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为科学规制公共图书馆参与数字出版过程中长期存在的供需地位失衡、博弈机制失衡、版权流转失衡等矛盾,本文以区块链中的分布存储、共识机制、智能合约3类核心技术为基础,分析了旨在动态平衡公共图书馆参与数字出版版权利益博弈的可行思路,同时结合区块链各层级结构特点提出面向促进资源供需节点间地位平衡、达到版权收益帕累托最优、提高数字版权交易可靠性的实践策略,以期为公共图书馆参与数字出版过程中及时遏制侵权行为、保障版权交易利益相关者权益提供参考。  相似文献   

版权的争取、让渡与公众信息权利保障   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学术资源的开放存取,是作者在商业出版者垄断学术出版市场背景下主体意识的觉醒。通过对版权的争取、让渡而保留部分版权来促进学术交流,结果会在一定程度上保障公众的学术信息权利。参考文献7。  相似文献   

电子图书出版商的著作权来源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
毛旭  Mao Xu 《图书情报工作》2006,50(10):111-113
在说明电子图书出版商的著作权只能来源于著作权人的基础上,列举了三家电子图书出版商在继受取得著作权方式上的不同之处,指出了这些做法存在的问题并提出了初步的对策;同时还指出了现行著作权法在电子图书方面的几个立法空白点,特别是指出了信息网络传播权对图书馆借阅电子图书和出版社出版电子图书的制约,并提出了要适当限制著作权人权益以保证公众合理获取信息的权利。  相似文献   

本文针对数字时代我国版权领域存在的问题,从法律建立角度、公众认识角度、权利人意识角度、行政管理角度进行了分析,探讨了数字出版领域版权保护问题的解决方向,并就法律改革提出了建议。  相似文献   

美国现有的版权法律条文不能有效地应对数字出版商们的忧虑.尽管数字作品可以享受和印刷作品同等的版权保护,我们似乎仍然需要新的法律条文和理论来应对数字作品和技术的特殊性质.在面对与数字侵权有关的问题上,美国通过立法、改进美国版权署的职能以及签订国际条约或协定,缓慢开始颁布一些关于数字侵权的条文.数字侵权虽然在庭审中得以应对,但法庭运用的是传统版权概念中的"合理使用"来分析数字侵权.目前,人们只能通过诉讼的方式迫使美国法庭建立一套能充分解决电子侵权的法律体系.  相似文献   

Since the year 2001, Kenya’s copyright regime has extensively been shaped by Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement; World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty; Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA); and The Cotonou Agreement, which have advocated for effective copyright administration and management structures in addition to stiffer penalties for those who violate copyright laws. Despite better administrative structures being put in place, copyright infringement in Kenya has persisted. Being able to balance the needs of rights owners and information consumers becomes a critical role librarians have to play. Knowledge about copyright, thus, becomes critical. Despite the fact that librarians in Kenya are not a homogenous group, how knowledgeable the different librarian cadres are concerning copyright issues is least understood. The raison d’être for this study is to find out whether different cadres of librarians based on academic qualifications differ in the level of knowledge on copyright issues. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Results indicate no statistically significant difference in self-reported knowledge of copyright among the five librarian cadres based on their education level and neither is there a statistically significant difference based on librarians’ years of service. Statistically significant differences among the five librarian cadres exist when we compare “tested knowledge” of copyright issues. Evidence of insufficient mastery of provisions in the Kenyan copyright law does exist.  相似文献   

近五年来,我国出版法制建设在出版立法研究、执法研究、出版行政管理法制化研究、出版自由研究及著作权研究五个方面取得了新的进展,但在研究队伍、研究内容、研究成果及研究领域等方面也存在一些不足。  相似文献   

随着短视频行业的兴起和迅速发展,短视频侵权纠纷大量发生。为了推动短视频分享平台履行主体责任,文章分析了我国现有立法的局限,指出其导致版权人与平台利益失衡。通过借鉴欧盟版权改革经验,提出我国应适度引入过滤义务,建议由版权人启动过滤义务,由版权行政管理部门参与制定合理的过滤标准,建立错误过滤的救济机制,以提高短视频分享平台合理注意义务的履行效能,促进短视频行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

2012年国际开放获取实践进展综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过跟踪2012年世界重要科研资助机构、科研机构、政府部门、出版机构的开放获取政策、研究报告和动态消息,从利益相关方的开放获取意识、科研资助机构和科研教育机构的开放获取政策、出版社的开放出版实践三个方面总结2012年国际开放获取实践方面的进展。  相似文献   

The literature on evolving economic models in the electronic publishing industry of academic and scholarly communication has primarily been based on an ideology of economic efficiency. This ideology implies the role of print journals and publishers will become less dominant in the publishing industry since market forces predict a significant change in the flow of incentives and information between the various stakeholders. However, recent research suggests that this conclusion may be premature. Resisting forces, which manifest themselves via institutional, infrastructural and informational channels, seem strong enough to maintain the viability of print publishing in the medium term.  相似文献   

余筱瑶 《出版科学》2016,24(3):80-83
以微信为代表的新媒体出版无形中给互联网治理带来新的挑战。规范、治理微信平台的出版侵权行为,保护著作权人的合法利益备受关注。剖析目前主要出版侵权类型,辨清典型出版侵权责任,明确合法与非法的行为界限,并对微信平台的出版侵权行为从法规、技术、知识产权保护意识等层面进行规制,以期更好地促进文化传播与著作权保护。  相似文献   

论档案行政执法与刑事司法衔接中的证据转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
档案行政执法与刑事司法有效衔接的重要问题之一就是档案执法证据的转换,《档案法》及《刑事诉讼法》等法律法规的规定为档案执法证据能够在刑事司法程序中采纳与使用提供了法律依据,这既是由档案违法行为与档案犯罪之间的竞合与证据的不可复制性所决定,又有助于提高刑事司法效率。档案执法证据向刑事司法证据的转换包括证据的转换范围、证据转换规则和档案执法文书的转换规则等内容。为确保公安司法机关合理使用档案执法证据,有必要对档案执法证据在刑事司法中的适用条件和特殊程序做出明确规定。  相似文献   

The four corners of the copyright system are the security in law of the creator; the markingout of the publisher's role as “producer”; the balance of the interests of copyright owners with those of copyright users; and enforcement of rights. To advance the system, publishers must make an economic case for copyright, explain what they actually do, publish about themselves, educate one another, and develop and exploit specialist knowledge.  相似文献   

Electronic piracy is perceived as a growing threat to the publishing industry. This article looks at the technology of copyright infringement and the channels for distribution of infringing electronic copies. It considers the English legal framework for dealing with electronic piracy, and the practical steps that publishers can take to reduce the risks of piracy.  相似文献   

黄志红 《编辑学报》2016,28(6):515-518
期刊发表学术论文是否应与作者签订版权合同,著作权法没有强制性规定.问卷调研结果显示,有51%的期刊没有签订相应的版权合同或协议.随着期刊数字化的迅速发展,期刊与各大数据公司合作,使期刊数字化成为一个明显趋势,如果期刊没有通过签订合同取得作者的相应权利,则期刊就很容易涉及侵权,这一现象已引起期刊界人士的广泛关注.期刊与投稿作者签订书面的版权合同,将是其维护自身合法权益的重要保障,同时合同的内容应与时俱进,跟上时代发展的步伐.  相似文献   

UK Copyright law (CAPD 1988) defines the requirements for qualification for copyright protection in the UK and for many of the permitted acts. A defence against infringement of copyright is provided for under the terms of fair dealing for the purposes of criticism and review, but use of this defence must be assessed on the nature and extent of the use of copyright material in each case. Industry practice and guidelines exist for use of some text material, but not for the fair dealing use of other copyright material such as images and artwork, the inclusion of which was a major change in the CAPD 1988 act from earlier UK copyright acts.  相似文献   

对上海科技期刊的版权保护现状进行了调查,主要是与国内外电子出版服务商签订网络合作出版协议和数字版权协议的情况,通过分层分析发现与国外电子出版服务商有合作的期刊其版权保护措施到位,版权意识也相对较强。文章指出了上海科技期刊版权保护存在的问题,并提出了有关版权保护的建议。  相似文献   

Publishing flourishes best in a democratic society. Technological changes alter the relationship of forces so that opportunities for publishing expand. A broader range of information channels, for example, increases choice and makes authoritarian rule more difficult. Publishing also enhances democracy when decisions are made on the basis of merit rather than top-down legislation. Research should reflect awareness of the interaction of publishing and politics. Such areas as the relationship between public and private sectors, the impact of internationalization, non-U.S. ownership of information, mergers and acquisitions, and conflict between the First Amendment and copyright law, are examples of areas in which democratic outcomes are critical. Decision making in publishing would benefit from heightened awareness of the political consequences of publishers’ activities. Irving Louis Horowithz is the author ofCommunicating Ideas: The Politics of Publishing Mary E. Curtis has written widely on subjects of concern to professional publishing.  相似文献   

Considerable changes are taking place in the publishing industry, and to survive publishers cannot sit back and wait for the changes to take effect. With e-books supposedly pulling ahead in the publisher’s race, the publishing industry must revise its business models to adjust to new demands. While e-books are attractive, print is still the major revenue engine within the world of publishing, and digital print is the future. Considering the entirety of the supply chain, it can be seen that digital book printing books saves money, supports more titles and increases efficiency. There is a different way to get a better bottom line, and publishers must consider the whole value chain, not just the unit price.  相似文献   

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