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我国移动图书馆服务现状调查   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以国家图书馆和31家省级公共图书馆为研究对象,采用网络调研、问卷调查、有效性测试等方法,对中国图书馆的移动服务现状进行调研,并与美国排名前25位的公共图书馆的移动服务进行对比分析。结果表明:中国公共图书馆移动服务普及率偏低,服务模式主要为WAP和APP;移动服务和移动资源 较为丰富,移动服务具有良好的个性和交互性,但存在移动服务体系不完整、移动服务缺乏创新性、知晓度较低、有效性整体不高等问题。中美公共图书馆的移动服务各有所长,中国图书馆提供了更为丰富的移动服务和移动资源,而美国图书馆移动服务更加人性化和精细化,与移动终端结合得更好,馆藏信息的展示效果较好。图6。表3。参考文献37。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(75-76):45-54

Difficult patrons have been considered primarily from the perspective of the problem behaviours they present in libraries. Many have attempted to define the problem patron and to provide advice and develop guidelines for frontline public service staff. To understand the difficult patron in academic libraries we need to answer three questions-How well do we know our patrons? Do we unwittingly create difficult patrons through our failure to appreciate their needs? Do we regard patrons as difficult because the way they use libraries and conduct their information research does not match our idea of how it should be done? The answers to these questions suggest that we need to reconceptualize both our patrons and the services we provide. Library staff need to see difficult patrons not as problems but as challenges to the service ideas and standards we hold. A paradigm shift is necessary if we are to reconstruct our beliefs about our patrons, their information seeking behaviours, and the services we provide to meet their needs. Some strategies for developing the skills of library staff to work effectively with difficult patrons are presented.  相似文献   

泛在图书馆理念下的图书馆移动信息服务研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
泛在图书馆是一种全新的图书馆理念,表明了未来图书馆的发展前景,在这种理念的指导下,图书馆的服务无处不在、无时不在,而移动信息服务是这种服务实现的主要手段和方式。文章在分析泛在图书馆内涵的基础上,对当前移动信息服务的现状与问题进行了分析,重点对如何解决存在的这些问题与提高移动信息服务质量进行了分析。  相似文献   

姜颖 《图书馆建设》2011,(12):75-78
移动图书馆是图书馆发展的必然趋势。我国的移动图书馆服务正处于发展初期,整体普及率和质量都相对较低。美国作为移动图书馆界的先导,其移动图书馆服务具有充分的借鉴价值。通过与美国公共图书馆和高校图书馆提供的移动图书馆服务的比较分析可知,我国应该加大移动图书馆服务的推广和普及力度;明确服务对象,以用户为中心,构建有针对性的移动图书馆服务体系;重视完善服务内容,实现由简单服务到复杂服务的转变。  相似文献   

区域联盟移动图书馆的建设,要适应智慧城市建设及用户需求的发展,不断拓展服务功能、服务内容及服务方式。在梳理移动图书馆的研究与实践的基础上,分析区域联盟图书馆移动服务的需求,探讨在智慧城市背景下区域联盟移动图书馆新的功能拓展模式,包括个性化服务、社交网络服务、个人移动学习服务等方面。这是适应图书馆社会化、泛在服务需求的发展需要,也是智慧城市文化服务的一个重要发展方向。  相似文献   

Like many libraries, the Bridge Consortium (the shared library of Carleton College and St. Olaf College) had outgrown the existing catalog and needed to find an improved search interface for collections. Seeking something that would work with the existing Innovative Interfaces Inc.'s Millennium integrated library system, researchers explored everything from catalog enhancements provided by Innovative Interfaces to a completely separate, Web-scale discovery tool. For the past year, they worked to implement VuFind as a catalog overlay, continually customizing and enhancing it based on user feedback. At the same time, they continued to research a broader solution and recommended a discovery tool to their consortium leadership group that they believe will redefine student research at their colleges and give new shape and direction to their consortium. By thinking of discovery as more than a product and staggering their implementation, they were better able to meet their consortium's needs. This article details their evaluation process and provides reflection on the decisions made. Many libraries are considering Web-scale discovery products. As part of the process, they confront questions about open source tools, Web site redesigns, incorporating user feedback, and consortial needs. The researchers hope to contribute to these libraries' processes by outlining their process and considerations, and what they learned along the way to arrive at their current solution.  相似文献   

This article explores the need for public and school library cooperation in Sierra Leone. Establishing a library service to meet user needs and keeping it relevant is one of the important tasks of professional librarians. In Sierra Leone, however, an increase in enrollment in schools, decreasing library budgets, and the information explosion have had grave consequences in the management of libraries, be they special, school, or public. If public and school libraries are to provide satisfactory services to the nation's young, there is every need for the establishment of greater public and school library cooperation.  相似文献   

移动应用属于一种客户端形式的服务。在线类移动应用基于C/S架构,在其设计与实现中要从客户端和服务器端两个方面考虑,并进行性能优化,尤其是客户端与服务端的交互实现。“国家数字图书馆”移动应用将检索服务、阅读服务等图书馆基础服务拓展到移动终端,并与开放平台进行融合,实现了外部功能在图书馆系统中的嵌入式服务。将具有移动应用特色的信息推送服务引入到图书馆移动服务中,当有最新消息时,为读者提供更新通知。同时使用widget技术,将书目检索与阅读服务功能做成桌面插件形式,用户可以将之放到桌面,“一键式”使用具体服务功能。  相似文献   

在移动阅读环境下,图书馆如何延伸服务触角,如何将服务内容和形式与读者日益熟悉的移动式信息阅读环境相结合,已经成为不容回避的问题。文章立足于移动阅读环境的发展背景,阐释了上海交通大学图书馆特色品牌IC2创新服务模式的全新探索实践,指出移动阅读环境延伸了IC2创新服务空间,使服务范围不仅仅局限在图书馆及院系所关联的实体环境或网站,而是与用户相伴随行,从而形成了一个移动的、全方位、泛在的服务空间。移动阅读环境也深化了IC2创新服务内涵,手机图书馆、移动电子教参打造的“智慧泛在课堂”等,成为IC2创新服务模式的全新服务内容。文章最后对IC2创新服务模式的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

In the real world of library service, librarians have to keep up with change by answering specific questions. They need training because technology, the character of populations, and local economics all are changing. Recognizing that technology is a catalyst of change, the author shows how librarians can and do work to help libraries harness the power of technology to navigate the changing reading and information needs of their communities. This article examines useful behaviors as librarians approach their work tasks, relying on new technology to help meet customers’ reading and information needs.  相似文献   

在信息技术飞速发展的今天,高校图书馆传统职能已经不能满足时代的需要,高校图书馆职能需要有所拓展。高校图书馆的基本职能有四个方面,即文献资源的保存职能、信息服务的信息职能、信息素质教育的教育职能,以及为社会公众提供服务的社会职能。文章从高校图书馆的四项基本职能出发,力图探讨出高校图书馆职能拓展的路径。  相似文献   


This article explores the concept of service branding in the context of libraries and information organizations. We discuss community perceptions of library brand value from the librarian's perspectives in the context of public and academic libraries. Librarians’ thoughts and viewpoints in improving the community's library experience are also discussed. The findings highlight the importance of improving the library's visibility, creating appealing ambience, and developing a strategic branding plan in order to provide robust, compelling, and meaningful experiences for their community.  相似文献   

随着信息技术发展,图书馆服务方式和内容发生巨大变化,传统图书馆集成系统无法满足新时代的发展需求,下一代图书馆服务平台呼之欲出。文章对CALIS图书馆服务平台CLSP的项目背景、系统框架和社区特征进行探讨,分析存在的问题,从CALIS、图书馆和开发商的角度提出建议。  相似文献   

文章结合国内移动图书馆开展服务的实际,对移动图书馆场景化服务进行了梳理,指出目前移动图书馆在开展场景化服务方面具体存在的不足,提出移动图书馆场景化服务需要改变现有以用户为中心的落地应用模式。研究结果表明移动图书馆应以场景作为用户信息接受的触点,通过场景化信息接受情境的适配,找到用户信息接受体验的痒点,发掘用户信息接受的痛点,制造用户信息接受的爽点,形成移动图书馆场景化服务的卖点。  相似文献   

近几年国内外商业图书馆服务平台发展迅速,这些平台体现了SaaS软件服务模式的优势和数字时代图书馆系统的最新发展趋势,但这些进展还没有完全解决和满足图书馆在业务和技术等方面面临的困难和最新需求,FOLIO开源图书馆服务平台项目的开发和实施正在改变这种局面。FOLIO以其先进的技术架构和共赢的生态环境,将开创性地解决下一代图书馆服务平台实践中的问题,如运营成本、私有云模式、功能自主性、安全可控性、系统开放性和可靠性等。本文详细介绍了下一代图书馆服务平台的特点,包括纸电一体化管理、知识库管理、面向服务架构、开放API、云端技术和多租户平台、涵盖现有多种产品的功能,同时列举了国内外主要应用现状。在此基础上分析了FOLIO技术架构和生态环境等方面的优势,包括:支持图书馆差异化需求的微服务架构,适用于大规模应用的Vert.x高性能异步网络库,可以集成各种资源元数据的Codex高级元数据子集,丰富的社区沟通渠道和独特的图书馆可自由选择的开发运维模式等。文章详细探讨了FOLIO可解决的实际问题,对我国建设第三代图书馆服务平台具有重要意义。  相似文献   


Flemish libraries have historically been praised by visitors and valued by the general public, but since the turn of the century, they have seen a decline in usage. A group of libraries in Flanders believed the role of libraries should be substantially reevaluated. They embarked on the “Delphi Project” to establish methods for libraries to become centers of their local communities by focusing on the information needs of their customers. The emergence of technology supported a shift from libraries as lending institutions to information centers. In addition to a customer service philosophy and training, online tools have helped staff reach library users. An online tool called the “Bronnenwijizer” combines searching the local library catalogue, provincial and state catalogues, and the Internet. The tool also supports the creation of “baskets” for a patron's information needs that can be shared with other staff. Delphi libraries have also used “Infopleinen,” Web-based guides to topics featuring printed media and online sources. Finally, a new online question registration system was developed that fit the new Delphi service philosophy. Over half the libraries in West-Vlaanderen are entitled to call themselves Delphi Libraries, and the philosophy is being disseminated more broadly through the Delphi Project Web site. Due to governmental changes in provincial authority, the future of the project is challenged because coordination among libraries has been critical for the project's success.  相似文献   

Virtually Yours     
《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(79-80):19-34

The world of the reference librarian is changing. As more and more patrons go to the Internet first to meet their information needs, libraries must be there to help them locate and obtain relevant information. Libraries have been experimenting with virtual reference tools for some time. This paper will provide a brief overview of the development of virtual reference services, examine the need for and provide lessons learned from implementing virtual reference services in a major research library.  相似文献   

高校图书馆个性化服务是对信息社会读者多样化需求采取的有力措施.通过对50名图书馆员的问卷调查和统计分析发现,个性化服务水平不仅受到馆员服务意识、服务态度和服务技术,甚至个性特点等因素影响,还在一定程度上受到图书馆馆藏、制度建设及其两者在不同图书馆间的横向差异的影响.为了提高高校图书馆的个性化服务水平,可以采取有针对性的技术培训、努力克服工作倦怠、打造学习型馆员团队和优化图书馆制度建设等措施.  相似文献   

阅读作为人们获取信息的基本方式,一直是大学图书馆服务的核心内容,并居于主导地位。信息时代的到来改变了人们的学习与工作方式,拓展了人们的生存空间,同时也变革了人们的阅读方式与阅读习惯。在这种背景下,大学图书馆传统的阅读服务方式已经不能适应信息时代阅读用户的要求,亟需创新阅读服务模式以满足用户不断变化的阅读需求。采用流程管理思想梳理大学图书馆的阅读服务活动,清晰与规范阅读服务活动,使阅读服务过程流程化,优化大学图书馆的阅读流程,提高阅读服务的效率和效果。  相似文献   

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