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在线考试已成为计算机辅助教学的发展趋势之一,然而在线考试还主要用于客观题(选择题,判断题等),由于各门课程都存在各种主观考试题,而在线考试系统很难实现主观考试题自动评阅,因此在线考试还很少真正推广使用.阐述"工程经济学"、"Oracle数据库"和"C#.Net程序设计"等多种课程主观考试题自动评阅的算法以及开发自动评阅主观题考试系统所需要的关键技术问题.  相似文献   

针对大规模在线教育编程语言学习中存在的学生需要安装IDE开发环境编译程序、教师评判费时耗力等问题,文章研究了编程语言自动评测的应用模式和方法,开发了基于MOOC的编程语言自动评测系统,并通过实验验证了该系统的评判效率。该系统可以为大规模在线教育平台学习计算机程序设计课程提供在线编辑程序、编译程序、运行程序的分布式集群测试环境;可以根据教师设置的程序用例,实时、自动地评判程序的正确性;还可以对提交的程序代码进行大数据分析,找出不同作业之间的相似度,自动、智能化地防范抄袭等行为。  相似文献   

研究了构建基于Matlab Web应用的远程数学实验教学系统的方法和关键技术,应用Java Web技术和Matlab Builder JA创建了数学实验教学环境,实现了一个在线学习的平台,在Web上运行参数可改的Matlab程序和WebFigure的应用,可直观地显示实验结果,实现了交互式学习,为相关教学软件的开发提供了一种新的途径。  相似文献   

程序设计题的自动评阅能有效地辅助教师灵活开展实验教学,进而提升教学质量。针对传统动态评阅方法在处理人机交互和获取控件句柄方面存在的不足,设计和实现了一种基于代码预处理和代码嵌入式的新型动态评阅方法。该方法包含代码预处理、代码嵌入、编译运行和结果评阅等4个环节,首先在代码预处理环节对学生程序进行功能替换,然后通过植入辅助代码和功能测试代码驱动程序运行并产生结果数据,最后根据保存在临时文件中的结果数据进行评定。实施结果表明,该方法很好地实现了程序的功能检测,能准确识别和处理编译失败以及运行出错或超时等问题,体现出良好的健壮性和正确性。  相似文献   

基于Web学生评教系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据不同用户需求,采用了B/S三层体系结构,运用Java,JavaScript,SQL-Server等技术开发了基于Web的学生评教系统.并对系统的功能、体系结构、设计方法进行了详细的介绍.该系统能够对测评的结果进行统计、分析、显示和打印.通过测试,系统具有良好的运行性,在线实现了学生对教师的课堂教学质量评价.  相似文献   

高校计算机类课程作业抄袭现象屡禁不止,加上作业进度跟踪困难、作业批改耗时、师生交流困难等因素,计算机类课程教师已无法通过作业准确评价学生的专业水准。使用代码仓库与持续集成技术,结合课程管理场景,设计了基于代码仓库的教学平台系统。该系统实现作业在线批注、自动审查及代码相似度检测等功能。在C语言计算机课程中应用,反馈结果良好,教学效率得到提高。  相似文献   

针对高职院校Java课程群教学,设计了基于Java EE技术的Java课程群网络教学平台。该平台以Java课程群建设成果为依托,结合课程间的相互关联关系,对数据存储、平台配置做出了详细说明,能够实现预约指导教师、课程群在线学习、在线答疑、竞赛辅导、交流共享等功能。将该平台用于Java课程群教学中,实践结果表明,该平台不仅为教学管理工作提供便利,更有助于加强课程间的联系,实现教学资源共享,提高学生对课程群知识体系的认识,培养学生的探究精神和创新意识。  相似文献   

为了满足计算机应用基础课程教学需要,提出了一个基于WEB的网络在线考试系统。该系统主要利用计算机技术对试题库进行存储管理,并由计算机完成自动组卷、测试、试卷评阅等工作,从而减少教师阅卷工作量,降低手工改卷的主观因素影响,提高考试规范化和标准化程度,实现考试的准确性和公平性。  相似文献   

Java课程群网络教学平台是软件专业Java方向人才培养的重要支撑和保障。该平台依托Java课程群建设成果,理顺课程间的关联关系,整合Java课程群网络教学资源,实现指导教师预约、课程群在线学习、在线答疑、竞赛辅导、交流共享等功能。该平台已应用到Java课程群教学中,达到"师生互动、资源共享"的效果。实践结果表明,该平台不仅为教学管理工作提供便利,更有助于加强课程间的联系,实现教学资源共享,提高学生对课程群知识体系的认识和学习效率,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

基于网络课程在线答疑系统构建原则,设计了以《Visual Basic程序设计》课程为例的在线答疑系统,并对系统关键问题进行了分析。该答疑系统能够为教师和学生提供所需的交互空间,有助于学习者快速高效地获取问题答案。为此,借助Lucene实现了系统全文索引及搜索功能。  相似文献   

Eight teams of elementary and middle school teachers developed pilot online courses for the North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) in the USA. A qualitative case study with focus groups and a follow‐up survey helped to identify common needs of these non‐traditional course designers during course development efforts. Findings suggest virtual schools can better support non‐traditional course designers by providing leadership components such as technical expertise, regular feedback, and clear expectations, including an understanding of the target students. Findings further suggest designers need a range of bite‐sized professional development on replicating model courses, using course management systems, assessing learners online, designing with copyright and safety issues in mind, integrating Web tools, and developing course documentation for deployment. The article concludes with a discussion of support structures that may aid instructors tasked with online course development.  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a Mellon Foundation research project at Syracuse University with regard to the time demands placed on teachers and learners in online courses. This exploratory research was primarily a study of cases involving three online courses and one face‐to‐face course. The focus of the study was the effects of different forms of communication and collaboration on time invested by teachers and learners. The online courses made use of e‐mail, threaded discussion forums, and online chat sessions; the face‐to‐face course used e‐mail in addition to a course Web site and lectures. Learning outcomes and retention in the three online courses were similar to outcomes and retention in comparable face‐to‐face courses at this institution. Students invested slightly more time in online courses whereas faculty, all of whom were experienced online teachers, invested considerably more time in their online courses. An analysis of interviews with online teachers at other institutions confirms the finding that experienced online teachers invest significantly more time in online teaching than their counterparts in face‐to‐face settings.  相似文献   

“物流信息系统”是物流管理专业的核心专业课程,是学生理解和掌握以信息化、智能化为特征的现代物流理论和技术的重要基础。课程组以打造国家级“金课”为目标,引入生态系统理论视角,分析了金课的内涵以及对物流信息系统课程的要求,通过执行教师指导下的“以学生为中心”的教学理念,推行线上线下混合式教学模式,提出立体化、纵深式“四位一体”教学内容体系,改进课程考核模式和质量监控体系,完善实验实践平台,实行科教融合、教赛融合,从而构建了相互促进、循环提升的的课程教学生态体系。  相似文献   

Success in an online learning environment is tied to both human and system factors. This study illuminates the unique contributions of human factors (comfort with online learning, self‐management of learning, and perceived Web self‐efficacy) to online learning system success, which is measured in terms of usage and satisfaction. The research model was tested employing SEM on a sample of 674 college students enrolled in at least one online course. The factors of comfort with online learning and perceived Web self‐efficacy were significant predictors of satisfaction. Comfort with online learning was significant in predicting usage. The impact of demographic variables was examined.  相似文献   

How can we accelerate innovation and ensure effective dissemination of knowledge about online learning resources? This paper advocates strategies that systematically link online professional development with the research, development and diffusion cycle. The systemic approach we describe can accelerate knowledge advancement and help manage change by improving communication among teachers, trainers, developers and researchers. The examples that are provided are set within two funded projects in the United States that led to the development of two distinct but related strategies—the Online Site Evaluation Form for educators (a web‐based review form used in workshops) and a six‐week online course on technology‐supported assessments. Both strategies make it easier to give feedback to developers and offer incentives to do so in ways that help teachers to learn about online resources individually and with colleagues. The examples are discussed with analysis of their strengths and weaknesses in supporting different modes of interaction. We highlight implications for instructional development, professional development, research and knowledge management in online communities.  相似文献   

提出了一个基于Jav/CORBA的网络管理模型,并在Linux下对其加以实现,可用于提高网络管理系统的开发效率、可扩展性和分布式管理性能。  相似文献   

基于Web的网上考试系统设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在线考试系统是Web技术应用的典型实例.本系统数据库采用Access 2000设计,利用FrontPage网页制作工具,以及ASP脚本环境、HTML文本标记语言、VBScript、JavaScript等编程语言设计各个功能主页,实现远程教育中异地无纸化考试(即网上在线考试),系统评分,学生管理,成绩管理,题库管理,远程登录与注册,自动化组卷等功能.  相似文献   

相较于Web 1.0以教师为中心的单向知识传授和Web 2.0的师生双向互动交流,Web 3.0时代在线课程的最大特色是在多感官智能交互环境下师生平等合作解决问题。在线课程是实现Web 3.0教育理念的重要手段之一,而其成功的核心是学生学习的积极主动性。教师实施在线课程需要具备无缝整合多种技术的能力,但更重要的是教育理念的更新,需要进行学习空间、学习方式和学习内容的体系化变革。这种要求无论是对物理空间的学校教育还是网络虚拟空间的学生学习具有同样的适用性,并且相互推动形成开放式、混合式的未来教育。  相似文献   

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