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将个案调研数据和统计资料相结合,梳理中国女性馆员群体发展的历史进程,研究发现,受欧美影响,女性进入图书馆界具有开风气之先、促进近代转型的符号意义.早期女性专业馆员整体呈现述而少著、乐于整理以及"致用"取向的研究等特点.宣扬女性适宜于图书馆职业、聘用知识女性担任馆员,缓和了民国图书馆事业发展中的人才困境,助益于职业道德建树,具有先导作用.在计划经济体制统包统配的全民就业政策下,女性占据多数的职业格局基本形成,并延续至市场经济时代.一部分女性图书馆人以其学识、能力和意志,取得不俗的职业成就,为中国的图书馆事业建设和发展注入了多元内容.  相似文献   

本文以高校女性馆员生理特点和心理特点为切入点从社会、家庭、职业、管理等因素对女性馆员职业倦怠的成因进行集中阐述,并提出有效应对策略缓解女性馆员职业倦怠,以保障我国图书馆事业健康顺利发展。  相似文献   

在中国近代社会变迁的历史进程中,图书馆事业取得了历史性突破。随着西学东渐的深入、社会变革的推动和图书馆事业的发展,图书馆职业化不断完善。近代中国图书馆职业化主要体现在图书馆员职业群体化、图书馆组织机构结构化、图书馆岗位体系化、图书馆员选任制度化和图书馆工作规范化等方面。图书馆职业化和近代社会变迁具有因果关系和相互作用关系:社会变迁在开启图书馆职业化进程、推动图书馆员专业化教育、培育图书馆职业精神和促进图书馆国际化交流中起到了重要的助推作用,图书馆职业化的深入系统发展,又通过社会教育、社团组织发展、女性的社会参与和“中国的图书馆学”构建等反作用于社会变迁,构成了相互交织并动态演进的互动关系。表1。参考文献45。  相似文献   

考察了社会公众对于图书馆员刻板印象的变迁历程,深入挖掘了造成当今诸多图书馆职业问题的原因。通过访谈1977年至今历届图书馆学专业的毕业生,发现:①人们对于图书馆员的刻板印象随时代的发展也在悄然发生变化。1970—1990年代初期,公众对于图书馆员职业的刻板印象包括:工作环境好、可以在大城市工作、可以看书等;当代图书馆员刻板印象大约形成于1990年代中后期,印象则转变为:收入低、清闲、专业性不强、适合女性等;②图书馆员刻板印象与图书馆事业发展是共生关系;③时代背景参与塑造了图书馆员的刻板印象。研究表明,当前我国图书馆职业存在的诸多问题虽然与时代背景不无关系,但更多则来源于此前图书馆事业发展中未得到妥善解决的遗留问题的长期积累,如果不加以控制,必将使社会公众产生更多关于图书馆职业的消极印象,将阻碍图书馆事业的发展,需引起各方重视。  相似文献   

图书馆职业懈怠产生的原因在于智力物化,具体表现为发展唯经济论、社会价值取向金钱化、图书馆员价值认知偏差、图书馆经营化4个方面。图书馆职业懈怠危害了馆员个人和图书馆事业的发展,其实质是图书馆精神缺失。开展图书馆榜样教育可以有效培育图书馆精神,克服职业懈怠,从而推动图书馆事业发展。  相似文献   

高校图书馆女性工作者职业意识调整研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高校图书馆绝大部分从业人员是女性工作者,研究并强化她们的职业意识对提高她们的素质和图书馆工作水平具有普遍的现实意义。在分析部分高校图书馆女性工作者职业意识现状的基础上,针对性地探讨了调整女性工作者职业意识的对策。  相似文献   

高校女性图书馆员职业倦怠问题越来越明显,由于社会对图书馆职业的认知偏差、图书馆工作的相关因素、女性馆员个性特性及图书馆法律法规的欠缺,职业倦怠对女性图书馆员的身体健康、心理健康造成了严重影响。图书馆管理者应加强女性图书馆员岗位培训、改善工作环境和管理方法、实施有针对性的EAP计划和进一步完善图书馆职业准入制度来提升女性图书馆员对图书馆职业的心理认知,消除她们的图书馆员职业倦怠。  相似文献   

建立于20世纪20年代国际图书馆学教育大潮期的文华图专(Boone Library School)是中国正规图书馆学高等教育之始。文华图专在研究图书馆业务技术、借鉴国外图书馆学理论、推动国内图书馆事业、推进图书馆职业等实践基础上,形成了学以致用、中西结合、交流沟通和协作创新的学术风格,并对现代图书馆事业在图书馆学研究路向、学术研究组织化、理论研究实用化、研究方法创新和研究的职业导向方面具有借鉴意义和深远影响。本研究对于当代图书馆学教育的创新发展具有参考价值。参考文献52。  相似文献   

论文华图专的学术风格及其深远影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立于20世纪20年代国际图书馆学教育大潮期的文华图专(Boone Library School)是中国正规图书馆学高等教育之始.文华图专在研究图书馆业务技术、借鉴国外图书馆学理论、推动国内图书馆事业、推进图书馆职业等实践基础上,形成了学以致用、中西结合、交流沟通和协作创新的学术风格,并对现代图书馆事业在图书馆学研究路向、学术研究组织化、理论研究实用化、研究方法创新和研究的职业导向方面具有借鉴意义和深远影响.本研究对于当代图书馆学教育的创新发展具有参考价值.参考文献52.  相似文献   

根据多年工作经验,就医学图书馆馆员必须具备的职业能力和职业素养进行思考,以期引起图书馆领导层对人力资源的重视,促进医学图书馆事业健康、科学的发展。  相似文献   

以天津市图书馆员为研究对象进行职业满意度的实证研究,在调查数据的基础上,分别从人口学变量、工作报酬、职业维度、回归模型等多个角度分析对比了公共图书馆员与高校图书馆员职业满意度的差异,进行归因分析并提出改善性措施以缩小馆际差距、提高员工职业满意度,最终提升图书馆整体行业的服务水平和社会影响力。  相似文献   

A majority of Americans surveyed indicated a need for occupational information and career planning assistance. Career counseling is a process of examining individual needs, goals, values, workplace issues, and personal constraints, as well as information about occupations, career ladders, options and specific employment opportunities, and relating all this information to make decisions about work and other career issues. Developmental theories of career counseling can be used as a framework for examining theories of career development. Other ways to examine career development are through occupational choices, work adjustment, a combination of choice and adjustment process theories, and decision-making. The role of the librarian is one of facilitating access to the abundance of career information available, and empowering patrons to use this information to make intelligent decisions about not only their careers, but also other areas of their lives as well.  相似文献   

略论图书馆员的职业生涯设计   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
孟建华 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(2):10-12,38
阐述职业生涯理念在图书馆界未被重视的原因,论述图书馆员重视职业生涯设计的必要性以及如何进行自己的职业生涯设计。  相似文献   

周沫 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):490-492
通过问卷调查分析编辑职业发展的性别差异水平,研究结果表明,31 ~40、41~ 50岁年龄段的编辑职业发展存在显著性别差异.反映了不同年龄段男女编辑的职业追求和需求,有助于加强编辑队伍建设,对编辑个人提升职业素质、规划职业发展也有一定的参考作用.  相似文献   

Based on qualitative data from participant interviews, this study explores how nonprofit arts managers construct the notion of career, and more specifically, how they frame the nature of their work and career choices. Findings revealed that participants employed a spiritual framework of calling, service, sacrifice, and personal rewards to socially construct, understand, and legitimate their nonprofit careers. These framing devices provided the language for participants to make sense of their career decisions and to define their career successes in terms of their own values instead of traditional measures of extrinsic rewards. As contemporary workers place increasing importance on meaningful work, spiritually centered discourse has implications for career theory and organizational practices in both for-profit and nonprofit sectors.  相似文献   

林玲 《图书情报工作》2003,47(12):107-109
从“职业”、“道德”等概念出发,分析职业道德的主要内容和基本特征,评述《中国图书馆员职业道德准则》的得与失,并对馆员的职业道德进行探讨。  相似文献   

赵婧 《编辑学报》2018,30(6):651-654
针对医学期刊青年编辑普遍存在的职业困惑,从职业规划与编辑成长的关系、职业方向定位、知识学习规划、业务提升规划等方面阐述医学期刊青年编辑的职业成长之路,提出医学期刊青年编辑在不同工作生涯阶段中规划的具体方案。给出的职业规划内容及方案可供广大医学期刊青年编辑参考。  相似文献   

What began as a career networking support group in the living room of a visionary Smith College alumna has grown into a nationally recognized, independent nonprofit career development organization. Today Alumnae Resources provides a comprehensive range of services to thousands of college-educated women and men, most with liberal arts backgrounds. AR's career development model focuses on the need for information, and as the organization has grown and advanced technologically, so has its core, the Resource Center. The library now provides a variety of electronic tools for individual career research. Though some may be intimidated by this electronic environment, their education can be an advantage in adapting to the ncw technology and succeeding in the changing workplace.  相似文献   

For many academic librarians, scholarly research is required in order to attain tenure or promotion and it is widely acknowledged that many early career librarians find this process challenging. Using a survey of >200 untenured or recently tenured academic librarians, this study investigates early career academic librarians' access to and experiences with research support activities designed to develop research skills and confidence. Specific attention is paid to informal mentoring, formal mentoring programs, and writing groups. Responses indicate that early career librarians need supports that target three dimensions of the research experience: research design and methods; work practices and accountability; and emotional elements. Despite this, survey respondents had limited access to formal research supports that offer instruction and guidance in the research process, leaving them to rely heavily on informal mentoring. This study highlights the need for libraries and library organizations to invest their resources in research supports for early career academic librarians, helping them to become more effective and confident researchers.  相似文献   


Given that graduate employment is a clear outcome of education success, there is an urgent need to conceptualize course design strategically to maximize students’ chances of employment. In this paper, we present an Australian case study in which we used a structured career information literacy learning approach to build employability in a biological sciences capstone course, through collaboration between the university library, academics, and career service. We report the context, method, measurement, outcomes of collaboration, and roles of contributors in this partnership. This case study lends itself to potential ways of incorporating career information literacy into an academic context.  相似文献   

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