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美国新职业主义运动的理念与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本主要探讨美国80年代以来兴起的“新职业主义”运动的基本理念与实践运作,其中包括“新职业主义”运动的基本历程、“新职业主义”的目标模式、教学策略和内容结构。  相似文献   

如果要用一个术语来概括最近二、三十年来英国职业教育的基本走向 ,及其今后可能的发展趋势 ,那就是“新职业主义”(NewVocationalism )。在教育目标上 ,新职业主义可以说是近年来对英国教育政策与实践影响最为深刻的。因此 ,要把握近年来英国职业教育 ,乃至整个英国教育的基本脉络及其今后的走向 ,必须研究新职业主义。所谓新职业主义 ,不仅仅是指一种职业教育思潮或理论流派 ,而是指通过政府领导的合作型革新来重建职业教育体系的思想、政策、立法、管理和实践努力的“混合”。因此更准确地说 ,应是“新职业主义运动”。…  相似文献   

20世纪90年代伊始,美国掀起新职业教育改革浪朝。1994年,美国政府颁布的《从学校到工作机会法案》是其新一轮“新职业主义”运动的典型标志。新职业教育运动的一个主要指导思想在于重构中等教育,将学术教育和职业教育有机融合。在新职业主义理念支配下,美国努力发展多元化职业教育模型。一、目标模式美国新职业教育运动发轫于双重目标:提升学生的教育成就及发展;拓宽学生就业和职业前途。《从学校到工作机会法案》特别强调增长学校的质量与效能,批判传统的学术教学,旨在建构新型的与劳动力市场相联系的教学策略。其基本要旨如下:1…  相似文献   

新职业主义与当代美国职业教育的新进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章从经济、教育、政治三方面分析了美国自20世纪80年代以来兴起的“新职业主义”运动产生的背景;并探讨了新职业主义教育论的核心原则;最后展望了当代美国职业教育的发展趋势。  相似文献   

论美国基于新职业主义的职业教育理念及实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在新的经济体系下,传统的职业教育理念已很难适应社会的发展,“新职业主义”教育理念的提出,为寻求一种满足经济发展和个人发展需求的教学途径提供了有效的理论指导。研究美国基于新职业主义的职业教育理念及实践有助于对“新职业主义”全面而深刻的理解。  相似文献   

20世纪初,围绕通过建立学校职业教育体系重构美国公立教育的问题,职教理论界产生了“职业主义”和“民主主义”两种截然对立的观点。其后80年中,“职业主义”职业教育思想主导了美国职业教育的发展。产生于70年代的生涯教育思想和90年代的“新职业主义”对“职业主义”进行了反思与重构,并通过全国范围的改革对传统职教体系与模式形成了有力冲击。进入21世纪后,新职业教育理念以“学校到生涯”的形式在美国延续下来。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,新职业主义运动在美国职业教育改革中逐渐生成。新职业主义是相对于传统的职业主义而言,认为职业教育要面向所有学习者,要实现职业教育与学术教育、中等教育与中等后教育以及教育与工作生活的整合。迄今为止,美国新职业运动已有了近三十年的历史,经历了从产生到兴盛的发展历程,并在新世纪有了新的发展。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代《国家处在危险之中:教育改革势在必行》发布之后,美国国内学校教育要为21世纪准备卓越劳动者的呼声日益高涨。传统的“职业教育训练”已无法满足社会新的要求,新职业主义运动应运而生。  相似文献   

新职业主义是20世纪70年代以来在西方国家极为盛行的一种职业教育理念,对职业教育产生了深远影响。文章主要从新职业主义的概念、产生背景、基本理论、课程观、教学观等方面对新职业主义研究做了初步梳理。新职业主义是职业教育及至整个教育改革与发展的主流,从理论上解决了当前职业教育面临的许多问题,对我国职业教育发展有非常重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为适应后工业社会生产活动出现的新变化,20世纪70年代英国学者提出新职业主义思想,90年代后经美国学者完善发展,引起西方各国关注.新职业主义思想认为职业教育应把学生看成终身发展的人,为其提供必要的文化和职业基础知识技能,主张培养智力型工人,反对把学生训练成掌握单一动作技能的“机器”.我国工业化进程快速发展时期,新职业主义思想对我国高等职业教育改革有许多有益启示.  相似文献   

This article reviews an important but neglected area of the science curriculum: connections with work and the workplace. The first section offers some historical background, arguing that economic and practical relevance has from the beginning been an important theme within science education. The article then undertakes a broader exploration of the intellectual background, usage and meaning of the term vocationalism within education, before turning to vocational themes as they are represented more specifically within research on science education. It then examines the development and contemporary policy significance of vocational provision across the world. This is followed by an account of a specific case: the innovative version of school science currently under development in England, which is occurring under the rubric of ‘applied science’. Finally the article sketches a research agenda for vocationalism within science education, drawing on the themes and issues that have been identified. It suggests that greater attention to this area will contribute to a broadening of the intellectual compass and relevance of science education research.  相似文献   

The development of higher vocational education in China embodies a global trend of vocationalism that values skills and skilled workers, which is opposite, in some ways, to the Confucian tradition in Chinese education that values theoretical knowledge related to good governance. As the cultural trend supporting the development of higher vocational education, vocationalism is implicated in certain challenges including high tuition fees, limited upward mobility, and neglect of the humanities in education. Humanities for moral education, and mechanisms for upward mobility on equal terms for all, which are fundamental elements of Confucianism, may help resolve these challenges. This paper embodies the dialectic of a global trend and local culture in educational reform within the context of globalization.  相似文献   

The literature on vocational education in developing countries has for decades been one of gloom, as commentators from the developed countries have offered arguments leading to the same conclusion, namely, that investment in the subject is futile. I contend that the reason why the discourse has been so predictable is epistemological rigidity—manifested in an unwillingness to accept work as a valid basis of knowledge. I offer a way to think about vocationalism that transcends familiar economic arguments and that instead point to more holistic attributes of the subject.  相似文献   

在当前高等师范院校教师教育专业的课程设计中,要合理吸取职业主义和科学主义的价值取向.明确教师教育课程结构的指导思想,逐步建构并优化教师教育课程结构体系。突出教育课程的统一性、实践性、广博性、衔接性和超前性等主要特征.努力增强教育科学课程体系的开放性与兼容性。丰富教师教育资源,提高教师教育的质量。  相似文献   

我国教师教育转型期师范大学办学模式改革略论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在教师教育转型期,我国师范大学既要提升办学水平,又必须要培养适应社会需要的高素质专业化教师。师范大学面临的复杂情势可以概括为封闭与开放交织中的混沌、从低重心到高重心的艰难、在终结性与发展性间徘徊、在学术性与职业性间突围。针对这一情势,做好自己的发展定位,是师范大学谋求发展的关键。师范大学首先是大学,然后并同时是以教师教育为主要特色的大学。继而,师范大学要在办学模式上区别于举办师范教育,而应在指导思想、管理体制、学科架构、教学制度、培养模式等方面深入改革,既促进教师教育的转型,也有效地提升办学水平。  相似文献   


Current policies aimed at promoting a ‘new vocationalism’ through changes in vocational training in further education are based upon a particular functional model of labour market behaviour, which sees the relationships between technical qualifications, training and recruitment to jobs as unproblematic. In fact, however, this model bears little relationship to the realities of actual labour markets, especially given the enormous diversity which exists between economic conditions in different localities. What this implies, therefore, is that there are considerable tensions between the imperatives of a national training strategy, promoted centrally by the Training Commission (and previously by the Manpower Services Commission), and its local implementation mainly by the local education authorities and their colleges of further education. In many local labour markets, far from promoting closer responsiveness to the needs of employers, current policy initiatives may actually be making it more difficult for the colleges to react to employers' demands. These general arguments are illustrated here by reference to a large‐scale empirical study which was specifically designed to investigate the inter‐relationships between the labour market behaviour of employers and the implementation of the ‘new vocationalism’ in further education.  相似文献   

The Reconstruction of Primary Teachers' Identities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Primary teachers have had to reconstruct their identities in response to the reconstruction of the education system. The holism, humanism and vocationalism of the old Plowden self-identity has been challenged by a new assigned social identity signalled in the assault on child-centred philosophy, the diminution of elementary trust, and changes in the teacher role. These challenges have thrown up new dilemmas for teachers, and represent 'fateful moments' in the careers of their identities. In trying to resolve the dilemmas, teachers have engaged in identity work, characterised mainly by identity talk, and a number of emotional and intellectual strategies. The result has been a partitioning of the old Plowden self-identity, with the 'real self' being largely withheld from the new personal identity and the sense of vocationalism being set to one side. The new personal identity in teaching represents a more instrumental and situational outlook, with the substantial self finding more expression elsewhere. Identity work is still in progress and seems set to continue while teachers have to find ways of relating to two or more competing discourses.  相似文献   

The approaches taken to the analysis of vocationalism within the sociology of education have been dominated by the concept of the New Right and have operated within a dominant strong‐state/free market paradigm based upon an analysis of the Thatcherite project. I argue that vocationalist ideologies should be more properly linked to an emerging ‘statist’ model of capitalism in which the state intervenes to create the conditions for greater international competitiveness. However neither this, nor other legitimations of vocationalism in terms of its supposed Jit’ with a new post‐fordist economy, can be seen to cany complete conviction.  相似文献   

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