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英国旅游管理职业教育的特点及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
英国旅游管理职业教育起步早,发展成熟。其课程设置注重实用性,教学内容围绕职业资格证书选择和设计,成绩评定以课业形式为主,强调学生的参与,强调团队合作,重视实践,对我国旅游管理职业教育在课程体系设计、改革教学模式、更新教学内容、加强实践教学等方面提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

周静 《成人教育》2014,(1):61-63
按照湖北省技能高考要求,针对机械类专业,从专业类别、人才培养目标、一体化课程结构设计、课程标准四个方面探讨中高职课程的衔接,提出了按照"2+1"+"2+1"分段模式,将中高职课程结构按文化基础课、专业技能课、拓展课三个模块进行一体化设计的构想。  相似文献   

This paper investigates agency among vocational teachers with reference to boundary-crossing between school and working life. Our study utilised interviews with sixteen Finnish vocational teachers. Adopting a narrative analysis approach, we found that the teachers had a variety of forms of exercising agency in terms of decisions deliberately taken, and the discourse and actions following these decisions. These forms were: (i) restricted agency, (ii) extensive agency, (iii) multifaceted balancing agency, (iv) situationally diverse agency, and (v) relationally emergent agency. The exercising of agency was intertwined with the main resources and constraints emerging from the teachers’ sense of their professional self, their awareness of their relationships to workplace personnel, and their views of the professional tasks determined by the school. Depending on its nature and direction, agency appears to create diverse conditions for teachers’ productive work in boundary-crossing settings, for developing education and for remaking the work practices of workplaces.  相似文献   

高职营销与策划专业人才培养的课程体系设计需考虑技术和技能两个基本点。本文根据当前课程体系设计要体现产业发展派生的新技术和岗位需求(或职业标准)、生源结构;要体现知识、能力和实践教学成系统;要兼顾营销职业资格证书获取,并借鉴大赛中的新技术和新标准等要素的要求,分析了三段式课程体系的设计的弊端,提出了建立柔性可组的单元课程体系的思路。  相似文献   

Learning about curriculum development is critical for middle managers of technical vocational institutions in order to assume curriculum leadership in maintaining and enhancing the quality and relevance of their educational programs. This case study reports on the design and effects of a professional development arrangement (PDA), with such a focus, for 13 middle managers of a technical vocational community college in a developing country. The findings indicate that the middle managers appreciated the relevance of the PDA for curriculum development at the community college and gained substantial learning about systematic curriculum development. However, the middle managers' post-PDA curriculum development improvement efforts were minimal and characterised by individual initiatives, due to a lack of senior management support, unfavourable work conditions, and a high rate of middle manager attrition. The conclusion drawn is that for trained middle managers to lead systematic curriculum development practices, contextual and organisational barriers germane to technical vocational education in developing contexts need to be considered.  相似文献   

吴婷琳 《江苏高教》2020,(5):119-124
职业教育课程体系建设是构建现代职业教育体系的落脚点。我国职业教育课程体系建设中存在学科课程观对职业课程观的压制,不同层级课程之间存在断裂与鸿沟,课程内容适度性不足与重复性有余,一元性课程评价泛滥与多元性评价缺位等问题。职业教育课程体系建设的主要障碍在于:集权式课程管理体制导致师生的话语权被压制,社会支持系统中诸要素协同程度低导致课程资源整合困难,不同层级职业教育的生源素质差异导致课程设置与实施障碍,课程设置标准缺失与课程管理方式滞后导致课程体系建设的随意性等。这需要通过顶层设计为职业教育课程体系化建设提供完善的制度保障,建立多元主体协商平台为构建职业教育课程体系提供组织保障,创新教学管理模式为职业教育课程体系建设提供机制保障,采用模块化与系统化的课程开发策略为职业课程体系建设提供技术保障。  相似文献   

幼师生的教育活动设计能力是指在活动设计意识的指引下,综合运用学前教育学、学前心理学和领域教育理论等专业知识以及相关专业技能对幼儿活动目标、过程、内容、方法的一种预先筹划。调查发现,高职学前教育专业学生活动设计意识淡薄,活动设计知识匮乏,活动方案撰写质量不高,以通过课程教学、创设专业主题墙、顶岗实习等途径可以培养幼师生的教育活动设计能力。  相似文献   

《汽车零部件仓储操作与管理》是一门以工作过程为导向的物流管理专业核心课程。在本课程的设计中,教学目标的设置突出职业能力的培养,教学设计按照"能力训练"项目进行,学生评价上强调考核职业素养考核与职业技能考核并重。  相似文献   

基于工作过程的教学模式是以工作过程为依据,通过对工作过程的理性转化,实现课程内容与工作过程的深度融合。在高职旅行社业务课程中采用基于工作过程的教学方法,学生通过对“工作”过程的深度参与,主动构建自己的知识、技能和职业体验,体现了能力本位和个性本位,契合了高职教育的特征,成为可实施、可推广的课程体系范式。  相似文献   

基于工作过程的课程设计是高职院校课程改革的一种新理念和新方法。以国际货运代理业务工作过程为设计基础,就选取教学内容、设计教学方法以及课程考核方式等方面对高职国际货运代理课程进行了设计,并将其付诸实践,取得了一定的效果。  相似文献   

德国职业教育课程体系构建及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国职业教育基于《框架教学计划》构建了理论课程体系,基于《职业培训框架计划》构建了实践课程体系,各州、各学校和企业在课程学习时间、课程数量、内容等方面都有自己的设计。德国大量的实践教学、企业岗位轮换训练教学时间,以及企业监督和职业资格考试的评价模式,为培养学生的专业能力、社会能力和方法能力提供了保障,也为我国高等职业教育基于工作过程导向的课程体系构建提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

高职高专旅游管理专业建立具有真实职业氛围的校园旅行社实训基地,可为践行工学结合奠定坚实基础。为学生提供了真实的工作环境,学生们在营业部实习除了可结合课程理论和强化技术学习能力之外,同时可以在专业教师、旅行社营业部经理的协助下,熟悉和了解旅行社行业工作环境,培养行业所需的工作态度及服务精神,完成真实工作任务的同时也实现了教学目标。  相似文献   

This paper argues for the use of ‘developmental’ evaluation as a design-based research tool for sustainable curriculum innovation in professional higher education. Professional education is multi-faceted and complex with diverse views from researchers, professional practitioners, employers and the world of politics leaving little consensus about the nature of educational ‘problems’, let alone educational ‘solutions’. Developmental evaluation is an emerging approach to evaluating innovations and/or organisations that are in a continuous state of change; it asks the evaluators to not simply appraise a final design, but to work with designers through processes of rapid reconnaissance, mapping the territory and emergent modelling. This paper provides an account of how the adoption of the dispositions and approaches of developmental evaluation increased the trustworthiness of decision-making in the design of a new post-graduate teacher education degree in Australia. The principles of developmental evaluation as a design thinking approach have application in other complex curriculum settings.  相似文献   

了解职业分析产生和衍变过程,有利于理解"逆向思维",掌握职业分析方法,创新职业分析方法。强化工作过程分析,有助于明确职教课程特有的系统性,体现训练目标的人性化,理清职业学校教育与职业培训能力观的区别。强调职业和工作过程分析是课程开发的基础,但不能对学科课程、活动课程一概否定,应以多元整合型课程作为指导思想。教师到企业实践,应以职业和工作过程分析为"抓手",成为目标明确、任务落实、产出具体、便于管理、可以评价的过程。  相似文献   

对证施教教学模式将职业资格证书规定的知识、能力、素质要求,嵌入到人才培养方案中,以职业课程构建为切入点,在课程设计、教学实施过程中实现人才培养的工学结合。教学实践证明,对证施教促进了学生技能提高,促进了学生就业,促进了专业建设。  相似文献   

Recent studies have described professional identity as the interplay between individual agency and social context. However, we need to understand how these are intertwined in different kinds of work settings. This paper focuses on teachers’ professional identity negotiations as involving the work organisation, the professional community and individual agency. The data were gathered from two work organisations representing different management cultures and sources of control over teachers’ work. Open-ended narrative interviews were used, focusing on teachers’ own experiences and perceptions. A data-driven qualitative analysis was applied. Our findings indicated that different work organisations provided differing resources for teachers’ professional identity negotiations. Teachers were more committed to their work organisation if they had enough agency, if they had opportunities to practise their own orientations towards the profession, and if major changes were not imposed on their working practices from outside.  相似文献   

"行动导向教学法、项目课程、学习领域课程"三者都都强调工学结合地培养学生的职业能力。强调课程组织和实施改革的"行动导向教学法"正在逐步被大多数高职教师接受,但高职教师要能够熟练地将其应用于课堂之中,一方面要设法加强自身的专业实践能力,另一方面要在教学实践中不断地探索和积累。课程内容的改革方面,现阶段,"项目课程"更适合于各类高职课程的改革,也易于被高职教师所接受;学习领域课程作为比较理想的职业教育课程模式,应该是专业课程改革的方向和目标,更适合于经济发达地区、校企合作背景坚实的学校。  相似文献   

如何根据专业培养目标、培养规格及要求进行岗位群分析,在岗位所需的知识、能力、素质分解基础上开展课程体系的整体规划,并将专业建设与课程体系建设有机衔接起来,才是当前需要迫切解决的问题所在。为此,本文就如何以就业为导向、以能力为本位的新型高职课程体系建设落到实处的原则、内容、路径及保障体系进行了理论与实践相结合的探讨,并试图构建起一套符合职业教育目标与规律要求的课程体系。  相似文献   


Learning environment designs at the boundary of school and work can be characterised as integrative because they integrate features from the contexts of school and work. Many different manifestations of such integrative learning environments are found in current vocational education, both in senior secondary education and higher professional education. However, limited research has focused on how to design these learning environments and not much is known about their designable elements (i.e. the epistemic, spatial, instrumental, temporal and social elements that constitute the learning environments). The purpose of this study was to examine manifestations of two categories of integrative learning environment designs: designs based on incorporation; and designs based on hybridisation. Cross-case analysis of six cases in senior secondary vocational education and higher professional education in the Netherlands led to insights into the designable elements of both categories of designs. We report findings about the epistemic, spatial, instrumental, temporal and social elements of the studied cases. Specific characteristics of designs based on incorporation and designs based on hybridisation were identified and links between the designable elements became apparent, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of the design of learning environments that aim to connect the contexts of school and work.


李兵 《辽宁高职学报》2013,(9):53-54,58
高等职业教育须始终突出其职业性。在课程设计上,要使课程内容来源于工作实践;在课程实施过程中,要使核心技能和关键能力的培养贯穿于全过程;在师资队伍建设方面,要着重加强双师队伍建设,提高教师“双师”能力;在实训场地建设方面,要使软硬件环境尽量与实际工作环境贴近。围绕职业需求深化课程改革,构建具有职业化特色的高职课程体系,对推动专业建设的快速发展,提高教学质量和人才培养质量具有深远意义。  相似文献   

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