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知觉干扰效应是更残缺刺激的呈现使部分残缺的同一刺激的识别发生困难。实验利用标准条件和递进条件下的识别正确率的比值,详细考察汉字知觉干扰效应量在不同注视时间下的变化趋势。研究发现:模糊汉字在2秒、4秒和8秒三种注视时间下均产生了显著的知觉干扰效应,但是注视时间对其识别正确率的改善和干扰效应量的大小无影响。  相似文献   

两个实验均采用2(大小条件:245×245像素和116×116像素)×2(测试条件:标准和递进)被试内设计(实验一为连续递进,实验二为间断间隔递进),考察间断特征和特征大小对汉字知觉干扰效应的影响;结果发现两个实验中递进条件下的识别率均显著低于标准条件下的,即均存在知觉干扰效应,失匹配假说能比较好地解释这一结果;大小条件只影响识别率,不影响知觉干扰效应。  相似文献   

本研究以模糊汉字图片为实验材料,探究背景信息对知觉干扰效应的影响。两个实验分别考察运动状态和背景颜色对知觉干扰效应的影响。研究结果表明,被试对汉字图片的识别存在明显的知觉干扰效应;运动状态和背景颜色不影响知觉干扰效应的产生,但是背景颜色会显著降低被试的识别正确率。  相似文献   

在自然环境中,背景往往对识别环境中的物体起着非常重要的作用。已有研究表明物体与背景的语义一致性会影响对物体和背景的知觉。研究引入物理性质的一致性(旋转角度)这一变量,采用二因素的混合实验设计和直接命名法考察物理性质的一致性和语义一致性对物体和背景知觉的影响。结果发现,语义一致性主效应显著,在物体与背景语义一致性条件下对其进行识别的正确率高于语义不一致性条件下的识别正确率;物理性质一致性主效应也显著,物理性质一致条件下对物体和背景识别的正确率显著高于不一致性条件下的,而且,识别的正确率随着旋转角度的增大而降低;二者之间的交互作用不显著,这意味着物理性质一致性与语义一致性是独立影响真实场景中物体识别和背景识别过程的。  相似文献   

研究选取了注意缺损多动障碍儿童34名,普通儿童36名,采用选择性注意任务,考察在目标刺激的知觉负荷高低两种情况下,注意缺损多动障碍儿童面对不同干扰程度的分心刺激时,对其的过滤能力是否落后。结果发现,注意缺损多动障碍儿童过滤分心刺激的能力是否落后取决于目标刺激的知觉负荷的高低:(1)在低知觉负荷任务中,不相容分心刺激对两组儿童的干扰程度要大于面对中性分心刺激时受到的干扰。但是注意缺损多动障碍组儿童受到的干扰效应要大于普通组儿童,说明注意缺损多动障碍组儿童过滤分心刺激的能力落后,并出现在注意选择的晚期阶段;(2)在高知觉负荷任务中,所有被试都没有因为分心刺激干扰程度的不同而受到不同的影响,即过滤中性分心刺激与不相容分心刺激的模式一样。  相似文献   

边界扩展效应指人们记忆中的画面常常比实际画面呈现的内容多,似乎在记忆中,画面的边界扩展了。近20年来关于这方面的研究越来越多,并将其归因于知觉图式假说、错误记忆假说、视觉机制假说,以上假说都有相关实验研究支持,但理论框架仍然存在缺陷。在实验一中证实了边界收缩效应同样可以发生,这样知觉图式假说的激活期望假设就不适合解释边界扩展效应。实验二从注意方面探讨过边界扩展效应发生的原因,考察了认知风格与注意方式对边界扩展效应的影响。研究方法采用的是2×2被试间实验设计,实验结果显示,注意方式的主效应显著,这表明了注意在边界扩展效应中有着很大的影响,当注意方式为中心注意时,边界扩展效应更容易发生,反之注意方式为边界注意时,边界扩展效应不易发生;认知风格的主效应不显著,即认知风格对边界扩展效应无影响;认知风格与注意方式二者无交互作用。  相似文献   

研究采用语义启动和数值启动的范式进行考察,旨在了解在价格估计中存在的锚定效应,以及个体的消费经验对锚定效应的影响.随机选取54名被试进行2(启动方式:语义启动、数值启动)×2(锚定值:高锚、低锚)×2(熟悉度:熟悉、不熟悉)的混合实验.结果发现:在两种启动条件下,熟悉度对锚定效应均有显著影响;在高锚条件下,语意启动与数值启动之间存在差异,在低锚条件下,语意启动与数值启动之间差异不显著.结论:经验会对价格估计中的锚定效应产生影响.  相似文献   

本文考察了视觉加工对英语母语者汉语声调产出的影响,并引入多模态学习理论通过不同的实验任务考察了视觉加工影响学习者声调产出的内在机制,研究表明:(1)在延时测试中,对零起点汉语学习者来说。三周的视听知觉训练没有显著改善学习者的声调产出;(2)对于低水平汉语学习者来说.即时呈现教师的手势可以引导学习者发音器官的运动,可用于课堂上的即时纠音。对于高水平学习者来说,由于四个声调的发音模式已经建立并固定下来,不易受教师手势的干扰。  相似文献   

利用词汇判断任务,探讨在词汇识别过程中,时间压力与词频间的关系,考察在高时间压力下,词频效应对词的识别的影响是否还存在。实验一的反应时数据显示,无论时间压力高低,词频效应对词的识别的影响都存在。这些结果表明,词频效应是影响语义加工的重要因素。高时间压力下,同样存在词频效应。  相似文献   

采用了被试间实验设计考察在汉字学习中的动态呈现优势效应。发现在小学生的汉字学习中,动态呈现的优势效应是存在的。学习成效除受呈现方式影响外,还受学习任务和测验任务的难度和被试特征等因素的影响。在不同的测验任务下,汉字部件数效应的出现是有条件的。部件数效应和呈现方式间不存在交互作用。  相似文献   

通过测试受试在单词列表和句子语境两种习语呈现方式下学习和汉语习语相似的和相异的英语习语时,对所学习语意义的记忆,考察了习语类型和习语呈现方式对ESL学习者直接学习英语习语的影响。结果显示:语境方式更有利于受试对英语习语意义的记忆;受试在记忆与汉语习语相似的英语习语时表现出明显优势;习语类型和习语呈现方式两个变量之间无交互作用,各自独立影响习语的学习效果。  相似文献   

英语成语的语义特征包括:①语义的晦涩性;②语义的整体性;③语义的两重性;④结构的固定性;⑤形象化的表现力。英语成语的翻译可通过:①直译法;②借用法;③意译法等方法来进行。  相似文献   

This article reports the reinforcer generality of the interference effect resulting from exposure to inescapable shock. In Experiment 1, rats that received inescapable shock showed weak interference with the acquisition of an appetitive operant compared to animals exposed either to escapable or no shock. In Experiment 2, the response-reinforcer contingency was degraded by introducing a 1-sec delay of reinforcement on the appetitive task. Inescapable shock produced much stronger interference with the acquisition of the operant response than in Experiment 1. The results demonstrate reinforcer generality of the debilitating effects produced by inescapable shock.  相似文献   

In the delayed matching of key location procedure, pigeons must remember the location of the sample key in order to choose correctly between two comparison keys. The deleterious effect of short intertrial intervals on key location matching found in previous studies suggested that pigeons’ short-term spatial memory is affected by proactive interference. However, because a reward expectancy mechanism may account for the intertriai interval effect, additional research aimed at demonstrating proactive interference was warranted. In Experiment 1, matching accuracy did not decline from early to late trials within a session, a finding inconsistent with a proactive interference effect. In Experiment 2, evidence suggestive of proactive interference was found: Matching was more accurate when the locations that served as distractors and as samples were chosen from different sets. However, this effect could have been due to differences in task difficulty, and the results of the two subsequent experiments provided no evidence of proactive interference. In Experiment 3, the distractor on Trialn was either the location that had served as the sample on Trialn ? 1 or one that had been a sample on earlier trials. Matching accuracy was not inferior on the former type of trial. In Experiment 4, the stimuli that served as samples and distractors were taken from sets containing 2, 3, 5, or 9 locations. Matching accuracy was no worse, actually slightly better, with smaller memory set sizes. Overall, these findings suggested that pigeons’ memory for spatial location may be immune to proactive interference. However, when, in Experiment 5, an intratrial manipulation was used, clear evidence of proactive interference was found: Matching accuracy was considerably lower when the sample was preceded by the distractor for that trial than when it was preceded by the sample or by nothing. Possible reasons why interference was produced by intratrial but not intertrial manipulations are discussed, as are implications of these data for models of pigeons’ short-term spatial memory.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of shifts in the modality on proactive interference in long-term memory. In Experiment 1 subjects learned a 40-word list presented in one of two forms of auditory/visual change—blocked or random. In the blocked conditions, learners were presented half the words in one modality followed by the remaining 20 words in the other modality. Subjects in random conditions also received 20 nouns in each modality, but the presentation was random. Following a delay, all subjects completed an 80-item recognition test. Analysis of these data showed a definite effect (p < .001) for the random change in modality when compared to the blocked presentation. As predicted, distinct reduction in serial position effects was found with the modality of presentation was random. In contrast, the blocked presentation produced two well-defined serial position curves. In Experiment 2 the effects of a shift in the modality of presentation on proactive interference were studied with high and low conceptual rigid subjects. Four similar prose passages were presented with a modality shift taking place in the last passage in a shift condition. Subjects in nonshift conditions were presented the passages exclusively in either the auditory or visual mode. The results showed that a shift in the modality of presentation of a prose passage provided a powerful releaser from proactive interference. The superior performance of rigid thinkers regardless of experimental group membership was explained in terms of organizational memory strategies.  相似文献   

通过两个实验任务(接受性任务和产出性任务)检测了两个水平组的英语学习者(母语为汉语)回避英语习语的情况,并探讨了影响回避量的几个因素。结果显示回避现象普遍存在,几个影响回避量的因素中,任务类型对回避量有显著影响,英汉习语的相似度也有影响,但影响范围有限,而学习者的外语水平对回避量没有显著影响。分析认为,习语的回避是由多方面因素造成的,单纯地增加外语学习时间并不能有效抑制回避发生。只有通过提高学生对习语重要性的认识并结合有效的习语教学才能逐步解决问题。  相似文献   

汉英两种语言中都有着丰富的动物习语。植根于不同的文化土壤,这类动物习语有其显著特征。英汉动物习语可以通过三个方面来比较:(1)比喻物体相同,比喻意义也相同;(2)比喻物体相同,而比喻意义不同:(3)比喻物体不同,而比喻意义相同。习语承载着一个国家丰富的文化信息。收集和研究它们将对中国的英语学习者大有裨益。  相似文献   

In two matching-to-sample experiments, pigeons’ performance with samples of stimuli (red and green), number of responses (1 and 20), and reinforcers (food and no food) was assessed. Samples of red, 20 responses, and food were associated with the red comparison stimulus, and samples of green, 1 response, and no food were associated with the green comparison stimulus. On interference trials, three sample types were presented on each trial, and two of the samples (congruent) were associated with the correct comparison and the third sample (incongruent), with the incorrect comparison. Performance on interference trials was compared with that on control trials in which either two (Experiment 1) or three (Experiment 2) congruent samples were presented. It was found that presentation of an incongruent sample reduced matching accuracy markedly, and about equally, whether samples were presented successively or in compound. Although the type of sample that was incongruent was without effect, matching accuracy declined strongly as the recency of the incongruent sample increased. Serial position of the incongruent sample also influenced the shape of the retention function on interference trials. Presentation of the incongruent sample either first or second resulted in accuracy decreasing across the retention interval, whereas presentation of the incongruent sample last in the input sequence resulted in increasing accuracy across the retention interval. The theoretical implications of the findings are considered.  相似文献   

时间知觉阈限并非单个概念,而是依赖于不同判断标准在不同时间经验问的分层级的门槛,并可能对应着不同时距范围内时间信息加工的不同机制。研究用分视野呈现技术考察了大脑两半球在三种不同反应标准下测定的短时距刺激时间知觉阈限上的差异,结果表明:(1)三种反应标准和不同呈现方位条件下,极限法测定的时间知觉阈限存在显著差异,二因素的交互作用不显著;(2)就时间知觉阈限而言,左半球存在着时间信息加工上的相对优势;(3)“同时-非同时”的阈限最低,其次是“连续-分离”的阈限,最后是“先后顺序”的阈限。  相似文献   

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