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1There isa rectangle(长方you picture.Can形)in the two parts and cut it into)?m ake it a square(正方形It has five let-ters.It has six leftif you take twoletters away.W hatis it?Ittakes one cat twom inutesto eat onefish,then howlongdoes ittake tencats toeat tenfish?2The first letter is in“take”but not in“lake”.The sec-ond is in“thank”but not in“think”.The third is in both“fox”and“next”.The last one is notin“sheep”but in“ship”.W hat is it?It’s______.A.B IK E B.JE EPC.TA …  相似文献   

The Body     
1.Betty’s is curly and beautiful.2.John has no hair on his .3.Close your and m ake a wish.4.Santa’s are red.5.Stam p(跺 )your .6.She carried the box under her .7.D on’t shout in m y .8.Jim has som e candies(糖)in his 9.A crab(螃蟹 )has ten .10.Jack is carrying a bag on his 11.Sharks have sharp .12.M ary has a pretty .★本期“边 玩边 学”答 案:1.B (bee 蜜蜂)2.I (eye 眼睛)3.C (sea 海洋)4.P(pea 豌豆)5.T(tea 茶)6.Y (w hy 为什么)7.A B C8.I C U (I see you.我 看 见 你了。)9. A (Because it…  相似文献   

My Hobby     
钱靓 《阅读》2011,(10):45
Do you know the musical instrument of violin? Do you hear the voice of violin?A violin has four strings, it looks like a guitar.But do not mix it up with (和……混淆) a guitar. A guitar has  相似文献   

How many triangles穴三角形雪are there in the picture芽穴雪穴A雪seven穴B雪eight穴C雪nine穴D雪ten(★答案本期找)B看图回答:(英文)  相似文献   

徐平  小雨 《阅读》2007,(2):34-35
Long long ago, there lived a farmer. He had three sons. The three sons were all lazy(1) boys. One day, the farmer fell ill and was dying(2). He called his sons together and told them that he had hidden(3) a treasure(4) in the fields. "Turn the earth(5) over for it," he said.  相似文献   

A rich farmer had a big field of ripe(1)corn.He asked a poor man from the village to reap hisfield.“How long must I reap?”asked the poor man.“Until(2)the light(3)in the sky sets,”said therich farmer,pointing up at the sky.“And what will you pay me?”“I will give you a small bag of flour(4)ifyouwork well.”The poor man agreed(5)and began to reap therich man’s corn.He worked without rest.At noonhe stopped and rested for a short time under a tree.He had only one slice(6)of bread for lun…  相似文献   

反证法是间接证法的一种。如果我们把欲证的命题写成“若 A则 B( A→ B)”的形式 ,则反证法就是从需证命题结论 B的相反结论 B出发 ,通过正确的逻辑推理导出矛盾 ,推翻 B,从而断定待证结论 B成立。反证法有下面几种逻辑形式 :1.A→ B B→ A.证明 :A→ B A∨ B B∨ A B∨ A B→ A.例 1.已知 p3 +q3 =2 求证 p +q 2 .证明 :假设 p +q >2则 p3 >( 2 -q) 3 =8-12 q +6q2 -q3  p3 +q3 >2 ( 4 -6q +3 q2 )所以 p3 +q3 ≠ 2如若不然 ,有 2 ( 4 -6q +3 q2 ) <2  3 ( q2 -2 q +1) <0 .  ( q -1) 2 <0 .矛盾故 p +q 2 .2 .A…  相似文献   

淑琴  晓燕 《阅读》2006,(2):34-36
A child grew(3)corn(4)onthe top of a hill.When thecorn was ripe enough toreap(5),a bear found it and came intothe land.He ate some,threwsome and destroyed(6)some.The angry child went to reason with thebear who cared little about it.*“Though(7)I destroyed your corn,what canyou do with me?”“You must repay(8)my corn!”said the child.“What if I don’t repay it?”“I will let you know how strong I am.”“You’d better give it up(9).I have nothingbut strength,”answered the bear.“I only hea…  相似文献   

小雨 《阅读》2007,(12)
256134(答案本期找)难度系数:★★★A cross(横向)2.It’s celebrated on D ecem鄄ber25th.5.It’s a child’s play thing.6.Santa rides in a.D ow n(纵向)1.The sam e as“presents”.2.Christm as songs ofjoy.3.Christm as and aH appy N ew Year.4.Santa fills it with presentsfor the children.santaiSlost!hanyouCelphimindfPiswaybacktotheNorthhole?ITSOCNK4AREYRM3TH SGIISTFG1ERHLY ACROLS62T5lezzupdrowsamtsirhCG本期“智力碰碰车”答案:圣诞节字谜会@小雨~~…  相似文献   

龚晖 《阅读》2005,(11)
★You need(需要准备):A piece of square paper★Do as shown(跟图学做):1.Fold the paper inalf.将纸对折。2.Fold it again.再对折。3.Fold the right cor-er down to the left.右上角向左下方折。4.Do it again on theack to form a doubleriangle.背面折法同,成双三角。5.Fold along theotted line toward theenter,and do it againn the back.沿虚线向中心线折,背!!!!!!!边玩边学面同。6.Fold toward the bottom(底部)and do it again on the back.向下压折,背面同。7.Fold toward the upper(上部)and do it again on the back.向…  相似文献   

1I won’t buyyour story.我才不信你那一套。这句话表示对对方话语的怀疑,不屑一顾,对经常说大话的人,你可以用这句话。A:I went to the USA last month.B:Er...A:I will go to England next month.B:Stop!I won’t buy your story.1I’ll be the judge of that!我自会判断。意思是“我自己心中有数”,比如很多人对一件事众说纷纭,而你已经心中有数。A:I think it is a good idea.B:Yes,it sounds nice.C:No,no,it will do no good for us.D:OK,stop.I’ll be the judge of that.I know that from A to Z.我一清二楚。我从A到Z…  相似文献   

在代数(必修本)下册封面上有一自然数平方和1~2+2~2…+n~2=1/6(n+1)(2n+1),该结论在P_(119),例1中用数学归纳法给以证明,P_(124)练习题中用数学归纳法证明:1·2+2·3+3·4+…n(n+1)=(1/3)n(n+ 1)(n+2),P_(124)习题二十三又用数学归纳法证明1~3+2~3+3~3+…+n~3=(1/4)n~2(n+1)~2;1~2+3~2+5~2+…+(2n-1)~2=(1/3)n(4n~2-1),P_(132)复习参考六用数学归纳法证明:1×2×3+2×3×4+3×4×5+…+n(n+1)(n+2)=(1/4)n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3),诸如此类的有关自然数数列求和都是给出了结论,然后用数学归纳法进行证明,不少同学会提出它们作为书皮封面说明是很重要的,那么其结论是怎么来得呢?这是有关自然数数列求和一类公式性的结论,在高考中也曾出现过.例:89年理科第23题是否存在常数a、b、c使得等式:1×2~2+2×3~2+…+n(n+1)~2=(1/12)n(n+1)(an~2+bn+c),对于一切自然数都成立,并证明你的结论.以上所举自然数数列是一类相关习题,下面给出它们结论的证明.(1)1×2+2×3+3×4+n(n+1)=(1/3)n(n+1)(n+2)(2)1×2×3+2×3×4+…+n(n+1)(n+2)=(1/4)n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)证1:设S=1×2×3+2×3×4+…+n(n+1)(n+2)利用课本错位减法S=1×2×3+2×3×4+3×4×5+…+n(n+1)(n+2)-S=-〔1×2×3+2×3×4+…(n-1)n(n+1)+n (n+1)(n+2)〕0=3×1×2  相似文献   

My Dream     
傅钰 《阅读》2013,(30):44
I have a dream.I can travel around the world one day.I love nature(自然)because it has many beautiful and mysterious(神秘的)places.I want to be an explorer(探险家).I want to find beautiful places and let people feel the charm(魅力)of nature.I will try my best to fulfill(实现)my dream when I  相似文献   

(1)森林(2)原形 lie,躺(3)原形 destroy,毁坏(4)坚决地(5)粗心地,反义词为我 们 六 年 级 学 过 的carefully。同学们,你们认为它是一个动词还是副词呢?(6)皮,皮肤(7)伤害(8)原形 dig,挖(9)原形 cover,盖住(10)鼹鼠(11)通道In a forest(1),there was a pieceof lovely grasslandwith green grassand beautiful flow-ers.One day,however,an em pty can lay(2)on the grassland. The anim als in the forestwere very angry with it.“It’s people who threw it away and de-stroyed(3)our grassland,”M onkey said.Thenhe picked it up…  相似文献   

施燕  星雨 《阅读》2005,(11)
(1)引起惊慌的(2)面具(3)要捣蛋还是要款待(4)杰克南瓜灯(5)南瓜烛台(6)原形remove,除去(7)种子(8)原形stick,戳Kids love Halloween because it’s afunny holiday.They can put on any kind oftheir scary(1)clothes and masks(2).Kids alsolove to play“Trick or Treat”(3)with Jack O’Lanterns(4)in their hands on Halloween.Today is Halloween.Now Tom is busymaking a pumpkin candleholder(5).He cutsthe top off a small pumpkin first.Then heremoves(6)the seeds(7)in the pumpkin with asmall spoon.At last he stic…  相似文献   

一诺  徐小红 《阅读》2012,(12):46
一、脑筋急转弯。1.How are trees,cars and elephants alike(相像的)?2.Who can hold up(阻挡)cars with one hand?1.What letter should be filled in the question mark?(提示:过去式练习)二、词汇总动员。2.Put the letters in orders  相似文献   

1.一位擦地 4×8拍<音乐4/4拍中速>1×8拍第1-4拍右脚尖沿地面向右侧擦地至远端点地。如图(1)第5-8拍右踝关节用力下压沿地面擦回成预备姿势。 2×8拍动作同1×8拍。3×8拍,4×8拍动作同1×8拍,2×8拍但方向相反。要求:骨盆固定,重心始终在支撑腿上。双腿伸直侧点地时足跟尽量提起。上体保持抬头,挺胸形态。 2.蹲 16×8拍<音乐4/4拍或3/4拍中  相似文献   

条件代数式的求值问题,是中学数学的基础知识,也是初中数学的难点,解决这类问题的方法是多种多样的,本文就最常见的几种方法进行探讨。 一、直接法 例1:已知(|36-m~3|+8(m-3n)~2)/(m-4)~(1/2)=0 求:m-5m的值 解:由已知,得 解之,得m=6,n=2 故m-5n=6-5×2=-4 例2:已知a~2+b~2-6a-8b+25=0 求分式b/a-a/b的值  相似文献   

1 仪器示意图图1 重力功的特点演示仪2 用途及特点(1)用途研究重力做功与路径无关的关系。(2 )特点①制作简单,成本低。②操作简单,现象直观。3 制作材料小铁球(直径2cm)、长方形木板A(80cm×2 0cm)、木板B(2 0cm×2 0cm ,两块)、长方形木板C(70cm×15cm )、木板D(30cm×15cm)、宽2cm的塑料轨道1 5米(用固定电话线的线槽即可)、大水槽(里面放一些潮湿的沙子)、氯丁胶、螺丝钉、即时贴等。4 制作方法(1)将木板A和B用螺钉固定好,组成如图1所示的平台。(2 )将木板C和D用氯丁胶粘在平台上构成斜面,斜面倾角约为2 0°。(3)剪取两条光滑…  相似文献   

富宁 《阅读》2014,(15):41-41
<正>同学们,我们在小学英语教材上见过好几个"看(see,look,watch,read)",这四个动词均有"看"之意,但它们的用法不同。1.see意为"看到",强调"看到"的结果。如:How many birds can you see in the tree?你能看到树上有多少只鸟?  相似文献   

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