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In the second part of a study of trade magazine editorial content reported by Huff (1993–1994) in the Journal of Radio Studies, the author discovered discrepancies in trade magazine opinions about AM stereo. Editorial positions taken by Broadcasting and Radio World during the 11 years of the controversial AM stereo marketplace (1982–1993) are not necessarily reflective or representative of broadcast industry views. Some agreement of opinion between letter and editorial writers about AM stereo is apparent, but it is obvious that there is also a great deal of disagreement.  相似文献   

Latina magazine is a bilingual women’s magazine that was launched in 1996 for a target audience of bicultural college-educated Latinas between the ages of 18 and 45. In an attempt to reach such a wide range of Latinas, the magazine makes an appeal to familial forms of identification, often presenting discourses of familial allegiances alongside calls for panethnic solidarity. This article presents a case study of the construction of Latinidad through a textual analysis of Latina articles on entertainment and romance and through interviews with the magazine’s editorial staff. Latina oscillates between celebrating the inclusion of Latina/os in the U.S. entertainment industry and speaking out against the criminalization of Latino men and the hypersexualization of Latina/os. This study situates the creation of Latino media in relation to theories of panethnic identification and research on the ideological function of popular culture and the marketing of ethnicity.  相似文献   

刘晶 《编辑学报》2019,31(6):600-605
我是《中国国家地理》杂志内容总监,迄今已在该杂志做采编工作20年,亲身经历了她从《地理知识》杂志改版更名为《中国国家地理》、发行量从1.5万册/期增长到100万册/期、杂志社从十几个人发展到拥有几百人的传媒集团的全过程。本文通过总结在《中国国家地理》20年的采编实践,探讨了自1999年以来中国科普期刊内容特性的几个发展阶段,探究了该杂志在近20年间是如何将其内容制作的性质从简单科普向科学传播转变的,介绍了其在内容制作方面是怎样完成了对美国的《国家地理》杂志从学习和模仿到质变和超越的实践经验,总结出有中国特色的“地理味儿”是如何制造出来的一些经验。我最想表明的意思是,《中国国家地理》的实践给我们以信心:中国的科普期刊,只要坚持科学传播理念、遵循媒体传播规律,完全可以走出一条有中国特色的科普道路,并成为向全世界展现中国的一张名片。  相似文献   

高莉丽  李小玲 《编辑学报》2011,23(4):364-365
科技期刊青年编辑是科技期刊编辑队伍中的一支新生力量,他们的思维活跃,理念较新,有着年轻人独特的需求。科技期刊管理工作者需根据年轻编辑的需求特征采取适当的激励措施,使其在需要获得满足的同时实现自己的价值,如此才能全面提升青年编辑的主观能动性,从而全面提升期刊的质量。  相似文献   

Social cognitive theory suggests that stereotypes of attractiveness from mainstream media may function as models for online profile pictures. The present study explores the relationship between media consumption, internalization, and body-ism, clothing, and gaze through a content analysis of the Facebook profile pictures of 288 students, and a survey to assess their media consumption and internalization. The relationship between magazine exposure and pictures was mediated by internalization: magazine readers who internalized media ideals were more likely to select pictures showing their body in revealing clothing. Television viewing had a direct effect on picture selection, but was not mediated by internalization.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高编辑工作质量,编辑部成立了以中青年编辑为主要成员的讲师团,深入临床一线,在为广大的护理工作者普及论文写作知识的同时,做了以下几方面的工作,取得了很好的社会效益:拉近编读距离,赢得更多读者;当面修改稿件,提高稿件质量;深入临床一线,掌握前沿信息;与编委沟通,提高审稿质量;拜访相关期刊,交流编辑经验。  相似文献   

面对新形势和挑战,医学期刊需要通过打造科学的团队结构、发挥成员的积极性和创造性,以及采用适合期刊发展特点的管理工具,使成员的潜能得到最大程度的激发,使团队发挥整体协同效应,从而达到提升期刊活力和核心竞争力的目的。本文基于《军事医学研究(英文)》杂志创建和实践共创型团队的经验,阐述了现实+虚拟共创型编辑团队的构成及基本特征,以及运用目标与关键成果法构建团队管理体系的具体举措,包括管理理念和思路、制定原则和步骤、实践路径和方法等,并总结了编辑部OKR管理体系实践在期刊业务创新、成员自主赋能和团队协同能力等方面取得的成效,以期为医学期刊同行提供办刊管理方面的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Essence magazine is the longest operating magazine catering to a predominately African-American women audience in the US. In 2000, media conglomerate Time Warner purchased 49% of Essence parent company Essence Communications Inc. In 2005, Time Warner purchased the remaining 51% of the black-owned company. As a media conglomerate, Time Warner owns major publishing houses, film, and television production companies, including 130 magazines, New Line Cinema, CNN, and HBO. Essence states it is “the voice and soul of Black women” Collins [Collins, P. H. (2000). Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. New York, NY: Routledge] argues that black women must speak in their own voices in order to reject prevailing stereotypes operating on the bodies of black women. The mission statement of Essence aligns itself in what Collins calls “safe spaces” for black women to self-define themselves and articulate their lived realties. A critical theoretical framework allows uneven power relations to be examined and offers emancipatory perspectives. The goal of this study is to examine if Time Warner’s purchase of Essence has caused a shift in the voice and content of this magazine.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(1):102-120
This paper explores how White viewers' perceived portrayals of African-Americans and Latino-Americans on TV influence their real-world feelings and beliefs about these outgroups, which in turn affect their support for race-targeted policies. A computer-based survey (N=323) included measures relating to perceptions about racial/ethnic groups on television, real-world stereotypical beliefs, prejudicial feelings, and support for affirmative action policies. The affective-cognitive model of policy reasoning presented in this paper extends and improves upon prior research in several ways. It considers intergroup emotions as an important mediator by including prejudicial feelings toward racial/ethnic outgroups in the path analyses. Unlike past research that typically grouped all negative stereotypes into one global measure, this study explores how specific types of stereotypes such as criminality and laziness work independently and simultaneously to influence policy preferences. Finally, this integrated cognitive-affective model of policy reasoning is applied to both perceptions of African-Americans and of Latino-Americans, which provides greater confidence in the applicability of the model. Implications of the results and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):758-771
Does media ownership affect the editorial page? Scholars such as Tim Groseclose, Jeffrey Milyo, and Tim Groeling have offered recent empirical tests for media bias in political news coverage. This article focuses on the editorial content of newspapers to examine whether a change in publishers affects a newspaper's editorial page's support for government action on public policy questions, the attention given to the major political parties, and the tone of coverage of the parties. Our content analyses compare the Wall Street Journal's editorial page before and after Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation purchased the paper with two newspapers that did not change ownership structures over the same time period (New York Times and Washington Times). We show that Murdoch's Wall Street Journal is far less supportive of government intervention in the economy, much more negative to Democrats, and much more positive to Republicans than the paper's editorial page was under Bancroft family ownership. We also show that the Wall Street Journal's changes were unique as the New York Times and Washington Times generally did not exhibit similar changes to their own editorial pages.  相似文献   

The media industries are currently in a period of transition throughout the world. To help understand what is taking place, the editorial board for The International Journal on Media Management was polled via e-mail and asked to respond to two questions regarding management challenges and research issues of importance to the media industry over the next 2 years. We asked the members to limit their responses to each question to 150 words. The opinions expressed are those of the editorial board members, and the responses are presented in alphabetical order. We hope the readers of this journal will appreciate this dialogue among the field's leading scholars.  相似文献   

This study explores how consumers react to advertisers' attempts to influence editorial content of media. Two practices are explored: complementary editorial (magazines giving editorial mentions to advertisers' products or services) and attempts at content censorship. Specifically, the study looks at how adult female readers of women's magazines make sense of the 2 aforementioned practices. Findings indicate that women believe editorial mentions of advertisers' products and services can be useful. Based on what the women in this study stated, attempts by advertisers to prevent media content from being published has greater potential to damage the credibility of both the advertiser and the magazine. Participants drew a basic distinction between the practices of complementary editorial and advertiser influence to prevent content: Editorial provides information, but advertiser influence to prevent content denies information.  相似文献   

分析医学期刊编委会专家审稿组稿撰稿情况,为了解编委会专家职能发挥情况,加强编委会建设提供参考。依托中华医学会《中华烧伤杂志》稿件处理系统中的“专家审稿情况”模块,统计2013年7月1日—2017年6月30日第4届编委会任期内专家审稿篇数>70的审稿专家情况,包括出生年、学历、职称、工作单位、本刊职务等,并统计其审稿周期,在“稿件查询”模块里查询上述专家刊稿情况,通过每期责任编辑统计4年间上述专家组稿篇数。4年间审稿篇数>70的编委共20人,其中常务编委和普通编委均为10人,分别占41.7%(10/24)和14.3%(10/70)。编委多为60后,3/4的编委具有博士学历,所在单位大多为烧伤学科发展良好的知名院校附属综合性三甲医院。常务编委审稿数1133篇,平均审稿周期4.8d;普通编委审稿数946篇,平均审稿周期6.2d。常务编委和普通编委审稿情况差异不明显。常务编委组稿数101篇,刊稿数49篇;普通编委组稿数25篇,刊稿数27篇。编委在期刊审稿中发挥了重要作用,常务编委在期刊的组稿、刊稿方面,优于普通编委,但总体形势不容乐观,今后应加强编委在组稿和撰稿方面的职能。  相似文献   

There is evidence that national scientific journals are important for local communities despite their limited audience due to national languages and topics, like in pedagogy. However, it is not easy to assess the level of scientific rigour of local journals, as most do not have available scientometric data and are often published in minority languages. We hypothesize that a possible manifestation of a latent trait of inner authenticity of the scientific journal (meaning the journal is accepted by a community interested in developing the field which conducts internationally accepted research) could be H-index of the editorial board members. To test this approach, we evaluated H-index and gender of editorial board members (n = 490) from 17 Czech and Slovak national science-oriented scientific pedagogical journals which were not indexed or indexed in Erih+ or Scopus, and compared this with the five lowest-rated journals from the same field indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database. The H-index of editorial board members was somewhat higher in indexed journals with those from WoS showing higher scores, and the number of board members with no discernable H-index was far greater in non-indexed journals. Editorial boards of journals indexed in WoS were mostly male, compared to a dominance of women on boards of non-indexed journals. Acknowledging the limited sample, it appears that the H-index of editorial board members may be a way to value national scientific journals.  相似文献   

In recent decades, social network researchers have focused on analyzing networks of formal relationships (e.g., friendships). However, this work has yet to be applied to distributions of participation in small groups. This article provides an application of social network analysis to small group interaction and illustrates the approach through the analysis of 54 team meetings in two medium-sized German companies from the electrical and automotive supply industries (N?=?332). Within a group interaction process, individual actions affect subsequent behavior, and their interactions shape a network when group members respond to previous actions. Their responses can be understood as network ties. We describe how to calculate centralization for all forms of small group interactions, and contribute to network research by providing insights into the interaction structure of team meetings. Multilevel analyses show that a group-level measure of centralization has a significant negative effect on team performance, whereas individual participation has no such effect. Implications for future research on interaction data via social network analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

  • Editors of 10 North American Family Medicine journals simultaneously published a Joint Call for Action to address systemic racism and encourage diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility/antiracism (DEIA) initiatives in medicine and medical publishing in January 2021.
  • The efforts of the journals since publication of the joint editorial are summarized and include working to diversify editorial teams, editorial boards and authors; enhanced content about DEIA topics; mentoring of authors who are underrepresented in medicine (URM); and presenting content related to DEIA in Family Medicine publishing at national meetings.
  • Editors had a follow up meeting in November 2022 to continue working toward a common goal of reducing racism and increasing DEIA initiatives in Family Medicine publications.

This paper investigates the feelings of individuals who have been exposed to the continuous demands for managing and beautifying the body. Through audience research on Korean reality shows about body/beauty, Get It Beauty and The Body Show, we attempt to understand how the discourses of body care work at the individual level. Our interviewees’ feelings of being stressed, burdened, and annoyed about the discourses in the shows signify their (un)conscious acknowledgment of the false promises of the self-care rhetoric. However, the discourses of willpower and the embedded voyeuristic pleasure of watching the shows make it difficult to place such feelings in the public domain. We conclude that individuals’ feelings lose their potential as resistant voices when “feeling bad” is discounted as personal, while a feeling of individual achievement is excessively celebrated.  相似文献   

Since 1997, Zahava D. Doering has contributed to Curator: The Museum Journal. This is her last issue as Curator editor. The article highlights the key issues for which the journal has provided a platform to its global readership during her editorship. Issues include psychological and physical access, social roles and responsibility, health, museums without walls, crowdsourcing, environmental sustainability, and human rights and diversity. It also extends gratitude to the editorial staff (named), editorial board members, peer reviewers, and authors she has had the honor to have as colleagues in supporting new dialogues for museums and other cultural venues.  相似文献   

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