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通过与MoReq2比较,深入分析MoReq2010在核心理念、标准内容、主要观点等方面的创新与变化,在此基础上提出对我国制定文件管理系统功能需求标准的有益启示.  相似文献   

《电子文件管理通用需求》——MoReq   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
电子文件管理的各项研究及其成果 ,大多数都将落实到以软件为核心的解决方案上。国际范围内已出台了一系列电子文件管理系统需求标准和报告。在同类需求标准或报告中 ,MoReq 是最具通用色彩的一个 ,同时也最先提倡将电子文档管理系统EDMS(ElectronicDocumentManagementSystem )和电子文件管理系统ERMS(ElectronicRecordManagementSystem )进行集成的需求报告。本文将对欧盟2001年5月推出的《电子文件管理通用需求》 (ModelRequirementsfortheManagementofElectronicRecords,MoReq)进行介绍 ,内容涉及 :报告的制定过程、主要内容、特点、社会影响等  相似文献   

基于对比分析美国国防部DOD5015.2、欧盟MoReq2010、我国GB/T29194-2012这三个电子文件管理系统功能要求标准,重点对比测试目的、测试内容、测试方法和测试业务的异同,从而提出国内外电子文件管理系统测试工作的差异性和发展趋势.  相似文献   

《赵氏孤儿》是中国戏曲史上流传最广泛、最有国际影响力的一出戏。2010年陈凯歌执导的电影《赵氏孤儿》成功上映,该剧是陈凯歌在继承纪君祥《赵氏孤儿大报仇》的基础上,对“赵孤”故事进行了全方位的解读。本文将从“赵孤”故事的历史演变说起,着重比较元杂剧和电影两个版本在思想主题上的不同。通过比较分析,望为《赵氏孤儿》此后的研究提供一些有益的帮助。  相似文献   

罗潜  李国华 《兰台世界》2010,(10):15-16
为了达到直接用于电子文件管理系统测试和使用的目标,欧盟《电子文件管理需求第二版——MoReq2》比旧版MoReq更具实用性,本文将就内容、术语以及需求三个方面来具体阐述其实用性方面的特色。  相似文献   

这套被誉为“大师经典”的英文译著是当今最完整也最具学术价值的欧美语言《金瓶梅》翻译版本。开始翻译之前,他已经研究这本书二十多年了  相似文献   

《图书馆杂志》(上海)1983年第4期以《<毛泽东选集>的最早版本之一》为题,报道发现一个“更早于(1944年的)晋察冀本”的毛选版本,并判断编印年月“显然是在1942年延安整风运动之前”。果真如此,那确是已知的“最早版本”了。这个判断是否可靠呢? 我们找到了原书。原书为十六开竖排本,双数页的页边上均印有“毛泽东选集”五个字。用报纸印刷,由于年深月久,书页现已变黄。原书的封面、封底、题名页、目录页都不见了,  相似文献   

东方 《出版参考》2010,(12):I0004-I0004
本刊讯 湖北一名书商未经出版社许可,擅自非法变更图书版本,在系列教辅书封面加注“人教实验版”“北师大版”等字样,构成非法经营罪,一审被判刑5年,并被处以罚金。  相似文献   

书号升位正式开始实行2007年1月1日,现有的书号将通过增加“978”前缀从10位升至13位。2007年1月1日后出版(包括再版、重印)的图书、音像制品和电子出版物,从征订目录到版本记录将一律使用13位中国标准书号。之前使用10位中国标准书号、版本记录中出版日期为2007年1月1日以后并已进入装印流  相似文献   

有权威机构预测,目前已经有78%的全彩色印刷作业少于5 000页,到2007年,22%的彩色数码印刷文件将会需要版本化和个性化;到2008年,全球按需印刷市场的年增长率将会达到12%;到2010年之前,20%的印刷作业需要在24小时之内完成.  相似文献   

档案规范控制是档案知识管理的重要内容,关系到档案资源体系与利用体系等的建设。本文分别从档案专业视角与概念逻辑视角解析了档案规范控制的概念,并分析了档案规范记录嵌入集成式与专门独立式检索系统典型应用案例,最终为我国档案规范控制的标准化及其标准体系构建提出了多项建议,如包括:构建我国档案规范记录概念模型;制定我国档案规范记录需求规范;制定我国档案规范记录著录规则;制定我国档案规范记录编码标准,加强规范记录的共享,并推进档案规范记录的本体应用等。  相似文献   

For the past two decades, scholars in archival science have begun to question traditional assumptions about the nature of the record. Drawing on theories from fields such as sociology, organization theory, and science studies, and on their own ethnographic studies, they propose more inclusive definitions and widening the contexts of analysis of record making and recordkeeping. This paper continues this critical consideration of the concept of record by examining the nature of nonprototypical records in the scientific world. The paper focuses on the system of specimens and field notes established by biologist Joseph Grinnell at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (University of California, Berkeley) as a means of examining several aspects of the nature of the scientific record: materiality, representation, and the triad evidence/memory/accountability. Focusing on the creation and management of these scientific records, the paper argues that further analyses of scientific record making and recordkeeping are bound to benefit both scientific work, which depends more and more on databases and archives, as well as archival science, which is becoming more relevant beyond its traditional realm of the legal/business/administrative world.  相似文献   

针对当前实践中人们对电子文件仍然存在着模糊认识的现象,阐述电子文件概念发展历程、内涵与外延变化情况,着重分析电子文件概念发展的缘由。从时代进步、科技发展、电子文件管理现实需要等方面揭示数字网络环境下电子文件实施知识管理的本质需求,由此认知电子文件概念的发展规律,以期为电子文件的科学管理奠定基础。  相似文献   

国家加快建设全国一体化在线政务服务平台导致档案部门的管理职能被蚕食,政务服务平台建设管理机制与电子文件管理部际联席会议制度在职责上叠加重复,确认了电子签名、电子印章、电子证照和电子档案与相应实物件具有同等法律效力,并首次明确了电子文件不再以纸质形式归档和移交。档案部门应当按照"一网通办"的要求修订和完善现有档案法规规章,重新审视档案部门工作职责,主动拓展档案信息资源采集范围,实现电子文件管理联席会议制度在政务服务平台建设层面上的重组与融合,不断提升电子文件管理相关软硬件设施的自主可控水平,加大对电子档案"四性"保障新方法的探索。  相似文献   

档案学界以往主要以历时性的纵向思维方式研究文件运动规律及其管理活动,其中文件生命周期理论就极具代表性。然而,文件运动及其管理活动除了表现为时间概念上的生命运动之外,还可以体现在空间概念上的文件间历史联系(结构)的变化。文件的历史联系(结构)运动存在于一切类型的文件之中,而且是文件(档案)区别于其他信息资源而独有的一种运动形式,这也恰恰彰显了来源原则强大的适应力和生命力。  相似文献   

Rapid technological advances are fuelling trust requirements and concerns about public and private sector records alike. To guarantee the reliability and authenticity of records requires a framework of policies, procedures, technologies, and intentional action or intervention by ??trusted custodians?? who have the knowledge required for attesting to and ensuring the continuing authenticity of the records. Records professionals have claimed the role of trusted keepers of the authentic record of our times, but how do they earn that trust? To begin, by acquiring competence. In order to define what kind of education would contribute to qualifying records professionals as competent, it is necessary to identify the components of knowledge they require and the role that society at large expects of them. The responsibilities and challenges presented by managing digital records through time are ones that records professionals should not meet in isolation. In order for records to be able to serve as evidence of actions and events, they must be protected as such. Records-related knowledge requirements are being articulated in the related disciplines of archival science and records management, law, digital forensics, and information assurance and cyber-security. The need for interdisciplinary knowledge to understand and manage the complexities of digital records is being realized in new research alliances that foster the development of knowledge that can support the role of trusted keepers of the authentic record of our times. One such alliance is the Digital Records Forensics Project at the University of British Columbia.  相似文献   

钱毅 《北京档案》2018,(6):23-28
本文介绍了《电子文件管理系统通用功能要求》(GB/T29194-2012)的研制思路,从标准定位、信息模型和功能模型三个主要方面对标准进行了分析与解读.从概念和管理两个角度分析标准的具体定位,从宏观分类方案和文件-文档-组件结构模型两个角度解读标准的信息模型,从配置功能、文件管理业务功能、安全管理与系统管理功能等方面分析了标准的功能模型,并提出了标准的后续维护建议.  相似文献   

社交媒体档案是信息时代一种新的记录类型。本文将档案学与法学相关理论结合起来,基于证据视角,以微信为例,简要分析了社交媒体档案的特点,择其要点解读了《关于办理刑事案件收集提取和审查判断电子数据若干问题的规定》对社交媒体档案作为法律证据的要求,并在此基础上总结出社交媒体档案管理应该关注的几个问题。  相似文献   

The Archival Bond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the concept of archival bond as formulated by archival science and used in a research project carried out at the University of British Columbia, entitled The Preservation of Electronic Records. Being one of the essential components of the record, the concept of archival bond is discussed in the context of the traditional diplomatic and archival definitions of records, and its function in demonstrating the reliability and authenticity of records is shown. The most serious challenge with which we are confronted is to make explicit and preserve intact over the long term the archival bond between electronic and non electronic records belonging in the same aggregations.  相似文献   

Archival systems have been based on the conventional understanding of the relationship between record subjects as third parties and record creators as the principal parties to the record transaction, thus limiting the rights of those captured in and by the record. An alternative approach is a participant relationship model which acknowledges all parties to a transaction as immediate parties with negotiated rights and responsibilities. A number of legal and archival concepts support a participant model of co-creatorship and associated responsibilities in relation to ownership, access and privacy. The application of the participant model to Indigenous Australian record subjects, in particular to records about them held in archival institutions or in creating organisations would enhance Indigenous rights in records. Indigenous claims to ownership over archival sources of Indigenous knowledge can be characterised in the legal concept of a bundle of rights that recognises more than one interest to control, disclose, access and use records. Human rights principles in international and national human rights instruments also support the assertion of Indigenous rights in records. Archival and legal reform is required to fully implement the participant model but a number of archival, ethical and legal strategies would accelerate its implementation. The re-conceptualisation of the record subject as a record co-creator can also be applied to non-Indigenous contexts and therefore has significant archival and legal implications.  相似文献   

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