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[目的/意义]首次对北美华人图书馆员联盟的兴起、发展和演变进行系统性描述与整体性评价,对该联盟在全球图书馆事业发展和海外华人社会建构中的身份和功能予以深度揭示和准确判断。[方法/过程]对北美华人图书馆员联盟的形成过程、结构演进和战略走向进行全面梳理,重点考察东亚图书馆委员会、华人图书馆员协会、中国研究图书馆员学会等组织形成的背景、过程和影响,分析中美高校图书馆合作联盟组织的战略意义。[结果/结论]北美华人图书馆员联盟历经开端、成熟和深化等发展阶段,由早期的分散群体走向区域联合,到成员结构的高层次质变,再到创建深度融合的专业模式,最后与中国图书馆界建立跨国联盟,构建起内外协同、双向共赢的战略格局。  相似文献   

美籍华人图书馆员成就简述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美籍华人图书馆员以智慧、勤奋和具有吸收美国文化的能力而得到美国政府和图书馆界的赞赏。尽管面对重重困难与挑战 ,华人图书馆员在创建东亚图书馆、分编东亚及中文图书资料、推动图书馆自动化进程等方面都做出了杰出贡献。参考文献 5  相似文献   

美国专业图书馆协会、法律图书馆协会及英国图书馆与情报从业者特许协会都对图书馆员职业素养作出了相应的要求,而我国图书馆员职业素养研究却相对滞后。因此,我国图书馆界应转变图书馆学教育办学思路,逐步与职业素养要求相衔接;建立符合我国国情的图书馆职业资格认证制度;成立多种类型的图书馆协会,加强中国图书馆学会的职责与功能。  相似文献   

杰出的榜样人物对于群体发展有着重要的意义。《应对变革:30年来美国图书馆楷模人物撷英》一书,聚焦美国“年度图书馆员”和“年度辅助图书馆员”获奖者这一楷模人物群体,通过讲述他们的成长故事和取得的成就,帮助图书馆工作者理清思路,减少路径选择的茫然、困惑与盲动,为图书馆从业者提供可资参照的职业标杆,为推动图书馆事业发展找到行之有效的解决方案,值得每一位图书馆员阅读。  相似文献   

为提高我省图书馆员的业务素质和管理水平,促进中美图书馆界交流,籍中美建交30周年之际,由文化部、美国总统人文艺术委员会、美国图书馆暨博物馆协会主办,中国图书馆学会、南京图书馆、江苏省图书馆学会、江苏省高等学校图书情报工作委员会、美国伊力诺依大学厄本那一香槟校区图书馆、美国华人图书馆员协会承办的"2009南京中美图  相似文献   

转型期图书馆的服务职能发生了巨大变化,为适应这种变化,图书馆员需要加强自我管理,提高自身的核心职业能力。国际图书馆协会和机构联合会(IFLA)、美国图书馆协会(ALA)、美国专门图书馆协会(SLA)及中国图书馆学会等都提出了图书馆员执业资格要求。图书馆员应以成为基于责任和事业的思想领先者、基于实践和专业能力的先进工作者、基于学习和科学研究的优秀学者为目标,努力提升自我管理能力。  相似文献   

图书馆员职业化建设问题论要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹再芳 《图书馆学刊》2010,32(6):18-20,104
基于对图书馆员职业化内涵的分析,指出了我国图书馆员职业化现状中存在的问题,认为加强图书馆员职业化建设是图书馆职业发展的迫切需要。图书馆员职业化建设问题与馆员群体、行业学会或协会、制度环境等有着千丝万缕的联系。图书馆业界首先要做的是馆员群体与行业学会一起联手解决自身职业认同和行业自律问题,夯实自身职业化基础,以促进并力推制度环境的完善。  相似文献   

"2010中关图书馆员专业交流项目--天津市图书馆系统高级研修班"在天津举办期间,美国图书馆界的七位资深专家就美国图书馆事业发展进程中有关法律与政策、图书馆管理与图书馆公共关系、公共图书馆服务、图书馆员专业发展、美国高校图书馆等专题与研修班学员进行了交流和互动.本文对中美同行的交流内容进行简要述评,以期对我国及天津市图书馆事业的发展研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

据美国图书馆协会消息,在新奥尔良召开的2011年美国图书馆协会年度会议上,美国华人图书馆员协会(CALA)启动了名为“拥抱变革:数字时代的多样性和全球视野”2011—2012年计划。该计划的技术、全球视野和协作、多样性内容吸引了超过150美国图书馆协会参会者的兴趣。  相似文献   

2010年8月9~11日,“2010年中美图书馆员专业交流项目·安徽省图书馆馆长高级研修班”在省图书馆报告厅顺利举办。本次研修班由中华人民共和国文化部、美国博物馆及图书馆服务机构(署)主办,中国图书馆学会、安徽省图书馆、安徽省图书馆学会、美国伊力诺大学厄本那——香槟校区图书馆、美国华人图书馆员协会共承办。“中美图书馆员专业交流项目”是中美两国政府于2007年6月11日签署的42007年至2009年中美文化交流执行协议》的重要组成部分,是中美两国图书馆界的首个政府级合作项目。  相似文献   

国际图书馆界已有研究探讨当今时代馆员的多元文化观,指出馆员具备多元文化能力的迫切性,特别是在移民渐增的现时社会,图书馆馆员要面对本国既有少数民族族群,还需面对跨国移民、难民等外来族群,多元文化能力便成为提升服务技巧与层次的关键。限于国内图书馆多元文化服务的理论与实践在此领域尚未有系统的研究,文章以国内外文献探讨方式针对馆员多元文化能力的内涵进行列举和解析,并结合实际提出培养内容与学习的建议。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):171-184
The reference librarian in academic libraries today is often challenged by the demand from patrons for information on ethnic groups from a variety of disciplines. Questions on the four "mega" ethnic groups (African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans) are common. In addition, depending on the community in which the academic library resides, one or more ethnic groups will be emphasized. Automated indexes (particularly CD-ROM and online databases) can greatly facilitate the search for information in ethnic studies. Yet each electronic index has its own unique structure, indexing, and search protocol. The reference librarian should be attuned to the variation in ethnic group terminology and indexing in these and other resouces in order to maximize retrieval of references. To illustrate this point, an example of indexing and usage of terms related to Southeast Asians in four separate CD-ROM databases is presented.  相似文献   

调查中国科学院研究生院的研究生对数字图书馆的观点。透过Pearson相关系数检验,结果显示两项明显相关性:“数字图书馆提供数据”和“数字图书馆提供文献下载”的相关性;“数字图书馆提供数据”和“数字图书馆提供问题解决方案”的相关性。得出结论:用户进入图书馆网站的目的性强,期望数字图书馆提供情报分析、与共同研究合作者的沟通服务以及问题解决模式等服务。建议应该在上述数字图书馆服务上建立起介于用户和图书馆员的心理契约的建议。  相似文献   

In 2008, Fudan University Library (FDUL) in Shanghai and Belk Library and Information Commons at Appalachian State University (ASU) in Boone, North Carolina created a three-year librarian exchange program. The first pair of librarian exchanges occurred during the 2009–2010 academic year, with the Appalachian State librarian traveling to Fudan for five weeks during the Fall of 2009, and the first librarian from Fudan traveling to Appalachian State for five months in the spring and summer of 2010. This paper documents how the first exchanges revealed interesting similarities and differences in the academic library service models between the two universities which are illustrative of general similarities and differences between Chinese and American academic library services. The paper also discusses how any academic library can benefit from the experience of a librarian exchange program with a partner library in another country.The experience gained from these first exchanges confirms on an international level the basic assertion that a major role of an academic library is to support the university’s curriculum.Moreover it can be extrapolated from discussions held between librarians of the two institutions that in both the United States and China the curriculum evolves in response to reforms on campus and to changing trends within the country’s education system. It was also determined that the modes of library services in both cultures change as new technologies arise and that the pace of technological change within academic libraries is rapid and ongoing. Participants in the exchange discovered that there are strengths and weaknesses in both the ASU and FDUL service models and that the librarians from both systems can learn from one another and absorb best practices from their exchange partners. This paper reflects the views and experiences of the exchange librarians (Shi and Johnson) and also author Shao, who is a Chinese national working as a faculty fellow librarian at Appalachian State University.  相似文献   

容闳是近代美国图书馆第一位华人图书管理员,亲身经历过美国近代图书馆工作,并积极利用图书馆向美国传播中国文化;他与中国近代图书馆事业的启蒙者交往密切;他的留美幼童学生中有人涉及图书馆事业;他所开创的留学之风波及中国近代图书馆界.  相似文献   

建设有中国特色的学科馆员制度   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
从图书馆服务功能延伸的角度对学科馆员制度进行定位,提出建设有中国特色的学科馆员制度的思想及具体策略。  相似文献   

In 2008, Fudan University Library (FDUL) in Shanghai and Belk Library and Information Commons at Appalachian State University (ASU) in Boone, North Carolina created a three-year librarian exchange program. The first pair of librarian exchanges occurred during the 2009–2010 academic year, with the Appalachian State librarian traveling to Fudan for five weeks during the Fall of 2009, and the first librarian from Fudan traveling to Appalachian State for five months in the spring and summer of 2010. This paper documents how the first exchanges revealed interesting similarities and differences in the academic library service models between the two universities which are illustrative of general similarities and differences between Chinese and American academic library services. The paper also discusses how any academic library can benefit from the experience of a librarian exchange program with a partner library in another country.

The experience gained from these first exchanges confirms on an international level the basic assertion that a major role of an academic library is to support the university’s curriculum.

Moreover it can be extrapolated from discussions held between librarians of the two institutions that in both the United States and China the curriculum evolves in response to reforms on campus and to changing trends within the country’s education system. It was also determined that the modes of library services in both cultures change as new technologies arise and that the pace of technological change within academic libraries is rapid and ongoing. Participants in the exchange discovered that there are strengths and weaknesses in both the ASU and FDUL service models and that the librarians from both systems can learn from one another and absorb best practices from their exchange partners. This paper reflects the views and experiences of the exchange librarians (Shi and Johnson) and also author Shao, who is a Chinese national working as a faculty fellow librarian at Appalachian State University.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):197-212
A collection development project to assess the African American materials in a medium-sized academic library is described. Techniques are presented for examining a library collection from an interdisciplinary point of view. Results of the assessment were used in such a way that the project took on a life of its own and is now an ongoing process to develop this part of the collection. This article presents a view of a continuing strategy of collaboration to develop a collection by incorporating efforts from various elements of the university community, as well as the larger community. Elements influencing the process inlcude: individual and gruop initiatives, the particular library environment, and funding support. The role of the librarian as a generalist, adding a broad perspective to the process, emerges.  相似文献   

对美国研究型大学图书馆的建筑、馆藏、信息服务、馆员和学术研究等方面进行调研,分析佐治亚理工学院图书馆和斯坦福大学图书馆的特色,从E-Only数字馆藏战略、多元化知识服务、机构融合和国际化人才四个方面启示我国高校图书馆发展路径。  相似文献   

文章全面阐述了安徽大学图书馆古籍保护工作在人员培训、古籍普查、库房条件、古籍数字化方面取得的成绩,提出了进一步完善和改进的措施。  相似文献   

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