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通过对6名国家女子短道速滑队主力运动员1个月的高原备战前后与有氧运动能力相关指标的测量、分析以及变化规律的研究,为大赛前高原备战模式在短道速滑运动中应用提供理论与实践依据;方法:6名国家女子短道速滑队主力运动员进行为期1个月的高原备战训练,训练计划由国家队主教练统一制定,高原备战训练前、后1周内采用功率自行车递增负荷的实验方式进行测试,.VO2max采用.VO22000 Breeze Lite气体分析仪直接测试,血乳酸采用H2 L4550491测试仪利用分光光度法取即时耳血测试;结果:高原备战后运动员体重变化没有显著意义,.VO2max、最高心率、最大功率等相关指标显著性提高(P<0.05),无氧乳酸阈、乳酸阈功率显著性提高(P<0.05),运动后血乳酸显著下降(P<0.05);结论:高原备战可以有效地提高优秀女子短道速滑运动员的.VO2max和无氧乳酸阈值,从而能够明显提高其有氧运动能力。  相似文献   

7名优秀男子越野滑雪运动员在海拔1900m的高原进行了为期3周的训练,在高原训练前及训练后以及为了作为对照而在高原训练前一年在海平面水平训练时,我们均做了规范的次极限负荷的运动实验。同时分别测定运动员的血红蛋白(Hb)、红细胞压积(Hct)(静脉血)、最大吸氧量(VO_2max)和能量消耗等几项生理参敷。 其结果是:在高原训练期间血红蛋白(Hb)和红细胞压积(Hct)这二项指标呈现出有显著意义的增加,而且表现出原来血红蛋白(Hb)和红细胞压积(Hct)最低的运动员他们的这两项指标增加得最多。另外,在上述增加趋势的同时,在高原训练之后,在作相同的次极限负荷训练时,血乳酸(BLa)(毛细血管血)浓度比高原训练前和为了对照而在高原训练前一年的测定结果也呈现出有显著意义的降低。 我们也发现了一种有意义的相关关系,在高原训练前和高原适应后,运动员在作规范的次极量负荷时,由于血红蛋白(Hb)和红细胞压积(Hct)的大量增加乳酸浓度会有不同的反应。虽然最大吸氧量(VO_2max)保持不变,但在进行次极量负荷实验时,所表现出的较低的血乳酸(BLa)浓度可能是在很短的时间以较高的次极限负荷练习时,运动员的运动能力有所改善所引起的。 为此,我们提出:原来血红蛋白(Hb)和红细胞压积(Hct)低的运动员,在高原训练期间可以最大限度  相似文献   

耐力训练对无氧阈、最大吸氧量和心输出量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文纵向观察了10名优秀游泳运动员耐力训练对无氧阈(AT)、最大吸氧量(VO_2max)和心输出量(Q)的影响,并探讨训练引起的AT变化与心功能变化之间的关系。结果发现,游泳运动员经11周耐力训练后,AT时的吸氧量和功率显著提高(p<0.01,P<0.001);AT时的心输出量和每搏量明显增加,且递增负荷运动试验中每搏量稳定时的强度与无氧阈强度密切相关(r=0.88,P<0.01),显示无氧阈不仅反映骨骼肌代谢能力,且与心功能也有很密切的关系。耐力训练后VO_2max无明显改善,提示,用AT评价耐力训练效果较VO_2max更为敏感、准确。  相似文献   

6.3 心率无氧阈(HR-AT)的确定 虽然VO_2max决定了有氧能力的潜力,然而运动员能否有效地利用它持续运动、同时不伴有血乳酸的堆积则更有意义。AT便能客观地反映VO_2max的利用能力。Costill[6]、Kinderman等人[7]的研究证实,同VO_2max相比,AT与亚极限负荷时有氧耐力效率的标志,AT训练目前在耐力项目的训练中已得到广泛的应  相似文献   

目的:探讨4周1 900 m高原训练对短距离自行车运动员无氧代谢能力的影响.方法:上海自行车队7名男子场地自行车短距离运动员进行为期4周的海拔1 900 m高原训练.每周训练安排相同,包括公路有氧课5节、场地专项课4节、身体力量课2节,训练负荷逐渐增加,第4周减量调整.分别在高原训练前、后相同时间测试空腹体成分,进行15 s最大频率、最大功率测试,以及45 s×2组(间歇20 min)功率维持能力测试,选取时间点测试HR和BLa,并计算15s分段功率;分别在高原训练前、结束后和结束2周后采静脉血测试血常规、T、C,高原训练1周后相同方法加测血常规.结果:1)高原训练后运动员体重、体脂%、骨骼肌质量和脂肪质量没有显著变化(P>0.05);2)高原训练后血红蛋白和红细胞压积分别提高了7.4%和6.9%(P<0.05),而睾酮提高了22.9% (P<0.01);3)高原训练后15s骑行测试中的最大频率无变化,最大功率仅提高2.4%(P>0.05);4)高原训练后两组45s测试中的最大和平均功率均无显著变化(P>0.05),但一、二组间的最大功率下降率和平均功率下降率分别降低40.5%和51.8%(P<0.01),且第一组结束后3min、第二组开始前和第二组结束后3 min的血乳酸分别降低了11.2%、21.2%和9.5%(P<0.01),而20min间歇期内的乳酸消除率明显提高.结论:4周1 900 m高原训练未对自行车短距离运动员的最大频率和最大功率产生显著影响,但以糖酵解代谢供能为主的重复做功和做功维持能力,以及疲劳消除能力均有所提高.  相似文献   

最大摄氧量(VO_2max)、最大氧债量(O_2debt max)、耐乳酸能力、无氧阈值(A·T)以及肌肉中ATP、CP的量是与游泳成绩密切相关的几个因素。短距离的全速游应以综合这些能力的力量、神经、快速肌肉收缩为训练目标,并要有计划地进行。在训练中,每阶段都有必要  相似文献   

为探索高原训练规律,国家男柔的18名队员到昆明进行了20天的亚高原训练.为观察高原训练的效果及影响,在高原训练前、中、后分别进行了相关测试.结果显示:①20天高原训练后运动员的血色素平均水平由150.8 G/L升高到156.7 G/L,最大摄氧量平均值由43.3 ML/KG/MIN升高到53.3 ML/KG/MIN;②平均体脂%下降了0.8%,平均体重下降了1 KG;③平均力量增加了12% ~15%;④平均最高无氧功率下降了27.3%.结论:1)20天的亚高原训练可以提高柔道运动员的有氧耐力;2)通过针对性的强化训练,亚高原训练一样可以提高运动员的力量素质;3)高原训练有助于运动员控降体重;4)训练强度不足等因素可以影响无氧功率测试结果;5)高原训练的积极效应主要体现在下高原后第一周.  相似文献   

应用二维超声心动图和气体代谢同步联合踏车运动试验测定22名划船运动员和18名自行车运动员心脏形态和机能、VO_2max、AT及通气功能等指标并比较其间的相互关系,对其中7名划船运动员和6名自行车运动员作11个月专项训练纵向观察,应用肌力测试和乳酸分析了等长力量训练对心脏和摄氧量的影响。结果显示,强度大的力量训练不利于心功能和有氧能力的增长;心功能、肺功能、VO_2max和无氧阈间有一定相关,但由于个体差异较大,这些相关主要表现在自身运动过程之中,而无氧阈前后的定量负荷时个体间比较,相关较低。训练专一性对各项指标间的互相关系无重大影响。  相似文献   

刘弢 《中国体育科技》2007,43(5):129-131
目的:考察11岁左右少年运动员开始进行大运动量训练的3个项目(自行车、划船、足球)的动脉血压反应,并分析最大运动时动脉血压、VO_2max对受试者心脏体积增加的影响。方法:对受试者进行病史和体格检查,用M型二堆超声心动图、12导心电图检查心脏参数,逐级运动试验直接测定VO_2max。在安静和最大运动状态下检测收缩压和舒张压。用Devereux公式计算左心室体积指数(LVMI)。结果:自行车运动员的LVMI值明显高于其他运动员;划船运动员在最大运动时的动脉血压最高,而自行车运动员具有较高的VO_2max。LVMI与VO_2max和最大运动时的收缩压有较好的相关。结论:VO_2max对运动员心脏肥大的发生和发展起重要作用。较大的动脉血压反应有利于发展较大的LVMI。  相似文献   

划船运动主要是有氧供能为主的运动项目。最大吸氧量(VO_2max)被公认为是决定运动员有氧能力的主要因素之一,它和耐力成绩呈显著相关。研究表明,耐力运动员的最大吸氧量比其它项目的运动员为高。但由于最大吸氧量主要是由遗传决定的,所以耐力运动员所具有的较高的最大吸氧量主要是由于运动员自然选择、自然淘汰的结果而不是训练的结果。近年来进一步研究发现,耐力运动员的成绩与无氧阈的相关比最大吸氧量更为密切。研究还表明,无氧阈可通过耐力运动训练得到提高。所以测定耐力运动员的最大吸氧量、无氧阀尤为必要,无氧阈  相似文献   

Seven elite male cross-country skiers trained for 3 weeks at an altitude of 1900 m. Haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]), haematocrit (Hct) (obtained from venous blood), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and energy expenditure during a standard submaximal workload were measured before and after training at altitude, and 1 year later while training at sea level (control). Both [Hb] and Hct increased significantly, and the skiers with the lowest initial [Hb] and Hct experienced the largest increases during training at altitude. The increase in blood lactate (BLa) concentration (using haemolysed capillary blood) during a standard submaximal exercise test was significantly lower after training at altitude than before it or 1 year later (control). A significant correlation was found between the magnitude of increase in [Hb] and Hct and the difference in the lactate response to the standard submaximal workload pre- and post-altitude training. Although VO2 max remained unchanged, lower BLa concentration during the submaximal test probably reflects an improved ability to exercise at higher submaximal workloads shortly after training at altitude compared with pre-altitude training. It is suggested that subjects with low initial [Hb] and Hct improve their aerobic performance capacity most during altitude training.  相似文献   

目的:探究3周海拔1550 m亚高原训练对优秀青年男子越野滑雪运动员生理机能和身体成分的影响,并且提出针对性的备战训练建议。方法:国家越野滑雪集训队10名优秀青年男子越野滑雪运动员[年龄(18.7±1.5)岁,身高(78.5±5.8)cm,体质量(66.6±4.7)kg]在亚高原(海拔1550 m)进行3周训练,并在亚高原训练前后对运动员的生理机能和身体成分进行系列测试。使用重复方差分析对运动员数据进行自身比较。结果:运动员由平原初上亚高原时,乳酸阈测试血乳酸浓度显著提升(P<0.05),最大摄氧量和红细胞浓度显著降低(P<0.05)。经过3周训练后,运动员的乳酸阈测试血乳酸浓度和最大摄氧量显著下降(P<0.05),全身总质量、上肢肌肉质量和下肢脂肪质量显著提升(P<0.05)。结论:由平原初上亚高原时,运动员乳酸阈能力和最大摄氧能力显著降低。3周亚高原训练后,运动员的乳酸阈能力和上肢肌肉水平显著提升,最大摄氧能力下降幅度明显。建议:在进行亚高原训练时,我国优秀青年越野滑雪运动员应当注重对心肺摄氧能力的训练,并且注意提升周平均高强度训练(high intensity training,HIT)训练总时间,以维持和提升最大摄氧能力。  相似文献   

目的:探究3周海拔1550 m亚高原训练对优秀青年男子越野滑雪运动员生理机能和身体成分的影响,并且提出针对性的备战训练建议。方法:国家越野滑雪集训队10名优秀青年男子越野滑雪运动员[年龄(18.7±1.5)岁,身高(78.5±5.8)cm,体质量(66.6±4.7)kg]在亚高原(海拔1550 m)进行3周训练,并在亚高原训练前后对运动员的生理机能和身体成分进行系列测试。使用重复方差分析对运动员数据进行自身比较。结果:运动员由平原初上亚高原时,乳酸阈测试血乳酸浓度显著提升(P<0.05),最大摄氧量和红细胞浓度显著降低(P<0.05)。经过3周训练后,运动员的乳酸阈测试血乳酸浓度和最大摄氧量显著下降(P<0.05),全身总质量、上肢肌肉质量和下肢脂肪质量显著提升(P<0.05)。结论:由平原初上亚高原时,运动员乳酸阈能力和最大摄氧能力显著降低。3周亚高原训练后,运动员的乳酸阈能力和上肢肌肉水平显著提升,最大摄氧能力下降幅度明显。建议:在进行亚高原训练时,我国优秀青年越野滑雪运动员应当注重对心肺摄氧能力的训练,并且注意提升周平均高强度训练(high intensity training,HIT)训练总时间,以维持和提升最大摄氧能力。  相似文献   

The effects of antioxidant diet supplements on blood lactate concentration and on the aerobic and anaerobic thresholds and their adaptations to training were analysed. Fifteen amateur male athletes were randomly assigned to either a placebo group or an antioxidant-supplemented group (90 days supplementation with 500 mg x day(-1) of vitamin E and 30 mg x day(-1) of beta-carotene, and the last 15 days also with 1 g x day(-1) of vitamin C). Before and after the antioxidant supplements, the sportsmen performed a maximal exercise test on a cycle ergometer and maximal and submaximal physiological parameters were assessed together with blood lactate concentration. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)), maximal blood lactate concentration, and the maximal workload attained rose significantly in both groups after the 3 months of training. At the end of the study, maximal blood lactate concentration was lower in the group that took supplements than in the placebo group. The percentage of VO(2max) attained at the anaerobic threshold rose significantly in both groups after 3 months of training, although the final value in the supplemented group was higher than that in the placebo group. Antioxidant diet supplements induced lower increases in blood lactate concentration after a maximal exercise test and could improve the efficiency in which aerobic energy is obtained.  相似文献   

The effect of inspiratory muscle training for 10 min twice a day for 27.5 days was evaluated in 20 human subjects, of whom 10 formed a training group and 10 a sham training group. The maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max), maximal ventilation, breathing frequency during maximal exercise and the distance run in 12 min on a track were determined in addition to resting peak expiratory flow, forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), with alveolar oxygen tension (pAO2) during maximal exercise being calculated. Inspiratory muscle training increased maximal inspiratory pressure from 93 (range 38-118) to 110 (65-165) mmHg in the training group (P less than 0.0005), but did not affect VO2 max, ventilation during maximal exercise, peak expiratory flow, FEV1 or FVC. However, breathing frequency during maximal exercise decreased slightly from 56 (44-87) to 53 (38-84) breaths min-1 (P less than 0.05) in the training group only; but the calculated pAO2 did not increase from the pre-training value of 126 (116-132) mmHg. The maximal distance run during 12 min increased similarly in the training and sham training groups by 8% (3-12%) and 6% (2-12%), respectively (P less than 0.01). The results of this study show that inspiratory muscle training resulting in a 32% (0-85%) increase in maximal inspiratory pressure does not change FEV1, FVC, peak expiratory flow, VO2 max or work capacity.  相似文献   

通过对30名普通健康成年男性进行10周的渐进性力量训练,力量训练前后测试实验对象的力量和有氧能力对比研究。结果表明力量训练后,实验对象的最大蹲起负重(Loadmax)、60%最大蹲起负重下的蹲跳功率(P60)、最大摄氧量、相对最大摄氧量以及最大工作功率都有了显著性增长。与训练前相比,在最大摄氧量测试过程中,随着工作功率的提高,通气量呈下降的趋势,摄氧量呈上升的趋势,氧差有增大的趋势。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to relate three determinants of distance running success, (a) maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), (b) ventilatory threshold (VT), and (c) running economy (RE), to actual running time in a 5-km race (ART). Twenty-four female runners (M age = 15.9 years) from four high school teams that competed at the Massachusetts All-State 5-km Cross Country Championship Meet and placed 1st, 7th, 19th, and 20th were tested in the laboratory. The mean VO2max of these runners was 61.7 ml.kg-1.min-1, HRmax 201 b.min-1, VEmax 100 L.min-1, and RER 1.10. The VT occurred at 79% of the VO2max, and HR of 184 b.min-1 (92% of HRmax). The velocity at VT (vVT) and velocity at VO2max (vVO2max) was correlated with ART, r(22) = .78 and .77 (p less than .001), respectively. The VO2 at VT and at maximal exercise was correlated with ART by r(22) = -.66 and -.69 (p less than .001), respectively. The VO2 at 215 m.min-1 (8 mph) was poorly related to ART, r(22) = -.05, p greater than .05. It was concluded that either of the derived variables vVT and vVO2max appear to explain significant variation in distance running performance among adolescent female cross country runners.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of extensive endurance training (15-25 h per week) on the development of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) in boys from puberty. Maximal oxygen uptake was measured a number of times each year from the age of puberty and for the next 6-9 years in seven young male elite cross-country skiers. Mean VO2 max was measured as 76.3 and 80.1 ml kg-1 min-1 at the ages of 14 and 15 years respectively. Despite the fast rate of growth during puberty, maximal aerobic power showed seasonal variations from the age of 14, reaching a plateau at the age of 15, whereas VO2 max (ml kg-2/3 min-1) increased continuously. It is concluded that, during puberty, boys probably attain significant increases in VO2 max when appropriate amounts of endurance training are undertaken.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between selected physiological variables of rowers and rowing performance as determined by a 2000 m time-trial on a Concept II Model B rowing ergometer. The participants were 13 male club standard oarsmen. Their mean (+/- s) age, body mass and height were 19.9+/-0.6 years, 73.1+/-6.6 kg and 180.5+/-4.6 cm respectively. The participants were tested on the rowing ergometer to determine their maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), rowing economy, predicted velocity at VO2max, velocity and VO2 at the lactate threshold, and their velocity and VO2 at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol x l(-1). Percent body fat was estimated using the skinfold method. The velocity for the 2000 m performance test and the predicted velocities at the lactate threshold, at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol x l(-1) and at VO2max were 4.7+/-0.2, 3.9+/-0.2, 4.2+/-0.2 and 4.6+/-0.2 m x s(-1) respectively. A repeated-measures analysis of variance showed that the three predicted velocities were all significantly different from each other (P<0.05). The VO2max and lean body mass showed the highest correlation with the velocity for the 2000 m time-trial (r = 0.85). A stepwise multiple regression showed that VO2max was the best single predictor of the velocity for the 2000 m time-trial; a model incorporating VO2max explained 72% of the variability in 2000 m rowing performance. Our results suggest that rowers should devote time to the improvement of VO2max and lean body mass.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to predict indoor rowing performance in 12 competitive female rowers (age 21.3 +/- 3.6 years, height 1.68 +/- 0.54 m, body mass 67.1 +/- 11.7 kg; mean +/- s) using a 30 s rowing sprint, maximal oxygen uptake and the blood lactate response to submaximal rowing. Blood lactate and oxygen uptake (VO2) were measured during a discontinuous graded exercise test on a Concept II rowing ergometer incremented by 25 W for each 2 min stage; the highest VO2 measured during the test was recorded as VO2max (mean = 3.18 +/- 0.35 l.min-1). Peak power (380 +/- 63.2 W) and mean power (368 +/- 60.0 W) were determined using a modified Wingate test protocol on the Concept II rowing ergometer. Rowing performance was based on the results of the 2000 m indoor rowing championship in 1997 (466.8 +/- 12.3 s). Laboratory testing was performed within 3 weeks of the rowing championship. Submitting mean power (Power), the highest and lowest five consecutive sprint power outputs (Maximal and Minimal), percent fatigue in the sprint test (Fatigue), VO2max (l.min-1), VO2max (ml.kg-1.min-1), VO2 at the lactate threshold, power at the lactate threshold (W), maximal lactate concentration, lactate threshold (percent VO2max) and VEmax (l.min-1) to a stepwise multiple regression analysis produced the following model to predict 2000 m rowing performance: Time2000 = -0.163 (Power) -14.213.(VO2max l.min-1) +0.738.(Fatigue) 7.259 (R2 = 0.96, standard error = 2.89). These results indicate that, in the women studied, 75.7% of the variation in 2000 m indoor rowing performance time was predicted by peak power in a rowing Wingate test, while VO2max and fatigue during the Wingate test explained an additional 12.1% and 8.2% of the variance, respectively.  相似文献   

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