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员工在工作中的主动变革行为受到很多企业的重视和鼓励,以领导行为促进员工主动行为是管理实践的一种思路。本研究旨在探讨领导的授权行为是否以及如何促进员工的主动变革,提出了授权型领导对员工主动变革行为的主效应假说,以及内在动机、任务重要性对两者关系起到的中介和调节作用。基于现场调查数据的实证分析结果支持了研究假说。论文讨论了研究结论和管理启示,并对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

主动变革行为是员工促进组织功能性变革的建设性行为,是一种积极主动的组织公民行为,本研究基于社会认同理论探索了中国情境下精神型领导与主动变革行为的关系。来自38个中小科技型企业中58个研发团队的229名研发人员与其团队领导的匹配数据发现,精神型领导可通过影响组织内员工内部人身份感知对其主动变革行为产生间接作用,并且该作用大小受到组织内关系人力资源管理实践与员工角色宽度自我效能的影响。结果表明当关系人力资源管理实践程度低,角色宽度自我效能水平较高时,间接作用显著,即组织内员工最有可能从事主动变革行为,跨层次双阶段被调节的中介作用得到验证,该研究结论具有积极的理论价值及实践意义。  相似文献   

陈国权  陈子栋 《科研管理》2017,38(3):114-127
本文结合授权理论、心理投入理论和个体学习理论,提出了领导授权行为对员工学习能力的影响机制模型,通过调查问卷实证分析了领导授权行为对员工个体学习能力影响的作用机制。研究发现:(1)领导授权行为显著的促进了员工的心理认知,包括员工的领导认同感、同事信任感、心理授权感和心理安全感;(2)员工的领导认同感和同事信任感中介领导授权行为对员工心理授权的影响;(3)员工的领导认同感和同事信任感中介领导授权行为对员工心理安全的影响;(4)员工的心理安全感将促进员工的心理授权感;(5)心理授权感和心理安全感共同作用促进员工的个人学习能力。领导授权行为对员工个人学习能力的影响机制表现为两条路径,一条是促进员工个人学习能力的"激励"路径,领导授权行为通过影响员工领导认同和同事信任、进而促进员工的心理授权感;另一条是减少员工个人学习阻力的"保健"路径,领导授权行为通过影响员工领导认同和同事信任、进而促进员工的心理安全感,最后由心理授权感、心理安全感共同促进员工的个人学习能力。本文丰富和发展了组织学习理论,同时提出了未来需要改进的方向。  相似文献   

领导是促进员工创新的关键因素之一,而员工的创新动机和行为又受到领导风格的影响。构建了一个被调节的中介作用模型来探讨领导授权赋能对员工创新行为的影响机制。研究发现:领导授权赋能正向影响员工创新行为;隐性知识共享在领导授权赋能对员工创新行为的影响中起部分中介作用;差错管理氛围在领导授权赋能对隐性知识共享的影响中起调节作用,且调节了隐性知识共享在领导授权赋能和员工创新行为之间的中介作用。  相似文献   

李永占 《科研管理》2018,39(7):123-130
以高科技企业配对样本为对象,通过问卷调查探讨变革型领导对员工创新行为的影响机制,着力考察心理授权在二者间的中介作用和情感承诺的调节作用。结果表明:变革型领导与员工创新行为有正向关系;变革型领导与员工心理授权有正向关系;员工的心理授权与创新行为有正向关系;情感承诺在变革型领导与员工创新行为之间具有调节效应;心理授权各维度在变革型领导与员工创新行为之间均发挥部分中介作用。  相似文献   

管理实践中,不同层级的领导并非孤立存在,领导风格在不同层级之间能够得到继承、传递与发展。基于社会建构视角,结合本土化研究取向,探讨了不同领导层级的变革型领导行为对员工追随力的影响机制以及企业性质和人力资源管理强度的调节作用,得出以下4点结论:第一,中、高层管理者变革型领导行为正向影响员工追随力;第二,直线经理变革型领导行为在中、高层管理者变革型领导行为和员工追随力关系中起到传递作用;第三,企业性质调节直线经理变革型领导行为和员工追随力间的关系,相对于国有企业,非国有企业下直线经理变革型领导行为对员工追随力的影响更强。第四,人力资源管理强度调节直线经理变革型领导行为和员工追随力间的关系,高人力资源管理强度削弱了直线经理变革型领导行为对追随力的影响。  相似文献   

影响员工创新行为的因素众多。本研究基于授权赋能和社会认知理论的视角,通过对高新技术新创企业员工的调研,探究领导授权赋能对员工创新行为的影响路径及作用机制。研究发现:领导授权赋能对员工创新行为有明显的促进作用;创新自我效能感在领导授权赋能对员工创新行为的影响中起部分中介作用;不确定性规避在领导授权赋能对创新自我效能感的影响中起负向调节作用,差错管理氛围在创新自我效能感对员工创新行为的影响中起正向调节作用。  相似文献   

员工创造力是组织创新及竞争优势的重要来源,是影响组织效能和组织生存的重要因素。以114名来自浙江15个企业的领导和员工为样本,本研究揭示了探讨变革型领导对员工创造力的作用机制。研究发现,变革型领导正向影响员工心理授权和员工创造力,且员工心理授权在变革型领导和员工创造力两者之间起部分中介作用。因此,为提高员工创造力,领导者不仅需要塑造自身的变革型领导风格,而且需要努力为员工营造一种心理授权的氛围。  相似文献   

影响员工创新行为的因素众多。基于授权赋能和社会认知理论的视角,通过对中国高新技术新创企业员工的调研,探究领导授权赋能对员工创新行为的影响路径及作用机制。研究发现:领导授权赋能对员工创新行为有明显的促进作用;创新自我效能感在领导授权赋能对员工创新行为的影响中起部分中介作用;不确定性规避在领导授权赋能对创新自我效能感的影响中起负向调节作用;差错管理氛围在创新自我效能感对员工创新行为的影响中起正向调节作用。  相似文献   

探索了服务型领导对员工工作重塑的影响机制以及员工的直觉风格在其间的调节效应。研究结果如下:服务型领导有效促进了员工工作重塑行为;员工心理授权在其间起到完全中介作用;认知风格中的直觉风格调节了心理授权与工作重塑之间的直接关系及服务型领导与工作重塑之间的间接关系。  相似文献   

康飞  曲庆  张涵 《科研管理》2019,40(11):216-225
员工敬业度是组织行为与人力资源研究领域近年来广受关注的一个议题。本论文在以往研究的基础之上,基于自我决定理论实证研究授权式领导对员工敬业度的影响,并探讨员工的自主需求满足和学习目标导向在以上影响过程中所起的中介及调节作用。以企业中的253名员工为研究对象,实施两阶段数据收集策略。数据分析结果表明,授权式领导对员工的敬业度水平有显著的正向影响;自主需求满足在授权式领导与员工敬业度关系中起中介作用。另外,员工的学习目标导向会负向调节自主需求满足与敬业度之间的正向关系,即员工的学习目标导向越高,两者的正向关系越弱。本研究的发现有利于丰富对员工敬业度影响因素的认知,并从自我决定理论的视角理解授权式领导影响员工敬业度的心理机制,从而可以指导企业采取一些改进措施,以促进员工的敬业度。  相似文献   

康飞  曲庆  张涵 《科研管理》2006,40(11):216-225
员工敬业度是组织行为与人力资源研究领域近年来广受关注的一个议题。本论文在以往研究的基础之上,基于自我决定理论实证研究授权式领导对员工敬业度的影响,并探讨员工的自主需求满足和学习目标导向在以上影响过程中所起的中介及调节作用。以企业中的253名员工为研究对象,实施两阶段数据收集策略。数据分析结果表明,授权式领导对员工的敬业度水平有显著的正向影响;自主需求满足在授权式领导与员工敬业度关系中起中介作用。另外,员工的学习目标导向会负向调节自主需求满足与敬业度之间的正向关系,即员工的学习目标导向越高,两者的正向关系越弱。本研究的发现有利于丰富对员工敬业度影响因素的认知,并从自我决定理论的视角理解授权式领导影响员工敬业度的心理机制,从而可以指导企业采取一些改进措施,以促进员工的敬业度。  相似文献   

刘晓琴 《科研管理》2019,40(3):188-196
以资源保存理论和情感事件理论为理论基础,以316名员工为被试,运用非伦理领导、情绪耗竭、内在动机和创新越轨行为等量表,对非伦理领导通过情绪耗竭和内在动机两个中介变量影响员工职场创新越轨行为的作用机制进行了探讨。研究结果表明:(1)非伦理领导、情绪耗竭、内在动机和职场创新越轨行为彼此显著相关;(2)情绪耗竭和内在动机的链式多重中介效应在非伦理领导与员工职场创新越轨行为之间起完全中介作用,非伦理领导不但分别以情绪耗竭和内在动机两个独立中介变量影响员工职场创新越轨行为,还可以通过“非伦理领导→情绪耗竭→内在动机→创新越轨行为”的路径影响员工职场创新越轨行为。  相似文献   

蒋瑞  林新奇 《科研管理》2020,41(10):248-257
威权领导是华人社会普遍存在的一种领导方式,对其进行研究对华人组织有重要的意义;员工非伦理行为也广泛存在与社会各类各级组织,并带来了巨大的危害,对威权领导与员工非伦理行为关系的研究目前尚未涉及。本文从社会交换和社会学习视角研究威权领导和员工非伦理行为的关系,以及领导成员交换的中介作用和伦理氛围的调节作用。通过406对领导-员工配对的问卷调查,研究结果表明:(1)威权领导与员工非伦理行呈正相关关系;(2)领导成员交换在威权领导与员工非伦理行为关系中起完全中介作用;(3)伦理氛围负向调节领导成员交换与员工非伦理氛围的关系;(4)伦理氛围负向调节领导成员交换对威权领导与员工非伦理行为关系的中介作用。  相似文献   

于海云  阚丽雯  商燕劼 《科研管理》2020,41(12):139-148
While it is well-known that cross-cultural conflict management is a common problem in multinational joint ventures. The cooperation parties come from different countries and regions, and their social, political and legal systems and cultural backgrounds are different, which leads to the differences in business philosophy, decision-making thinking preferences and management communication modes. The conflict of managerial values caused by cultural differences will inevitably affect the management concept and mode of joint ventures, which will permeate the whole process of enterprise management activities. Employees from different cultural backgrounds may have different acceptance of the rules and regulations of the joint venture or different understanding of the work tasks, which may cause employees′ uncertainty or anxiety and ultimately affect their work innovation behavior and enterprise performance.  However, a fact that can not be ignored is that managers of joint ventures do not know much about cultural differences, the impact of communication modes and how to influence employees′ work innovative behavior. Managers need to manage cultural conflicts and differences between the two countries and even more countries in order to maximize cultural integration and enhance working enthusiasm and creativity of employees. So, this study attempts to reveal the deep-seated impact mechanism of cultural differences between parent company and subsidiary companies and management communication modes on employees′ work innovative behavior. And we also hope to explore the optimal communication mode in cross-cultural conflict management of joint ventures, so as to provide experience for cross-cultural conflict management of joint ventures. This paper took 211 employees of 12 automobile joint ventures as the research object. Cultural differences perceived by employees were viewed as the independent variable, and communication modes between managers and subordinates were regarded as both independent variables and moderating variables. The theory of anxiety/uncertainty management was adopted to analyze the effect and mechanism of employees′ perceptions of cultural differences on their work innovative behavior. The theory and techniques of Transactional Analysis were used to classify the communication modes between managers and subordinates. The hierarchical regression method was conducted to analyze the samples and compare the impact of different communication modes on employees′ innovative behavior.  Through empirical research, this study mainly draws the following conclusions: (1) Joint venture employees′ perceptions of cultural differences between parent and subsidiary companies affects their innovative behavior. The more cultural differences perceived by employees between parent and subsidiary companies, the more difficult it is for employees to understand the rules and regulations and normative requirements of joint ventures, thus enhancing the risk defense mechanism of employees and curbing their creative and innovative motivation in the process of work. (2) Manager-employee value conflict caused by cultural differences runs through the communication modes between managers and employees, thus affecting the innovative behavior of employees. The three dimensions of communication mode (complementary transactions, crossed transactions and covert ulterior) affect the direction and intensity of employees′ innovative behavior differently. Among them, complementary transactions positively affects employees′ innovative behavior, while crossed transactions and covert ulterior negatively affect employees′ innovative behavior. (3) Different communication modes adopted by manager-employee in the process of communication can moderate the impact of cultural differences perceived by employees on their innovative behavior. Among them, complementary transactions can weaken the negative relationship between employees′ perceptions of cultural differences and their innovative behavior, while covert ulterior strengthens the negative relationship between employees′ perceptions of cultural differences and their innovative behavior, while crossed transactions has no obvious moderating effect. The theoretical contributions of this study are mainly embodied in the following aspects. Firstly, this study confirms the impact of employees′ perceptions of cultural differences and communication modes between managers and employees on employees′ innovative behavior. Different communication modes between managers  and employees will not only directly affect employees′ innovative behavior, but also moderate the relationship between employees′ perceptions of cultural differences and their innovative behavior. Secondly, this study reveals the complex mechanism of the relationship between employees′ perceptions of cultural differences and their innovative behavior, and identifies the important moderating role of different communication modes. Thirdly, this study enriches the application fields of the anxiety/uncertainty theory, and expands the research fields of the theory and techniques of Transactional Analysis. The results of this study have important reference significance for the management practice of joint ventures. Based on the results of this study, the employees′ perceptions of cultural differences are important factors to affect employees′ innovative behavior. Therefore, we put forward the following management suggestions for joint ventures. Firstly, it is suggested that joint ventures should attach great importance to alleviating the uncertainty and anxiety caused by employees′ perceptions of cultural differences, strive to create a safe and harmonious working environment for employees, so as to stimulate their innovative potential and improve their work enthusiasm and creativity. Secondly, joint ventures should popularize the theory of Transactional Analysis and the techniques of Interpersonal Communication Interaction Analysis in the process of human resources training. In addition, managers and employees of joint ventures should choose appropriate communication modes. When communicating, both managers and employees should give priority to complementary transactions, avoiding the use of crossed transactions and covert ulterior. However, this study still has the following limitations: (1) This study took the employees of automobile joint ventures in China as research object. The representativeness of the samples needs to be improved. The universality of the research conclusions needs to be confirmed further. (2) There are some inconsistencies between self-evaluation and supervisor-evaluation of employees′ innovative behavior. The supervisor-evaluation data did not verify all the theoretical hypotheses. (3) The richness of the models needs to be strengthened. This study used the theory of anxiety/uncertainty management to explain the main effect of perceptions of cultural differences on employee innovative behavior, and tested the moderating effect of communication modes, but did not explore and test the mediating effect of the relationship between perceptions of cultural differences and employee innovative behavior. We will further explore the mediating variables and effects in the future study.  相似文献   

授权型领导影响知识型员工创新的信任机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
授权型领导是领导对员工信任基础上所作出的管理决策和领导方式,并影响到员工创新行为。本文研究授权型领导如何通过影响知识型员工的两种信任,并进一步影响知识型员工创新行为的中间信任机制,以及组织支持感在该机制中的调节作用。通过配对调研和数据收集与处理,实证研究发现,授权型领导能够正向影响知识型员工对领导产生的基于情感的信任和基于认知的信任,并最终正向影响知识型员工的创新行为,组织支持感正向调节授权型领导对知识型员工基于情感的信任和基于认知的信任的影响关系。  相似文献   

公仆型、变革型、真诚型领导者都是支持型领导者。在现有的文献中,欧美学者对支持型领导行为理论进行了大量的研究。他们的研究成果表明,管理人员表现支持型领导行为,可缓解员工的工作压力,增强员工的工作满意感和情感性归属感,激励员工表现组织公民行为,提高服务质量。文章介绍了西方学者关于支持型领导行为的含义、组成成分和作用的研究概况,并指出了学术界的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Employees' innovative work behavior (IWB) contributes to organizational innovativeness in the form of new processes, products, and services, and therefore it is worthwhile to examine motivational antecedents of employees' IWB. This study analyzes the relationship between motivation forms from self-determination theory and the concept of person-organization (PO) fit to provide insight into some of the factors that can influence high-tech R&D employees' IWB. Survey data from R&D employees in three high-tech organizations show that employees with higher levels of PO fit have higher levels of autonomous (identified and intrinsic) work motivation and that autonomously motivated employees engage in more frequent IWB. Autonomous motivation forms mediate PO fit's relationship with IWB. Furthermore, pay justice (i.e., distributive justice) and organization support of creativity are significantly associated with PO fit, indicating that these may be useful for managers to consider in relation to employee fit, motivation, and innovative work behavior. Ultimately, managers interested in fostering innovative behavior of R&D employees would be prudent to seek congruence between employee and organization values and support employees' autonomous motivation.  相似文献   

王永伟  韩亚峰 《科研管理》2019,40(10):268-277
本文主要探讨环境不确定情境下组织惯例更新的前因与后果。基于对上海、新疆、河南232家企业中高层管理人员的数据分析,研究结果表明:CEO变革型领导行为能够显著影响组织惯例更新的进程;组织惯例更新在CEO变革型领导行为与组织绩效之间起着中介效应;环境不确定性在CEO变革型领导行为与组织惯例更新之间起着调节效应。这些研究结果在厘清组织惯例更新的影响因素及效能,丰富组织惯例研究成果方面具有一定的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

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