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在对嵌入在个人和图书馆的社会网络中的社会资本内涵分析的基础上,阐述了社会资本在图书馆知识管理五环节中对知识存量增长的作用,并提出了优化社会资本、改进知识管理绩效的策略。参考文献4。  相似文献   

Web2.0环境下,民营图书馆与社交网络融合为民营图书馆的发展开辟了新的路径.文章在考察了目前民营图书馆利用以豆瓣网为代表的社交网络开展图书馆服务的基础上,阐述了民营图书馆与社交网络的融合对于增强民营图书馆社会资本存量、促进其可持续发展的内在机理和重要作用,指出社会资本理论是这一现象深厚的理论基础,由此从理论高度揭示了这一现象的积极意义.  相似文献   

档案馆社会资本:档案公共服务的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
档案馆社会资本是提升档案公共服务能力的重要资源,社会资本存量对档案馆改善公共服务具有助推作用.在提升档案公共服务能力的过程中,必须积极完善相关制度,强化宣传教育,创新公共服务模式,同时依靠社会组织的积极作用,着力提升各级档案馆的社会资本存量,为档案公共服务水平的提升奠定坚实根基.  相似文献   

智力资本是为图书馆创造价值和提升竞争力的知识和能力,它由人力资本、结构资本和社会资本三部分构成。通过对图书馆智力资本报告的内涵、功能、理论模式和指标体系的研究和分析,图书馆智力资本报告可以有效反映智力资本的存量及其动态信息,能够为图书馆对内加强管理和对外传递信息提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在国内外的研究中均有关于公麸图书馆所具有的促进社会和谐作用的讨论。文章以社会资本理论作为分析视角,在综述、分析国内外学者已有研究的基础上,认识公共图书馆对建设和谐社会的意义和价值。提出公共图书馆能够通过提供服务,向社会输出自己的价值观,辅助社区能力建设,提升社会资本存量,进而促进和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

以百色学院图书馆为例,对目前图书馆在建设中出现的困难进行分析。结合民间资本的优势,分别从民间资本介入图书馆建设的原因、前瞻性、可行性、途径等进行分析论述,意在阐明民间资本介入高校图书馆建设的重要性和必要性。  相似文献   

温州的民间资本存量大约2000亿,本地发展空间的日益收缩,使得这些民间资本处于“滞胀状态”。这些钱迫切渴望寻找增值渠道,并随时准备出击。现实是,阻碍重重  相似文献   

民间图书馆植根于基层土壤,极大地丰富了地方文化生活,成为公共图书馆必要的补充力量.由于缺资金、缺图书、缺人才、缺组织,民间图书馆正面临生存困境.论文建议民间图书馆内部形成行业规范,接受社会监督;增强公信力,争取社会资本的支持;成立民间图书馆协会,相互帮扶协助;利用网络社交平台,开展宣传和服务.  相似文献   

民间资本介入图书馆建设的理论思考   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在市场经济条件下,形成国家资本和民间资本相结合的多元投资模式是图书馆发展的趋势。本文论述了民间资本介入图书馆建设的可能性、必要性和主要形式,分析了可能引发的矛盾冲突,提出了合理解决冲突的原则。  相似文献   

民间资本介入图书馆服务——基于公共物品理论的视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从公共物品的视角看,图书馆服务具有非排他性和一定程度的非竞争性,是一种典型的准公共物品,决定了政府提供是图书馆服务提供方式的次优选择.图书馆服务是可收费物品,其公共物品属性随社会条件的变化而改变,这为民间资本介入图书馆事业奠定了理论基础.公共图书馆服务的效率低下和缺位问题使民间资本的进入具备现实必要性.政府应在此过程中加强制度保障和监督管理的责任.  相似文献   

图书馆服务具有准公共物品属性,政府不是唯一的供给主体.公共物品性质的可变性、公共物品理论的深化以及民间资本的壮大为非公有制图书馆的生存和发展提供了可能性和现实可行性;公立图书馆的缺位和政府机构偏离公共利益使得民营资本的进入成为必要.构建"公立图书馆为主体、多体制图书馆共同发展"的我国图书馆服务体系有着深厚的经济学理论基础和内涵,是我国图书馆事业健康发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

Recent research on the generation of social trust and social capital gives public institutions prominent roles as instruments for creating social capital, the trust and connections between community members that yield collective action. Less is known about specific institutions and the mechanisms involved in creating social capital. In this paper, public library programs directed towards immigrants are explored as one possible mechanism for generating social capital. The data are unstructured interviews with U.S. library directors on strategies for immigrant programs and the creation of social trust. The interviews are analyzed and discussed, and they contribute to research on social capital formation. The programming activities in the libraries studied, which included classes in English as a second language (ESL), computers, and civics, attracted target immigrant populations. According to the library directors interviewed, these classes, which were carefully designed for these populations, were successful in generating trust and social capital: People “come back” to the library. Public libraries are promising arenas for generating social trust, and follow-up studies looking at the attitudes of immigrants who participate in these programs are important for increasing our knowledge on the mechanisms creating trust and social capital—that is, for theory development and for library practice.  相似文献   

本文基于公共图书馆功能及其对社会资本作用的介绍,剖析了公共图书馆对农村社会资本影响的路径,阐述了当前我国农村图书馆建设中存在的问题,认为扩大融资方式、提高专业化服务水平和加快图书馆立法是解决当今农村文化市场发育迟缓、提升农民社会资本积累的有效途径。  相似文献   

In this qualitative study exploring the content of social interactions between library staff and patrons, interviews were held with 15 library staff members in three neighborhood branch libraries in a large American midwestern city. An analysis of the interviews suggests that public libraries may contribute to social capital through the relationships and interactions that occur between staff and patrons. Some of the ways in which these relationships and interactions may contribute to social capital include: building patrons' trust in the library and its staff, connecting people to both community and library resources, providing social support for patrons, reducing social isolation, helping patrons gain skills to function in an increasingly online world, and providing a positive place for neighborhood residents to gather. The kinds of social interactions occurring in libraries that may help to build social capital are highlighted.  相似文献   

Public libraries have been held in high regard by communities since they were established in North America in the mid-19th century. Recently, with their diminishing informational role combined with the economic downturn, libraries have had to reassert their relevance to communities in a period of severely reduced municipal budgets. One role that is often assumed but rarely examined in depth is the library as a generator of social capital. This preliminary study investigates the relationship between public libraries and indicators of social capital using a questionnaire survey administered in three branch libraries in a large Midwestern American city. Library users had significantly higher levels of social capital in terms of community involvement and trust than a random sample of city residents. When frequency of library use was correlated with indicators of social capital there were mixed results. Library use was significantly associated with community involvement, but not with trust. Lack of trust in neighbors may be the incentive for people to become more involved in their communities in order to create a safer environment. The findings suggest that there is a strong relationship between public libraries and social capital but that further research is needed to broaden the base of the study and to include interviews with library patrons and staff so as to get a more nuanced view of how social capital is created.  相似文献   

Empirical research on public libraries and social capital has primarily been oriented toward discovering how libraries contribute to social capital in local contexts, rather than contributing to solving the theoretical puzzles of the social capital literature. In spite of this, it has produced interesting findings that align with new developments in social capital research. These findings emphasize the significance of institutions in generating social capital. By outlining and applying the main theoretical perspectives on generating social capital, this paper analyzes the findings of the literature on public libraries and how social capital is created. Theoretical perspectives on social capital will undoubtedly benefit the study of social capital's creation in and by the library. Including library-specific social capital research within the wider social capital research community can benefit social capital research in general.  相似文献   

民办高校图书馆的研究正逐渐受到图书馆界的关注。可持续发展是人类长期发展的战略模式,民办高校图书馆也应走可持续发展之路。在分析山东省民办高校图书馆发展现状的基础上,提出了山东省民办高校图书馆可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

中国的民营图书馆是一个新生事物,而日本的私立图书馆有着悠久的历史。本文在简要介绍日本私立图书馆类型归属和定义的基础上,归纳描述了日本当前主要私立图书馆的特征,并着重对其历史和现状进行了考察和分析,在此基础上对中国民营图书馆的发展提出了一些建议和看法。  相似文献   

文章探讨数字图书馆知识管理的基本程序,构建适合数字图书馆的知识管理模式,并从知识资本、智力资本与能力资本等方面促进数字图书馆的创新发展,力求为数字图书馆知识管理的实施提供新的思路与途径。  相似文献   

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