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会计学是一门实践操作性很强的学科,如何有效加强财会专业实践环节的教学,多年来一直是会计教学业界人士共同研究和探讨的重要课题之一。根据本人长期以来从事电大财会专业教学的感受,通过对电大财会专业教学实践环节现状进行分析,就财会专业教学实践环节改革的问题谈了个人的一点看法。  相似文献   

本文主要针对企业中级财务会计学教学中相关的问题进行了探讨,指出专业会计教师要拓宽专业知识面,改革传统的教学方法,注重实践性教学环节。  相似文献   

会计学作为一门实践性很强的专业学科,其实践教学一直占有非常重要的地位。开放教育会计学专业集中实践环节中的社会实践部分的操作,是采用中央电大指定的“中央电大会计模拟实验室”软件系统来完成的。本文通过开放学员的调查问卷,分析开放本科会计学专业学员的实践教学环节的教学效果,探索现代远程教育模式下会计模拟实验的教学方法。  相似文献   

李晨  刘慧 《黑河学院学报》2023,(9):99-101+108
会计是国家经济建设中至关重要的一个环节,传统的会计工作环境正受到“互联网+”带来的冲击。会计职业和会计教育息息相关,高校会计教育者应乘势而上,因时而动,立足“信息化”这一战略制高点,抓住“互联网+”时代的发展机遇,积极推进高校会计学专业教育教学的高质量发展。以“互联网+”对会计职业带来的冲击为背景,以安徽D学院为例,分析“互联网+”背景下会计学专业教学的困境,构建信息化条件下的会计学教学内容与策略。  相似文献   

会计学专业的课程可划分为“国际化课程”和“国家化课程”。在《西方会计》等“国际化课程”中采用“双语教学”的教学模式有助于把握世界会计领域的发展动态,缩小中西方的学术差距,提高教学质量。本文从分析会计学专业双语教学的教学原则和课程设置要求入手,以《西方会计》课程为例,探讨双语教学的教学内容、教学方法和考核方式的设计和创新,并对双语教学的实践效果进行总结。  相似文献   

税制改革背景下,会计学专业税法教学存在忽视道德素养教育、教学内容重知识轻理论、教学方法单一、实践教学环节弱化等问题。因此,会计学专业税法教学改革应重新定位会计学专业税法教学目标,转变观念,重视税法理论教学,更新教学内容,改进教学方法,加强实践教学环节,让学生真正参与企业实践。  相似文献   

本文在分析我国大学本科会计学专业教学现状的基础上,指出了目前本科会计教学过程中存在的培养目标不清晰、教学方法单一、实践环节薄弱等问题,提出如何加强会计学专业人才培养的对策及建议,以便进一步促进我国大学本科会计学教学改革的发展和完善,培养适应我国经济发展所需要的创新型会计人才。  相似文献   

会计教学由理论教学和实践教学两部分构成,传统的理论主导型教学方式已经不能适应现实的要求,迫切需要加强实践环节的教学。会计实验教学可以弥补会计教学实践环节的不足,会计实验室则是承担会计实践教学的主要场所。  相似文献   

会计学专业教学改革的关键之一是加强实践性环节,其中毕业论文写作是强化实践性环节的重要手段。在信息技术迅猛发展的今天,转变观念,改变以往的传统实践教学理论和方法,如何在教育网络化这一新的实践教学模式下开展毕业论文写作是摆在每位会计教学工作者面前的一大挑战。  相似文献   

高等院校应用型人才培养目标的实现,不是简单依靠增加实践教学学时或实践教学课程就能解决的。基于人才培养目标、规格要求的准确定位,系统地构建专业实践教学项目体系至关重要。应用型本科专业实践教学项目体系可以依据职业活动周期来构建。对应会计职业活动周期,会计学专业实践教学项目体系由周期性项目、环节性项目和要素性项目组成。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is the importance student teachers attribute to the practical experience of their teacher education program, the practicum. Four hundred and eighty student teachers from the largest teacher education institution in Israel responded to a questionnaire with 68 closed items asking for their evaluation of various components of the teacher education program in relation to preparing them for teaching, and about sources for support during the practicum. The main findings show that the practicum is evaluated highly by a large majority of students; however, students find importance in the more theoretical aspects of their education as well. Institutional‐based supervisors of the practicum were perceived by student teachers to provide the strongest support, alongside peers and school‐based mentors. School principals were perceived not to be supportive of student teachers during the practicum. The findings align with previous research in terms of importance of the practical aspects in preparation for teaching, however not as a replacement for theoretical courses. Moreover, findings suggest that school principals do not include school‐based teacher education as part of their professional responsibility.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the educational value of teaching practicum in secondary schools. For this purpose, on the basis of literature review and interviews, three evaluation criteria for measuring educational value of teaching practicum are constructed as follows: (1) practical teaching competence, (2) readiness for teacher, and (3) maturity in character. A total of 29 pre-service teachers in the College of Education at Seoul National University in South Korea participated voluntarily in this study, and their practical teaching competence, readiness for teacher, and maturity in character were measured twice before and after teaching practicum. As a result, the teaching practicum had significantly improved pre-service teachers’ practical teaching competence, readiness for teacher, and maturity in character. In other words, teaching practicum increases the educational value. This study provides a conceptual framework and three instruments for measuring the educational value of many other teaching practicums. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 8th International Conference on Education Research, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, October 23–25, 2007.  相似文献   

护理实习教学是向社会输送合格护理人才的重要方式,护理实习指导教师素质的提高是改善护理实习教学质量的关键。结合目前在护理实习教学中护理实习指导教师所存在的问题,笔者根据自己多年的带教实践经验,就如何改善医院护理实习教学质量提出了自己的新举措。  相似文献   


The authors discuss the use of a teaching practicum for doctoral students in social work. The advantages of a teaching prac-ticum are identified, as are critical issues associated with the establishment of such a program.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):551-567

This paper focuses on a qualitative case study concerned with teaching practicum as a pivotal component of teacher education in Malawi. It addresses some of the issues and concerns associated with workload, ill-defined mentoring support, and implementation of certain pedagogical orientations during teaching practicum placement. Purposive sampling was used to select participants. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The findings indicate that trainee teachers undergo varied and often challenging experiences during teaching practicum. To counter some of the concerns, suggestions are made to improve certain aspects of teaching practicum. There is need for authentic school – college partnerships, improved structures of school-based professional support, and a deeper awareness of the complexity of learner-centred pedagogy. It is imperative that teacher educators engage with these findings to further improve the design of teaching practicum and the overall quality of teacher education and teaching in Malawi.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of 35 preservice teachers as they were introduced to a new digital technology, “Slowmation” (abbreviated from Slow Animation), as a “disruptive” pedagogy over a period of 12 months. The participants in the study were 35 preservice teachers from an elementary cohort. Primary data sources included field notes and semi-structured interviews. Findings revealed that the preservice teachers enjoyed using slowmation as learners during the on-campus part of their program, yet very few used it as a disruptive pedagogy when teaching during their extended practicum. Our study highlights the challenges inherent in introducing “disruptive” pedagogies in a teacher education program.  相似文献   

教育课程改革的关键在于教育实习模式应充分考虑到影响我国教师专业化发展的现实问题,如教育类课程所占比例少、实习时间过短、缺乏稳定的教学实践基地与技艺一流的指导教师团队、缺乏系统科学的评价体系等,借鉴国外教师教育模式经验,从教师教育专业建设的高度重新构建其课程体系,建构新型教育实习模式,增加实践教学比例,实施全程教育实习管理与评价,改善教育实习条件等。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the assessment of student teachers during practicum. The study is contextualised in an Australian pre-service teacher education program in which practicum has been reconceptualised to help bridge the theory-practice gap commonly associated with “front-end loading” programs. Survey and interview data collected from student teachers and supervising teachers point to what participants perceive as disparate understandings between university and school staff about the nature and role of assessment and suggest that this lack of common understanding adversely affects students’ experiences of assessment.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the use of student‐initiated e‐mail as a supplemental modality for supervision. Nineteen students e‐mailed their instructors weekly during their 15‐week practicum; these e‐mails were analyzed across 3 time periods using the categories of the discrimination model (J. M. Bernard, 1979, 1997) and an adaptation of W. Lanning's (1986) professional behavior category. Although patterns of e‐mails were similar across time, there was a significant decline in the number of e‐mails as the practicum progressed. Significance was found for message focus, with personalization messages and professional behavior/practicum class messages accounting for more than half of the messages across 3 time periods.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of an ethnographic study of student teaching experiences in a preparation program that emphasizes field‐based practicums. It explores what students do in these practicum sites; what forces influence their behavior, ideas, and/or attitudes; and the different ways students respond to the constraints found in their field placements. Finally, it discusses the implications of the study's findings towards the theoretical constructs of reproduction and resistance as they apply to the professional socialization of future teachers.  相似文献   

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