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文章基于教育改革下正规教育对公共图书馆支持服务的需求,结合项目式学习的特点,探讨公共图书馆开展基于项目式学习的正规教育支持服务模式及实施步骤。公共图书馆开展基于项目式学习的正规教育支持服务应以培养学习者核心素养为目标,通过资源整合、项目设计、项目实施、项目评价,为学习者打造深度学习环境,全面提升学习者的核心素养能力。  相似文献   

虽然高校图书馆对MOOC的关注和研究越来越多,但只有在调查研究高校图书馆读者对MOOC的认知和参与情况的基础上,提出图书馆开展MOOC学习支持服务的解决思路,才更有针对性.利用问卷调查和访谈相结合的方式,调查了解华南农业大学图书馆的本科生和研究生读者对MOOC的认知和参与情况,同时在分析梳理调查结果的基础上,探讨高校图书馆开展MOOC学习支持服务的动机、方法与实施路径,最后提出相关结论和建议.  相似文献   

学习共享空间通过融合实体和虚拟两种空间环境,为学习者营造了学习交流互动的资源和服务一体化环境.学习共享空间环境下,开展互动服务的要素主要包括人员、技术、设施、资源四个要素.通过四个要素的整合与协作,构建基于学习共享空间的图书馆与用户多维互动的模型,突显图书馆服务的泛在化,以此作为提升学习共享空间服务质量的有效手段.  相似文献   

英国大学图书馆在提供学习支持服务方面进行了积极的探索与实践,主要开展了培养学习发展能力、提供专有的学习资源、多样化的心理健康、版权服务、有阅读障碍学习支持、面向学习的空间服务等.本文以英国29所大学图书馆为调查对象,采用网络调查和文献调研的方法分析英国大学图书馆学习支持服务的主要内容和特点,提出我国大学图书馆开展学习支...  相似文献   

本文通过对"基于资源的学习"内涵及其特征的认知,倡导树立"学习支持服务"观。并从资源支持、学习过程支持和管理支持三方面详细阐述了高校图书馆基于资源开展学习支持服务所采取的举措。  相似文献   

泛在学习的特征在于情境性、交互性、自适应性与个性化,本文以加德纳多元智能理论提出的“重视学习者在环境中学习经验的取得”为理论起点,讨论了教育云资源的泛在化应用与泛在学习的核心要素,阐述了教育云资源对学习者在泛在学习情境中提供的支持和服务,以及云资源支持下的泛在学习系统.  相似文献   

面对以MOOC为代表的在线教育快速发展的趋势,首先分析高校图书馆参与MOOC课程服务的优势,然后从面向教师的MOOC教学服务、面向学习者的MOOC学习服务、MOOC平台建设服务以及帮助学习者提高学习状态和学习能力的学习过程服务四个层面阐述高校图书馆参与MOOC课程服务的服务路径。  相似文献   

MOOC为图书馆构建学科知识资源整合和共享平台、嵌入虚拟教学和学习过程,提供了全新的环境和生长空间。图书馆通过融入MOOC教学团队、学习空间、MOOC平台,为MOOC提供课程资源、课程制作、版权指导及信息素养教育等全方位、全程式的嵌入式学科服务。图书馆根据MOOC嵌入式服务的特点采取有针对性的服务方式,以提升图书馆在新的信息环境下的存在价值。  相似文献   

终身学习是顺应时代发展而形成的一种新的学习理念,是现代社会人追求的一种生存方式,它的提出促使学习的概念和范围得到了前所未有的扩展。终身学习提倡为全体公民提供适合不同年龄阶段的学习机会和丰富的学习资源,以便学习者能够随时随地以任意的方式开展学习活动,而不仅仅是通过正规的学校教育获得知识、提升技能。为此,教育的发展范畴扩展到其他机构,如科技馆、博物馆、图书馆、银行、社区等,这些非学校的机构蕴涵了无穷的潜在教育资源。  相似文献   

为更好地履行自身职能、满足用户新兴需求以及实现与MOOC的协同发展,高校图书馆应该积极开展MOOC服务.目前,我国只有极少数高校图书馆已开展MOOC服务,且其服务内容侧重于对MOOC课程学习的支持,缺乏对MOOC课程制作的实质性支持.我国高校图书馆MOOC服务尚处于起步阶段,提升空间广阔,要通过树立正确理念、持续宣传推广、健全保障体制、加强人才培养、寻求多方合作、拓展服务内容等途径来实现可持续发展.参考文献30.  相似文献   

终身学习需要学习支持服务。数字图书馆因其丰富的资源和服务功能能为终身学习提供学习支持服务。本文阐述了数字图书馆的学习支持服务功能及具体实施,并提出了数字图书馆学习支持服务还需解决的一些问题。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 新型在线教育模式MOOC的崛起和风靡全球,在为更多求学者带来学习机遇的同时,其自身教学弊端也在逐步暴露,首当其冲的是课程高辍学率问题。希望借助高校图书馆的自身优势,采取一系列可行性策略来改善MOOC高辍学率问题。[方法/过程] 将MOOC学习流程规划分为若干阶段,根据近年来相关机构对MOOC学习者的调研数据,从学习者角度揭示出不同阶段中导致辍学的直接或间接因素。[结果/结论] 借助高校图书馆信息导向、学术交流、文化辐射等功能,针对MOOC不同的学习阶段,依次尝试开展筛选、靶向、前导、陪伴、追踪、推广等有效的应对策略和服务。从而丰富MOOC教育环境,降低课程辍学率,为学习者顺利完成学业保驾护航。  相似文献   

在研究英国开放大学利用关联数据实现部分网络教育资源关联发现案例的基础上,提出利用关联数据实现MOOC教育资源语义化关联的关键步骤,包括发布和利用两个阶段,其中发布阶段主要涉及定义可关联数据、关联数据建模、数据转化等步骤;利用有三类:资源浏览和导航、资源发现和推荐、个性化和互动学习。总结图书馆在MOOC教育资源语义化关联中的作用,如图书馆可帮助建立MOOC资源知识组织框架,提供关联数据知识服务或建立MOOC关联数据平台,将图书馆的书目、机构知识库、电子教参系统和MOOC关联数据集互联。  相似文献   

Although the term lacks a standard definition, learning commons represent academic library spaces that provide computer and library resources as well as a range of academic services that support learners and learning. Learning commons have been equated to a laboratory for creating knowledge and staffed with librarians that serve as facilitators of learning. Many of these spaces evolved over time with the addition of campus partners and services. In this article, the authors examined the literature on academic library learning commons to identify common themes. A qualitiative analysis of 103 articles identified five themes including: planning the learning commons, assessing the learning commons, benefiting from the learning commons, collaborating in the learning commons, and staffing the learning commons. Foremost, the review pointed to the increasing popularity of learning commons in academic institutions. To that end, it remains critical that librarians possess the capabilities necessary to support students, faculty, and staff in these next generation learning spaces. Some of these capabilities include traditional library skills, but librarians' computer literacy, including familiarity with web 2.0 technologies, and their knowledge of instructional design remains important too.  相似文献   

Introduction: In 2003/4 the Information Management Research Institute, Northumbria University, conducted a research project to identify the barriers to e‐learning for health professionals and students. The project also established possible ways to overcome these barriers. The North of England Workforce Development Confederation funded the project. Methodology: The project comprised a systematic review of the literature on barriers to and solutions/critical success factors for e‐learning in the health field. Fifty‐seven references were suitable for analysis. This review was supplemented by a questionnaire survey of learners and an interview study of learning providers to ensure that data identified from the literature were grounded in reality. Results: The main barriers are: requirement for change; costs; poorly designed packages; inadequate technology; lack of skills; need for a component of face‐to‐face teaching; time intensive nature of e‐learning; computer anxiety. A range of solutions can solve these barriers. The main solutions are: standardization; strategies; funding; integration of e‐learning into the curriculum; blended teaching; user friendly packages; access to technology; skills training; support; employers paying e‐learning costs; dedicated work time for e‐learning. Conclusions: The authors argue that librarians can play an important role in e‐learning: providing support and support materials; teaching information skills; managing and providing access to online information resources; producing their own e‐learning packages; assisting in the development of other packages.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):71-81

Librarians are well positioned to embrace the journey towards a learning culture; we have resources and we have incentive! Teetering on the edge of information technology, libraries are committed to continuous change for the benefit of our customers. To fulfill this promise, staff must keep pace with new technologies, products, and an increasing demand for new services in an environment with shrinking human resources. There is more to learn and less time in which to learn it. This paper describes a proactive, team-based approach used to create a learning culture in one library. Staff act as peer learners and teachers to educate themselves and each other about all aspects of their reference work such as approaches to service, orientation for new members, learning and evaluating new tools, and discussing the development of new services. The whole is greater than the sum–this dynamic, shared learning environment embraces diverse learning styles including discovery, discussion, demonstration, presentation, homework, questioning, and hands-on practice. Analysis of feedback from students and challenging questions at the reference desk grounded the experience and made it immediately relevant and useful. This strategy furthers the goal of the learning organization where members share the responsibility of learning. The outcomes are an enriched collective knowledge and understanding, a sustainable model for continuous learning, social connectivity, and team experience.  相似文献   

课程服务是高校图书馆开展的以服务学校学科建设、教学改革、教师教学和学生学习为目标的面向教学的学科服务.东北师范大学图书馆主要依托Blackboard课程管理系统,通过学科馆员开展以课程资源服务、课程建设服务、课程教改服务和MOOC课程服务为主要内容的课程服务实践,并通过总结成功经验,分析现存问题,改进工作策略,深化课程服务工作,树立学科服务品牌.  相似文献   

Self-directed learning (SDL) has become a significant concept adopted by higher education institutions. In this context, academic libraries become an essential entity as they create these better learning environments. Therefore the present study aims to explore students’ perspective towards the usefulness of library resources for their learning approach, identify undergraduate satisfaction with library resources and services and their competency with some of the information literacy skills, and finally to investigate how academic libraries could support SDL in higher education.  相似文献   

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