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中国图书情报学教育20年评述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
80年代我国图书情报学教育的特点是 :图书情报学教育受到党和国家的重视 ;以文科为主的单一模式转向多元化 ;图书情报学教育一体化尝试。 90年代的特点是 :图书情报学教育改革成为关注的热点 ;图书馆学核心课程逐步形成 ;课程体系从图书情报学向信息管理转移 ;图书情报学教育分化显露。存在的问题 :未能正确理解“大情报观” ,未能正确处理“情报”与“信息”的关系 ,未能慎重对待专业目录调整。参考文献 14。  相似文献   


Library education in Jordan falls into three categories: professional, at the post-graduate level, subprofessional, at the community colleges level, and in-service training. The primary institution concerned with in-service training is JLA. Detailed accounts of programmes, syllabus, curriculum and course contents offered at all levels are given. The historical account of the library movement in Jordan indicates that Jordan’s libraries are in transition from traditional to advanced library and information functions and practice. Continuous course evaluations and assessments resulted in the development of curricula endeavouring to advance trends in library and information science. Thus, more libraries are implementing computer systems. The post-graduate curriculum introduces courses on advanced topics in information science and technology besides library automation. JLA is shifting its emphasis towards specialized courses on computerization and library software packages such as CDS/ISIS. Community colleges’ library education has also changed to include advanced topics.

Statistical analysis of students and trainees at all levels is given. The impact of information technology on several library aspects and information services is highlighted to disclose what should be incorporated into the new library education curricula to equip the future generation of library and information professionals to practise the profession in Jordan.  相似文献   

本文的研究问题包括:中国图书情报与档案管理学科教育的发展历史是怎样的?目前该学科教育的专业发展规模、师资队伍、学生培养的现状是什么?经验与发展建议有哪些?论文采集数据的方法和途径为:向全国高校与科研院所的所有图书情报与档案管理学科院系机构发放学科发展历史与现状问卷并回收56份有效机构问卷,并通过网络调查获取另外22家机构的学科点现状,对七所院校开展实地调研和访谈。核心研究结论为:第一,中国图书情报与档案管理教育百年发展中学科点从无到有,从少到多,艰难而荣耀,图书馆学、情报学与档案学历经各自独立创建并发展之后在1998年融合基础上走过了坚守主流专业并积极拓展新领域的道路。第二,图书情报与档案管理无论是单独建系还是在历史、文学、管理或图书馆实体机构之下创立,经历了平均3. 77次的院系名称更名,目前大多数学科点以信息管理或信息资源管理作为名称并基本稳定下来。第三,中国图书情报与档案管理教育经历百年的沉淀和发展后,尽管师资规模仍然偏小,但已形成相对稳定、不断更新换代的师资队伍,国际化程度不高、学缘结构不够优化等问题值得关注。第四,中国图书情报与档案管理教育的在读学生中本科生培养规模大于硕士和博士,但从学科点授予学位情况看,从初创时期的以培养本科生为主已过渡到现在以培养硕士生为主的阶段;本科、硕士和博士在就业去向上均以签署就业协议或者国内外升学为主要去向,本学科毕业生选择自主创业的比例不高。论文最后提出中国图书情报与档案管理教育发展中的若干方向。  相似文献   

以1920年文华图书科的创建作为中国现代图书馆学教育诞生的标志,中国图书馆学教育已经走过了百年的历程,回望中国图书馆学教育百年的发展历史,可以分为六个时期:①发轫期(1920年-1941年7月);②成长期(1941年8月-1949年9月);③转型期(1949年10月-1966年4月);④停滞期(1966年5月-1976年10月);⑤恢复发展时期(1976年11月-1992年9月);⑥突破变革时期(1992年10月-)。中国图书馆学教育百年历史演进路径为:①专业化、规范化不断提升;②学校教育由单层次向多层次再向高层次演进;③培训教育始终是图书馆学教育的重要形式;④图书馆学教育"盲点效应"愈演愈烈。  相似文献   


Building on experiences from earlier digital initiatives and partnerships, the University of Virginia has developed new services and forged new collaborations between traditional information technology and library units in support of changing approaches to science and engineering research and education. Over the past 4 years, the library has evolved through numerous service models, changes in institutional vision, and budgetary shortfalls and has emerged with a new understanding of where to invest resources and energy for coming challenges.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the confusion and threat of library and information science education in China and the United States. It compares the similarities and differences between the two countries and explains the reasons for the confusion. It suggests that a small number of American schools of library and information science (LIS) did not adjust their direction during the early period of development of the American information industry. Alternatively, Chinese library education seized the opportunity at the right time and turned its academic direction to incorporate aspects of the emerging information industry. It now has a strong position in the information job market. This turn may provide direction for world LIS education.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 考察韩国图书情报学教育历史,有利于把握其发展特点和建设规律。[方法/过程] 通过阅读国内外与韩国图书情报教育相关的文献,凝练出韩国图书情报教育的发展规律,进而得出韩国图书情报教育的未来发展趋势。[结果/结论] 韩国早期的图书馆学教育主要由教育培训机构施行,基本延续了美国图书馆学教育的模式。20世纪80年代中期以后,图书情报教育进入高学历繁荣阶段,课程设置与研究领域向外扩展,社会需求量大于人才培养量,毕业生更愿意到图书馆就业,图书情报学教育走上繁荣与稳定发展之路。  相似文献   

美国图书情报学硕士研究生个性化教育及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐思慧 《图书情报工作》2007,51(10):56-59,76
通过对9所美国图书情报学硕士研究生院校网站的访问,分析美国图书情报学硕士研究生个性化教育的表现,总结美国图书情报学硕士研究生个性化教育的两大特色一是明确职业目标,量身定制培养方案二是通过网络信息教育系统(WISE)实现在美国图书馆协会认讧的其他研究生院校之间跨校选修课程。在此基础上,总结对我国图书情报学硕士研究生个性化教育的启示。  相似文献   


This paper describes the emergence of popular information networks, the resource centre forums in South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s. Such forums have been established virtually countrywide. Collectively they have identified priorities for their regional development and national co-operation. They represent a significant response to a need for alternative library and information networks to serve the struggle for democracy. This has been recognised in the research prepared for a forthcoming document on national policy options in education in which library and information work forms a subgroup.  相似文献   


The Jay Jordan IFLA/OCLC Early Career Development Fellowship Program, jointly sponsored by the American Theological Library Association, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and OCLC, provides early career development and continuing education for library and information science professionals from countries with developing economies. The program's history, selection process, and curriculum are described in detail. Fellows comment on their experiences, new perspectives, lessons learned, and benefits gained from participation in the Fellowship program.  相似文献   


This study examines reasons for the shortage of qualified academic librarians in China and recommends ways to position Chinese academic libraries to move into the modern era.

Interviews were conducted with 20 academic librarians in China and 20 in the United States, in one library in each country, to collect data for a comparative study. This paper compares Chinese and US academic librarianship in terms of reasons for entering this profession, academic education in library and information science, and requirements for knowledge and information skills.

Chinese librarianship faces great challenges in the recruitment and education of librarians and with the library system itself. It is time for the government, university officials, libraries and society as a whole to learn to promote librarianship and build a powerful librarian workforce, to meet the needs of China's social and economic development.  相似文献   


This paper attempts to shed some light on the scientific communication behavior of Arab authors in library and information science by studying the characteristics of the literature used by these authors. A bibliometric study by way of citation analysis was conducted on the articles published from 1978 to 1988 in Maktabat Al-Idarah, an elite Arab scholarly journal in the field. It was concluded from this study that English literature is the main source of information for Arab authors in library and information science. They rely on English literature that is between 5 and 15 years of age more than on their own literature and use books more than any other form of publication. They cover almost all areas of the field with special emphasis on technical services as represented by cataloging, classification and aquisition, library administration and library education. Local materials published in their own country were also important.  相似文献   


Studies on information and media literacy focus on describing activities and frameworks individually, and most of the time, connect within the field of library science. However, other frameworks and practices can be used. This case study presents the application of Behrman’s Critical Literacy Practices to information and media literacy to engage students to think critically about information within their field of study. The purpose of this research is to model the information behavior of education students through the perspective of constructivist learning. The study used a qualitative method with six upper-level undergraduate education majors. Activities that comprise practices and theories in both education and library sciences are presented to form a continuous exposure to critical thinking. Factors that influenced how students perceived the validity of information came from personal, educational, and societal factors. This research contributes to the ongoing discussion about critical thinking skills in undergraduate students, presenting a model that describes how practices from other fields can be used and incorporated with information and media literacy.  相似文献   


Distance education makes library paraprofessional education possible and desirable to meet needs in library staffing. Lexington Community College (LCC) developed online certificate and associate degree programs to meet the legal requirements for Kentucky paraprofessional library staff. In collaboration with the Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET), in Spring Semester 2004, the LCC courses were offered to SOLINET member library staff at the in-state tuition rate. The enrollment and completion rates of students in the online LCC courses show a high degree of interest in library science education at the undergraduate level. Furthermore, formal education for library paraprofessionals is taking on a new significance with the “professionalization” of paraprofessional employees. The American Library Association (ALA) has begun to explore the desirability and possibility of accreditation of paraprofessional programs, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has funded projects for undergraduate library science education.  相似文献   

谢欢 《图书馆论坛》2021,(5):127-133
学人间的往来信札是学术研究的重要史料。钱亚新与周连宽是我国著名图书馆学家、档案学家,两人先后毕业于文华图书科,1940年代在苏州、上海共事,结下了深厚的友谊。1949年后,两人分居南京、广州两地。文章通过对钱、周两人在1980年代往来的11通书信进行释证,彰显老一辈学者的尊师重道以及对图书馆事业、图书馆学教育的深厚情感。  相似文献   

学术界对卢作孚先生的经济与教育思想的研究一直较为活跃,但有关他的图书馆学论述与实践的研究却是空白。纵观卢作孚先生一生的教育活动,图书馆在他倡导的新的集团生活教育体系中占有非常重要的地位,是和兴办新式学校,创办期刊并立的另一种重要的教育方式。卢作孚先生创办了多种类型的图书馆,开展了丰富多彩的图书馆活动,取得了卓越成就。研究卢作孚先生的图书馆学论述与实践,对于研究民国时期四川图书馆事业发展史具有重要意义。  相似文献   


The article describes an innovation in MLIS education for medical librarianship, with an introduction to the FastTrack, the distance education program at the University of Pittsburgh's library and information science school, together with an overview of a model program linking the biomedical library at Vanderbilt University with the School of Information Sciences in Pittsburgh. Admissions requirements and specific curriculum for the distance education master's degree are detailed in an FAQ format.  相似文献   

苏联图书馆学教育思想在中国的传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章回顾了苏联图书馆学教育思想在中国的传播历程,其时间分布为50年代和80年代,克鲁普斯卡娅、阿布拉莫夫、刘国钧等是重要的著译者,传播主题主要是克鲁普斯卡娅的图书馆学教育思想、国家统一管理图书馆学教育事业、重视思想政治教育及教学内容与模式等,对中国的图书馆学教育事业产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

沈祖荣沈宝环父子分别为中国大陆和台湾地区图书馆学教育先驱,他们的图书馆学教育思想在不同时空下表现出了惊人的相似。沈祖荣沈宝环图书馆学教育思想来源于他们中西结合的教育背景、丰富的图书馆活动实践和图书馆学教育实践,具有十分丰富的内涵。他们认为图书馆学教育是国家图书馆事业发展的关键,事关国家的荣辱兴衰;主张图书馆学教育要本土化,提倡通才教育,注重理论与实践相结合,采用多种方法教学,在理论研究、课程设置等方面与时俱进,注重培养图书馆职业精神等,这些思想相互联系,相辅相成,构成了较为完整和科学的图书馆学教育思想体系。沈祖荣沈宝环图书馆学教育思想的当代价值在于:激励学生坚定对图书馆事业的信念,推动图书馆学教育本土化,培养通才式的图书馆员,建设具有中国特色的图书馆学,并为当今图书馆学教育的改革与发展提供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

国内外图书情报学研究生应用型课程设置研究与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章选取了国内外在图书情报学专业具有代表性的五所大学,对其图书情报学研究生课程按照理论型与应用型课程进行分类;通过对这五个院系应用型课程设置情况的比较与分析,总结出各自的特色;最后借鉴国外图书情报学教育的理念与经验,提出了我国图书情报学研究生应用型课程设置的改进措施。  相似文献   

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