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本文针对Unicorn系统缺少读者借阅证批量打印功能以及批量上载到Unicorn系统中的数据需要严格的格式化处理这一状况,结合工作实际,通过Delphi语言和FastReport控件,开发出一套适合Unicom系统的集借阅证打印、读者信息查重、数据完整性检验以及格式化上载数据输出等功能的借阅证生成系统,使批量办理Unicorn系统读者借阅证的工作流程得以大大简化.  相似文献   

根据图书ISBN构成特点,利用EXCEL的函数功能批量生成出版者名称,从而为图书馆工作中补全采访信息以及图书数据库数据提供一种简便可行的办法。  相似文献   

在使用稿件采编系统时,经常要对稿件信息、审稿专家信息等数据库中单个信息进行定向修改和补充,有时还要批量地进行这一操作,但这是一个重复的过程。为了将这一重复过程简单化,同时为了在定向修改信息时不影响其他信息的完整性,利用VBA语言编写了Excel中2个宏程序,一个以上传DOI号为例来对三才采编系统的已发表的稿件信息界面进行修改,另一个宏程序以修改专家信息为例对"专家信息修改界面"进行定向修改。使用上述宏程序在《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》的采编系统中上传了4 317篇文章的DOI号,对181位专家的信息进行了修改。实践证明,通过这些操作完善了稿件采编系统的内容信息,提高了编辑工作效率。  相似文献   

技术档案信息反馈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
输出和反馈是技术档案信息流的组成部分.但是,在一般情况下,技术档案管理部门注意输出利用档案信息,忽视了档案信息的反馈.企业、科研设计管理是否成功有效,关键在于对反馈信息是否敏感、准确和有效.作为科研设计管理组成部分的技术档案工作,是以完整、准确、齐全的技术档案信息提供利用.这就要求档案工作既要输出档案信息,又要收集反馈信息.……  相似文献   

近年来,中组部要求对每一份干部人事档案进行彻底清查,同时生成《干部基本信息审核认定表》并装订到干部人事档案第五类。本文分析了批量填写表格的必要性和可行性,介绍了表格的填写过程和方法,以及如何用"邮件合并"以及"撰写信函"的方式制作一个《干部基本信息审核认定表》模板,并通过此模板批量自动生成表格的过程。  相似文献   

通过对杂志社管理系统journal3.1网络版稿件查询和统计模块创建和过程分析 ,研究了利用数据库技术进行稿件管理的工作思路和编程方法 ,为编辑部高效管理稿件提供一定的技术基础。  相似文献   

<正>一、引言随着计算机信息技术的广泛应用和地质资料管理系统的不断完善,同时地质资料又是地质工作形成的重要基础信息资源,具有可被重复开发利用、能够长期提供服务的重要功能。将已经存在的档案编目台账与数据库中已经录人的数据库记录进行匹配查重处理十分必要。要将早期电子文档记录的档案条目与地质资料管理数据库中的档案逐一核对并完成查重、查漏补缺,利用手工操作工作量十分巨大。如何利用办公软件的VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)编程,实现批量自动将电子文档中的档案条目和地质资料管理系统数据库中的档案条目进行查重和匹配对比,自动输出数据库编目中已经存在的、重复的或者是未录入的档案编目等结果。这样既减轻了手工查重编目的劳动强度,又具有快速、准确、效率高的特点。本文以实际工作中的具体编目数据处理实例,展示了VBA在档案编目查重中的灵活运用,为类似资料的检查核对提供了一种简单高效的方法。  相似文献   

一、实现档案管理工作信息化的必要性 企业档案信息化管理的必要性体现在,信息系统的建立为机构业务活动提供了信息流向规范、控制集中、表单定制多样、信息利用方式灵活的工作平台,使文件与档案管理实践跃上一个新的台阶。  相似文献   

为了改善编辑部稿件的管理方法和查询条件,介绍一个在计算机终端上实现的中西文兼容的检索系统。整个系统具有系统、完整和高效等特点;操作简单,使用方便灵活,提供随机翻阅查看、单一与模糊条件检索等服务;同时提供屏幕显示、行表打印、页表打印三种结果的输出方式。  相似文献   

韩志伟 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):461-463
提出科技学术期刊稿件档案化管理的3条原则,使档案化管理有了统摄的主线;给出一稿一档并以稿件所遭遇的路径来分类的管理方法,并具体给出稿件档案应具有的内容列项.论述稿件档案化管理的意义:稿件档案是期刊的信息资源,而且是增量资源,是可溯源式利用的资源,其价值取决于对此资源的发掘利用程度.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that data is fundamental for research and should therefore be cited as textual scientific publications. However, issues like data citation, handling and counting the credit generated by such citations, remain open research questions.Data credit is a new measure of value built on top of data citation, which enables us to annotate data with a value, representing its importance. Data credit can be considered as a new tool that, together with traditional citations, helps to recognize the value of data and its creators in a world that is ever more depending on data.In this paper we define data credit distribution (DCD) as a process by which credit generated by citations is given to the single elements of a database. We focus on a scenario where a paper cites data from a database obtained by issuing a query. The citation generates credit which is then divided among the database entities responsible for generating the query output. One key aspect of our work is to credit not only the explicitly cited entities, but even those that contribute to their existence, but which are not accounted in the query output.We propose a data credit distribution strategy (CDS) based on data provenance and implement a system that uses the information provided by data citations to distribute the credit in a relational database accordingly.As use case and for evaluation purposes, we adopt the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology (GtoPdb), a curated relational database. We show how credit can be used to highlight areas of the database that are frequently used. Moreover, we also underline how credit rewards data and authors based on their research impact, and not merely on the number of citations. This can lead to designing new bibliometrics for data citations.  相似文献   

Word form normalization through lemmatization or stemming is a standard procedure in information retrieval because morphological variation needs to be accounted for and several languages are morphologically non-trivial. Lemmatization is effective but often requires expensive resources. Stemming is also effective in most contexts, generally almost as good as lemmatization and typically much less expensive; besides it also has a query expansion effect. However, in both approaches the idea is to turn many inflectional word forms to a single lemma or stem both in the database index and in queries. This means extra effort in creating database indexes. In this paper we take an opposite approach: we leave the database index un-normalized and enrich the queries to cover for surface form variation of keywords. A potential penalty of the approach would be long queries and slow processing. However, we show that it only matters to cover a negligible number of possible surface forms even in morphologically complex languages to arrive at a performance that is almost as good as that delivered by stemming or lemmatization. Moreover, we show that, at least for typical test collections, it only matters to cover nouns and adjectives in queries. Furthermore, we show that our findings are particularly good for short queries that resemble normal searches of web users. Our approach is called FCG (for Frequent Case (form) Generation). It can be relatively easily implemented for Latin/Greek/Cyrillic alphabet languages by examining their (typically very skewed) nominal form statistics in a small text sample and by creating surface form generators for the 3–9 most frequent forms. We demonstrate the potential of our FCG approach for several languages of varying morphological complexity: Swedish, German, Russian, and Finnish in well-known test collections. Applications include in particular Web IR in languages poor in morphological resources.  相似文献   

基于正则表达式批量提取CNKI文献元数据技术探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种仅仅依靠中国知网文献磁盘文件提取元数据的方法。根据已下载的CNKI文献提取元数据,构建个人文献信息数据库,进而能建立个人文献信息管理系统。虽然CNKI文献库没有提供外界的数据库访问接口,但是文献的元数据都以web页面的方式展现。通过分析与文献绑定的属性页面的结构,利用正则表达式提取文献元数据,可以将其批量导入到数据库中。  相似文献   

"红色江西"特色数据库的建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“数字信息资源建设Internet环境下红色文化教育宣传的研究”(简称“红色江西”特色数据库)是南昌大学图书馆研制的多媒体特色数据库.具有进行革命传统教育、提供红色文化研究资料、介绍红色旅游资源等多项功能,寓教于乐,动、静结合,极具知识性和趣味性。介绍了该库的建设模式、技术手段、创新特色等基本情况。  相似文献   

科技期刊专题质量控制与策划管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵瑞 《编辑学报》2016,28(2):147-149
针对目前我国科技期刊专题论文质量不高,缺少系统性策划等问题,探讨专题策划的含义及意义,提出科技期刊专题质量控制要点及实施方案.介绍一种基于Excel软件的全面的专题策划管理方案,建立了专题进程管理库、专题信息记录库、专题调研及反馈信息库,并对其进行统计分析,以此全面提升科技期刊专题质量及策划管理质量.  相似文献   

全面介绍了解放军医学图书馆最新研发的《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》机构知识版的新功能。《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》机构知识版以 RDF 语义对机构、作者、基金、期刊和文献进行了统一描述,以机构库、作者库、基金库、期刊库和文献库为核心,基于文献标注信息对文献内容进行深入挖掘与分析,实现了对生物医学领域的信息资源关联;具备发表文献查询、引文查询、快速出具引证报告等功能,强化了文献计量可视化分析功能,发布各类 TOP 排行统计,推送关联信息,还增加了机构文献管理模块,可为各个机构提供个性化的文献管理和评价服务。  相似文献   

社会化引文网络和科学范式的重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出“社会引文网络”概念,对网络环境下的语义链接进行定义。结合引文数据库发展历程和引文技术的应用,指出社会引文网络科学范式必须通过科学家行为和心理、科技管理和评价以及信息组织和检索来重建。最后,从技术、应用和服务模式归纳出引文数据库的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The morning report reference file was automated at the Stollerman Library because the manual system was time-intensive to maintain and cumbersome to search. A general database management system (DBMS) was chosen so that it could be used in the future for other data management functions in the library. DBMS features that should be examined before use with a bibliographic application include size limitations, data entry forms, data types, search options, index files, sort options, report generation, query and programming languages, command and/or menu files, file interaction, interface with other software, and documentation. Desired requirements for this application are discussed. It is noted that a general database manager probably will not meet all of the desired requirements. For some bibliographic applications, software specifically designed for bibliographic information management and retrieval should be used. A database for the purposes of searching the morning report reference file and producing a weekly reference list and a yearly index was developed using CONDOR 3. The structure of the database is described, and examples of the reports are given. The system has been in operation since December 1984 and has been well-received by staff and patrons.  相似文献   

信息资源整合   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对信息资源整合层面进行研究,深入剖析信息资源整合层面中的源整合与数据整合,认为源整合只是一种过渡形态, 应该把资源整合推进到数据的整合层面;讨论基于OPAC系统、基于网络数据库和基于知识管理的数字资源整合等三种信息资源整合方式;提出实施信息资源整合的4条措施。  相似文献   

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