of Chinese and foreign public libraries through cluster analysis and conducted comparative analysis to reveal the commonalities and differences.[Result/conclusion] Comparing the characteristics of the special services of Chinese and foreign public libraries, this paper finds that the academic content of the special service of Chinese public libraries need to be improved, and the training of library professionals needs to be strengthened, and further attention needs to be paid to the interaction between libraries and their users in service process, so as to improve the attraction and influence of the special services of the public library.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对我国与西方发达国家在社会制度、社会文化、经济发展水平等方面存在的差异,对比国内外公共图书馆特色服务的不同特点,为我国公共图书馆特色服务的发展提供参考。[方法/过程] 在对国内外公共图书馆特色服务现状展开调查的基础上,通过聚类分析识别中外公共图书馆特色服务的主要类型并展开对比分析,揭示其中的共性和差异。[结果/结论] 对比中外公共图书馆特色服务的特点发现,我国公共图书馆特色服务内容的学术性有待提高,图书馆专业人才的培养还需要不断加强,应当进一步重视在服务过程中图书馆与用户之间的交互,以此来不断提升公共图书馆特色服务的吸引力和影响力。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过分析与探讨美国公共图书馆未成年人服务岗位的现状与特征,提出研究公共图书馆未成年人需求及服务的新视角,同时为我国公共图书馆未成年人服务岗位的设置、支撑与发展提供借鉴.[方法/过程]收集美国图书馆协会招聘网站上发布的未成年人服务岗位招聘信息,进而使用内容分析法深入分析美国公共图书馆未成年人服务岗位的岗位描...  相似文献   

有关图书馆知识公共性的讨论是一个理论与实践兼具的话题.其理论上的探讨需要从对知识本质的哲学追问开始,兼顾其他学科视域中的知识观点.而从实践的一面看,图书馆知识的公共性又与图书馆在知识社会进程中的作为密不可分.因此,对图书馆知识公共性的把握,需要在语境的融合中展开,即:哲学一般意义上的公共知识、经济学视角下的公共物品以及知识管理语境中可获得的知识.  相似文献   

图书馆公共空间是社会化的行为场所,其设计应该最大限度地满足人们的不同需求并充分体现人性化。图书馆公共空间设计的要素主要包括光环境、材质与色彩。随着社会的不断进步,现代图书馆室内公共空间设计呈现出一些新趋势:由平面空间转向立体空间;光环境与色彩设计更加人性化;绿色、生态、低碳设计日益兴起;趋向智能化,舒适度增加,保持民族化,注重科学性,加入减噪设计等。  相似文献   

文章阐述了高校图书馆开展公共文化服务的创新性意义、现实需要及其所担负的社会责任,在此基础上讨论了高校图书馆在文献资源、人力资源以及地域等方面的优势,进而提出了服务社会的六项创新性探索。  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆公众健康信息服务发展历史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章结合美国19世纪中后期至今的社会历史发展背景,从史学发展的角度出发,梳理美国公共图书馆健康信息服务发展状况,认为美国公共图书馆公众健康信息服务发展的成功经验在于公众健康信息服务与其社会历史使命交织在一起、重视与各机构的合作以及充分满足用户需求为前提开展服务,以期给国内公共图书馆开展公众健康信息服务工作提供经验.  相似文献   

王满 《河北科技图苑》2020,33(2):54-57,47
认知发展理论对公共图书馆开展儿童阅读推广服务具有重要影响。文章基于皮亚杰认知发展理论,阐述儿童认知发展不同阶段对阅读体验的需求,提出公共图书馆儿童阅读推广服务策略:根据儿童认知发展阶段特征,开展分级阅读推广服务;应用认知发展理论,指导儿童阅读推广服务工作;融入游戏设计,打造儿童阅读推广品牌活动;寻求多元化合作,探寻儿童阅读推广服务新路径。  相似文献   

公共图书馆实行免费开放后,区县图书馆人气陡增,社会效益显著,但同时面临如下问题:运营成本增加,资金缺口增大;文献资源馆藏量与读者需求矛盾突出;公共场所使用与管理矛盾突出;图书馆人才需求与人事管理矛盾突出;开放办馆与开门办馆面临挑战。面对新挑战,区县图书馆需要健全管理机制,实现公共管理科学化;尊重读者权利,实现馆内服务精细化;拓展服务领域,实现馆外服务多样化。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]调查并分析美国公共图书馆年长者健康信息服务现况,为我国公共图书馆开展相关服务提供参考。[方法/过程]利用网络调查法,结合文献调查、访谈和案例分析,选择服务人口数量排名前25的公共图书馆,以是否有专项年长者健康信息服务为抽样标准,对选取的14所图书馆的服务现况及特点进行分析。[结果/结论]美国公共图书馆年长者健康信息服务具有如下特点:遵循规范的服务流程;细分年长者用户群,重视50+用户;健康信息服务的主题内容较为集中,以满足用户的信息需求;以提高用户健康素养尤其是电子健康素养为主要目标。  相似文献   

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