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使用44所高校22923名大一新生学情调查数据,基于地位获得研究范式,运用二元Logistic回归模型,将学生自致性因素作为控制变量,来探讨学生个体特征、家庭背景和社会结构等因素对我国高等教育入学机会质量获得的影响。结果表明:性别、民族、父母受教育程度、城乡以及区域等因素对我国高等教育入学机会质量获得有显著影响;男生、少数民族学生、拥有较多家庭文化资本的学生在高等教育入学机会质量获得中处于优势地位;农村学生、中部地区学生在高等教育入学机会质量获得上处于劣势地位。  相似文献   

家庭资本是影响高等教育机会获得的重要因素。本研究采用二元logistic回归模型从家庭的文化资本、社会资本和经济资本三个维度考查了家庭资本对个体高等教育机会获得的影响。研究发现:家庭文化资本、家庭社会资本对子女高等教育入学机会的获得有显著影响;家庭经济资本对子女高等教育入学机会的获得没有显著影响。我国当前社会条件是造成当前高等教育机会不均等的主要原因,采取不同的方式对家庭资本较少的弱势群体进行教育机会补偿,是当前条件下我国教育机会均等化的路径选择。  相似文献   

教育机会有质量高低之分,学生的高中阶段教育机会获得也有质量分化,这对于其高等教育机会获得乃至未来的职业获得都具有关键性影响,因而是教育公平研究的主题之一。学生高中阶段教育机会获得受到多重因素影响,本研究探讨学生家庭资本与其高中阶段教育机会获得质量之间的关系。对江苏省B县初中后分流情况的调查分析发现,对一般普高和优质普高(相较于职高)教育机会获得的影响方面,经济资本无显著作用,而社会资本具有显著正向影响,文化资本有正向影响但弱于社会资本;对于优质普高(相较于一般普高)的教育机会获得,只有文化资本具有显著正向影响。在家庭资本的各因素中,主观性因素虽然有助于弱势阶层子女获得一般普高入学机会,但客观性因素会对其获得优质普高入学机会产生制约。因此,政府应推进"指标到校"政策,促进优质普高生源的均衡分配;弱势家庭应积极培养家庭文化资本,学校和社区也要提供多方面的支持以弥补该群体家庭文化资本的不足,从而提升其子女高中阶段教育机会获得的质量。  相似文献   

借鉴布迪厄提出的经济资本、文化资本和社会资本的概念,基于我们对58所院校的13873名普通高校本专科在校生的问卷调查,并结合人口统计数据,比较少数民族学生与汉族学生之间的高等教育入学机会差异情况,提出三种资本在不同民族子女高等教育入学机会差异方面的影响存在显著差异.  相似文献   

我国不同社会阶层少数民族的高等教育入学机会差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从家庭所处社会阶层、父母受教育程度、家庭收入三方面对少数民族高等教育入学机会差异的实证研究表明:不同社会阶层少数民族接受高等教育的机会及学校的层次、类型有显著差异;在一般公办本科院校中,少数民族的社会阶层差异最小;在公办高职高专院校中,学生父母受教育程度的差异最小;家庭收入高低对于少数民族是否进入民办院校就读有一定影响。  相似文献   

随着世界各国高等教育从精英教育走向大众教育,高等教育规模不断扩大,然而,规模的扩大并没有改变入学机会不公平的现象,特别是来自社会弱势群体家庭子女并没有从高等教育发展中受益.影响高等教育机会平等的因素很多,但人们拥有文化资本的多寡是影响高等教育机会最直接、最重要的因素.文化资本以作品、文凭、学衔为符号,以学历为制度化形态在高等教育机会和选择中发挥着重要的作用.拥有丰富文化资本家庭的学生多选择精英大学,拥有较少文化资本家庭的学生多选择大众化高等院校.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 在高等教育领域,不同社会群体的子女接受高等教育机会不均的问题日益成为国内外学者研究的热点。英国弱势群体的子女接受高等教育的机会如何?本文以苏格兰为个案,研究社会背景对中学毕业生在高校申请和入学方面所产生的影响;重点研究社会阶层和父母受教育程度与学生在校期间获取的学业资格对学生高校申请和入学的影响程度,以此考察英国不同群体子女接受高等教育机会的公平状况。  相似文献   

本文以就读于重点大学的6位少数民族女大学生为研究对象,通过深度访谈探讨流动农民工的社会资本对其子代教育机会获得的影响。研究发现,建立在血缘、亲缘和地缘上的同质型社会资本并未随农民父母的流动而遭到破坏,受访者及其家长往往借助业缘、学缘以及与陌生人熟识结缘构建异质型社会资本,争取城市公立学校的入学机会、学校教师的积极关注、关键性的高校报考信息等,最终助力子代取得较好的高等教育入学机会。  相似文献   

高等教育扩招并没有扩大处境不利学生的优质高等教育入学机会。高等教育入学机会中的阶层分化研究无法解释为何有一部分处境不利学生可以实现学业抗逆。为探寻处境不利学生实现学业抗逆的影响因素,采用半结构化访谈的方法,对16位来自"双一流"建设大学和11位来自职业技术学院的农村学生基础教育阶段受教育历程进行对比研究后发现:实现学业抗逆的处境不利学生自身有勤奋和自制的个人特质;家庭先严后松的教养方式潜移默化地塑造了学生以学业为重的惯习和上述个人特质;学生凭借优异的成绩获取的优质中学入学机会和资源弥补了其家庭文化资本的不足。  相似文献   

家庭社会资本和学校质量是影响家庭社会经济地位处境不利学生能否转化为抗逆学生的核心要素,二者如何发挥联合作用值得探究。文章使用方差分析、多层线性回归模型分析了我国东部某省不同阶层家庭小学生在家庭社会资本和学校质量方面的获取差异和回报差异。研究发现,学生的家庭社会资本和就读学校质量存在显著的阶层分割;家庭社会资本的增加、就读学校质量的提高不仅正向预测学生的学业成绩、有助于缩小不同阶层家庭学生的成绩差距,而且二者还表现出资源替代关系。因此,文章提出弱势阶层家庭的教育投资重点应该在家庭社会资本的积累上,同时政府和教育行政部门也需要努力缩小区域间和学校间在师资质量、课堂教学质量和教师专业发展机会等方面的差距,使得处境不利学生有机会获得优质教育资源以补偿其家庭资本的匮乏,增加其成为抗逆生的概率。  相似文献   

While access to postsecondary education in Canada has increased over the past decade, a number of recent studies demonstrate that youth from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds are vulnerable to some degree of exclusion from postsecondary education. These studies tend to emphasize the lack of financial resources and social capital as the main sources of this vulnerability. Our paper employs multilevel framework to explore the extent of the impact of schools on access to postsecondary education, especially for youth from disadvantaged background. Our analyses revealed that: (1) for youth with similar financial constraints who attend schools with relatively similar quality, those from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds who attend schools with high concentration of low SES students are particularly vulnerable to exclusion from university education, and (2) a substantial portion of the SES effect operate through the impact of high school academic achievement and postsecondary education expectation on access to postsecondary education.  相似文献   

Despite national policies, de facto school segregation for racial/ethnic minority students in the West and East has continued to deepen. In Hong Kong, the segregated school system was abolished in 2013, while from 2004 reformed School Places Allocation Systems encouraged minority students to choose mainstream primary and secondary schools. However, de facto ethnicity-based school segregation continues to prevail. Most minority students in the mainstream system are stuck in low-status schools where they face discrimination and institutional exclusion. This has led many of them to retreat to a limited number of schools that have traditionally catered for minority communities. Such segregation calls forth scholarly attention to the paradoxical correlation between the physical mixing of diverse students and equality of educational opportunity, especially equal access to post-secondary education (PSE)—a key for minority youth to function in the competitive labour market. This study employed the theory of school-based social capital (SBSC) and compared the ways in which PSE-relevant institutional resources and support were rationalised and enacted by staff in de facto segregated and desegregated school contexts. Case studies of two secondary schools lead us to argue that desegregation is only effective when institutional structure, culture and agents empower minority students through access to instrumental resources and support for the pursuit of PSE. The findings confound the desegregation policy and call for structural/institutional interventions to ensure instrumental SBSC is accessible to PSE-bound minority students in all schools, and thus increase the effectiveness of school desegregation.  相似文献   

择校现象漫延和扩张的根源在其潜在的人力资本积累和发展价值,作为择校主体瞄准教育成本与个体人力资本增长的价值取向,在家庭经济收益的一定消费限度和学生个体能力发展潜质较大的情况下,择校成本作为学生个体人力资本的投入极易成为家长做出的最佳抉择路径。择校实质上是一种早期人力资本的投资现象,是择校主体为参与社会竞争而实施的个人战略性决策,因为选择优质学校教育无疑有利于全面提高学生的竞争实力,这就意味着个体未来发展机遇和经济价值的报偿及其回赠。  相似文献   

关于西北民族地区寄宿制学校办学若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寄宿制民族中小学校是国家专为少数民族举办的一种特殊办学形式。主要在少数民族牧区、边远山区和经济不发达地区设立,面向农村、牧区、边远山区招收少数民族学生。民族地区寄宿制学校已经发展成为民族教育的一种重要办学形式。当前民族地区寄宿制学校办学的主要问题表现在生源问题、民族文化传承问题、与家庭教育和社会教育的脱离问题等。解决这些问题,就要将寄宿制学校之根扎于民族文化之中,不仅要提高少数民族学生家长对民族地区寄宿制学校的认同水平,还要加快民族地区寄宿制学校标准化、规范化建设速度,提高农村寄宿制学校的管理水平与家校合作水平。  相似文献   

While shadow education, organized learning activities outside formal school, has grown greatly around the world, the relationship between formal schooling and shadow education has not been well investigated. This study is therefore intended to empirically test whether formal education’s structure (i.e. tracking) affects students’ shadow education participation by utilizing a nationally representative dataset consisting of 10th-grade students in Japan. Results of multilevel logistic regression analyses show school socioeconomic compositional and cross-level interaction effects on shadow education participation: students in high-socioeconomic status (SES) schools are more likely to seek shadow education lessons than those in schools of lower SES; and higher SES students tend to take shadow education lessons, especially when in high-SES schools. Additionally, the study finds that the school composition effect becomes relatively weak when extra lessons are free of charge, highlighting the importance of family economic capital to obtain additional learning opportunities.  相似文献   

本文研究分析了中小学民族教师的心理不健康状况及其主要表现,以及引起这些不健康心理问题的各种因素,分析教师不健康心理对学生产生的不良影响.同时,论述了心理健康教育的重要意义,并提出了保持中小学民族教师心理健康的一些方法和措施.  相似文献   

本文从社会资本理论的视角,以香港高中生作为实证研究对象,将学生家庭的社会资本区分为学生个人和父母两个独立的分析单位,探讨学生如何运用其个人及父母的社会资本创造人力资本。研究发现香港高中生的公开考试成绩和其个人的社会资本是影响其升学、择校和择业的显著影响因素,高中生的家庭背景变量对这三类选择行为的影响则不显著。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how pupils' growth trajectories in three language domains (reading fluency, spelling, and reading comprehension) are related to their own socioeconomic and ethnic background and to the socioeconomic and ethnic composition of their primary school. Using multilevel piecewise growth curve analysis, the growth trajectories of approximately 5000 pupils from 170 primary schools were estimated. The results indicate that a pupil's socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds have the largest impact on achievement and growth in reading comprehension and the smallest impact on reading fluency. Furthermore, school ethnic composition—but not socioeconomic composition—was related to pupils' achievement in all three language domains at the first measurement occasion, though none of the types of school composition was related to growth. The research findings therefore imply that to combat the deficits in language proficiency often found in ethnic minority pupils, priority should be given to investments in individual intervention programmes over policy plans to desegregate schools. Moreover, our study identifies the specific points in time during primary school at which intervention programmes are needed the most.  相似文献   

This article addresses the role of friendship dynamics among newcomer Latin American migrant youth during their transitions to Chilean secondary schools. Drawing on qualitative life history interviews, we discuss ethnic minority well-being in two high-ethnic mix schools, and how power inequalities and racial discrimination are managed through social capital in the courtyard. In particular, we demonstrate the importance of ethnic diversity for counteracting victimization. We found few instances of internal segregation (homogenous or bonding forms of friendship groups); instead cross-ethnic friendships were more common, enabling participants to navigate gendered and class-based cleavages within the schools. Although concentrations of ethnic students in low-quality municipal schools represent deeper social justice issues, the research argues for the need to move beyond dichotomized notions of integration and segregation. Creating greater equity in these spaces, we suggest, does not depend on ethnic mix, but on the opportunities to develop social capital support.  相似文献   

就业是最大的民生工程。少数民族毕业生高质量的充分就业对于社会稳定和经济社会发展有非常重要的意义。受新冠肺炎疫情及经济增速放缓的影响,高校少数民族毕业生就业压力加剧。文章以西部5所非民族高校为例,对2020届离校未就业少数民族毕业生就业状态进行统计分析,针对就业动态掌握困难、未就业原因复杂多样、就业促进帮扶不够系统、部分毕业生择业观不合理等问题,提出学校跟踪服务、政府政策帮扶、企业积极吸纳、家庭科学引导的"校、地、企、家"四维融合的就业促进策略,保障离校未就业高校少数民族毕业生"好就业""就好业"。  相似文献   

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