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My Homeland Wuxi     
My homeland,Wuxi,is a big city.It’s in the south of China. Wuxi has a population (人口) of two million.There are many places of interest(名胜).For example,Yuan Touzhu(鼋头渚),Plum Park(梅园),XihuiPark(锡惠公园) and soon. Wuxi is full of water,because it’s beside TaiLake (太湖). It’s famous for ‘three whites’(三白).Do you know what‘three whites’are? They’re white fish(白鱼),white shrimp(白虾) and silver fish (银鱼).Some of them are small and light,but some of them are big and heav…  相似文献   

Nanjing will hold the Second Youth Olympic Games in 2014.We are very excited to hear the exciting news.We will grow with YOG in every aspect,I think. We should make us stronger first.We can do more exercise in a gym.Responsibility is the key word of YOG.We should try our best to make the city cleaner and more beautiful  相似文献   

黄文捷 《阅读》2014,(Z6):74-74
<正>Hainan is a beautiful island.It’s in the south of China.The sea water there is very clear.You can see fish swimming happily.And there are lots of people on the beach.Some are playing volleyball,some are drinking orange juice,others are sunbathing.And children are running here and there.They all have a good time.  相似文献   

1. What gets larger, the more you takeaway ?2.What do we get if we cross(融合)a woodpecker with a homing pi-geon?3. What goes on four legs inthemorning , on two at noon , and on three in the evening ?4.Where does after-noon come beforemorning in theworld?5. Can you tell me something about the great scientistsof the 18th century?脑筋急转弯(英文)@戴晓益…  相似文献   

沈嘉禾 《阅读》2013,(Z1):75
There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as playing basketball, swimming, climbing. However, my favorite sport is running. In my mind, it is a good activity for people to keep healthy and relieve pressure (缓解压力). Every morning, I like running along the road, and I think  相似文献   

Centrai to the inquiry is an investigation of the relationship between sport, gender and society in the modern world and in cultures with contrasting ideologies, values and experiences. Dissimilarities and similarities of the four nations, China, Japan, USA and the former USSR’s ways to ensure their international success are examined in this study in order to iocate the features, if any, peculiar to China in its rise to prominence in international sport. As we move into the twenty-first century. the changes in social, poiitical,economic and culturai aspects will certainly affect the policies and strategies of sports, and the systems of administration, training and coaches preparation. China would lead the world in women’s sport when the new century comes for its sound climate in society.  相似文献   

LI Guang - xian (Guangdong Radio & TV University, Guangzhou 510091, China) Abstract: An enterprise would set up its tong - term development plans, objectives, strategies and activities in accordance with its resources situation and market environment. In this respect, A TVU is comparable to a business, whose operation ideolo- gy is what it lacks. Thus, under the condition of market economy, the TVU shall learn to be operated like a business. However, it cannot be run solely for the purpose of profit - making, neither at the expense of eroding its overall system and downgrading its education quality.  相似文献   

1 QuestionsWhere are we headed? What needs to be done? How will our plan be executed? I understand;? Where we are headed. ? What results must be produced. ? How we will measure progress and results. ? How I will contribute. ? What will be different this time 1.1 What are the different perceptions of the Port  相似文献   

The Research and Exploration on the Practice Activity Evaluation in the Context of Distance Open Education
ZHU Jian & WU Xiu-juan & XIANG Rong-jian & YE Xiang-ying (Guangzhou Open University, Guangzhou 510091 ,China)
Abstract: This paper researches the practice activities in the context of distance education. Firstly, characteristics of practice activities are analyzed. Secondly, strategies to evaluate internet-based practical activities are proposed. Lastly, evaluation meth- ods are discussed.
Key words : distance open education ; practice activity ; network ; evaluation  相似文献   

A Tale of Two Cities taking the French Revolution as its background is one of Dickens's greatestworks.There are many characters in this novel and the plot is lively,complicated and thrilling.And itsstructure is well-knit and flexible.The artistic features of the novel display fully in many aspects. A Tale of Two Cities has a well-knit plot and it is dramatic.The novel mainly contains threethreads——namely three stories about Dr.Manette,Charles Darnay and Madame Defarge. And there is,of course,a complicated connection with one another.The story happens in two cities——London andParis.What takes place around Dr.Madame is the main thread in this novel and it goes from the begin-ning to the end.The story starts with his percecution and the whole story includes three books such as"Book The First","Book The Second"and"Book The Third"with fourty-five chapters altogether which  相似文献   

吉林省马拉松运动员赛前训练阶段膳食营养调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在备战2010年北京马拉松赛赛前训练阶段,对吉林省马拉松项目运动员的膳食营养状况进行了调查研究,为马拉松项目运动员赛前制定合理均衡的膳食提供科学依据。通过调查发现运动员的赛前膳食存在以下几个问题:运动员每日的总能量摄入不足,尤其是碳水化合物摄入不足,而脂肪和蛋白质摄人比例过多,某些维生素及矿物质摄入不足,每日三餐的热能分配也不合理。  相似文献   

对优秀女子马拉松运动员张淑晶的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料调研、数据统计、比较分析等方法,对世界优秀女子马拉松运动员的成长历程、成绩进行了比较分析;对我国优秀女子马拉松运动员同样指标及生化指标的分析,阐述了张淑晶与世界优秀运动员的差距和优势。  相似文献   

国际马拉松赛事的市场培育、开发与发展目前已达到一个很高的水平,不仅取得巨大的赛事成果,也取得了广泛的政治、经济、文化效应。我国在马拉松赛事的商业运作方面水平较低,因此,本文结合当前体育赛事的发展趋势和方向,借鉴国内外大型体育赛事的经验和教训,并通过对我国田径赛事大市场进行分析,结合我国特定的体育赛事市场环境,从赛事运作本身和市场开发程度对我国马拉松赛事进行系统分析,为我国马拉松赛事的发展提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

马拉松运动的良性健康发展,一方面有利于促进全民健康,建设健康中国,另一方面也有助于推动城市建设和经济社会发展,宣传城市形象,扩大城市影响力。文章结合文化价值融合相关理论,从经济学、社会学等不同层面,分析了目前马拉松“感性”火爆的内在原因,探讨了马拉松应有的“理性”内涵,即马拉松文化与本地文化共通,马拉松自身价值与人和城市发展价值的融合,科学健康理念的普及和平等公平体育环境的塑造,并提出了促进马拉松“理性”健康持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

厦门国际马拉松赛风险管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用风险管理学、保险学的理论与方法,对厦门国际马拉松赛风险管理的基本理论与方法进行研究。旨在提高人们的风险意识,对赛事的风险进行准确识别,有效地规避和化解风险,从而建立体育赛事的风险预警机制,并创立体育赛事风险管理理论,为成功运作体育赛事服务。  相似文献   

以国家女子马拉松队运动员为研究对象,在备战2012年奥运会赛前的冬训期间,对运动员的膳食情况和营养补充进行了跟踪调查,找出了女子马拉松运动员对各种营养摄入不平衡的问题,并对运动员的营养补充和体力恢复及疲劳的消除等方面提出了建议,为保障队伍顺利完成大负荷训练,特别是高原训练和赛前调整提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

针对目前出现的儿童张惠敏、王鹏程从事马拉松运动训练的现象,从运动医学角度、少年儿童耐力素质发育的特点两个层面进行探讨,分析了在训练时不尊重运动规律和科学依据有可能造成不必要的伤害,拔苗助长会给少年儿童的身体健康、学习、生活及心理带来不利的影响;探讨了家庭因素对少年儿童体育参与的影响,为全民健身、培养体育后继人才及家庭体育的开展与推广提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

通过对国家男女马拉松队、肯尼亚国家马拉松队2007年冬训负荷结构特点以及国家男女马拉松队2007年冬训成功经验和失败教训的研究,发现现代马拉松项目训练的负荷节奏和结构特点是:100%以上目标强度的训练占总负荷的5—10%;90—100%目标强度的训练占总负荷的15—20%;80—90%目标强度的训练占总负荷的50—60%;80%以下目标强度的训练占总负荷的15—20%。研究结果表明:现代马拉松项目的训练应紧密围绕马拉松专项强度展开,特点是负荷节奏感强,日平均负荷量小。  相似文献   

厦门国际马拉松赛市场化运作现状与发展对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献法、访谈法、实地调查法和比较分析法,对厦门国际马拉松赛市场化运作各方面现状及现存问题进行分析,并提出今后的发展对策:1)推进赛事管理体制与运行机制的改革,促进马拉松赛进一步发展;2)提高竞赛水平,将赛事打造成国内领先,形成国际品牌;3)加大媒体宣传力度,扩大赛事影响;4)加大与国际著名马拉松赛事交流与合作,提高赛事品牌;5)建立马拉松及路跑爱好者俱乐部,扩大市场规模.  相似文献   

为避免马拉松运动员在跑步过程中出现膝关节的各种损伤,有必要对潜在膝关节损伤进行预测。目前的预测方法都是基于专家观点和历史文献,预测确精度较低。为了解更多导致膝关节损伤的因素,提高预测精确度,提出了一种新的针对马拉松运动员的膝关节潜在损伤预测方法。首先分析了马拉松运动员膝关节损伤的特点和损伤因素。然后通过相似度测量进行预测。实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的精确度。  相似文献   

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