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In this paper, I focus on one particular player in the newspaper production process, i.e. the sub-editor. I analysed the sub-editing process through participant observation in newsrooms in the United Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands. Looking at both the sub-editors at work (think-aloud protocol) as well as the articles in various stages of production, and informed by (retrospective) interviews, I have compiled a list of six of the sub-editor’s “production values”. These values guide sub-editors whenever they intervene, and help them to transform a news story into an appealing, correct and credible newspaper article. I took the lead from Östgaard’s “factors influencing the flow of news”, but also from Galtung and Ruge’s “news values” which help reporters to determine which “events” are transitioned into “news”. In doing so, I go beyond the limitations of previous research, in which the types of interventions carried out in the sub-editing stage of newswriting were categorised. By identifying the guidelines driving the alterations made by the sub-editor, I aim to move one step closer towards uncovering the intricacies of the sub-editing process. Moreover, I demonstrate how “the rewrite men” add journalistic value to their newspapers, as perhaps their brand’s strongest ambassadors.  相似文献   

胡其道 《航空档案》2006,(12):88-93
1940年秋,由于德国空军在不列颠空战中失利,纳粹德国最高统帅部决定延迟入侵英国的“海狮”作战,以集中精力准备进攻苏联的“巴巴罗萨行动”。希特勒判断在闪击战打击下,德军很快就可以击溃红军并占领苏联的政治经济中心,解决掉苏联的布尔什维克政权。在苏联臣服后再转向西方胁迫英国签订城下之盟。  相似文献   

Brazil, with commercial broadcasting and a political press, moved from dictatorship to democracy during the transition after Franco in Spain, with its noncommercial system. This coincidence creates a natural experiment in how political and media systems relate to citizens' subjective experiences. Comparing limited life histories from Brazil to previous American and Spanish narratives suggests two relationships: between market-oriented broadcasting and a postmodern consumer stance, and between a politically committed press and an engaged citizen stance.  相似文献   

Social media has become a key medium for discussion and dissemination of news stories, fuelled by the low barrier to entry and the ease of interaction. News stories may be propagated through these networks either by official news organisation accounts, by individual journalists or by members of the public, through link sharing, endorsing or commenting. This preliminary research aims to show how computational analysis of large-scale data-sets allows us to investigate the means by which news stories are spread through social media, and how the conversation around them is shaped by journalists and news organisations. Through the capture of more than 11 million tweets relating to 2303 Twitter accounts connected to journalism and news organisations, we are able to analyse the conversation within and around journalism, examining who spreads information about news articles and who interacts in the discussion around them. Capturing the tweets of news organisations and journalists and the replies and retweets of these micro-blogs allows us to build a rich picture of interaction around news media.  相似文献   

Over the course of its seventeen-month run in 1950 and 1951, the science fiction anthology radio program Dimension X served as a showcase for many new and established science fiction writers. Dimension X was among several adult science fiction and fantasy shows that debuted on radio in the late 1940s and early 1950s, alongside CBS’s Escape and Mutual’s 2000 Plus. While many listeners celebrated these programs, NBC received letters detailing concerns over the subject matter of three episodes. In addition to providing insight into the reception of Dimension X, the responses from NBC personnel are equally informative. This back-and-forth communication provides a window into the network’s efforts to mitigate and prevent listener issues, as well as the internal divisions regarding appropriate subject matter for radio programs in the early 1950s.  相似文献   

In an exploratory survey that sampled video gamers, participants were asked to indicate why they enjoy playing their favorite video game. On the basis of ESRB ratings, we compare those whose favorite game is violent to those whose favorite game is nonviolent. Consistent with self-determination theory, the findings suggest need for autonomy and competence are important motivating factors. However, the findings also suggest fans of violent games differed from fans of nonviolent games in the degree to which arousal, liking violence, playing the vicarious hero, and playing the vicarious villain drive enjoyment. Furthermore, being able to play the hero and “fight bad guys” was a significant predictor of enjoyment of violent games. Implications for self-determination theory and theories of media enjoyment are discussed.  相似文献   

Weiner's (2000 Weiner , B. ( 2000 ). Intrapersonal and interpersonal theories of motivation from an attributional perspective . Educational Psychology Review , 12 , 114 . [CSA] [CROSSREF] [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) attributional model of intrapersonal motivations suggests that attributions influence not only people's emotional experiences, but also their behavioral responses to the events that caused these emotions. The current study investigates the causal dimensions (i.e., stability, controllability, locus) of five emotions (i.e., sadness, helplessness, hurt, fear, anger) people commonly experience when they are distressed and in need of emotional support. Participants (N = 258) were asked to identify an upsetting event and subsequently talk about it with a confederate helper in a five-minute conversation. After the conversation, participants completed attribution and emotion indices scales. The events discussed were coded into nine categories (e.g., death of a relative, college performance/job problems, break-ups). Results suggested that the five emotions possess a unique attributional make-up and are uniquely tied to specific events that were discussed by participants. Implications of the results are discussed in the context of providing emotional support to people who experience distress.  相似文献   

We argue that the influence of presumed influence (IPI) model (Gunther & Storey, 2003) should be extended through an additional interaction term between the presumed effects of media on “others” (PME3) and the “self” (PME1). Doing so would enable testing of whether individuals who perceive a mutually shared influence of the media show stronger support for censorship. The IPI model does not suffer from the methodological limitations of the conventional third-person effect literature relying on other–self disparities (i.e., PME3–PME1), but it focuses entirely on the main effect of PME3; thus, insufficient attention is paid to the role of PME1 in explaining the influence of presumed influence. To validate this Extended IPI model, and determine how it compares with other models, we compared individuals’ presumptions about the effects of fake news on others (PFNE3) and themselves (PFNE1), and how PFNE3 and PFNE1 interact to influence individuals’ support for policies prohibiting the potential negative effects of fake news. We found that individuals’ support for government interventions and sanctions for fake news creators and sharers was stronger if they believed that fake news influenced both other people and themselves. The theoretical and methodological implications of the Extended IPI model are discussed.  相似文献   

As a response to the University of Kansas' (KU) strategic planning process and the need to identify budgetary efficiencies, the KU Libraries created a strategic plan and underwent a structural reorganization. In the new structure, the libraries went from thirty librarians doing collection development to seven selecting library materials for the core collection. The new, smaller, more agile department is responsible for all tasks related to collection development as the library moves from being a collection-centered institution to being user-centered. The new organization shifts the collection development paradigm from one based on academic disciplines to one that embraces a holistic view.  相似文献   

“What’s your name?” “My name’s Jane”。 从1982年的1月开始,每到晚6:20,北京、上海,许多城市中的院落里就响彻着这地道伦敦口音的英语对话。那是人们跟着电视里播放的英语教学片《跟我学》(Follow Me),在学英语。这一档由中央电视台播出的英语教学节目,让长期学习“语法英语”、说“口号英语”的中国人体会到了一种颠覆性的英语学习方式,也为刚刚打开大门的中国大陆掀起的学英语热添了一把火。  相似文献   

“与”,“及”是从文言釆的,口语里很少说;“同”流行于华中一带,带一点方言色彩。在普通话里,“跟”用得最多,但是文章里最常见的是“和”. “和、跟、同、与”都有两种作用。比较:(1)水仙和腊梅都开了。(2)他和我说话呢!在前一句里,“水仙”和“腊梅”的地位是平等的,“和”字的作用在于把这两个并列的成分连接起来,这个“和”是连词。在后一句里,“他”和“我”的地位不平等,“他”是“主”,是说话的人,  相似文献   

刘慧玉 《新闻爱好者》2010,(10):169-169
前不久,省委书记卢展工提出了新闻宣传有"四难",即正面报道难、典型报道难、舆论监督难和新闻创新难,并要求各新闻媒体努力破解新闻宣传"四难"。对新闻工作者来说,如果不解决自身素质存在诸多"不适应"、"不符合"的问题,把握好自身的思想源头,破解"四难"将无从谈起。  相似文献   

曹筠 《中国编辑》2003,(3):46-48
美国著名资深编辑家柯蒂斯说:“今天的编辑和老一辈编辑不同的是,他们必须十八般武艺样样俱全,不仅要具备绝佳的编辑技巧,还要精通书刊制作、营销、广告、新闻发布、会计、心理学等等。”那么,现代出版业需要的是什么样的编辑呢?本人认为,现代编辑必须扮演好以下三种角色。  相似文献   

近年来,我坚持边工作,边进修,边写稿,取得了同步提高的效果。我的体会是要“韧”、“挤”、“钻”。“韧”。我写稿一般都是利用晚上业余时间和星期天等例假日。“挑灯夜战”是家常便饭。星期天回家,在干完责任田后,也不放过“笔耕”。几年来,我年年都有100篇以上的稿子分别被县、地区、省以及全国性的报刊和广播台(站)所采用,采用率在60%以上。“挤”。既要工作,又要进修、写稿,时间紧是可想而知的,这就靠“挤”。一次,区教办举行菊花展览。展出那天,我趁下午没有正课的机会,抓紧吃了中饭前往现场采访。傍晚回来,我又利用候车时间  相似文献   

“印行” “出” “出版”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贵刊1988年陆续讨论有关出版发行词源,兹就所知,志数言以附骥。1.薛钟英《发行一词新证》(刊于6期)举潘承弼、顾廷龙编《明代版本图录初编》,说该书“民国四十年”初版。顾廷老、承粥老自1939年应聘到上海私立合众图书馆迄今50年,始终没有离开过上海,当然不会有“民国四十年”的初版。该书出版当在1942年1月,有张元济的谢信为凭:“蒙赐新印明代版本图录一部,捧读欣感。际此乱世,……”(《张元济书札》第173页第29信)。信虽未署年份,但第172页第26、25、24,第169页第12信都有为编印该图录借用东方图书馆复兴委员会、函芬楼烬余善本图书情况,虽未注年份,但大体不会错10年。  相似文献   

“同题章”,顾名思义是“同一个主题。同一类题材”的章,在这里,笔指的是对同一题材的新闻事件的报道。  相似文献   

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