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毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民在社会发展道路观、社会发展本质观、社会发展目标观上具有一脉相承的内在关联性。但由于时代特点和历史任务的具体差异,他们的社会发展观又各具特色,各有所重,体现了坚持真理、修正错误、与时俱进、开拓创新的发展逻辑和理论品质。  相似文献   

首先,社会发展需要我们转变教育观念,初步确立以提高未来社会公民的素质为目标,以学生发展为本的现代教育观。  相似文献   

学习型社会作为21世纪社会发展的理念,不仅会带来社会观念和社会经济结构的变化,而且会促使从社会边源走向社会中心的高等教育的理念和功能的变革;不仅影响社会价值观的变化,而且会促使高等教育价值观的变革。表现在教育观:从精英教育观到大众、普及教育观;发展观:从功利主义观到可持续发展观;模式观:从象牙塔到信息技术主导观;知识观:从传承观到创新观。  相似文献   

学习型社会作为21世纪社会发展的理念,不仅会带来社会观念和社会经济结构的变化,而且会促使从社会边源走向社会中心的高等教育的理念和功能的变革;不仅影响社会价值观的变化,而且会促使高等教育价值观的变革。表现在教育观:从精英教育观到大众、普及教育观;发展观:从功利主义观到可持续发展观;模式观:从象牙塔到信息技术主导观;知识观:从传承观到创新观。  相似文献   

关于高职院校加强职业观教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业观教育不仅是高职人才培养目标的本质要求和当前高职发展道路的必然选择,更是实现社会主义教育目的的途径之一,是职业教育的内在要求和社会发展需要的双向选择。在职业观教育中,必须引导学生树立为社会服务的职业观,处理好个人利益与集体利益、社会发展的关系。  相似文献   

高等教育发展观   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等教育发展观国家教育发展研究中心马陆亭马桂荣当前,有关高等教育学专著在谈及高等教育作用时,涉及过多的是教育对社会的适应性及对社会的促进作用。在谈及高等教育发展时,主要论及的是如下三个发展维度:满足社会发展需要,满足人的发展需要,满足政治文化需要。而...  相似文献   

化观念更新是社会变革的先导和精神推动力,在中国共产党80年的历程中,毛泽东,邓小平和江泽民把握时代的脉搏和社会发展的要求,以化上的创造性,把马克思主义运用到中国革命和社会主义建设实践中,根据不同时期社会发展的要求,形成了新的化观,研究三代领导人化观的特点,可以更加深刻地认识中国社会的过去,现在和未来。  相似文献   

在西方教育史上,各种教育功能理论可谓形形色色、丰富多彩,但在教育发展的各个不周的历史时期,又有其具有代表性的并在某一历史时期起主导作用的理论主张与理论流派。在古代社会,为巩固社会政治制度服务是学校教育的主导性功能,教育为个体发展服务的功能是附属性的功能,是由社会需要规定的。近代社会,强调个体发展功能与社会发展功能的观点各执一端,互不相让,产生了激烈的冲突与对立。在现代社会,不同的教育功能观都期望调和个体功能与社会功能的分歧,做到个体发展与社会发展二兼顾。双方在相互论争中相互借鉴,成了教育功能观不断发展的动力。  相似文献   

妇女观是社会对妇女总的看法和根本观点,是一定时期妇女社会地位和生活状况的反映。本文论述了从古希腊一罗马的古典时代到文艺复兴时期,这一社会发展历程中不同的社会阶段对妇女的种种看法,同时也对妇女在不同社会发展阶段的地位问题做了简要分析。  相似文献   

当前,在我国综合国力不断加强,人民生活水平普遍提高的同时,也存在贫富差距逐渐拉大的状况。为了建立和谐社会,必须树立马克思主义公正观,采取正视贫富差距、关怀低收入群体、让全体社会成员共享社会发展成果、坚持发展才是硬道理的观念和发展低价住房市场等对策,妥善解决贫富差距拉大问题。  相似文献   

通过文献资料和问卷调查等方法,对影响我国社会体育活动开展的若干问题的分析,探讨高校体育与社会体育相接轨的可能性.针对社会体育开展中存在的某些问题,充分利用高校体育的自身优势,在指导社会体育开展中的作用和意义,为社会体育的开展如何借助高校体育的优势提供依据.  相似文献   

东方社会发展道路理论是马克思恩格斯唯物史观和科学社会主义理论的重要组成部分。本文探讨了马克思恩格斯早年对东方社会理论的探索;马克思恩格斯晚年对东方社会发展道路的探索,对跨越资本主义“卡夫丁峡谷”的设想;分析了马克思恩格斯东方社会发展道路理论探索的启示。  相似文献   

高职院校与其他高等院校一样,承担着人才培养、科学研究、文化传承和社会服务的历史重任。当前,在高职院校面向社会开展服务的过程中,形成了定向培养、委托培养与产学研一体化合作等多种社会服务模式。高职院校开展社会服务要结合学校自身办学特点和优势专业进行选择,采取多元化社会服务模式。这是高职院校实现社会服务功能的必由之路。  相似文献   

This response to McKenzie suggests that the issues of representivity, legitimacy and politics, inscribed within an institutional continuism characteristic of modernity within the McKenzie discourse, could well be recast within a reflexive view informed by insights derived with developing social theory. It briefly overviews the struggle for human agency that played out within the deconstructive engagements of the posts and probes how perspectives in social theory are opening the way for a break with features of environmental education as an institutional field. The review points to a reconstituting of the idea of environmental education research from scholastic field of/for environmental awareness and sustainable development, to a reflexive engagement within processes of social reproduction and reorientation in a changing world. A shift such as this would constitute a subtle change in a developing field of research, to situated design decisions of reflexive engagement (research) in social fields constituted within developing cultural contexts of risk.  相似文献   

竞技体育与社会保持着最密切的关系。许多社会现象都可以对竞技体育产生影响,竞技体育是社会的一种缩影。同时竞技体育反作用于社会,成为社会不可缺少的一部分。因此体育社会学必须将竞技体育作为一个重点研究对象。本文按竞技体育的发展历程,对其发展的不同阶段进行了社会学分析,并在此基础上对其发展的规律和动力保障进行了简单论述。  相似文献   

为适应城市居民生活“小区”化和以建设“明小区”为重点的社会工作路线,改变目前社区体育组织以“街道”为单一层次的基本结构,本课题采用献法、调查法、比较及逻辑法等,对“小型化”社区体育组织的现状、目标及发展模式进行了深入研究,并提出了辐射型、网络型、独立型三种递进式组织结构模式,为社区体育组织结构的转型发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Previously unacquainted groups of normally developing and mildly developmentally delayed preschool-age boys (N = 64) were brought together to form a series of 8 mainstreamed playgroups. Each playgroup consisted of 3 normally developing 3-year-olds, 3 normally developing 4-year-olds, and 2 mildly developmentally delayed 4-year-olds. The delayed children were matched with the normally developing older group for chronological age and with the normally developing younger group for developmental level. Each playgroup operated 5 days per week for 2 hours per day for a 4-week period. During that time, the peer-related social and play interactions of each child were videotaped, and peer sociometric ratings were obtained at the completion of each playgroup. Analyses of social participation and individual social behavior measures revealed that the analogue playgroup setting was appropriate for evaluating peer interactions, as expected developmental patterns emerged despite the presence of children heterogeneous with respect to chronological age and developmental status. The existence of a deficit in peer-related social interactions for mildly delayed children was supported in this investigation--a deficit that could not be attributed to reputational factors, the unavailability of responsive peers, inadequate matching procedures, unusual sample characteristics, or similar factors. Selected observational measures, peer preference patterns during free play, and peer sociometric ratings also indicated that the delayed children were perceived to be less competent and of lower social status. However, despite their relative isolation, important developmental opportunities were available for mildly delayed children in the mainstreamed playgroups. Possible processes responsible for these outcomes were discussed.  相似文献   

理工科大学发展人文社会科学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
繁荣哲学社会科学和现代高等教育的发展趋势提出了理工科大学发展人文社会科学学科的任务。理工科大学发展人文社会科学面临着一些问题,树立"人文教育与科学教育融合"的教育理念对理工科大学有着特殊的意义,理工科大学发展人文社会科学应该有自己的目标定位,特色学科和交叉学科是理工科大学发展人文社会科学的比较优势,为此理工科大学可以通过相应的思路及措施来发展人文社会科学。  相似文献   

Empirical data on the effects of inclusion regarding the social participation of typically developing students and those with special educational needs are still controversial. While some studies suggest that the more extensive the inclusion, the higher the social position of students with special educational needs, evidence from other studies indicates that the full inclusion of students with special educational needs into ordinary schools is not sufficient, per se, to increase their social participation. In this study, we set out to investigate the social position of students with special educational needs and typically developing students studying in regular classroom environments in Italian primary and secondary schools. Given that being accepted is far from the same as being chosen, besides examining rates of acceptance and rejection, we also considered the choices made by students regarding their favourite classmates. The results demonstrated that students with special educational needs are significantly less accepted and are very rarely chosen as favoured classmates by their typically developing counterparts. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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