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数据科学经历了近50年的发展与变革,对知识创新和社会进步产生了深远的影响。现阶段对数据科学的研究,除应探讨数据科学的内涵和外延之外,还需要回答一系列深层次的问题:数据科学的核心理论和代表性实践是什么,它们是如何演化而来的,仍存在的问题和挑战是什么,未来的发展趋势是什么。为此,本文从核心理论和典型实践两个维度,将数据科学的发展历程划分为萌芽期、快速发展期和逐步成熟期三个阶段并进行总结分析。现阶段数据科学的理论研究和实践应用主要存在四类问题:一是对数据科学本身的系统研究不足;二是对数据科学领域的新问题聚焦不够;三是对数据科学领域的核心问题研究不足;四是在数据科学理论的直接指导下完成的实践应用不多。对此,提出了五点对策建议:聚焦数据科学特有的新问题和主要矛盾,健全数据科学理论研究的体系,加快数据科学实践应用的产业化,推进研究方法论的突破性创新,拓展数据科学的基础理论。  相似文献   

This article offers a theoretical model of the criteria young people use to evaluate websites. The model combines the concepts of personal preferences, object engagement characteristics, human processing constraints, and contextual constraints to predict a young person's evaluation decision. The qualitative methodology used to gather data for the development and testing of this model included website evaluation sessions and group interviews with 11 young female students. Data analysis took the form of iterative pattern coding using QSR NUD*IST Vivo qualitative data analysis software. Data analysis uncovered strong support for the theoretical and empirical models. Related implications for website designers are discussed, with an emphasis on the importance of enabling users to modify website design to satisfy their personal preferences. Related implications for librarians and teachers are also discussed, with an emphasis on the importance of teaching young people to become more critical users of the Web.  相似文献   

规范研究、经验研究、思辨研究、实证研究、定性研究与定量研究是常用的图书馆学研究范式。梳理这些研究范式的概念与相互之间的联系,有助于规范图书馆学研究方法,扩展图书馆学研究思路。目前我国图书馆学经验研究、规范研究、定性研究偏多,实证研究缺乏,定量研究往往被忽视。为此,图书馆学研究应坚持多种研究范式并存与互补应用,定量研究与定性研究相结合,实证研究与规范研究相结合,弘扬实证研究方法,从而促进图书馆学繁荣发展。  相似文献   

Abstract The Science Explorations program was developed by the Milwaukee Public Museum (MPM) out of a desire to use the unique resources of MPM to advance informal science education and to address a community need of local and national concern: improving science education and accessibility for underserved audiences. In 2002, with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and private donors, MPM launched this after‐school program for a target group of urban, mostly minority, middle school girls, a group at risk for underachievement in science and technology. The museum staff built a combined program with five middle schools and also sought to reach out to family members of the participating girls in order to increase support for the young women's science endeavors. A three‐year evaluation of the Science Explorations program demonstrated positive findings from primarily quantitative data. An aim of this article is to present findings from the qualitative data to shed light on the reasons this program met nearly all of its targets. Findings from case studies and qualitative interviews suggest that the museum staff's efforts to demystify science—a process that provided ongoing access to real scientific endeavors and invited personal contact with scientists—influenced the program's success. Findings also suggest that strong school liaisons may help increase family support for young women's scientific pursuits, which can in turn play a role in their success in this program.  相似文献   

采用系统综述方法对获取的69篇北美情报学理论文献进行开放式编码和进一步的逻辑分析,系统地概括北美情报学理论近20年的研究现状和最新进展。研究表明:①北美情报学理论的研究由相互关联的7个维度构成,这些维度是情报学的基本概念、跨学科理论的引入、情报学哲学理论、情报学研究领域、情报学理论框架、情报学发展、情报学学科特征。②北美情报学理论的优点是理论体系完善、多元性哲学理论共存和研究方法存在思辨与实证相结合。③北美情报学理论的局限性在于多元哲学理论间缺乏整体性分析、持续性研究欠缺和理论框架主题成果不多。  相似文献   

This study describes a content analysis aimed at identifying the distribution of empirical research strategies and techniques reported in high-profile LIS journal literature published in 2005. For each article, researchers identified the overall research strategy, the data collection technique, and whether the type of analysis was quantitative or qualitative. The taxonomies used in the analysis were those based on Järvelin and Vakkari's [Järvelin, K., & Vakkari, P. (1990). Content analysis of research articles in library and information science. Library & Information Science Research, 12, 395-422] study in order to compare the results with the earlier findings derived from the 1975 and 1985 literature. The survey approach remains the predominant research strategy in both library science and information science. However, there was a marked increase in experimentation. There were more modest increases in the use of qualitative approaches, except for historical research, which showed a marked decline. This study's findings will inform development of methods courses in doctoral programs, which aim to cover the most commonly used strategies and techniques in contemporary LIS research. Revised taxonomies, which include previously unspecified strategies and techniques such as ethnography and transaction log analysis, are suggested for future content analyses of LIS research.  相似文献   

In spite of the increasing use of qualitative research methods in library and information studies, it is unclear whether using qualitative methods (grounded theory, ethnography, and phenomenology) results in an above average impact in library and information science (LIS). Articles using any of the three qualitative methods published from 2003 to 2013 and indexed in Web of Science in the category of “Information Science & Library Science” (N?=?299) were studied. The number of citations and Mendeley readers for each article was compared to the other articles published in the same journal and same volume using mean normalised rank (rank-1/articles-1). The results showed no statistically significant difference between the citation rates of qualitative articles with those of other articles. Qualitative articles on average had a smaller Mendeley readership than the other articles did and the difference was statistically significant. Given the increasing interest in qualitative methods, it is suggested that LIS schools in their education programs and journals in their editorial policies should put more emphasis on issues related to the rigour of qualitative research.  相似文献   

中外情报学论文创新性特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 综合运用定性与定量相结合的方法对近年中外情报学论文的创新性进行分析和对比,揭示情报学领域研究的创新性特征,发现领域学术论文中创新句内部的知识关系,进行更细粒度的论文创新性分析,为研究领域创新点深层次利用提供条件,同时丰富科技论文创新性监测的途径,促进科学研究创新。[方法/过程] 从句子级创新性识别出发,选取中英文各两种情报学期刊作为样本,采用信息抽取和机器学习的方法,将创新句的抽取从现有的摘要扩展到全文,充分利用句子结构和句法特征识别领域创新内容,探讨近年中外情报学论文在创新对象、主题、类别等方面的特征,并做对比分析,最后通过对自动分类的论文集合进行定性的内容分析,总结归纳出中外情报学论文创新的表达范式。[结果/结论] 从创新的表达来看,中外情报学论文创新句的分布情况基本一致,英文期刊论文创新的表达更丰富。从创新性特征来看,英文情报学期刊论文创新主题较集中,而中文主题多样和分散;具体方法的创新是近年情报学领域的创新热点,而在研究方法上创新不足;中英文情报学期刊论文的创新性特点都反映了应用研究、实证研究的成果较多,而理论创新推动缓慢的趋势。  相似文献   

以中国医学科学院图书馆为例,介绍该馆为优化发现系统网站架构进行的卡片分类试验。详细介绍开放和封闭式卡片分类技术、卡片分类试验结果的定性和定量分析方法,并详细描述中国医学科学院图书馆卡片分类试验的研究过程,对试验得到的数据进行聚类分析、多维尺度分析和标签名称分析。最后,对整个试验的优点和不足进行讨论。试验的结果将有助于发现系统原有网站架构的改进。  相似文献   

Questions of definition and measurement continue to constrain a consensus on the measurement of interdisciplinarity. Using Rao-Stirling (RS) Diversity sometimes produces anomalous results. We argue that these unexpected outcomes can be related to the use of “dual-concept diversity” which combines “variety” and “balance” in the definitions (ex ante). We propose to modify RS Diversity into a new indicator (DIV) which operationalizes “variety,” “balance,” and “disparity” independently and then combines them ex post. “Balance” can be measured using the Gini coefficient. We apply DIV to the aggregated citation patterns of 11,487 journals covered by the Journal Citation Reports 2016 of the Science Citation Index and the Social Sciences Citation Index as an empirical domain and, in more detail, to the citation patterns of 85 journals assigned to the Web-of-Science category “information science & library science” in both the cited and citing directions. We compare the results of the indicators and show that DIV provides improved results in terms of distinguishing between interdisciplinary knowledge integration (citing references) versus knowledge diffusion (cited impact). The new diversity indicator and RS diversity measure different features. A routine for the measurement of the various operationalization of diversity (in any data matrix) is made available online.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]iConference是信息科学领域重要的国际会议,文章旨在对iConference 2019会议论文进行总结与梳理,形成比较完整的综述内容,为国内该领域研究者提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]从研究方法、研究问题、研究过程、研究发现4个维度对iConference 2019所录用的24个主题77篇论文进行综述。[结果/结论]iConference作为iSchool的年会,其录用论文主题涵盖了当前信息科学领域理论研究和应用实践的最新成果。从成果可以看出,基于数据驱动的研究范式为信息科学与其他学科的融合发展提供了契机,促使图书馆与信息学科在新的研究场景下发现研究问题;半结构化访谈、问卷调查、扎根理论、统计分析等定性与定量相结合是当前主要的研究方法;研究数据的获取是研究中极为重要的过程。  相似文献   

科技馆是校外科学教育的基础阵地,在提升青少年科学素质、培育未来科技创新人才等方面发挥着重要作用。《现代科技馆体系发展“十四五”规划(2021—2025年)》的出台,标志着我国科技馆体系进入新的发展阶段。本文从分析科技馆科学教育的重要定位出发,指出科技馆科学教育在实现价值引领、供给侧改革以及开放体系建设上的新目标,并结合我国科技馆科学教育发展中的现存问题,从理论研究、资源建设和生态构建层面提出解决方案,助力我国青少年科学素质提升。  相似文献   

Message appeals are a key component of communication campaigns and an important source of campaign influence. However, research on them is heavily fragmented and it is difficult to generalize findings from the many diverse field studies. Based on a large and unique data set using quantitative and qualitative meta-analyses, this research provides measures of the relative impact of each type of appeal, as well as the major differences among them, and identifies the moderating variables that lead to a better understanding of each. This investigation is based on persuasion research, which provides a framework for understanding the unique characteristics of these advertising appeals. It highlights empirical gaps in the academic literature and acts as a conceptual guide for our research hypotheses. Results reveal weaker effect sizes than those previously reported in the literature and show important differences among appeals that lead to a “hierarchy of appeals.” Specifically, emotional appeals, led by sex and humor, appear to be more effective than fear and rational appeals. The study finds new theoretical and empirical generalizations; some results are counterintuitive and differ from findings generated from single appeal studies. Findings are of theoretical and practical importance.  相似文献   

刘盛利 《大观周刊》2012,(11):12-13,43
《科学史学导论》主要通过综合性地描述、批判和评论重要的科学史学观点和方法,介绍现代科学史中的方法论和理论问题,本文在介绍该书主要内容的基础上,探究其思想体系,说明它是连接一般史学与科学史学之间鸿沟的导论性著作,对我们理解科学史的发展很有帮助.  相似文献   

过去十年,公众科学已经从一个新兴概念逐渐演化成互联网环境下群体协作的利器。然而,由于公众科学项目发起主体的多元性、参与方的广泛性和异质性、实施过程的复杂性和动态性,其运行机制和管理方式还有很多难点。科研众包理念是成功开展公众科学项目的前提和重点,因此可以作为公众科学的理论视角去进行概念解析,而对于科研众包类型的解构也将有助于公众科学项目的模式设计。本研究认为基于科研众包类型和公众科学开展环境两个维度,可以有效构建公众科学项目的业务模式并进行业务划分;以“机构观”的思想去驱动、管理并维系公众科学项目的发展,加入第三方组织机构这一实体可以重构公众科学项目的运作模式。而立足于图书情报学科,可以对数字人文类公众科学项目进行深入探索,尤其可以从特色馆藏利用、数字人文平台构建、科研数据管护以及用户激励和培训等方面开展后续工作。图4。表1。参考文献45。  相似文献   

内容分析法在图书情报领域中的应用与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
内容分析法是一种以定性研究为基础的定量研究方法,它的引入对图书情报学的发展具有重大意义。论文介绍了内容分析法应用于图书情报学的哲学基础、必要性、应用步骤和应注意的问题,并展望了其在图书情报领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着大数据的发展,数据科学已经成为新的研究领域。厘清国外数据科学的发展与研究现状,可为我国今后的研究提供参考与借鉴。[方法/过程]利用Web of Science核心合集数据库对国外有关数据科学的文献进行检索,并对作者、研究方向等外部特征与关键词、主题等内容特征做计量分析;在此基础上,通过逐篇阅读与归类,从数据科学的内涵界定与应用方向两大方面进行综合分析。[结果/结论]最后,结合现有研究面临的问题与解决的方法,对数据科学的未来进行展望。  相似文献   

图书馆学理论研究一直热衷于讨论图书馆的本质是什么,并将之视为图书馆学的研究对象。一些学者指出这种模式的图书馆学理论研究具有明显的本质主义色彩,应该予以摒弃。这种观点引起了学界其他学者的反驳与批评。图书馆学人热衷于讨论图书馆学的本质,是想凭借本质研究向学术界和社会证明图书馆学的合法性。从目前图书馆学界的各种研究范式来看,实证研究在建构图书馆学合法性上卓有成效。要确定图书馆的学科合法性,根本路径是立足于学科特色,选择社会和学术界普遍关心的问题作为学科研究议题,并通过学术界认可的表达方式向学术界展示图书馆学的研究成果。  相似文献   

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