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为科学分析毕业实习成绩与其它类别课程成绩的 关联性,以羊坪镇中心小学六年级学生数学成绩为样本,采用 SPSS 软件,统计分析学生数学成绩与其它课程成绩的相关性。结果表明:学生的数学成绩与语文、英语、科学基础、品德与社 会成绩显著相关。因此,学生其它学科的基本知识和基本技能 掌握得越好,数学成绩就越高。  相似文献   

本研究采用数学焦虑分量表和镶嵌图形测试对400名初中生进行了问卷调查,以探讨初中生认知风格与数学焦虑、数学成绩的关系。结果显示:在认知风格上,随着年级的升高,初中生认知风格逐渐倾向于场独立型;在数学焦虑上,初二和初三学生的数学焦虑水平显著高于初一学生,且女生的数学焦虑水平显著高于男生;同时,学生的认知风格与数学焦虑呈显著负相关,与数学成绩呈显著正相关,且场依存型学生的数学焦虑显著高于场独立型学生,但数学成绩却显著低于场独立型学生。  相似文献   

采用《认知灵活性问卷》和《所罗门学习风格自测问卷》对273名初中生进行调查,考察认知灵活性、学习风格对学业成绩的影响,结果表明:(1)认知灵活性与学习风格关系密切,认知灵活性高的学生偏爱直觉型、沉思型的学习风格;(2)认知灵活性与语文、数学及各学科总成绩均呈显著正相关,并对语文、数学及各学科总成绩均具有显著的正向预测作用;(3)学习风格各维度中,信息输入对数学及各学科总成绩具有显著的正向预测作用,信息感知对数学成绩具有显著的正向预测作用。  相似文献   

通过对山西医科大学汾阳学院2012年学生《国家学生体质健康标准》测试成绩的统计分析发现,学生总体成绩除一年级较差之外,二、三、四年级成绩较好;一、二、三年级成绩不及格率呈下降趋势,四年级有所反弹.在五项指标中体现为,身高标准体重、一、二年级肺活量体重指数、立定跳远成绩不够理想,其余年级和指标都反映出较好水平.所以,教师应定期开展经验交流会,引导学生树立正确的身体形态观,发展综合素质,使其养成良好的体育锻炼习惯.  相似文献   

对692名藏汉学生对数的认知水平进行测试、问卷调查及访谈.比较同一地区同一年级的藏汉学生对数的认知表现的民族差异性.四年级藏汉学生数的总体认知有显著差异,八年级藏汉学生对数的总体认知有显著差异(P<0.001).四年级藏汉学生对数的不同认知水平有显著差异(P<0.05),八年级藏汉学生数的不同认知水平无显著差异.四年级汉族男女学生对数的总体认知没有显著差异,四年级藏族男女学生对数的总体认知无显著差异.八年级汉族男女学生对数的总体认知没有显著差异,八年级藏族男女学生对数的总体认知无显著差异.语言环境、社会家庭环境,教学环境,数学学习动机等因素影响藏族学生数的认知发展.  相似文献   

运用CRT、TTCT-A、创造性倾向量表以及语文、数学、自然三科的知识技能测查,对449名小学四年级学生进行测试,结果发现:小学生的学业成绩与智力、创造性思维显著相关,创造性倾向仅与数学成绩显著相关  相似文献   

针对北京市18所中小学四年级至高三2381名学生的“新性别差距”问题进行实证分析.结果表明:(1)数学成绩仅小学五年级学生存在显著性别差异,语文成绩高二和高三学生没有显著性别差异,英语成绩高一和高二学生没有显著性别差异;(2)小学四年级、六年级,初一、初二、高二担任班干部的女生人数显著高于男生,其他年级没有显著差异;(3)教师对学生考试成绩的关注程度在四年级存在显著性别差异,其他年级均没有显著差异.家长对学生考试成绩的关注程度在五年级、初二、高一至高三均没有显著性别差异.  相似文献   

数学焦虑作为一种消极的数学学习体验已成为数学教育中的一个热点问题.对数学焦虑与数学成绩、数学兴趣、自我效能、性别差异和年级差异的关系进行调查,结果发现:数学成绩与数学焦虑显著相关;数学兴趣、自我效能均与数学焦虑呈显著负相关;男、女生在数学焦虑上存在显著差异,女生焦虑水平比男生高;中学各个年级的数学焦虑水平没有显著差异,初三学生的焦虑水平在中学阶段是最高的.  相似文献   

以云南民族地区的几所城镇和农村小学的六年级彝族学生为研究对象,用6类小学数学问题解决为测试工具,通过纸笔测试法、口语报告法、作业分析法和比较研究法.发现六年级彝族学生在不同的数学问题解决中的表征水平有高有低,有的问题解决表征水平己达到了水平4,有的问题解决表征水平还处于水平1;六年级城乡彝族学生在有的数学问题解决中的表征水平有显著差异,在有的数学问题解决中的表征水平没有显著差异.另外,城镇彝族学生达到水平3和水平4的学生多于农村彝族学生,农村彝族学生处于水平1的学生明显多于城镇彝族学生;六年级彝族男生和女生的数学问题解决表征水平没有显著差异;六年级彝族数学优秀生和学困生的数学问题解决表征水平有显著差异;六年级彝族学生数学问题解决的表征水平与数学学习成绩显著相关,且为正相关.  相似文献   

我校在寒假省、市统考中,高中三年级十二个班学生五百七十六人,语文、数学、物理、化学四科总平均成绩为六十九点六九分,比去年高考成绩有了很大提高。其他各年级的平均成绩,也普遍提高。高中一、二年级政治、语文、数学、物理、化学五科总平均成绩为七十一点五分,初中二、三年级为六十九点八分。在各门课程中,数学成绩的提高尤为显著,平均成绩为七十一点八分,其中高中二年级四百三十五人的代数平均成绩达到八十二点七四分。在一年来的工作实践中,我们初步摸索到了一些改进教学的途径。  相似文献   

This study explores how textbooks function in education. It asked whether opportunities provided in math textbooks to engage in tasks demanding different levels of understanding correlate with students’ achievements on tasks demanding equivalent levels of understanding on a standardized exam. The textbooks evaluated were two 8th grade mathematics textbooks used by students in the Arab community in Israel, showing that Textbook A makes more cognitive demands than Textbook B. The study correlated textbooks’ cognitive demand with the scores of all 8th grade students in the Arab community who completed the national math test in 2015 and studied in schools using either Textbook A or B (N = 4040), while attending to mediating variables. The findings show that if a textbook provides the opportunity to engage in tasks demanding higher levels of understanding, students using this book will have higher scores. The study shows that gender and SES play an important role in how opportunities provided in textbooks interact with students’ scores. Many factors influence variations in mathematics achievements within and between nations. The findings illuminate textbooks’ ability to provide opportunities to learn mathematics. As a result, they raise new questions about how teachers use textbooks and about the role of textbooks in promoting access and equity in mathematics education. Although the work explored specific textbooks, its findings shed light on how learning opportunities relate to achievements more generally.  相似文献   

Data on student achievement gain in a large urban school district during the 1984–85 school year were analyzed to identify schools with achievement consistently higher or lower than schools with similar student and school characteristics. Before calculating gain scores, students were grouped with others of the same sex, ethnicity, initial grade level, and initial achievement level. After residuals for students who were above or below similar students were summed and averaged for reading and math at each grade, school-level regression analysis was used to further control for student and school characteristics. Results indicated that schools with reading gains one standard deviation above the mean had average raw scores less than two items higher than the district average on the sixty-item reading test, while schools with math gains this large had raw scores little more than one item higher than the average on the 44-item math test. In addition, examination of data on schools with residual (combined) reading and math gain scores 1.5 or more standard deviations above the average showed that after taking account of student background information and salient school characteristics, only one elementary school among 173 and no secondary school among 71 had unusually high achievement scores. Implications are discussed regarding efforts to identify and reward meritorious schools which allegedly have improved achievement more than other similar schools.  相似文献   

对全国不同地区193所学校的校长及7~9年级学生进行学校教育环境与资源对学生学业成就(语文和数学)影响的多层线性回归分析发现:学校教育在青少年学业成就发展中发挥重要作用;影响青少年学业成就发展的重要学校教育资源因素是图书资源、现代化电教辅助设备以及师资力量;学校环境与资源对青少年学业成就的影响具有显著的学科差异。应加强对学校教育的物质投入与管理支持,重视学校师资水平提高。  相似文献   

本研究对高一至高三年级的94名聋高中生和108名普通高中生的自尊进行了调查与比较研究。结果显示:聋高中生的整体自尊和具体自尊都显著低于普通高中生;聋高中生的自尊发展不存在年级差异,普通高中生的自尊发展存在显著的年级差异,表现出随年龄增长而下降的趋势;聋高中生和普通高中生自尊总体上都不存在性别差异;聋高中生的自尊发展存在年级性别交互作用,高一、高二年级女生的自尊水平高于男生,高三年级男生的自尊水平却显著高于女生。  相似文献   

中小学生学习动机影响因素及发展趋势研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据奥苏贝尔学习动机驱力理论,以认知内驱力、自我提高内驱力和附属内驱力为三个维度,自编《中小学生学习动机问卷),对中小学3~11年级等9个年级1356名城乡学生进行学习动机与学业绩效测查,研究发现:性别、城乡差异以及父母文化程度等因素影响中小学生学习动机;学习动机及各驱力的水平随着年级的升高而降低。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to reexamine the effect of internal school factors such as school violence and class size, and external school factors such as family socio-economic resources on student math achievements, based on the social ecological model, eliciting an integrative approach. Data were collected from an Israeli national database, using average percentage scores for each school. The scores were based on results from 20,979 students in 191 junior high schools participating in the study. The study findings showed that in addition to low violence at school, family socio-economic status, including private math tutoring and computer-based math learning at home, predicted high math achievements. School violence partially mediated the relationship between sector and student achievements in math, while family socio-economic status partially mediated the relationship between district and student achievements in math. Our integrative model results may help school leaders to design policy to increase school effectiveness and reduce gaps among districts and sectors. The findings may encourage school leaders to strengthen the relations between schools and students’ homes in order to influence students’ activities there, especially in areas with low socio-economic status, to conduct school activities to reduce school violence, and increase computer-based learning in students’ homes.  相似文献   

This study reports on research examining what students think about aspects of solution chemistry and seeks to establish what alternative conceptions they hold in this area. To achieve this aim the researchers developed a test comprising of open-ended questions that evaluated students understanding of solution chemistry. The test was administered to 441 students selected randomly from different grades, grade 7 through grade 10. The research findings suggest that students have difficulty at comprehending the investigated concepts in solution chemistry. Alternative conceptions about the concepts of dissolution, chemical bonding, evaporation and condensation influence latter learning. Interestingly, the grade 9 students have the least percentages, except for Item 3, amongst grades in terms of alternative conception. Also, students' alternative conceptions are also stored in long-term memory and interact with each another. In the light of the findings, it can be suggested that the future research may need to focus on classifying of students' responses in terms of categories in understanding such as propositions, strings, images, episode, intellectual skills and cognitive strategies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine whether a pullout STEM program (STARBASE) makes reading and math scores decrease and examine its impact on urban fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students’ attitudes and perceptions regarding STEM education and careers. We employed a mixed-methods, case study approach that involved two published and one indigenous instrument composed of Likert scales, semantic differential scales, and open-ended items, along with structured interviews. Results indicate that it is possible for reading, math, and social studies scores to be unaffected when implementing a STEM pullout program, as adjusted trends (for ethnicity and socioeconomic status) are not statistically different from those of non-STARBASE school divisions in the area. Additionally, the Black/White achievement gap, as measured by standardized test scores, was substantially closed over the last decade within STARBASE schools. Quantitative measures revealed few differences in student attitudes from pre- to posttest. Student qualitative responses were overwhelmingly positive. Students wanted more STARBASE time in the regular school year. Students, particularly Black students, also wanted an increase in career education opportunities. Implications regarding curricular changes aimed at STEM education and model adoption are addressed.  相似文献   

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