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The purpose of this article is to identify the process in which each nation appropriates a new technological force challenging regulatory regimes. Departing from regime theory, this paper critically assesses the interaction between Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation and the East-Asia ‘Four Tigers’ in formulating Internet security policy. A particular concern is about the formation of global information policy regime that arbitrates the tension between citizens' right to privacy and free information flow. This paper argues that the potential of the greater protection of information privacy are curtailed as market incentives of information flow dominate over the region's policy effort. A 2003 Bangkok meeting epitomizes such policy formulation in the interaction between international and national regimes that are particular to the region's regulatory legacies. Implications are discussed in terms of the function of industrial legacies in new information policy.  相似文献   

科技会议文献开放获取资源库研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在论述文献资源开放获取现状的基础上,分析科技会议文献的特点、国家对 开放获取的政策支持、开放获取的版权问题、国家科技基础条件平台的建设内容以及开 放获取资源库的建设步骤,提出建立中国科技会议文献开放获取资源库的构想,并从中 国科学院现有的优势、开放获取机构政策、软件系统、资源质量、资源收集渠道和管理 方式等方面具体探讨率先建立中国科学院科技会议文献资源库并最终纳入国家科技基础 条件平台的可行性。  相似文献   


Geospatial information access continues to be central to the mission of geography and map libraries. Providing or facilitating access has been, and continues to be, a dynamic process in light of both technological change and policy challenges. While technological changes in providing access have gathered much attention in the literature, substantive discussions regarding policies and practices preventing or assisting information access have been lacking. Even more troubling is the fact that archiving digital geospatial information receives even less attention. This first paper reviews developments and trends with regard to digital geospatial libraries, as this concept has become the primary metaphor by which access is measured. The second paper will focus on international trends related to the effect of policy and practice in terms of promoting the sharing and use of geospatial information needed to bridge gaps in access. These comparative policy and practice perspectives are also needed in order to point to the true promise held by new technologies for sharing, exemplified by digital libraries designed for geospatial information.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过跟踪全球开放获取发展态势,以期为我国的开放获取实践提供参考借鉴。[方法/过程]以2015年1月到2016年12月为时间窗口,通过网络调研和归纳研究的方法,从开放获取知识库、开放出版、开放数据和开放科学四个方面分析和总结全球开放获取相关政策和实践进展,并对开放获取发展趋势和所面临的挑战进行了归纳。[结果/结论]全球开放获取知识库从重点关注资源存储向资源利用转变;开放出版由通过政策促进规模出版转向价格和质量控制;开放数据关注重点从行业领域上升到国家发展战略的高度,发展重点由基础设施建设转向数据存储和利用等政策的制定;开放科学从制定理想规划和落实方案到不确定的阶段。  相似文献   

信息高速公路知识产权问题探讨   总被引:62,自引:1,他引:61  
信息高速公路建设引起一系列知识产权问题,并对传统知识产权制度产生重大影响。本文着重讨论了数据的网络传输引起的发表权、数字化技术引起的复制权、数据包装技术引起的数据库权、下载与印出引起的版权行使、虚拟图书馆引起的合理使用、全球通讯引起的跨国版权问题,以及我国在建立信息高速公路过程中解决知识产权问题的对策。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 随着国际组织、国家和科研及基金资助机构对开放获取(OA)运动的支持力度进一步加强,开放获取政策不仅在数量上不断增加,其强制力度也在加深,促进了全球科研交流的发展。总结梳理强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策的实践进展,可为我国相关政策主体制定与改进相应的OA政策提供借鉴和参考。[方法/过程] 首先通过文献调研及网站调研强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策的制定现状,分别概括基金资助机构与科研机构的此类政策所包含的激励措施的特点;其次,以科研机构为例,利用机构WOS论文在机构指定的存储库中的存储情况来反映机构OA政策的执行效果,对比分析此类政策与未制定激励措施的强制性OA政策、鼓励性OA政策实施效果的差异。[结果/结论] 目前制定强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策的机构较少,基金资助机构主要采取削减项目资助资金或取消受资助者再次申请基金资格的惩罚性措施来督促科研人员遵守其OA政策,科研机构则将科研人员遵守OA政策的情况与其绩效评估相挂钩,借以激励机构成员实现研究产出的开放获取;实证分析发现强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策相比于另外两类OA政策执行力度更强、实施效果更好。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来俄罗斯国家信息政策综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍20世纪90年代以来,俄罗斯对前苏联的科技情报系统进行机构改革和政策调整的情况,形成了以建立信息社会为核心的国家信息政策,同时也制定了在具体的信息化要素领域的相应政策;并对俄罗斯国家信息政策的内容主旨、特色与不足等问题进行了分析与评价。  相似文献   

机构知识库联盟发展现状及关键问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在阐述机构知识库联盟概念、建设意义的基础上,对国内外主要国家层面和区域性机构知识库联盟项目的发展现状进行总结,并从机构知识库联盟可持续发展的角度提出5个关键问题:组织管理模式、政策框架、知识产权策略、技术组织方式及服务,以期为机构知识库联盟在我国的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

WorldWideScience.org is a Web-based global gateway connecting users to both national and international scientific databases and portals. This column will provide background information on the resource as well as introduce basic searching practices for users.  相似文献   

Virtually all aspects of all library functions are going through a period of change, but a few contrasts between and among Western countries persist. First, decentralization to allow for regional initiatives and traditions persists at the risk of inhibiting growth of integrated national systems, especially in Europe. However, coordinating agencies to affect national and international exchanges are growing, and education for professional staff is receiving more attention in Europe. Second, library staff are more often bureaucratic than professional on the continent, as compared with the United States and the United Kingdom. Third, technology is adapted and adopted most often and most intensively in libraries serving medicine, science, and technology in all countries. Fourth, information privacy and sharing information continue to be major policy issues for all.

There are other problems explored in this paper that affect the status of libraries everywhere and underlie the contrasts found at all levels of technological development across national boundaries and across types of libraries: 1. (1) The need for national and international levels of information policies.

2. (2) The need to identify the components of information science that are library-related.

3. (3) The identification of the role of libraries in the changing information environment.

Resolution of these three problems will enhance national and regional distinctions, which should allow for more effective library services on all political levels.  相似文献   

建设“中国记忆”数字资源库的构想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前中华民族面临"集体失忆"的危险,传承中国记忆具有极其重要的意义。建议国家档案局牵头建设一个基于互联网的,以档案为主、用各种形式记录和反映华人灿烂悠久的历史文化和绚丽多彩的社会生活的,供全民免费便捷利用的国家级、综合性的数字资源库——"中国记忆"。提出了"中国记忆"数字资源库工程的内涵和使命、价值理念、建设原则、基本内容和资源架构等。  相似文献   

指出国际科技前沿是世界科技强国的科技规划、战略、路线图、资助机构通过各类计划、项目最新资助的战略投资重点领域,这些战略投资重点领域代表了国际科技发展趋势,反映了科技强国政府、主流科技共同体和决策者的所思、所想、所为,直接反映国际科技前沿领域或科技前沿主题。认为国际科技前沿可划分为未来科技前沿和当前科技前沿。探讨未来科技前沿和当前科技前沿的分析方法、实施途径、获取信息的渠道,结合近年在学科战略情报服务中的实践工作,梳理并整理归纳一个遴选和确定符合我国国情的目标领域的分析框架,希望对以后的工作有所借鉴。  相似文献   

科学家国际化识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 面向国内科学家国际化学术交流需求的步步逼近,研究建立中国科学家国际化识别的解决方案。[方法/过程] 分析人名唯一标识符的发展特征和研究者识别国际规范的发展趋势,基于ORCID研究提出中国科学家的国际化标识服务方案。[结果/结论] 创建中国科学家在线--iAuthor,提供中国科学家"全球学术身份证"标识服务,并嵌入科研工作流的投稿、文章发布、存储等环节。iAuthor目前注册用户已超过15 000人。大数据时代下不同系统的信息精确识别和互操作,将依赖于更多重要中间组件,例如国际唯一标识符。iAuthor建立的中国科学家国际标识符服务,将可能支持更多来源的信息资源在研究型图书馆实现融汇和互操作。  相似文献   


This article examines 10 factors affecting the U.S. international syndication business in the 1990s, especially sales in Western Europe. Despite sluggish sales and the enforcement of EC and national quotas, the study suggests that syndicators offering high‐quality programming and adopting proactive and creative marketing strategies will prosper and maintain their competitive edge during this decade. The author suggests two key strategies, cooperative agreements and creative pricing, as means of coping with financial challenges and expanding international sales of television programs.  相似文献   

开放科学环境下国家科技文献发展战略研究与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 科技文献是科学研究不可或缺的手段,是提升科技创新能力的支撑和保障,通过研究国内外科技文献建设情况,为国家中长期科学和技术发展规划的制订做好前期战略研究。[方法/过程] 针对我国科技文献建设发展现状和存在的问题进行研究,分析国外科技文献建设的经验,总结开放科学环境下科技文献的发展趋势和面临的新需求,提出我国科技文献建设的未来布局和发展规划。[结果/结论] 提出未来我国国家科技文献建设的重点方向:建成国际一流的新一代国家科技文献基础设施和科技文献长期保存体系,确保我国科技文献可持续供给和战略安全;建设国家科技创新开放知识服务系统,突破新一代科技文献智能知识服务的关键技术与产品的自主供给瓶颈;建成覆盖各类创新主体的国家科技文献协同保障服务体系,形成开放智能知识服务新业态;积极引领科技文献发展政策和发展方向,提升我国在国际学术舞台的影响力。并且,从5个方面提出我国国家科技文献建设的保障措施。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 政策体系是推动开放科学发展的基本制度保障,利用政策工具分析欧美国家与国际组织发布的94份开放科学政策文本特征,为中国开放科学政策制定提供参考。[方法/过程] 提出政策工具、科研生命周期与政策客体三维政策分析框架,采用文本分析方法解析政策发布、内容、结构等特征。[结果/结论] 政策发布频率升高,发布地区和发布主体多元,政策关注问题呈现社会化向度,特别是新冠肺炎疫情暴发后社会问题关注增高,开放科学将是未来国际科学政策热点。中国开放科学政策规划正处于萌芽期,建议基于国际既有经验加强顶层设计,重视协调机制,致力于解决科研系统内部与社会外部问题并举,优化政策工具结构,覆盖科学全生命周期,建立具有我国特色的开放科学政策体系。  相似文献   

Federally-funded research and development (R&D) represents a significant annual investment (approximately $79 billion in fiscal year 1996) on the part of U.S. taxpayers. Based on the results of a 10-year study of knowledge diffusion in the U.S. aerospace industry, the authors take the position that U.S. competitiveness will be enhanced if knowledge management strategies, employed within a capability-enhancing U.S. technology policy framework, are applied to diffusing the results of federally-funded R&D. In making their case, the authors stress the importance of knowledge as the source of competitive advantage in today's global economy. Next, they offer a practice-based definition of knowledge management and discuss three current approaches to knowledge management implementation—mechanistic, “the learning organization,” and systemic. The authors then examine three weaknesses in existing U.S. public policy and policy implementation—the dominance of knowledge creation, the need for diffusion-oriented technology policy, and the prevalence of a dissemination model—that affect diffusion of the results of federally-funded R&D. To address these shortcomings, they propose the development of a knowledge management framework for diffusing the results of federally-funded R&D. The article closes with a discussion of some issues and challenges associated with implementing a knowledge management framework for diffusing the results of federally-funded R&D.  相似文献   

文章首先确定了国家信息政策80个主要关键词,在此基础上,运用共词分析,聚类出了信息政策5个子领域,并将其呈现在映射图中,以展现信息政策体系结构.进一步地,将其同Rowlands的结果对比分析,发现我国关于隐私保护方面存在政策缺失,以及在信息社会和基础设施方面更多地是使用了国家力量.  相似文献   

South Korea has been very active in broadband development for the last decade, which has made major strides in its development. This study evaluates the evolution of Korea's broadband development from the year 2000 to the present day. Historic and archival data related to Korean broadband projects are reviewed in this paper, drawing on broadband ecosystem as a framework for assessment. The purpose of this study is to provide insight into challenges and create a prospectus by offering a socio-technical analysis of broadband development. This will involve the in-depth investigation of the social dynamics, political discourse, and technological choices inherent in the design and development of the next generation of networks. Despite active investment and proactive drive, uncertainty still remains surrounding the evolution of broadband and what impact it may have on the new broadband milieu in Korea. This study will offer an effective adoption/diffusion strategy as well as a viable information policy model for more advanced infrastructure in other countries.  相似文献   

Operating an international archive for digital information resources by a relatively small organization as the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) asks for a firm foundation of its policy. Continuing research and development efforts to secure permanent preservation and access to electronic information on a national and international scale require substantial financial, technical and staffing commitments. Cooperation in sharing resources and knowledge is called for. In the national context of the Netherlands the KB recently took the initiative to build the National Digital Preservation Coalition. All relevant sectors of Dutch society are represented. Its aim is to develop a national infrastructure and to assign clear responsibilities. In the European arena the KB, together with the British Library, started the European Alliance for Permanent Access to the Records of Science. The Alliance works towards the widespread and joint responsibility for maintaining the records of science by all major stakeholders, including national governments and the EU. In the global context the KB developed the concept of the "Safe Places Network" . This Network will include a limited number of institutions with certified digital archives for scientific publications, sharing responsibility for complete, world-wide coverage and allocate tasks accordingly.  相似文献   

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