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信息素质是现代社会人才的必备素质之一,信息素质已成为综合素质评价的一项重要指标。信息素质教育是培养高素质和创新型人才的重要手段。文章通过对大学生信息素质教育需求的调查,分析了地方性本科院校开展信息素质教育所存在的问题,并就地方性本科院校如何深化信息素质教育阐明了个人观点。参考文献6。  相似文献   

数字时代的信息权利期待   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在数字时代信息作为一种最有价值的权利资源,其公平有序流动对于社会发展具有积极意义;信息权利公平是和谐社会发展所追求的基本价值目标之一;建立信息公平制度是实现信息权利的基本保障。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose information literacy as a soft applied discipline, of key importance in the information society. This is contrasted with the characterization of information literacy as a personal attribute in the U.S. and Australian Information Literacy standards. Vannevar Bush's vision of the technologically connected and enabled scientist is used to introduce a discussion of citizen's information needs and responsibilities in an age of “cheap complex devices.” The authors emphasize the key role of information literacy in this information society. Information literacy is identified as a soft applied discipline, with reference to disciplinary indicators that have been identified in the literature. Building on this concept of an information literacy discipline, the authors propose a mission for information literacy education focused around three elements: information literacy for citizenship, information literacy for economic growth, and information literacy for employability. The paper concludes by identifying that in terms of preparing citizens for managing and taking action in society, information literacy has much to contribute, and that it is vital to nurture this emergent discipline.  相似文献   

信息技术的社会负效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息技术具有双重效应。一方面, 它对社会进步起着积极的推动作用; 另一方面, 它又给人类带来一些社会负效应。本文主要阐述了信息技术社会负效应的几个方面, 然后就如何预防这些负效应提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

信息道德建设刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息技术的飞速发展在给社会带来福祉的同时,也产生了众多的社会问题。其中,信息道德问题日益突出,已成为社会密切关注和认真研究的重要课题。为确保信息社会的和谐发展,信息道德的建设势在必然、不可或缺。文章通过分析阐述信息道德的概念及社会中存在的信息道德失范现象。分别针对信息道德意识、信息道德规范和信息道德行为三个方面提出了一些意见和看法,以期对我国目前的信息道德建设有所助益。  相似文献   

医院图书馆服务社区探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会信息化和产业化进程中,医院图书馆已成为社会公众医学信息资源开发利用的重要渠道,在社区信息服务活动中大有作为。本文探讨了医院图书馆服务社区的对象(包括少年儿童、老年人和患者)和措施(图书馆向社区开放和建立社区分馆)。  相似文献   

The Internet plays a critical role in informing individuals about society, politics, business, and the environment. So much so that it has been said that the digital divide makes the segment of society on the “right side” of the divide (the digitally endowed group) better off and that on the “wrong side” (the digitally challenged group) worse off. This is not always true, however, in a social choice situation where members of a society collectively choose one alternative from a set of alternatives. To identify conditions when this does not hold, a model of the digital divide is setup in which the digitally endowed group receives better information than the digitally challenged group. Preferences of all individuals over outcomes are distributed over a scale. This distribution is correlated with the digital divide: the outcome preferred by the digitally endowed group differs from that preferred by the other group. The alternative chosen by majority becomes the choice of the overall society. The ensuing analysis shows that individuals located centrally on the preference scale are sensitive to information about the state. The choice of centrally located digitally challenged individuals, made on a lack of information, makes the digitally challenged group worse off as has been predicted before. In some cases, the digitally endowed group is worse off as well. In the case of highly polar alternatives, social welfare decreases due to the welfare loss of the digitally endowed group. Results suggest that policymakers must manage the digital divide in a customized manner depending on the preferences context. They should not only focus on improving the welfare of the digitally challenged, but also focus on the welfare of the digitally endowed group so that this welfare does not decrease.  相似文献   


In an information age, and with the forging of an information society, the role of the librarian is an important one. This role depends on the levels of participation and professionalism that librarians briftg to bear on the advances made in information technology. This article discusses the involvement of librarians in online information retrieval, and how this technological process affects their professionalism. An argument is made that online information retrieval ought not to deprofessionalize librarianship, unless, librarians allow it, by passively watching the information revolution happen without working to keep pace with it.  相似文献   

白庆珉 《图书情报工作》2005,49(5):91-93,108
介绍具备情报能力的重要性、网络环境下情报活动的变化及网络环境下情报能力教育要素的变化等內容岢鲆桓鐾缁肪诚虑楸芰逃迪值娜P?并对模型的总体结构及其所涉及的教授方法、学习方法、教育内容、手段、评价、环境等实现问题进行说明。  相似文献   

面向知识经济社会的情报研究工作   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
孙宇军  谭玉珊 《情报学报》1999,18(4):351-357
本文论述情报工作内涵与社会发展之间的关系,分析了情报研究工作在知识经济社会中的地位与作用,指出了知识经济对情报研究工作的要求,比较了我国情报研究与世界先进水平的差距,并在此基础上提出了适应知识经济社会要求、全面提高情报研究工作水平的对策。  相似文献   

信息生态视角下老年用户群体微信使用行为影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
[目的/意义]随着中国逐步进入老龄化社会,越来越多的老年人使用移动社交软件来丰富自己的生活,微信成为我国老年用户群体使用最多的社交软件,研究和分析老年用户群体的微信使用行为成为信息行为分析的新问题。[方法/过程]以信息、信息人、信息环境和信息技术四者和谐的信息生态视角,在UTAUT模型的基础上建立老年用户群体的微信使用意愿影响因素研究模型,以结构方程作为研究方法对数据结果展开实证分析。[结果/结论]数据结果显示信息、信息人、信息环境、信息技术对老年微信用户使用意愿产生正向影响;信息人因素对老年微信用户使用意愿影响最大,其次是信息环境和信息技术,影响最小的是信息因素。本研究对了解老年人信息行为特征,制定中国老龄化社会发展中针对老年人的相关社会引导政策具有一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

基于Copyleft理念的Creative Commons发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息资源共享作为信息社会中社会资源配置的重要问题之一,关乎社会经济和民主自由的发展水平。而一种合适的信息资源共享模式则是信息资源共享顺利进行的条件,creative commons许可协议正是这样一个简单灵活解决信息资源共享中利益冲突问题的方式和途径。本文就CC许可协议的产生发展以及应用范围和应用情况进行详细的综述,从而为人们全面地了解CC的状况提供一个参考的途径,并藉此来推广creative commons在国内的发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]情报是封装的智能,智能是开放的情报,情报成为智能时代下智慧社会建设和治理的重要资源,探索建立情报主导的智能化、协同化、生态化、精准化工作范式有助于解决智慧社会中情报内容挖掘不充分、工作范式落后、智能化水平低、生态协同能力弱等情报困境。[方法/过程]本文在创新性地提出"情报生态协同体"(IESA)概念的基础上,构建了"面向智慧社会的情报生态协同体架构体系"(AIESA-SS),并分别从功能、流程、运行机制、技术支撑等方面进行了剖析,最后结合智慧无人生态农场实例进行分析。[结果/结论]"情报生态协同体"将为智慧社会发展提供重要支撑,AIESA-SS架构体系为智慧社会建设提供了可参考的赋能路径和解决方案,AIESA-SS通过引入区块链、边缘计算、数字孪生等智能技术,为情报活动在安全保障、内容优化、模拟仿真等方面提供策略支撑。  相似文献   


Providing information to the health consumer is one of the main tasks of our modern information society. This information falls into two categories: medical information, and supportive information such as literature and poetry. This article discusses the problematic situation of libraries and of information for patients in Israeli hospitals, and raises the question of the public library being a possible solution to help people in need get the information they are entitled to. The conclusions are based on a survey conducted in 1994. The results are rather disappointing: only 26.3% of the hospitals have library services for patients; most of them are managed by volunteers who have no training in professional librarianship. Also, in terms of book acquisition policy, library activities, and criteria for lending books, most of the results indicate that much needs to be done to improve the situation and help the health consumer receive information and support through the library. As it is clear that the situation in hospitals is not going to change in the near future, it is suggested that the public library serve as a helping resource outside the hospital and by that action it would not only contribute to society but expand its functions and strengthen its position in the community.  相似文献   

图书馆作为社会海量信息的主要集散中心和公益性的信息服务机构,开通"手机短信服务平台"尤为必要,建议文化部图书馆司协同相关部门出台有关规定,下发指导性文件,提出具体要求,并划拨专项经费,以利这项工作的切实推进.同时,建议各省市文化厅及图书馆学会根据当地的实际情况制订可行性方案,并将开通"手机短信服务平台"列为公共图书馆评估的指标之一.  相似文献   

依照广义战略管理理论,从组织结构、资源建设和服务方式等方面构建我国图书情报事业的发展战略模型。该模型反映图书情报事业中的战略与组织、资源及服务三者之间的关系,强调我国图书情报事业的发展要从战略的高度指导组织变革、资源建设和服务创新,最后给出战略实施的若干意见。  相似文献   

试论高校图书馆信息素质教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息素质是当今信息社会中人的综合素质的重要组成成分,是学习型社会中个人终身学习的必备素质之一。高校图书馆作为高等院校的信息资源中心,具有很强的信息素质教育优势。高校图书馆应充分利用自身的资源优势,积极开展面向高校大学生的信息素质教育。  相似文献   

"互联网+"引发了社会各领域变革,信息关系与知识形态的内涵也在变革中逐渐发生转变,探究信息关系与知识形态的变化对于提高知识管理和服务能力具有重要意义。文章通过论述信息概念单元之间、信息与载体之间和信息与社会之间的关系阐释信息关系的内涵,分析"互联网+"环境下信息关系对知识形态的影响,指出"互联网+"环境下知识形态的特点,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

The widespread use of information and communication technology, the ease and speed of information delivery, and the increasing availability and limitless diffusion of information have given reason to talk about the integration of the library into the information society. The Internet era has created entirely new possibilities for publishing scientific information and creating access to it. Libraries are essential institutions of the public sector in creating online content as well as in offering information services. While the working equipment has changed in the electronic environment, the content of the work—buying and mediating information—remains the same. Universities need libraries that have long-term experience in systematizing and mediating information. Easy, unconstrained, and widespread accessibility are key issues in achieving a knowledge-based society.  相似文献   

在构建农转城新市民信息素养和城市社会融合度评价指标体系的基础上,基于BP神经网络建立新市民信息素养各指标与其城市社会融合度指标之间的非线性映射模型,然后利用社会调查获得的样本数据训练该映射神经网络,由获得的网络连接权值矩阵和阈值矩阵来反映两者之间的内在联系。利用该网络可深入地分析新市民的信息素养与其城市社会融合的动力关系以及新市民快速融入城市社会的主要信息素养障碍。  相似文献   

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