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关联数据的目标是使客户端应用通过跟踪RDF链接发现新的数据源,实现对不同数据集的平滑整合,但现有方法创建的RDF链接十分有限,为此德国柏林自由大学于2010年提出面向RDF数据集映射的R2R语言。该语言包括r2r:prefixDefinitions,r2r:sourcePattern,r2r:targetPattern,r2r:transformation,r2r:mappingRef等映射属性,字符串函数、列表函数、算术函数、XPath函数及URI、文字、语言、数据类型等四种变量修饰符,提供r2r:has-Mapping,r2r:mapsTo,r2r:dependsOn,r2r:sourceDataset,r2r:targetDataset等映射元数据,映射语句遵循"资源—映射属性—三元组文字"结构及Turtle语法等规则。在总结以上语法框架的基础上通过实例阐释其用法,并与SPAR-QL语言进行比较。研究认为R2R语言在支持RDF表示、变量和修饰符定义、名称空间前缀表示、空白节点定义变量等方面与SPARQL存在语法一致性特征,在功能和句法表示方面二者存在一定差别。推广R2R语言有助于从词汇和数据集实例两个层面提升RDF链接创建能力,进而为创建关联数据集成服务环境提供支持。  相似文献   

针对现有高校图书馆员工绩效评价方法适用性不强和评价结果不尽合理等问题,提出一种基于模糊联系数的图书馆员工绩效评价方法,该方法用集对分析联系数刻画绩效评价过程中的模糊同一对立信息,用三角特殊模糊数处理绩效评价中的语言评语等级,用模糊贴近度函数表示各评价方案的优劣关系,最后通过一个实例表明提出方法的有效性和优越性,为图书馆员工的绩效评价提供一种新的有效途径。  相似文献   

 对多语言信息处理中的文本表示问题进行阐述。在分析单语言文本表示的模型和过程的基础上,说明多语言文本表示的过程,详细分类并阐述其中的各种方法,对其进行比较分析。概括多语言文本表示的特点,指出尚存在的问题,并对多语言文本表示的发展趋势进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文介绍了XML(扩展型标记语言)的基本概念和其实现技术方法,通过实例说明了XML的结构化文档技术,类型定义方法。运用不同的XSL方式将XML中的数据用HTML格式表示出来,并在IE5.0下实际运行。文章对XML的应用前景作了讨论。  相似文献   

吴振泉 《北京档案》2006,(10):37-37
体态语言是一种广泛运用的无声语言,它是以人的动作、表情、服饰等来表示意义的一种无声语言,能起到表达一定的思想和感情、辅助和加强有声语言的表达效果.档案馆工作人员在接待利用者,档案收管用各个环节工作中与各机关单位进行交往,参加社会活动、处理日常事务时,如果能够用正确的体态语言辅以有声语言,则可以增强表达思想感情的生动性和感染力,对塑造档案馆的良好形象的影响作用是十分明显的.  相似文献   

张玉 《编辑学报》2013,25(4):339-341
表格是科技语言中自然语言和人工语言融合运用的典型体现,是科技语言的标志性代表。以表格中显著水平比较为例,在综合分析现有科技书刊表格中字符段(或信息元)表示方法现状的基础上,阐述字符段的科学表示方法。在字符段表示方法正确的基础上,一种表格多种设计共存时,以达到预期的效果为目的,以简明扼要为原则,以科技语法、表格设计原则和编排规则为理论依据,对多种设计的表格进行了优选,确定了比较理想的设计方案。  相似文献   

主题词是情报检索语言中最核心和最活跃的一种语言,本文就用主题词标引文献的过程中存在的不规范问题进行了探讨,并提出解决和控制的方法.  相似文献   

本体表示语言转换技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍本体表示语言发展概况的基础上,从主要元素和推理机制对8种常用本体表示语言进行分析研究。探讨本体表示语言的语法和语义问题,指出本体表示语言的转换技术是本体整合、共享和应用的前提。将本体表示语言转换分为语法转换和语义转换两个部分,介绍和比较现有本体表示语言转换模型和转换工具。最后,讨论存在的问题和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

主题词是情报检索语言中最核心和最活跃的一种语言,本文就用主题词标引文献的过程中存在的不规范问题进行了探讨,并提出解决和控制的方法.  相似文献   

语言传播与语言出版的体用关系强调语言传播之“体”需要通过包括语言出版在内的多元化之“用”来实现。本文立足当前出版行业信息化、全球化的发展格局,提出大力发展语言学习数字化平台和融合型语言出版、积极发挥语言文化博览会和语言传播的市场力量以及加强语言传播学科建设和人才培养等优化策略,以进一步拓展语言传播与繁荣语言出版。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):133-153
Functional theory defines value-expressive attitudes as attitudes that are formed to aid in the achievement of one's values, and social-adjustive attitudes as attitudes that are formed from the desire to affiliate with others. The current investigation argues that both functions are based in a person's values, with the social-adjustive function being a specific form of a value-expressive attitude. Contemporary approaches to this theory have argued that these attitude functions can be inferred from scores on the self-monitoring scale, thus eliminating the need to measure the values underlying these functions. The current investigation argues that the success of studies using the self-monitoring scale to infer these functions should be due to the covariance of the other-directedness dimension of the scale with the values underlying those attitudes. Overall, the findings of the investigation indicate that the formation of these functional attitudes depends more on the match between the value-content of the persuasive messages and the extent to which the message recipients hold those values than their level of other-directedness. Other-directedness did not covary with the values that underlie value-expressive and social-adjustive attitudes, but did aid in the reception of the social-adjustive message. Thus, the research using the self-monitoring scale to infer functions cannot be fully reconciled with the conceptualizations of value-expressive and social-adjustive attitudes.  相似文献   

图书馆核心价值的历史解读   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
图书馆核心价值是图书馆界一直争议的热点问题之一。文章以历史的视角全面梳理了核心价值的探索过程,并对美国图书馆协会核心价值的争论与确立作了详细的阐述。核心价值的确立同样是一个艰难的过程,它受到政治、经济、文化以及图书馆功能定位等多重因素的制约与影响。在核心价值确立的讨论基础上,也对核心价值问题追求中的各种争议作了详细的分析。  相似文献   

none 《文物保护研究》2013,58(2):80-87

This contribution critically examines various concepts related to damage functions in current use; it does not represent a comprehensive review, however. In heritage science, damage functions can be defined as functions of unacceptable change, dependent on agents of change. Unlike in other domains of science, the reference to unacceptable change implies that a value-based decision needs to be applied to the analytically determinable change, or dose–response function. Since there are a number of values associated with heritage, there can be a number of damage functions describing one and the same physical or chemical process of change. For practical reasons, it is thus useful to decouple the value function from the dose–response function, as the latter can be independently deduced (empirically or experimentally). While the behaviour of single materials and objects is often modelled deterministically, the probabilistic approach can be used to describe the degradation of complex structures, e.g. buildings, although not commonly in heritage research. There is a case to be made for more in-depth exploration of incremental and stochastic processes of degradation of heritage materials and structures, and the associated values, with a view towards developing more damage functions. Damage functions find use in modelling for predictive maintenance. However, predictions are associated with uncertainty due to the need for extrapolation, and this is also rarely analytically examined. Validation of modelling processes is possible using accurate methodologies of asset monitoring, which would enable an effective appraisal of preservation strategies.  相似文献   

图书馆的功能、价值与构建和谐社会的关系   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
图书馆社会功能的发挥、图书馆的信息共享,图书馆教育功能的拓展和与时俱进的图书馆社会价值观都有利于构建和谐社会。创建和谐图书馆应是图书馆服务和谐社会的基础和发展目标。和谐图书馆将充分体现人文精神和科学精神的统一,将实现依法治馆,实现资源共享,与读者和谐相处。参考文献9。  相似文献   

In the last 20–30 years the archives in Europe have undergone tremendous changes. Although the archives have always been ever changing but the changes have accelerated in the 1980s. Nowadays the archives have different requirements, way of thinking and values, they act and react differently as 30 years ago, i.e. they have a different philosophy. The new philosophy can be described in a few words: popularisation, transparency, openness, market approach, media culture and information-centricity.Archives have had basic functions such as to ensure rights, to provide historical sources, to participate in administration and to disseminate culture. The contents of these functions have also changed by the end of the century.Changes are determined by society. In my article I would explore how the dominant ideas and values of the Western world such as equality, freedom, democracy, free market and fair competition, as well as the societal and economic implementation of these ideas such as respect of human rights, transparency, globalisation, IT revolution, market approach, media culture, alienation and individualism have compelled the archives to change their philosophy and functions.  相似文献   

This article describes the creation and use of case studies to help teach the ethical practice of reference. There are considerations for applying the case study method in reference that require cumulative preparation through the study and reinforcement of reference values, functions, behaviors, and ethical codes. The strategies for writing ethical case studies in reference are detailed. Overall, case studies on the ethical practice of reference are valued for promoting reflection and active learning in library science students through analysis and discussion.  相似文献   

2019年12月国家档案局正式发布了《基于文档型非关系型数据库的档案数据存储规范》,并于2020年5月1日开始实施,该标准规定了使用文档型数据库存储档案数据的总体要求,提出了使用文档型数据库存储和管理档案数据的基本功能和实施方法。通过对该《规范》的解读,结合文档型非关系型数据库的功能,以MongoDB数据库为实践对象,可以看出其存储档案数据特别是非结构化档案数据的原理和方法与传统解决方案的不同。采用文档型非关系型数据库存储档案数据具备全新的优势和价值。  相似文献   

图书馆职能和价值观的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐金华 《图书馆》2007,(5):48-49
文章论述了图书馆职能和价值观认识中的一些问题。  相似文献   

文章以阅读与审美为研究视角,从帮助读者发现图书的美,让读者感受读书与审美的境界以及图书馆审美教育与实践等三方面论述了图书馆美育功能的发挥,旨在使读者的精神享受价值与图书馆的精神生产价值实现高度统一,以此推动全民阅读活动的蓬勃开展。  相似文献   

列举并分析一些图书馆界普遍认可的核心价值,提出图书馆面临的关键问题之一是如何在实际工作中诠释并实现图书馆核心价值。以一种新型的信息服务模式--信息共享空间(IC)为着眼点,简要介绍IC的概念、特点、结构和功能,详细论述在图书馆IC中如何诠释并实现图书馆的核心价值。   相似文献   

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