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<正> 在图书馆学教育中,加强对文摘学的研究,总结以往文摘工作的得失,探索系统而有条理的文摘学理论,将有助于图书情报部门直接向读者提供文摘形式的信息情报,发展我国的信息产业.随着信息产业的发展,出版社、书店、图书馆等各个信息部门必将形成国內的信息处理系统.图书馆学教育培养的人才,还应该有一定的编审能力.不仅具有识别信息价值,进行信息开发,自觉协调社会经济、科技研究的需求与出版计划的关系,还能承担编辑工作,从事以二次文献为主的信息生产.  相似文献   

����δ����ͼ���鱨ѧ����   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1从图书馆学和情报学的学科内涵看未来的图书情报学教育情报科学是在图书馆学的基础上发展起来的。对图书馆学大家已有比较一致的认同,认为它是研究文献采集、加工、贮存和提供的一门学科。对情报科学的定义目前还有不同意见,但是不少人同意将它定义为研究知识(信息)...  相似文献   

为进一步使图书馆学情报学研究和事业发展适应时代要求,中国科学院第11次图书馆学情报学科学讨论会拟以“知识经济和网络经济时代图书情报事业的发展与变革”为题,特向全院广大文献情报工作者征稿。现将会议征文及有关事宜通知如下:(一)征稿选题1.有关市场经济、知识经济、信息经济和网络经济对图书馆学情报学理论与实践的影响;2.知识的创新、知识与利用和图书情报工作的改革与发展;3.知识创新工程建设与我院文献情报工作的结构调整;4.网络环境下文献信息资源共享的理论、方法与技术;5.网络环境下文献信息资源建设、开发与利用的范畴与模式;…  相似文献   

对文献信息进行有序化处理是图书情报部门的一项最基本的社会职责。美国著名的图书馆学家、芝加哥学派的创始人J·H·谢拉也曾说过:“排序是必要的,因为只有通过顺序、联系,人们才能从内心理解印刷品的理性及其他方面,顺序在图书馆的组织中尤为重要。”但是,谢拉在这里只是提出了问题,而并没有对文献信息有序化处理的根据、原则及其方法等具体内容予以系统的阐述。本文试图对这些问题作一探讨。一、“文献熵”与“文献序”概念的引入社会的文献信息系统具有如下两个特征:一是它的连续性,即文献信息连续不断地被生产和交流,形成社会文献流;一是它的无  相似文献   

今天,人类社会正经历着一场新的技术革命,这场新的技术革命是围绕着信息展开的。作为信息社会重要支柱之一的图书情报部门必将首先受到新技术的挑战。主动为社会服务,迅速而准确地传递情报信息,这是新时代图书情报部门的首要任务。为此,必须从观念、文献收集、服务方式、技术手段和用户教育等方面开发图书情报的服务工作。  相似文献   

运用文献计量学方法,对国内9种图书馆学核心期刊的外文引文数量、引文文献类型及引用期刊的学科分布等方面进行统计分析与比较。认为该结果对了解国内图书馆学研究者获取国外先进信息的能力、图书馆学研究的热门领域和国际专业主流期刊及其获取渠道有较大的参考价值,可为评价国内图书馆学核心期刊的学术价值提供参考。  相似文献   

近5年《图书情报工作》引文分析的若干问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过对1998-2002年《图书情报工作》引文之引用文献、引用语种、自引、最佳馆藏期刊、引用高峰期、老化规律等情况的分类统计分析,得出我国图书馆学情报学的核心期刊、重要文献和学术带头人。  相似文献   

《大学图书情报学刊》是由安徽省教育厅主管、安徽省高等学校图书情报工作委员会主办的图书馆学、情报学、信息管理学、知识管理学、数据科学等专业学术期刊。本刊以弘扬学术精神,传播服务创新理念,促进图书馆学、情报学、信息管理学、知识管理、数据科学等学科发展,推动图书情报、知识管理、数据管理、信息化事业发展为办刊宗旨,以为广大图书情报、知识管理、数据管理、数字人文工作者以及相关专业学生、教师、专家学者提供优秀的学术、工作交流平台为目的。本刊以学术性、知识性、实践性为特色,现设有如下栏目:图情大家谈、前沿探索、专题研究、理论研究、工作实践、信息系统、知识管理、数据科学、文献研究等。  相似文献   

信息资源建设是图书情报部门根据特定的目的和任务,通过规划协调、选择收集、组织管理文献信息,形成具有特定保障能力的信息资源体系,以满足单位和社会用户信息需求的全部活动与过程。它通常会受到各种内外环境,如政治、经济、文化及各馆已有馆藏体系、服务对象等诸多因素的影响。  相似文献   

李艳 《图书情报工作》2007,51(11):17-20,78
互联网和知识经济的兴起,给具有悠久历史的图书情报工作带来了极大的挑战。信息过剩而知识稀缺正成为今日图书情报部门之最真实写照。图书情报部门通过开展竞争情报工作,推动业务升级,已是大势所趋。为此,本文以加拿大科技信息研究、万方、西信、上海科技情报所和宝钢科技情报所等为代表的一批图书情报机构,在提供竞争情报服务方面的典型案例为研究切入点,探讨了图书情报部门提供竞争情报服务的几种模式以及为应对业务升级要做的准备。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对数字化科学共同体的形成方式、范式转换及其知识增长结构进行剖析,以深入了解数字化科学共同体的构成、特征及其变化规律,为促进科研创新和社会进步提供基础。[方法/过程]通过文献归纳及对比分析法,阐述数字化科学共同体的形成方式、范式转换特征以及知识增长结构。[结果/结论]数字化科学共同体的形成是在元科学和科学方法论基础上产生的一种由外及里的变革过程。库恩语境范式向格雷语境范式的转变是数字化科学共同体范式转换的主要特征。信息理性开始取代数学理性是数字化科学共同体知识增长的新结构。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]复杂网络的社团结构研究已逐渐成为科学家借助文献数据开展科学结构研究的有力工具,社团划分效果的不同对科学结构的解读有着举足轻重的影响。本文对混合网络社团划分方法进行梳理,以期对该领域的相关研究提供借鉴参考。[方法/过程]通过文献调研,阐明混合网络的概念与类型,从网络构建或算法革新角度对各类型混合网络的社团划分研究进行概述,也对支撑混合网络社团划分的经典算法进行简介。[结果/结论]通过系统地梳理总结不同类型混合网络的社团划分工作,为后续的网络分析研究提供研究的视角和方法,同时揭示其在科学结构研究中所面临的挑战与所具有的现实意义,展望今后可能进一步拓展的相关研究方向。  相似文献   

Biology is entering a new era in which data are being generated that cannot be published in the traditional literature. Databases are taking the role of scientific literature in distributing this information to the community. The success of some major biological undertakings, such as the Human Genome Project, will depend upon the development of a system for electronic data publishing. Many biological databases began as secondary literature—reviews in which certain kinds of data were collected from the primary literature. Now these databases are becoming a new kind of primary literature with findings being submitted directly to the database and never being published in print form. Some databases are offering publishing on demand services, where users can identify subsets of the data that are of interest, then subscribe to periodic distributions of the requested data. New systems, such as fordable while offering a powerful search tool to the scientific community. Although many questions remain regarding the ultimate interactions between electronic and traditional data publishing and about their respective roles in the scientific process, electronic data publishing is here now, changing the way biology is done. The technical problems associated with mounting cost-effective electronic data publishing are either solved, or solutions seem in reach. What is needed now, to take us all the way into electronic data publishing as a new, formal literature, is the development of more high-quality, professionally operated EDP sites. The key to transforming these into a new scientific literature is the establishment of appropriate editorial and review policies for electronic data publishing sites. Editors have the opportunity and the responsibility to work in the vanguard of a revolution in scientific publishing.  相似文献   

h指数是2005年由Hirsch提出的评价科学家个人产出的一种新型指标,该指数一经提出,由于其在质和量方面的有效结合,引起了科研人员的广泛关注。本文以wos平台上的数据为研究基础,结合相关可视化软件,分析h类指数的发展概况,并揭示其发展的前沿和基础。  相似文献   

Amidst exponential growth of knowledge, student insights into the knowledge creation practices of the scientific community can be furthered by science faculty collaborations with university librarians. The Literature-Based Scientific Learning model advances undergraduates' disciplinary mastery and information literacy through experience with primary literature research practices and scientific scholarly communication traditions.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(49-50):95-104
Decades of research on the information-seeking behavior of scientists have shown heavy reliance on informal communication and personal collections. Entry into the literature is often gained through references in journal articles and other primary literature. This paper discusses these behaviors and some reasons for their use. Improvements in reference services to the scientific user community must be based on an understanding of scientific communication, information-seeking behavior, and the information needs of the user. Examples of user-oriented reference service are given.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the number of citations that a scholarly paper receives from other papers is used as the proxy of its scientific impact. Yet citations can come from domains outside the scientific community, and one such example is through patented technologies—paper can be cited by patents, achieving technological impact. While the scientific impact of papers has been extensively studied, the technological aspect remains less known in the literature. Here we aim to fill this gap by presenting a comparative study on how 919 thousand biomedical papers are cited by U.S. patents and by other papers over time. We observe a positive correlation between citations from patents and from papers, but there is little overlap between the two domains in either the most cited papers, or papers with the most delayed recognition. We also find that the two types of citations exhibit distinct temporal variations, with patent citations lagging behind paper citations for a median of 6 years for the majority of papers. Our work contributes to the understanding of the technological impact of papers.  相似文献   

研究范式是数字化语境下信息科学基础理论研究的重要内容。信息科学是具有多元研究范式的常规科学,不同研究范式之间彼此关联,有可比性。本文在文献调研的基础上论述信息科学三种典型研究范式的基本观点和最新进展。系统/物理范式与信息论和技术传统关系密切,忽视信息用户和理论基础的适用性问题已成为该范式受到争议之所在。认知范式作为系统/物理范式的替代性范式而兴起,其科学共同体的发展趋于成熟。针对认知范式中社会维度的缺失,整体主义认知观等理论模型的提出使认知范式更加完善。领域分析范式重视认识论方法,强调社会文化情景的重要性,提倡从知识领域和话语社群角度开展研究。指出应从元理论层次比较信息科学各研究范式的基本理论假设与预设立场,构建从不同视角阐述社会信息现象的多元研究范式结构框架。  相似文献   

How does the published scientific literature used by scientific community? Many previous studies make analysis on the static usage data. In this research, we propose the concept of dynamic usage data. Based on the platform of realtime.springer.com, we have been monitoring and recording the dynamic usage data of Scientometrics articles round the clock. Our analysis find that papers published in recent four years have many more downloads than papers published four years ago. According to our quantitative calculation, papers downloaded on one day have an average lifetime of 4.1 years approximately. Classic papers are still being downloaded frequently even long after their publication. Additionally, we find that social media may reboot the attention of old scientific literature in a short time.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the information needs and seeking behavior of scientists could play a vital role in meeting their information needs effectively. Libraries can use this knowledge for re-orienting their collections and facilities to attune them to the needs of the scientific community. This study explores information needs and seeking behavior of Malaysian agricultural scientists. It was found that research scientists spent 16% of their office time on reading and literature searching, whereas academicians spent 9.3% of their time for this purpose. The study also revealed that scientists preferred using primary sources of information, particularly journal and review articles. Informal communication with professional colleagues was also considered important for exchanging current research information. A large number of the participants felt that they had not been keeping in touch with scientific literature due to deficient library collections and services. This article recommends that science and technology libraries should periodically survey the information needs of their users, assess their collections and facilities, and strengthen their promotional activities.  相似文献   

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