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This study examined the joint effects of a superior’s verbally aggressive behaviors and nonverbal immediacy behaviors on a subordinate’s perceptions of a superior’s credibility. Participants (n = 415) from intact classes were randomly assigned into one of the four experiment conditions simulated by four video segments: use of nonverbal immediacy and verbal aggression, nonuse of nonverbal immediacy and use of verbal aggression, use of nonverbal immediacy and nonuse of verbal aggression, and nonuse of nonverbal immediacy and verbal aggression. The findings indicate that superiors who do not use verbally aggressive messages and who are nonverbally immediate were perceived with a higher level of competence, trustworthiness, and caring than superiors who use verbally aggressive messages and who are not nonverbally immediate. In addition, superiors who use verbally aggressive messages and who are nonverbally immediate were perceived with the lowest level of perceived competence as compared to superiors in the other three conditions.  相似文献   

中美高校数字图书馆教学参考资源比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教学参考资源是高等学校师生在实施教与学的过程中一种重要的文献资源,也是高校图书馆为教学提供服务最直接最重要的体现。本文通过调查10所中关高校数字图书馆,比较我国和美国高校图书馆教学参考资源的特点,分析它们之间的差异,正确认识我国高校图书馆教学参考服务的发展状况,以促进我国高校图书馆教学参考服务事业的发展。  相似文献   

The very strong association of immediacy with positive instructional outcomes has led some to question whether teacher immediacy amounts to anything more than being responsive with students. The present study demonstrates that a measure of teacher immediacy is strongly associated with the Socio‐Communicative Style of the teacher—both the assertiveness and the responsiveness components. It is concluded that it is theoretically justified to teach pre‐service or in‐service teachers to engage in immediate behaviors as means of increasing their communication competence and probably teaching effectiveness. The impact of immediacy observed in the classroom environment is seen as likely to be generalizable to other communication contexts.  相似文献   

分析了辅助教学资源在学生自主学习中的重要性,总结高校图书馆在辅助教学资源信息服务中的不足,从提高馆员服务意识和技能、加强与师生的沟通、加强师生信息素养技能的培训等方面提出提升高校图书馆辅助教学资源信息服务质量的措施。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对大学生科研创新能力的发展现状及存在的主要问题,将科技查新训练引入大学专业课程教学中,培养具有科研创新能力的优秀人才。[方法/过程] 提出开展科技查新训练的教学实践方法,建立案例分析-选题-过程指导-考核-成果跟踪的训练模式。[结果/结论] 科技查新训练不仅增强了课程的实践性,丰富了教学内容,也拓宽了课程的内涵,激发了大学生的科研热情,该创新实践获得了师生认可,取得了明显成效,为高校大学生的科研创新能力培养提供一条途径。  相似文献   

在当前高校开展“双一流”建设的背景下,图书馆的定位和功能面临着重大转变。高校图书馆馆员同时承担基础业务和教学科研的现状带来了许多现实问题,如时间精力分配的矛盾、岗位设置的缺失、教学科研的非专业化等,而问题的症结就在于高校图书馆的定位不清和岗位不明。因而,亟需探索一套与之相适应的架构体系。在调研国内主要高校图书馆的部门和机构设置的基础上,通过对典型案例的考察,对高校图书馆向教学科研转型的可行性进行分析,认为在继续完善传统业务部门,从事图书馆主要服务工作的同时,一方面可以设立信息素养教研部,从事专业的教学工作,提升师生的信息素养能力,另一方面可以成立研究支持部,从事学科专业的信息情报研究,为师生提供学科化知识服务。总之,高校图书馆应兼顾并重,在为全校师生提供基础性服务的同时,努力开展信息素养教育和学科研究支持等相关领域的工作,打造服务、教学、科研三位一体的图书馆架构和人员岗位配置体系,努力推动高校图书馆向教学科研机构的转型发展。  相似文献   

论文从E-learning及高校图书馆嵌入式教学服务的现状入手,分析了高校图书馆基于E-learning的嵌入式教学服务的主要模式,提出E-learning环境下高校图书馆开展嵌入式教学服务应建立图书馆与教师及学校相关部门的合作机制,保持高效地协作;鼓励学科馆员积极参加培训,提升自身素质;及时评估,改进教学效果,提高教学质量。  相似文献   


The issue of college and university librarians teaching credit-bearing courses is studied by describing its historical background and providing an overview of the literature. The debate is framed by summarizing the fundamental issue: the degree to which academic librarians benefit when they assume classroom-teaching roles. The roles of academic librarians as teachers and faculty are analyzed in the context of classroom teaching. While academic libraries and their librarians do benefit from expanded teaching roles, there are some qualifying factors.  相似文献   

Validity of the verbal immediacy scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development and use of the verbal immediacy scale (Gorham, 1988) are outlined and discussed. Data are presented which bring into question the validity of the measure. It is concluded that the scale may not be a valid operationalization of the immediacy construct as outlined by Mehrabian (1971) and, even if it is, it generates a response set such that the meaning of the responses obtained is unknown. The scale is not recommended for continued use in communication research prior to its reformulation and additional testing for validity.  相似文献   

In light of the prevalent use of e-mail between teachers and students, researchers have highlighted the need to assess its uses and effects. Relying on the research and thinking of teacher immediacy and extra-class communication, we developed a scale that measures those e-mail message strategies that influence students' willingness to communicate online with their teachers. Next, we isolated those reasons that students use e-mail to interact with their teachers: (1) to clarify course material and procedures, (2) as a means of efficient communication, and (3) for personal/social reasons. Finally, we examined student characteristics such as gender and ethnicity, and history of e-mail use that may (or may not) influence their attitudes toward e-mail exchanges with teachers.  相似文献   

In light of the prevalent use of e-mail between teachers and students, researchers have highlighted the need to assess its uses and effects. Relying on the research and thinking of teacher immediacy and extra-class communication, we developed a scale that measures those e-mail message strategies that influence students' willingness to communicate online with their teachers. Next, we isolated those reasons that students use e-mail to interact with their teachers: (1) to clarify course material and procedures, (2) as a means of efficient communication, and (3) for personal/social reasons. Finally, we examined student characteristics such as gender and ethnicity, and history of e-mail use that may (or may not) influence their attitudes toward e-mail exchanges with teachers.  相似文献   

This study focuses on presenting the state of university libraries in Yemen, drawing upon observational research and in-depth interviews with 4 key university leaders, 12 teaching education program (TEP) chairpersons, 9 college deans, 6 vice-deans, 20 teaching professors, and 34 teacher training students within one higher education institution. The observational research has also covered five libraries of three private universities and two state ones. The findings outline the challenges faced by library users: the presence of traditional libraries, traditional resources and services, and the implementation of new policy. The study highlights the urgent need to redesign libraries, to increase libraries' budgets, and to establish digital resources and services, as well as a national library association.  相似文献   

Teacher nonimmediacy and misbehavior: Unintentional negative communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study involved the manipulation of teacher immediacy and teacher misbehaviors to determine their individual and combined impacts on perceived teacher immediacy and teacher misbehavior. Participants in the study were students enrolled in undergraduate communication classes. The results indicated that teacher nonimmediacy and teacher misbehaviors could not be manipulated independently. Analysis of variance indicated that nonimmediate teachers were perceived to be misbehaving even when no misbehaviors were induced in the experiments. It was concluded that students perceive teachers who communicate in nonimmediate ways as misbehaving.  相似文献   

高校文化科技复合人才培养探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对十八大提出的文化与科技融合,促进文化大发展大繁荣,探讨高校文化科技复合人才培养的对策。通 过分析国内外的高校科技人才和人文社科人才培养现状,提出了国内高校复合人才培养存在的问题,包括教育体系设 置不足、复合型人才缺乏、人才培养存在结构性矛盾、师资队伍弱和教学与实践分离的问题。在此基础上,提出了高 校文化科技复合人才培养的对策,包括:确定高校人才培养目标;改革教学方式,提升教师素质;改革课程设置;推 进产学研结合,鼓励创业;与国外联合培养人才。  相似文献   

The dilemma of the college teacher of broadcasting in meeting academic demands for liberal arts instruction and industry demands for practical training for the field is effectively shown in this study of station employment opportunities and attitudes toward university‐trained employees. Indirectly, the article emphasises the dual need for constant reevaluation of collegiate instructional programs in radio‐tv as well as a better job of public relations directed toward prospective employers of the college‐trained man or woman.  相似文献   

"Publish or Perish!" While this time-worn phrase rings equally loud and clear for most business law faculty, the opportunity to successfully publish is many times limited for some faculty members by their lack of access to adequate research material. For those teaching at large universities with well-stocked libraries, the choices of research sources are many and varied. However, for those teaching at small universities or community colleges, the choices may be quite limited indeed. Additionally, the smaller schools may be located at too great a distance from law schools or large universities to make travel to and from those libraries a practical solution. Often, at the smaller schools, business law teachers may be given a very limited budget and allowed to order only a few books a year. The question arises, then, for the business law faculty at smaller schools: "What are the most important research sources to have in the university or college libraries?" If a priority list could be drawn up, those business law faculties at smaller schools would be able to use the little library money they do have in a more beneficial way. This article will analyze which library materials business law teachers have selected as necessary resource tools, and the priority in which they should be acquired. The information supporting this article will be acquired by a survey of randomly selected teachers of business law in AACSB-accredited schools.  相似文献   

高校图书馆合并后如何更好地发挥其作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着高校的合并,原各高校图书馆也相继合并成为一个整体,在此新形势下,高校图书馆为了更好地发挥其教育和服务职能,必须强化图书馆工作人员的政治和业务素质,加强与老师和学生的交流,开展多种多样的活动,更好地为教学和科研服务。参考文献8。  相似文献   

This study investigated the nature of teaching assistant communication apprehension in the university classroom. Teaching assistants were given a survey assessing their general level of communication apprehension and their general willingness to communicate. Additionally, teaching assistant state anxiety specifically associated with teaching in the classroom was assessed. Analyses revealed significant negative correlations between teaching assistant communication apprehension and teaching experience, training in content, and training in teaching. Teaching assistant willingness to communicate was positively correlated with teaching experience and training in content. Teaching assistant state anxiety in the classroom was negatively correlated with training in content and training in teaching.  相似文献   

For some international students, teachers' nonverbal immediacy may constitute a violation of expectations in classroom behavior. Using Expectancy Violation Theory framework, this study investigated differences in students ‘perceptions of teachers’ nonverbal immediacy by comparing American and international students studying in the U.S. The findings confirmed that (1) teachers' nonverbal immediacy is perceived as more appropriate by American students than by international students, (2) there are differences in evaluations of specific nonverbal immediacy behaviors by American students and international students, and (3) perceptions depended on student gender for some behaviors, but not teacher's gender. Learning was more positively related to perceived immediacy behaviors for international students than their American counterparts.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):307-355
Six themes of physicians' relational communication were hypothesized to predict patients' satisfaction and compliance, to relate to strategies used by physicians to gain compliance, and to relate to frequency of physician‐patient contact. Telephone interviews with 234 adults who had seen a primary care physician within the previous six months confirmed that perceived relational communication was strongly related to affective, cognitive, and behavioral satisfaction. More expressions of receptivity, immediacy, composure, similarity, and formality and less dominance by the physician were associated with greater patient satisfaction. Only perceived similarity related to patient‐reported compliance. Several relational message themes were associated with physicians’ use of 17 verbal compliance‐gaining strategies. More prior contact also was associated with more perceived use of immediacy and receptivity messages by the physician and with more satisfaction. Finally, satisfaction was modestly correlated with compliance.  相似文献   

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