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胡升华 《出版参考》2013,(19):54-55
在纽约州立大学莱文学院主办的数字与网络出版研讨班(The Challenge of Digital and On line Publishing Management Seminar)上,全球最大的科技出版与信息服务商爱思唯尔(Elsevier)的高级副总裁大卫·鲁兹  相似文献   

《消费者报告》(Consumer Reports)数字传媒技术高级主管大卫·鲁比尼(David Roubini)演讲的题目是:技术对出版业的推动和影响(The Impact of Technologies as a Change Driver and Enabler in the Publishing Industry). 大卫·鲁比尼讲了四点: 技术变革与消费者行为变化; 出版业细分市场的变化; 移动技术的影响; 新的商业模式和机遇. 大卫·鲁比尼关于商业模式的分析是最值得关注的部分,虽然他对杂志业务关注多一些,但有些商业模式并不局限于杂志出版,也可以推广到其他出版门类.  相似文献   

《数字时代出版产业发展研究》出版该书是"首届数字时代出版产业发展与人才培养国际学术研讨会"(The 1st International Conference on Publishing Industry and Publishing Education in the Dig- ital Age)的论文结集,由黄先蓉教授、罗紫初教授主编,高等教育出版社2007年出版。《数字时代出版产业发展研究》对数字环境下出版产业的发展趋势与对策,以及出版人才培养模式、机制、方式方法等进行了较为深入的探讨。  相似文献   

2007年8月15日,加拿大研究图书馆协会(The Canadian Association of Research Libraries,CARL)和学术出版与学术资源联盟(the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition,SPARC)联合宣布发布“SPARC加拿大作者版权协议补遗”(SPARC Canadian Author Addendum),这一新工具能帮助加拿大的作者们保留其出版期刊文章的关键版权。  相似文献   

胡升华 《出版参考》2013,(18):55-56
2013年1月10日,新闻出版界一行19人飞抵纽约,参加纽约州立大学莱文学院主办的数字与网络出版研讨班(The Challenge of Digital and Online Publishing Management Seminar)。纽约州立大学国际出版培训项目的主任是罗伯特·班奇(Robert E.Baensch)教授,他有35年的出版从业经验,曾任斯普林格出版公司纽约分公司总裁、麦克米伦出版公司市场部副总裁。退休前担任纽约大学出版中心主任。  相似文献   

在三大出版门类中,STM出版(Science,Technology and Medicine Publishing,又称为科技出版)是全球化和市场集中程度最高的领域。根据Outsell市场研究公司2006年9  相似文献   

张美娟 《出版科学》2007,15(1):16-19
1 大会概况 2006年11月2日至4日,由武汉大学和美国佩斯大学主办,武汉大学信息管理学院、武汉大学信息资源研究中心和新闻出版总署武汉大学高级出版人才培养基地承办,湖北省新闻出版局、湖北长江出版集团、湖北省编辑学会和武汉大学出版社协办的"首届数字时代出版产业发展与人才培养国际学术研讨会"(The 1st International Conference on Publishing Industry and Publishing Education in the Digital Age)在武汉大学隆重召开.  相似文献   

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人民交通出版社通过版权贸易获得以下图书简体中文版的独家出版和发行权(原书名/原出版社/中文书名): 1.The Encyclopedia of Ships/Orbis Publishing Ltd/最新世界船舶经典。 2.The Ultimate Motorcycle Book/Dorling KindersleyLimited,London/最新世界摩托车经典。 3.The Ultimate Classic Car Book/Dorling Kindersley Limited,London/最新世界名车经典。  相似文献   

胡升华 《出版参考》2013,(21):50-51
在纽约州立大学莱文学院主办的数字与网络出版研讨班上,约翰·威利公司(John Wiley&Sons,Inc.)助理出版人(Associate Publisher)丹·塞尔(Dan Sayre)演讲的题目是:高等教育出版:数字化与网络化战略(Higher Education Publishing:Digital and Online  相似文献   

1DOI简介DOI(Digital Object Identifier),数字对象唯一标志符。DOI系统是美国出版商协会(AmericanAssociate of Publishing,AAP)1994年成立的非赢利性组织国际DOI基金会(International DOI Fun-dation,IDF)在美国国家创新研究组织(The Cor-poration for National Research Ins  相似文献   

在纽约州立大学莱文学院主办的数字与网络出版研讨班上,约翰·威利公司(John Wiley&Sons,Inc.)助理出版人(Associate Publisher)丹·塞尔(Dan Sayre)演讲的题目是:高等教育出版:数字化与网络化战略(Higher Education Publishing:Digital and Online Strategies).类似主题的演讲者还有巴克·泰勒学术与教育图书销售公司(Baker&Taylor Academic&Education Merchandising,美国最大的学术与教育图书经销商)的副总裁大卫·海瑟林顿(David Hetherington),他的演讲题目是:大学教育的数字化转型(The University Go Digital). 下面的笔记综合了上述两个讲座的内容.  相似文献   

The major content of the study of library users is the study of their psychology. Readers emotion is subject to the library s environment, the quality and quantity of the documents and the emotion of the readers themselves as well. In order to make a good job of reader services, the librarians, in addition to their erudition and skill, should have the following three qualities: 1) self-cultivation, 2) ability to observe and analyse the readers psychology, and 3) sedate and refined appearance.  相似文献   

The National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) was initiated in December 2000 when the U.S. Congress authorized the Library of Congress to work with a broad range of institutions to develop a national strategy for the preservation of important at-risk born digital content. Guided by a strategy of broad collaborations and iterative learning, the Library of Congress began catalyzing a national network of partners dedicated to collecting and preserving important born-digital information. Over the last six years, the Library and its partners have been engaged in learning through action. Our investments in preservation partnerships, public policy deliberations related to intellectual property challenges, basic technical research, and network architecture models have increased our understanding of the sustaining roles and functions for a national network of diverse stakeholders. The emerging network of networks is complex and inclusive of a variety of stakeholders: content producers, content stewards and service providers from the public and private sectors.  相似文献   

The environment and pattern of scientific research are developing towards digital, open and community-oriented , and influenced by the increasingly diversified data resources and the mature of various methods. All these make the researchers' demand becoming more complicated and deepened. The evolution of scientific research puts forward higher requirement for the data demand management of collegial researchers. We constructed an analytical framework of the influencing factors of data demand management for scientific researchers based on the grounded theory. The interaction of key elements involved in the framework was analyzed , aiming to reveal the influence mechanism of key factors on researchers, data demand management. This research is composed of four parts research problem generation data collection data processing and theory construction. Staged collection method was used in data collection mainly through personal indepth interview and focus group meeting and the data we collected was supplemented and verified by the data and comments in various scientific research platforms. Data standardization and reduction was carried out by the qualitative analysis software Nvivo 12.0 , and the original data was coded in three-level: Open coding , spindle coding and selective coding. The USCT framework we constructed contains 8 main categories: Personal ability characteristic , user perception , personalized service, knowledge service, task context , mobile information context , technology application and technology fit , involving 24 categories and 67 initial concepts. All categories and concepts were generalized into 4 layers: Key layer (user dimension), guarantee layer (service dimension), driven layer (context dimension) and foundation layer (technology dimension). In the subsequent analysis of interactive relationship and internal correlative mechanism between main categories and data demand management we found personal ability characteristic of user personalized service and task context to be the most direct impact factor on data demand management while user perception knowledge service mobile information context technology application and technology fit work in an indirect way. The USCT model framework has several positive effects: 1) it contributes to the construction and perfection of the conceptual system and framework of scientific research data demand management 2 it provides a reliable guiding analysis model for the construction of a science data service platform to promote scientific research and innovation. We innovatively constructed an analysis framework for the influencing factors of data demand management of university researchers. This framework organically integrates " user” (scientific researcher, subject librarian), “services", “context” and “technology” into one system. We attempt to guide and develop the researcher's scientific data needs under their knowledge environment through computer information technology and ultimately guarantee the provision of suitable service. Further demonstration and service practices are needed to verify and perfect the theory. Follow-up studies can take “user-context-service-technology” as the main line for empirical research and explore the external features and internal path mechanisms of data demand management in all domains. 6 figs. 3 tabs. 49 refs. © 2019, Editorial Office of Journal of Library Science in China. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

庖?为推动我国社会主义现代化建设和实现人的全面发展指出了方向。The realistic significance of "complete and free development of people" of MarxZHANG Jia-lei,TAO Min(Department of Marxism-Leninism,Guizhou University,Guizhou 550025,China)The ideology of "complete and free development of people" of Marxis is the pointer in the new period and new stage  相似文献   

美国克诺夫出版社(knopf)新近出版了谈论美国与欧洲关系的新著:①罗伯特·卡根(Robert Kagan)所写的《关于天堂与权力:新世界秩序中的美国与欧洲》(of Paradise and Power:America and Europe in the New World Order);②查尔斯·库普什(Charles A.Kupchan)所写的《美国时代的  相似文献   

2009年4月,美国传播政治经济领域的新著《传播革命:紧要关头与媒体的未来》(Communication Revolution:Critical Junctures and the Future of Media)的中文版,由上海译文出版社出版。  相似文献   

As a part of NSTL proposed long-term preservation of digital information network, the National Science Library of CAS (NSLC) constructed a long-term preservation system of electronic journals called CAS E-Journal Archiving System, which was based on OAIS and adapted Fedora as the fundament system. The system chose a certain amount of electronic journals as pilot resources. Through three major system functional components comprising ingest, preservation management and data dissemination, the system took the long-term preservation of digital objects function into practice. The system is designed to be open and scalable. It realized digital objects management and lifecycle management. In this paper we describe the design of the system, and the issues we have learnt about long-term preservation.  相似文献   

Shang Jun(商君),Shen Zi(申子),and Shen Zi(慎子)were personages of legalist in Pre-Qin."Shang Jun Shu"was spread in Warring states,and was lost in Song dynasty.The old edition the per-son saw in Qing dynasty was the edition of Yuan dynasty,and then the oldst edi  相似文献   

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