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中国传媒伦理道德问题的历史考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从世界传媒发展史看,大众传媒出现后经历了专制社会和民主社会.民主社会的大众传媒又经历了传媒政治化、传媒商业化、传媒垄断化3个时期.在不同社会、同一社会的不同阶段,传媒的伦理道德问题亦不相同.世界传媒伦理道德问题的历史考察对中国传媒界的启示是,在媒介体制转型中,应该注意强化媒介产品生产的道德考量,警惕改革中资本逻辑对传媒业的过度操纵,确立以人为本的社会定位.  相似文献   

传媒要承担重大的社会责任与大众对于传媒的文化信仰相关。在具体的传媒运作中,传媒通过控制、选择、策划、营销实现自身的社会影响,而大众对于传媒内容的理性评判又表现出明显的有限性,这正是传媒担当社会责任的现实需要。不可否认的是,对传媒持有理性批判力的受众主要集中在数量较少的  相似文献   

未来传媒业态如何发展、未来传媒教育形态如何创新,是传媒业界和学界共同关注的核心话题。随着高速移动互联时代的到来,加之人工智能和媒体的深度融合,媒介与社会一体同构的智能媒介化社会正在来临,自成一体的传媒行业将不复存在,传媒正在成为社会结构的操作系统和源动力、塑造社会结构的决定性因素。传媒教育形态须因应传媒业态变迁而演变,现有传媒教育范式应向智能传媒教育范式转移,以"传媒+"为学科专业建设的基本遵循。但传媒教育形态发展遵循的逻辑不应等同于传媒业态发展的逻辑,而是必须坚守人文价值理性逻辑,才能超越并引导传媒业态发展遵循的技术工具理性逻辑,这是传媒教育存在的价值所在、要义所在。用传媒的力量守护人的价值、用人的价值引导传媒的力量,应是未来传媒和智能传媒教育必须坚守的伦理底线。  相似文献   

作为第四权力的新闻传媒如果没有强烈的社会责任感,肆意妄为,将传媒仅仅作为获取私利或者达到其他目的的工具,罔顾社会与公众利益,这将给社会带来极大的危害。2014年9月28日,香港爆发占领中环运动,传媒针对这次运动的报道一定程度上拉长了这次运动的周期,起到了推波助澜的作用,香港民办传媒的社会责任感缺失严重。笔者身处深圳,能第一时间了解香港传媒的各项报道,本文分析了新闻传媒承担社会责任的必要性,而后再从香港占领中环运动发生以后的半个月香港传媒的表现分析香港传媒社会责任感的缺失。  相似文献   

羿克 《今传媒》2012,(8):27
主持人语:"传媒与法"栏目,主要针对当前社会传媒发展过程中所面临的问题或社会极为关注涉及到相关法律的问题进行探讨,并为传媒的更好发展建言献策,力图更好地推动传媒的发展。当前社会,传媒发展中出现的隐私权保护及立法、媒介审判、网络传媒的利与害等等  相似文献   

传媒的舆论导向,是传媒所传播、所宣传的内容及其褒贬臧否的态度,对社会生活及人们的是非观念等等所进行的舆论引导。而传媒的社会导向,则是指传媒本身的形象及行为作派对社会的“示范”效应。传媒特别是官方传媒(在我国,传媒大都是官方的),几乎代表着官方的形象和权威性。由于其代表一级党和政府或社会团体的机关向社会宣传和解释大政方  相似文献   

黄晓军 《新闻界》2012,(15):72-75
传媒功能随着不同的社会语境而改变。当前,传媒面临着风险社会和新媒体两种语境,这两种社会语境带来社会的媒介化,风险事件成为媒介化事件。在媒介化社会中,传媒发挥功能时可能增加风险,也可能降低风险。政府和公众对传媒有着不同的期许,传媒功能的扩展与深化有着不同的限度。传媒功能的扩展与深化以专业标准为限度就能兼顾政府的工具限度和公众的需求限度,提升媒介素养,促进社会和谐。  相似文献   

21世纪,随着信息经济社会的不断升级和走向成熟,一个新的文化经济时代——传媒经济时代(注:简称为传媒时代)将在信息经济社会内部形成,并成为信息经济社会发展的一种重要的智能化推促力和重要的新型商业传输力。要保证传播媒介智能化推促力和新型商业传输力的充分发挥,转变传统传播媒介认识观、确立科学的传播媒介思维方式是关键。合格的传媒经营者,一定要在懂得传媒经营技巧和传媒政策的前提下,还要真正懂得三种最基础性的传媒理论,即传播媒介的定义、传播媒介理论和传播媒介革命。传媒本体是指人、事、物,而这种人、事、物绝对不是指自然人和没有任何内容的事、物,而是拥有丰富信息内容的人、事、物,也只有这样,传媒促使双方或多方关系的作用力才能真正的发挥出来。能够发挥传媒作用的人、事、物是一个整体,真正实现了人与事、物的最佳结合,绝对不是分离的,因为人与事、物的分离就会造成人脑中储存的信息失去了传输的渠道和载体,就会造成载有文字、声音、图像、数据等信息的媒质(介质)变成毫无价值的东西。传媒社会是指以传播媒介为支柱的社会,是从传媒的角度对信息社会的解析。可见,传媒社会与信息社会同属于一个社会范畴。传媒社会是从传播媒介的角度分析信息社会;信息社会是从信息的角度分析信息社会。在传媒社会里,传播媒介是轴心,人们的一切活动都是通过传媒这个轴心连接起来;在信息社会里,人们的一切活动都是以信息为中心进行的。传媒"产事剥离"模式是指依据传播媒介发展规律和传播媒介在国家还存在的人类社会体系内所具有的政治性、经济性基本特质的要求建立起来的传媒文化事业体制与传媒文化产业体制的共同体。要保证传媒"产事剥离"模式功能力的实现,当前的首要任务是树立科学的传媒思维观,这是有效保护我国传媒绿水青山的关键。四十年来,我国传媒改革的实践和理论告诉人们:传媒经济的形成和发展并成为文化经济体系中的一种新型经济形态主要有三大根本性的支柱:1.传媒形态;2.传媒技术;3.传媒信息。  相似文献   

人类社会正在步入信息社会,传播媒介在今后社会中的地位和作用将会日益增长,传媒业是当今社会的一种朝阳产业。因此,近年来传媒教育在我国高等教育领域也得到了迅速发展,数百所高等院校相继开设了传媒类专业,培养传媒专业人才。面对传媒教育的激烈竞争,选择正确的发展道路,培养充分适应传媒产业发展需要的高素质人才,是高等传媒教育机构面临的选择。  相似文献   

任何单一的传媒模式都不能很好地适应社会发展的需要。在中国社会特有的体制之下,为了保障政府、公众、传媒三方利益平衡,必须建立起以公共传媒为核心的,由国家传媒、公共性传媒、商业性传媒并存的多元复合的传媒系统,唯有如此,才能维护社会的协调发展。不过公共传媒的内涵显得过于宽泛,要想充分张大公共传媒的职能,应当参照"民主化媒介系统"构想,将其具体划分为公共服务性媒体、公民媒体(第三部门媒体)、专业型媒体领域。  相似文献   

Social media activism has become very relevant for many student activist groups. How can political use of social media be motivated? The concept of Social Media Political Efficacy was proposed to resolve inconsistencies in prior theories of social media activism. A survey (n = 222) of members of 3 student activist groups showed that social media political efficacy was positively related to successful experiences using social media for activism. The relationship between social media political efficacy and social media activism was stronger than that between the concept of political efficacy employed in prior research and social media activism. Theory and social media activism implications are discussed.  相似文献   

充分阐述社交媒体对社会记忆的建构传承有助于形成基于互联网的社会记忆发展新态势,社交媒体档案记忆的多元化、智能化,亦可推进发展社交媒体建构传承社会记忆的理论与方法。从社交媒体孕育社会记忆建构传承的新环境以及积极影响、消极影响这三个方面逐层诠释社交媒体的社会记忆建构传承,并对如何发挥社交媒体建构传承社会记忆的积极作用,克服避免其消极作用在媒体平台、档案部门、互联网用户等方面提出了应对之策。社交媒体具有记忆价值、人文情感等特质为社会记忆建构传承提供了广泛的发展空间;推动媒体融合发展、树立数据思维、促进记忆“智造”、建立过滤机制等策略为社会记忆的建构传承提供了普世的应用性。  相似文献   

This study explores how audiences seek information from social and traditional media, and what factors affect media use during crises. Using the social-mediated crisis communication (SMCC) model, an examination of crisis information and sources reveals that audiences use social media during crises for insider information and checking in with family/friends and use traditional media for educational purposes. Convenience, involvement, and personal recommendations encourage social and traditional media use; information overload discourages use of both. Humor and attitudes about the purpose of social media discourage use of social media, while credibility encourages traditional media use. Practically, findings stressed the importance of third-party influence in crisis communication and the need for using both traditional and social media in crisis response.  相似文献   

Social media technologies have begun to enter the governmental workplace as tools to accomplish improved public service and engagement. Widespread recognition of the potential of social media technology for achieving public outcomes does not match our understanding about how and why specific tools are being used for specific purposes. This paper makes use of newly collected national survey data from local government managers in five different agencies to address the questions: which social media tools are being used, for which tasks or purposes; and what organizational characteristics influence the coupling of task and technology. Findings reveal patterns of social media tool application for particular purposes, although organizations do not all use social media tools in the same way. Moreover, regression analysis shows that different organizational factors – work characteristics, innovativeness, technology and management capacity and stakeholder influence – predict each of the four technology–task couplings — social media for dissemination, social media for feedback on service quality, social media for participation, and social media for internal work collaboration. This study demonstrates that social media tools are not a monolithic group and calls for greater research attention to the complex interactions among social media technology, task and organizational context.  相似文献   

Fears exist that social media use by news media and journalists may affect basic journalistic tenets such as objectivity, gatekeeping, and transparency. As a result, more and more news media organizations are issuing guidelines to manage employee use of social media. In this article we discuss the complex relationship of a selection of market-leading news media organizations with prescribed use of social media. Applying content analysis to 12 existing social media guidelines, we elaborate on the various types of rules linked with the basic principles of journalism. A key intention of this research is to provide insights for media management and journalism scholars to better understand the use of social media by journalists and the implementation of guidelines by media organizations. More practically, this article can aid media organizations who are shaping their own set of rules regarding use of social media by their staff.  相似文献   

The verification of social media content and sources are increasingly critical to journalists and news organisations. In this study, we report on findings from qualitative interviews conducted with 24 journalists working with social media in major news organisations in Europe. Our findings contribute to new knowledge on journalists' social media working practices. We find that social media content are often used as the primary news source, and journalists use several different verification strategies to verify social media content and sources. Journalists are also found to have various competences in verifying social media content, in particular visual content. Moreover, our study suggests user requirements for future innovations in tools to support the verification of social media content. To avoid trade-offs between verification and fast-paced publishing, journalists will need efficient and easy-to-use support both in the verification process and in structuring and organising an overwhelming amount of social media content.  相似文献   

For sports actors, social media provide the opportunity to bypass sports journalism's gatekeeping function and to disseminate sports-related information to target groups directly. Thus, social media have been conceptualized as a competitor to journalism. We argue that the relation is much more diverse. We differentiate between competitive, integrative, and complementary facets of the relationship between sports journalism and social media. Our study focuses on complementarity and analyzes how far social and mainstream media serve as sources for each other. Therefore, we combine an online survey among 122 German sports journalists, an analysis of the Twitter networks of German sports journalists during the Winter Olympics 2014, and a content analysis of the most popular news items in social media. Results suggest that sports journalists perceive social media accounts of athletes as beneficial news sources, especially to gather inside information. Huge sports events influence the social media activities of sports journalists as they tend to have stronger connections to athletes at these times. Whereas social media appear to be significant sources for sports journalism, sports media content receives little attention in social media. However, our results indicate that sports journalism and social media indeed maintain a complementary relation.  相似文献   

本文通过梳理国内外博物馆社交媒体应用的相关研究,发现国外研究主要聚焦于社交媒体对博物馆权威影响的探讨、博物馆社交媒体应用情况的综合分析、社交媒体促进博物馆教育的策略应用、社交媒体对博物馆管理的影响、行业社交媒体应用指南的发布,这些主题从分析社交媒体应用的可行性到观察应用效果,再到思考应用影响、提出初步的应用规范。而国内研究主题明显分为三个时段,即以借鉴启示为主的萌芽阶段、以传播营销为主的实践阶段、博物馆核心职能实践与探讨阶段,整体上更关注社交媒体应用的正面效应。相对而言,国内博物馆社交媒体应用研究主要集中于传播和营销,特别关注现象级博物馆社交平台运营策略;在国内各类博物馆社交媒体应用的定量研究中,研究对象类型比较单一;少部分研究关注社交媒体与博物馆教育等核心功能及相关管理机制的影响,但极少关注如何规范社交媒体的运营以确保博物馆的权威性和可信度。  相似文献   

Social media is being adopted at a rapid pace by governments around world and across different levels of government. In Canada, federal, provincial and municipal governments created social media accounts in 2000s and are now using them to interact with the public. Studies to date, however, focus primarily on social media strategies and practices of government agencies while government social media users' behaviors and perspectives remain understudied. This study analyzes experiences of government social media users and how they interact on Twitter and Facebook accounts maintained by a Canadian federal government agency – Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). It also explores why users chose to interact on social media as well as their perspectives. The findings suggest that Canadian immigration agencies are using social media as a customer services tool, and migrant social media users are turning to government social media to hear directly from the government agencies and are expecting personalized answers.  相似文献   

American newsrooms are adopting social media as an innovation for greater engagement. However, several organizational and individual factors may affect the extent to which news outlets adopt social media innovations. In particular, there is assumed to be a divide among different age groups of journalists in embracing social media. Utilizing a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, the study seeks to understand how social media culture in newsrooms affects journalists’ strategies of taking social media as an innovation, and how journalists of different age groups differ in the SEM model fit. The analyses indicated Twitter engagement mediates social media culture and journalists’ attitude toward social media. However, that was not the case with Facebook. Additionally, while younger journalists favored Twitter, older journalists embraced Facebook and middle-aged journalists adopted both Facebook and Twitter. The analyses showed the more that middle-aged journalists interacted on Twitter, the more they tended to have a positive attitude toward social media. However, the more that younger and older journalists engaged on Twitter, the more they tended to have a negative attitude toward social media. Journalists from all three age groups tended to hold a negative attitude toward social media if they engaged more on Facebook.  相似文献   

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