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混合式培训是将传统的集中面授培训与现代信息技术支持的网络自主学习、网络交流互动以及线下研修有机融合的一种培训方式。文章以"聊城市中小学教师教育技术能力培训"项目为例,从课程资源、教学管理体系、学习活动设计和远程培训平台等四个方面分析了混合式培训方式下教师培训质量影响因素。  相似文献   

混合式培训是将传统的集中面授培训与现代信息技术支持的网络自主学习、网络交流互动以及线下研修有机融合的一种培训方式.文章以“聊城市中小学教师教育技术能力培训”项目为例,从课程资源、教学管理体系、学习活动设计和远程培训平台等四个方面分析了混合式培训方式下教师培训质量影响因素.  相似文献   

该文以对四川省灾区教师教育技术能力培训模式及其效果的调查与分析为起点,探讨网络环境下教师培训模式的优化模式。调研发现,灾区教师教育技术能力培训主要存在着模式单一、培训内容与实践脱节、活动设计缺乏吸引力、没有有效的评价和管理机制等问题,导致培训项目的效果并不理想。针对这一现状,文章对目前灾区各种教师教育技术能力培训模式进行缺陷分析,在活动理论、混合式学习理论、有效学习理论的指导下,构建了以主题活动为导向的混合式教师培训模式。  相似文献   

中小学教师混合式培训在成人学习理论、建构主义学习理论和混合式学习理论等的指导下,以需求为导向,以实践为取向,以网络研修平台为支撑,通过科学的组织管理,将传统的教师面授培训方式与现代信息技术支持的网络自主学习、网络交流互动相结合,突出培训的实用性、互动性和整体性,实现线下集中面授与线上网络研修的有机融合,促进培训效果的最大化。本文着重阐述中小学教师混合式培训的理论基础、培训方案设计的基本原则及实施策略。  相似文献   

Moodle是目前国际上流行的课程管理系统,在分析了Moodle特点与将之用在教师教育技术能力培训中的可行性之后,提出采用面授和网络培训相结合的方式利用Moodle开展教师培训,解决了集中面授的教师培训模式由于受培训时空限制,受训教师不能完全消化讲授内容的问题,从而方便教师的交流和优质资源的共享。同时,为行动学习法在教师培训之后的应用创造条件,使教师培训成为一种边工作、边学习、边研究的终身学习形式。  相似文献   

阐述了职业学校专业课教师教育技术能力培养的重要性,指出职业学校专业课教师教育技术培训构成要素包括制定适合的培训目标,培训内容应涵盖学习教育技术理论、掌握教育技术技能、综合应用教育技术等方面,构建包括集中面授、网络教育、课题带动的复合培训模式,创建完善的评价体系。  相似文献   

文章针对教育信息化背景下新入职教师在逐步进入教学过程中所面临的问题,以及MOOCs在教学示范、个性化学习需求满足、构建学习与学术研究共同体、学习评价保障深度参与和免费等方面的优势,提出了基于MOOCs的混合式培训模式,并将其作为高校新教师专业发展的新途径。该模式包括前期培训与指导、寻找和推荐MOOCs、自主学习、集中面授、培训考核与认证等五个主要环节,并提出在培训实施过程中应把帮助教师找到最合适的MOOCs作为培训的重点,坚持以线上自主学习为主、集中培训为辅,将培训组织机构转变为学习支持服务的提供者,培训考核更加注重形成性考核和第三方认证,将培训重心转变为通过网络化学习促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

在教育信息化逐步深入的大背景下,在线教学与课堂教学优势互补的混合式教学方法已经成为大家共同关注的问题。为了有效提高教师信息技术培训的绩效,本研究将混合式教学方法引入教师信息技术能力培训中,以《网络管理技术》培训课程的教学改革为例,采用行动研究的方法,探索和构建基于网络的教师信息技术培训混合学习模式。  相似文献   

将网络技术应用于教育培训,开展网络培训与面授培训相结合的集成式培训,它代表着现代教育培训的一种全新的发展方向。在此从传统的面授培训模式与网络-面授集成培训模式的比较中,阐明网络-面授集成培训模式的优势、特点和适用对象;结合国内外先进的培训理念和网络技术,提出构建网络-面授集成式培训模式的原则和实施方案;结合浙江大学网络-面授集成式培训模式的具体实践,验证网络-面授集成式培训模式的效果。  相似文献   

发展远程培训 创新教师继续教育模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对北京市中小学教师继续教育远程培训进行了较为全面调查的基础上,从中小学教师、培训者与培训管理者的需求;构建教师终身教育体系;创新教师培训模式;促进教育均衡化发展;缓解教师继续教育工学矛盾和提高培训效率等几个方面阐述了在教师继续教育中发展远程培训的必要性。同时从信息化条件、新知识获取的方式和利用网络资源学习的能力等方面论证了教师远程培训的可行性,对"十二五"教师远程培训提出了建议。  相似文献   

现代教育技术的应用引起中国远程教育的深入改革,使教学模式发生重要变化,以学生为中心的观念逐渐成为教学指导思想;教学目标注重培养学生的综合应用能力和自主学习能力;多种教学媒体的优化组合有利于教学效果的提高;教学组织形式、教学方式同时发生了变革,形成远程教学与面授教学并存互补的局面;个性化学习逐渐成为学生的主要学习方式;支持服务系统为远程教学的成功提供了有力保障.  相似文献   

素质教育是在开放教育内涵建设的一项重要内容。本文主要介绍了在《小学生心理健康教育》课程中将素质教育与开放教育紧密的结合在一起的几种教学方法,归纳提炼出了"四核心教学法":即以自主学习法为核心进行网络教学,以协作学习法为核心进行小组学习,以寻疑求悟法为核心进行面授辅导,以实践学习法为核心进行实践教学等四种教学方法。  相似文献   

The lecture has been around for centuries and has featured as a popular and frequent component in higher education courses across many disciplines including anatomy. In more recent years, there has been a growing shift toward blended learning and related pedagogies that encourage active participation of students in both face-to-face and online learning environments. Unfortunately, in many cases, the lecture, which has typically focused on the transmission of information from educator to student has not been adapted to become a more learner-oriented approach with opportunities for students to actively interact and engage. As a result, the future of whether the lecture should continue has once again become a center of debate. The consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath have added to this with institutions now looking to stop all lectures or offer them in an online format only. This commentary argues that lecture-style components could still feature within face-to-face and online provision, but only if they are used sparingly within a blended curriculum, have a defined use that aligns well to learning outcomes, are assessed as the most effective method pedagogically, and importantly integrate approaches and activities that promote student engagement. Anatomy educators have demonstrated for years that they are able to be at the forefront of pedagogical change and evidenced during the pandemic their agile and innovative ability to adapt and do things differently. Therefore, the fate of the lecture, at least in anatomy, may well be in their hands.  相似文献   

A synchronous blend of online learning and “face-to-face” teaching is becoming a feasible instructional approach in higher education with the advent of technology. Although this learning mode is not new in higher education, little research has been done to contextualise social presence experiences in which effects of interactions were explored for enhancing learning. A qualitative approach was adopted using the case study method to examine the instructor and students’ pedagogic interactions in the social presence of a blended synchronous learning environment. This paper reports an exploration of the blended learning with an online group of students at a remote site attending a computer-aided engineering drawing course synchronously with a face-to-face group taught by an instructor in a laboratory. The process of interaction was visually and verbally mediated by videoconference as if in an online face-to-face learning community. The findings show that the online and face-to-face groups had different social presence experiences in which interaction emerged. Emotional adaptation and practice is needed for the students and the instructor in such a complex environment. Based on the interaction patterns, a framework of interactions in the blended synchronous learning environment is conceptualised to inform course development and instructional design. Implications for further study are also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a blended learning model on hands-on approach for in-service secondary school teachers using a quasi-experimental design. A 24-h teacher-training course using the blended learning model was administered to 117 teachers, while face-to-face instruction was given to 60 teachers. The following dependent variables were compared: degree of leaners’ knowledge, self-efficacy and satisfaction with the training course. The results indicated that the experimental, blended learning group showed a significantly higher level of knowledge of hands-on approach and overall satisfaction with the course. However, the self-efficacy and others items related to learner’s learning satisfaction were similar between two groups. Moreover, the findings indicated that access, flexibility, cost effectiveness, improving interaction, formation of teacher network and involving of administrators, instructors and school leaders were factors which contributed to the success of blended learning model. Further implications and suggestions for the blended learning model are presented.  相似文献   

将一种基于聚类算法的RBF(径向基函数)神经网络方法运用于入侵检测中。在这种方法中采用两阶段学习方法,在利用非监督学习算法确定网络隐层中心时,提出一种基于高斯基的距离度量,并联合输入输出聚类的策略。基于F isher可分离率设计高斯基距离量度中的惩罚因子,可以提高聚类的性能。通过构建入侵检测模型,一方面可以加速网络训练速度,另一方面可以提高入侵检测在预测误报漏报中的性能。  相似文献   

Designing communities of learners for asynchronous distance education   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Asynchronous distance education can replicate traditional face-to-face training or education; but, why should it do so? Asynchronous distance education provides an opportunity to create meaningful learning which is not feasible in a traditional classroom, provided that communities of learners that encourage knowledge building and social reinforcement are specifically created. This article describes the need for learning communities within the context of asynchronous distance education. Asynchronous learning communities are specifically relevant for training environments, given the need for instant and constant training with employees who are located in an ever-expanding national and international workplace. Specifically, three types of communities are described: academic, intellectual and interpersonal.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Reinforcement learning is a machine learningmethod for agents to acquire the optimal policyautonomously from the environment of their behaviors.When an action is executed, the agent receives areinforcement signal by interacting with theenvironment. This technology has recently been used inmany fields, such as robot control [1], artificialintelligence [2], especially multi-agent system [3,4].Generally, when the state space of the environment issmall enough and all states can be e…  相似文献   

作为以现代先进信息技术为手段的现代远程开放教育,培养创新型人才责无旁贷。根据"行动学习"的核心理念,远程开放教育具备开展"行动学习"的条件。而"行动学习"也促进开放教育创新型人才培养,具体表现为组织面授辅导、教师专业的学习指导和设立学习小组。  相似文献   

文章在调研了中小学网管员的专业技能认知特点以及现有专业技能培养模式优缺点的基础上,基于建构主义和案例学习理论,尝试将视频案例教学法引入到中小学网管员的专业技能培养中,构建了一种基于视频案例的中小学网管员专业技能培养模式,本模式以一个视频案例网络教学平台作为载体,能够为在线学员提供真实可信的场景与可视化的全套案例解决方案,帮助中小学网管员更快掌握工作中所需的专业技能,有利于挖掘网管员的实践性知识,能提供有效的协作学习和反思机会。  相似文献   

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