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The history of science is more than the history of scientists. This essay argues that various modem "publics" should be counted as belonging within an enlarged vision of who constitutes the "scientific community"--and describes how the history of science could be important for understanding their experiences. It gives three examples of how natural knowledge-making happens in vernacular contexts: Victorian Britain's publishing experiments in "popular science" as effective literary strategies for communicating to lay and specialist readers; twentieth-century American science museums as important and contested sites for conveying both scientific ideas and ideas about scientific practice; and contemporary mass-mediated images of the "ideal" scientist as providing counternarratives to received professional scientific norms. Finally, it suggests how humanistic knowledge might help both scientists and historians grapple more effectively with contemporary challenges presented by science in public spheres. By studying the making and elaboration of scientific knowledge within popular culture, historians of science can provide substantively grounded insights into the relations between the public and professionals.  相似文献   

UK scientific advice on the possible health risks of mobile phones has embraced (or seems to be embracing) broader engagement with interested non-experts. This paper explains the context of lost credibility that made such a development necessary, and the implications of greater engagement for the construction (and expert control) of "public concern." I narrate how scientific advice matured from an approach based on compliance with guidelines to a style of "public science" in which issues such as trust and democracy were intertwined with scientific risk assessment. This paper develops existing conceptions of the "public understanding of science" with an explanation based around the co-production of scientific and social order. Using a narrative drawn from a series of in-depth interviews with scientists and policymakers, I explain how expert reformulation of the state of scientific uncertainty within a public controversy reveals constructions of "The Public," and the desired extent of their engagement. Constructions of the public changed at the same time as a construction of uncertainty as solely an expert concern was molded into a state of politically workable public uncertainty. This paper demonstrates how publics can be constructed as instruments of credible policymaking, and suggests the potential for public alienation if nonexperts feel they have not been fairly represented.  相似文献   

赵喜凤  蔡仲 《科学学研究》2012,30(8):1128-1133,1205
长期以来食品安全的"可信性"依靠"科学的"标准,科学变成了决策的依据。但是科学本身的不确定性不但使科学所树立的权威形象难以维持,而且还可能给政治决策带来失误,层出不穷的食品安全问题使科学与政治备受质疑。科学所面临的"可信性"危机使人们开始从科学内部反思科学在解决问题中是否充分。对公众维度的忽视,是问题不能彻底解决的重要原因。具有经验型技能的公众参与科学,不但使公众的参与从口号走向了现实,也使科学从独断走向生活。食品安全的"可信性"是科学、政治、公众三者共同参与的结果,公众的介入使"科学的可信性"更加充分。  相似文献   

The increase in public representation of the science-based concept "genetics" in the mass media might be expected to have a major impact on public understanding of the concept of "race." A model of lay understandings of the role of genetics in the contemporary United States is offered based on focus group research, random digit dial surveys, and community based surveys. That model indicates that lay people identify are primarily by physical features, but these identifications are categorized into a variety of groupings that may be regional, national, or linguistic. Although they believe that physical appearance is caused largely by genetics, and therefore that race has a genetic basis, they do not uniformly conclude, however, that all perceived racial characteristics are genetically based. Instead, they vary in the extent to which they attribute differences to cultural, personal, and genetic factors.  相似文献   

马健 《科学学研究》2008,26(3):487-492
 科学传播的内容不仅包括科学知识,而且包括外行知识。科学知识与外行知识都是所谓的地方性知识。科学传播的过程实际上是科学知识与外行知识通过彼此竞争,相互融合,从一种地方性知识转变为另一种地方性知识的过程。科学家与大众传媒必须在科学知识的真实性与科学传播的时效性之间寻求一种“必要的张力”。  相似文献   

Focus groups were used to analyse Christian lay public understanding of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), a relatively new biomedical practice. The paper explores how this often controversial genetic technology was contextualised and interpreted through the intersection of religious values and beliefs, secular and cultural knowledges, and lived experience and emotion. For the lay people in our study, PGD often created moral dilemmas that could not necessarily be resolved through Christian beliefs and teaching, but which required the expression of empathy and compassion. The findings emphasise the heterogeneity in individuals' interpretations of scientific issues and reinforce the need to consider public understanding of science and technology in terms of public concerns and meaning.  相似文献   

科学传播是科学知识、科学方法、科学精神和科学意识在科学共同体内部及与社会之间的扩散与再建构过程。科学传播伦理探讨的哲学基础有科学实在论转向科学建构论,科学功用与科学精神的背离,公众理解科学由缺失模型转向民主模型。科学共同体在科学传播中负有"保证科学成果信息的真实性与透明性;客观公正地传播科学成果的价值和社会影响;尊重公众实际理解能力,适度简化对科学知识的表述"等伦理责任。  相似文献   

As the role of genetic science in everyday life has grown, policymakers have become concerned about Americans' understandings of this science. Much effort has been devoted to formal schooling, but less attention has been paid to the role of public culture in shaping public understanding of genetics. Research into public cultural messages about genetics has claimed that the public is likely to adopt problematic accounts, but few studies have explored the public's articulation of these messages. This study is based on 25 focus groups convened to explore the lay public's understanding of genetics. The study found that the public processed a greater variety of messages than assumed by previous researchers, including documentaries, non-science-fiction films, and popular television in addition to previous researchers' focus on science fiction and news media. The study also found that the public does not process the messages through the linear, transmission model assumed by previous research. The public processes messages about genetics complexly and critically. On the basis of these findings, the study suggests that researchers should include a greater variety of texts about genetics in their research and attend more fully to audience processing in addition to content analyses of these texts.  相似文献   

杨建国 《科学学研究》2020,38(10):1735-1742
环境风险治理需要有效知识的生产与应用。传统环境治理建立在科学知识的根基上,依赖“技治主义”范式,通过“解难题”以寻求环境治理的确定性、可靠性。环境风险决策往往被技术专家所垄断,社会公众对环境风险的认知被当成“非科学”“非理性”而被排除出决策过程,公众智慧被专家知识严重遮蔽了。当前,科学常常与风险非常大、事实难确定、价值存争议、高度复杂性、决策很紧迫的“棘手问题”相勾连。频繁的环境风险争端引发人们重新理解与反思科学,使人类社会迈入后常规科学时代,科学已难以提供环境风险决策所需的安全保障与准确答案,传统环境风险治理遭遇高度复杂性、不确定性的挑战。后常规科学视野下的科学与政策领域,兴起了“公民科学”“知识分工”等知识生产与应用新模式,重塑了科学与政治的关系,倡导认知民主,主张专业知识的民主化。它们正视科学的不确定性与价值争议性,要求开放科学的认知承诺,强调非职业化、情境性的知识价值,在赋予公民与专家以认知能力平等基础上谋求多元主体的协商对话,通过“扩大的同行共同体”达成对科学、知识生产与决策等问题的基本共识,为高度复杂性、不确定性的环境风险治理奠定稳健、包容的知识基础。知识民主化既是环境风险治理的新典范,又是科学自身逻辑演进的结果。由此,知识也终将成为社会治理的“公器”。  相似文献   

公众理解科学的宗旨是让公众掌握更多的科学知识和科学方法,增加公众对科学的了解和信任,促进国家的竞争力和繁荣。但在发展历程中,公众理解科学运动中出现了很多与其宗旨相矛盾的地方。对这些矛盾进行了总结,并对矛盾背后的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

In spite of great expectations about the potential of nanotechnology, this study shows that people are rather ambiguous and pessimistic about nanotechnology applications in the food domain. Our findings are drawn from a survey of public perceptions about nanotechnology food and nanotechnology food packaging (N = 752). Multinomial logistic regression analyses further reveal that knowledge about food risks and nanotechnology significantly influences people's views about nanotechnology food packaging. However, knowledge variables were unrelated to support for nanofood, suggesting that an increase in people's knowledge might not be sufficient to bridge the gap between the excitement some business leaders in the food sector have and the restraint of the public. Additionally, opposition to nanofood was not related to the use of heuristics but to trust in governmental agencies. Furthermore, the results indicate that public perceptions of nanoscience in the food domain significantly relate to views on science, technology, and nature.  相似文献   

同行评议作为科研评价的方法之一,是启蒙运动以来科学自主、自律精神的体现。但是,随着科学与技术、经济、政治的融合,学科的分化与交叉,科学活动后果的不确定性日益彰显,不仅科学活动的范围已经远远超过了科学共同体的范围,科学活动的影响包括其负面影响也已经波及自然与社会的各个方面。在这样的背景下,同行评议的限度凸显,对科学研究的目的、手段和后果的社会伦理评价变得更为重要。文章将在追溯同行评议的理论基础,分析同行评议的限度及其原因的基础上,提出并论证建立多元化的学术评价机制,尤其是加强对科学技术活动的伦理评估的重要性,以及公众在科学技术评议中的作用。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the controversy around breast implants in the United States and Europe. It focuses on the emergence of consumer and support groups for women and offers an analysis of the role they have played in recent policy developments in UK and Europe. The politics of breast implants is seen as a politics of knowledge in which scientific expertise has consistently been deployed in ways that minimize the credibility and legitimacy of women's accounts of their bodies and illness experiences. These women have been doubly disadvantaged in a policy debate that turns on scientific controversy and uncertainty. This implies a gendered dynamic to the changing relations of knowledge and expertise. The paper contributes to an understanding of the relations between regulators, manufacturers, users, and clinicians in the global medical device industry and to wider debates around the public understanding of science.  相似文献   

Whether biotechnology is one or several developments is not clear. Once distinctions are required, the question is: Which one prevails? When the good, the bad, and the ugly settle, where do they fall? Evaluation implies distinction, and representation drives attitude. The controversies over biotechnology are fertile ground on which to study these issues. The imports of genetically modified (GM) soya into Europe in 1996-97 and the cloning of Dolly the sheep from adult cells in 1997 changed the symbolic environment for genetic engineering. The ensuing public controversies came to focus mainly on field trials of GM crops and food labeling. This paper will explore the relationship between quality press coverage and public perception, in particular the cultivation of the contrast between "desirable" biomedical (RED) and "undesirable" agri-food (GREEN) biotechnology in Britain. The argument draws on a systematic analysis of the British press coverage of biotechnology from 1973 to 1999 and analysis of public perceptions in 1996 and 1999. The paper concludes that the debate over GM crops and food ingredients fostered the RED-GREEN contrast among the newspaper-reading public, thereby shielding RED biotechnology from public controversy, and ushered in a realignment of the regulatory framework in 2000.  相似文献   

张劼颖 《科学学研究》2019,37(5):810-816
G市垃圾焚烧发电项目引发了当地居民和环保人士的抗议行动。在反焚运动中,技术专家与反对者围绕垃圾焚烧技术进行了持续的论辩。争议主要集中在三个方面:焚烧厂周边居民的公共健康、排放物的毒性与控制,以及技术运行的环境以及管理。双方针对垃圾焚烧技术风险生产了不同的叙事与知识。在反焚行动当中,常民并不是非理性地反对焚烧技术的应用。他们整合科学话语与地方性知识、结合当地经验和调查资料,发展自己的专业性,成为“常民专家”。常民专家的角色挑战了以往科学研究当中对于“专家-常民”的二元划分,其专业性给环境决策提供了必要的地方性视角。  相似文献   

包含基础研究和应用研究的科学研究是创新的源头,对科学研究活动的资助有助于缔造新产品和催生新业态,进而带来持续的经济增长和较高的经济回报。但科学研究活动具有高风险、不确定性等特征,与追求利润导向的社会资金天然存在鸿沟,难以获其青睐。针对这个问题,文章系统梳理了我国社会资金投入科学研究的基本情况,分析了社会资金投入不足的主要原因,同时对政府引导基金和领军企业愿意重金投入科学研究的典型案例进行总结,研究科学活动逻辑与资本投资逻辑共生协同的可能性,提出应加强公共政策的体系化设计,消弭和平滑投资风险、助推投资偏好沿创新链前移,建构驱动社会资金向科学研究集聚的支撑性制度环境。  相似文献   

As a field of study, literature and science has gradually expanded to encompass both the impact of science on literary culture and the literary-linguistic practices intrinsic to the production of scientific knowledge. Such transformations both reinforce and fundamentally recalibrate the detailed attention focused on scientific practice by historians of science since the 1980s. As a result, this essay and the Focus section it introduces suggest that history of science and literature and science are, in fact, interdependent fields. Attention to their convergences will yield better understanding of the performative dimensions of scientific practices and thence of science itself as a form of making of knowledge of things and events in the world of nature. Science as a form of making involves the convergence of things, material practices, and a panoply of meaningful artifacts-instruments of thought and action-that refuse any simple dichotomy between "text" and "action."  相似文献   

布赖恩·温的公众理解科学理论研究:内省模型   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
刘兵  李正伟 《科学学研究》2003,21(6):581-585
温是英国公众理解科学理论研究领域中的一位重要人物,通过对坎布里亚羊事件进行详细分析,温认为,在英国的公众理解科学中,有问题的不是公众对科学的无知,而是科学自身和科学机构的无知;但是科学及其机构却没有意识到他们自身的缺点,缺乏内省性。相反,这种内省性在坎布里亚地区的公众中却表现得非常明显。因此,温对传统的英国公众理解科学理论模型提出了批评,提出了他对公众理解科学的看法。本文讨论分析了他的可称为内省模型(reflexivitymodel)理论。  相似文献   

Science fiction remains an alien dimension of the history of science. Historical and literary studies of science have become increasingly attentive to various "literary technologies" in scientific practice, the metaphorical features of scientific discourse, and the impact of popular science writing on the social development of scientific knowledge. But the function of science fiction and even literature as such in the history of scientific and technological innovation has often been obscured, misconstrued, or repudiated owing to conventional notions of authorship, influence, and the organic unity of texts. The better to address those close encounters where scientific practice makes use of speculative fiction, this essay proposes that we instead analyze such exchanges as processes of appropriation, remixing, and modification.  相似文献   

顾昕  郭凤林 《科学学研究》2020,38(7):1153-1160
突发公共卫生危机的社会治理离不开有效的科学传播。传统的科学传播是“赤字模式”,旨在通过科普以填补公众在科学知识上的赤字。这种模式割裂了科学知识的生产与传播过程,对所传播知识的准确性要求高而时效性要求低,缺少科学界与公众的对话。这种传播模式的缺陷在中国新冠肺炎疫情的治理中显露出来:科学家对知识生产的高度重视和对科学传播的相对忽视,影响了科学界对政府和大众决策所需知识的供给;在有限的科学传播中,科学用语与社会语言的隔阂,引发了大众对疫情风险的误解。因此,社会治理体系建设需要科学传播从赤字模式向对话模式和知识共同生产模式转型,融合科学知识的生产与传播过程,在传播中充分考虑社会情境与科学情境的差异,实现及时和有效的科学传播。  相似文献   

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