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Science is built on scholarly consensus that shifts with time. This raises the question of how new and revolutionary ideas are evaluated and become accepted into the canon of science. Using two recently proposed metrics, atypicality and diruption, we measure how research draws upon novel combinations of prior research and the degree it creates a new direction by eclipsing its intellectual forebears in subsequent work. Atypical papers are nearly two times more likely to disrupt science than conventional papers, but this is a slow process taking ten years or longer for disruption scores to converge. We provide the first computational model reformulating atypicality as the distance across latent knowledge spaces learned by neural networks. The evolution of this knowledge space characterizes how yesterday's novelty forms today's scientific conventions, which condition the noveltyof tomorrow's breakthroughs.  相似文献   

郭进京  黄奇 《图书情报工作》2021,65(20):123-134
[目的/意义] 科学研究(尤其是医学研究)充满了不确定性,识别研究中的矛盾知识主张将有助于识别"科学分歧/不一致的科学结论",推动潜在变革性科学研究的识别和相关研究的完善。[方法/过程] 以阿尔茨海默病为例,将PubMed文摘数据作为数据源,采用SemRep工具进行三元组抽取。制定表征矛盾意义的知识主张识别规则,依据不确定性程度高低对来源语句进行划分,分别采用单句识别和跨语句识别两种途径,识别以三元组形式表示的、具有矛盾意义的医学研究知识主张。[结果/结论] 从来源于PubMed的6 574篇医学文摘中共计识别出49组(涉及277对三元组)矛盾知识主张。阿尔茨海默病在诊断和治疗方面的研究仍存在部分争议和矛盾,有待进一步验证。矛盾知识主张识别为潜在变革性医学研究前沿发现提供新思路,可用于基于知识计量的知识发现和为知识图谱可信度计算提供参考。  相似文献   

We analyze the advent and development of eight scientific fields from their inception to maturity and map the evolution of their networks of collaboration over time, measured in terms of co-authorship of scientific papers. We show that as a field develops it undergoes a topological transition in its collaboration structure between a small disconnected graph to a much larger network where a giant connected component of collaboration appears. As a result, the number of edges and nodes in the largest component undergoes a transition between a small fraction of the total to a majority of all occurrences. These results relate to many qualitative observations of the evolution of technology and discussions of the “structure of scientific revolutions”. We analyze this qualitative change in network topology in terms of several quantitative graph theoretical measures, such as density, diameter, and relative size of the network's largest component.To analyze examples of scientific discovery we built databases of scientific publications based on keyword and citation searches, for eight fields, spanning experimental and theoretical science, across areas as diverse as physics, biomedical sciences, and materials science. Each of the databases was vetted by field experts and is the result of a bibliometric search constructed to maximize coverage, while minimizing the occurrence of spurious records. In this way we built databases of publications and authors for superstring theory, cosmic strings and other topological defects, cosmological inflation, carbon nanotubes, quantum computing and computation, prions and scrapie, and H5N1 influenza. We also built a database for a classical example of “pathological” science, namely cold fusion. All these fields also vary in size and in their temporal patterns of development, with some showing explosive growth from an original identifiable discovery (e.g. carbon nanotubes) while others are characterized by a slow process of development (e.g. quantum computers and computation).We show that regardless of the detailed nature of their developmental paths, the process of scientific discovery and the rearrangement of the collaboration structure of emergent fields is characterized by a number of universal features, suggesting that the process of discovery and initial formation of a scientific field, characterized by the moments of discovery, invention and subsequent transition into “normal science” may be understood in general terms, as a process of cognitive and social unification out of many initially separate efforts. Pathological fields, seemingly, never undergo this transition, despite hundreds of publications and the involvement of many authors.  相似文献   

明确新文科建设与计算档案学的相互关系及作用点是制定计算档案学发展策略的重要支撑。本文从梳理新文科建设与计算档案学的内涵出发,解析计算档案学的发展局限以及新文科建设提供的发展机遇,把握两者相互作用的要点。由此,提出计算档案学的发展策略如下:对接新文科的服务属性确认发展方向、基于中国本土进行内容建构、以品牌项目深化跨学科的探索行动、加强教学科研互动以充实学科建设。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]复杂网络的社团结构研究已逐渐成为科学家借助文献数据开展科学结构研究的有力工具,社团划分效果的不同对科学结构的解读有着举足轻重的影响。本文对混合网络社团划分方法进行梳理,以期对该领域的相关研究提供借鉴参考。[方法/过程]通过文献调研,阐明混合网络的概念与类型,从网络构建或算法革新角度对各类型混合网络的社团划分研究进行概述,也对支撑混合网络社团划分的经典算法进行简介。[结果/结论]通过系统地梳理总结不同类型混合网络的社团划分工作,为后续的网络分析研究提供研究的视角和方法,同时揭示其在科学结构研究中所面临的挑战与所具有的现实意义,展望今后可能进一步拓展的相关研究方向。  相似文献   

闵超  张帅  孙建军 《情报学报》2020,(3):259-273
科学知识借助引用关系发生动态扩散,客观记录科学发展与演化的轨迹。由于知识之间存在千丝万缕的联系,以孤立的观点看待科学知识的影响与价值往往得到的是片面的感观。本文从联系的视角观察科学知识产出,尝试通过被引、引用、文献耦合与共被引等文献关系为单篇论著构建引文扩散网络,探讨"文献嵌入网络"的概念、测度方式及其在引文扩散过程中起到的特殊作用。案例分析显示,科学知识的形成相伴于科学知识网络的发展,同时也受到这个网络的影响:科学知识向科学领域的扩散,遵循从核心领域向周边领域的扩散模式;施引文献可以揭示目标文献中没有显式呈现的信息;四种文献关系之间可能存在相当程度的重合,引文扩散过程显示出知识的"黏滞性"与非常明显的"小世界"特征。对科学产出的扩散网络进行量化有助于为全面评价其价值提供更多客观依据。  相似文献   

Discursive knowledge emerges as codification in flows of communication. The flows of communication are constrained and enabled by networks of communications as their historical manifestations at each moment of time. New publications modify the existing networks by changing the distributions of attributes and relations in document sets, while the networks are self-referentially updated along trajectories. Codification operates reflexively: the network structures are reconstructed from the perspective of hindsight. Codification along different axes differentiates discursive knowledge into specialties. These intellectual control structures are constructed bottom-up, but feed top-down back upon the production of new knowledge. However, the forward dynamics of diffusion in the development of the communication networks along trajectories differs from the feedback mechanisms of control. Analysis of the development of scientific communication in terms of evolving scientific literatures provides us with a model which makes these evolutionary processes amenable to measurement.  相似文献   

保证学术期刊审定稿科学性的若干理论思考   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:10  
从科学理论的发展、科学评价的内在要求及社会、心理等相关方面的影响出发,从理论上对保证审定稿的科学性进行思考,明确区分了科技期刊审稿标准与科学理论评价标准的异同,指出学术期刊审稿与定稿的本质区别,分析了审稿评价中的影响因素和定稿评价中的辩证关系.  相似文献   

周文骏教授文献交流学说的理论建树管窥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周文骏教授的《文献交流引论》是上个世纪80年代图书情报学界引领潮流的代表作,是对文献交流学说作了科学阐释的开创性论著,在现代图书馆学、文献学发展史上有着里程碑的意义。文献交流学说的理论建树在于:提出了交流是图书馆学与情报学共同的理论基础;确立了文献交流学的研究对象;揭示了文献的本质。这就为研究文献学理论开辟了一条新的途径,并促进了该学科体系的不断更新与完善。  相似文献   

开放科学的驱动因素、发展优势与障碍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义]考察目前国际开放科学的发展情况,为国内开放科学的发展提供理论支撑和参考。[方法/过程]通过网络调研和文献调研,综述和介绍开放科学的涵义、驱动开放科学发展的因素及当前开放科学发展的优势和障碍。[结果/结论]开放科学的概念存在多样性;科学发展的需求、各机构和国家的开放科学政策和实践项目是开放科学发展的主要驱动因素;开放科学的优势逐渐凸显,如提高科研的速度和效率、促进发现新的科研问题、增强科研的可见性和参与度、促进学术严谨和科研质量、增强科研合作和群体建设等;开放科学虽有优势,但也有一些因素阻碍其发展,如缺乏学术报酬等激励机制、独立的科研文化与竞争性、缺乏开放科学的知识技能、缺乏知识产权法律保障等。  相似文献   

知识管理的理论基础   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从认识论、方法论角度论述知识管理的哲学基础,从经济增长理论与知识资本理论角度论述知识管理的经济学基础,从科学管理、组织行为理论、战略管理、人力资源管理与信息资源管理角度论述知识管理的管理学基础。由此得出结论:知识管理是吸纳并融合哲学、经济学、管理学理论而发展壮大的一门新兴学科。参考文献36。  相似文献   

任晓亚  张志强 《情报学报》2022,41(2):202-216
科学奖励是有关科学共同体对特定科学发现成果的共识性学术认可评价,是反映科学发展重要突破、进展脉络和趋势的一扇窗口。为了厘清科学奖励相关研究的阶段特点、内容与规律、问题与趋向,本文综合利用定性和定量分析方法,从科学奖励的有关概念与理论基础出发,聚焦于科学奖励获得者(科学发现生产者)与获奖成果(科学发现本身)两大研究主题对象,由点至面,详细梳理相关研究的主要内容、特点与差异,尝试总结基于国际权威科学奖励的科学发现规律研究存在的不足与问题、未来研究的可能视角与趋向。  相似文献   

Citation behaviour is the source driver of scientific dynamics, and it is essential to understand its effect on knowledge diffusion and intellectual structure. This study explores the effect of citation behaviour on disciplinary knowledge diffusion and intellectual structure by comparing three types of citation behaviour trends, namely the high citation trend, medium citation trend, and low citation trend. The diffusion power, diffusion speed, and diffusion breadth were calculated to quantify knowledge diffusion. The properties of the global and local citation network structure were used to reflect the particular influences of citation behaviour on the scientific intellectual structure. The primary empirical results show that (a) the high citation behaviour trend could improve the knowledge diffusion speed for papers with a short citation history span. Additionally, the medium citation trend has the broadest diffusion breadth whereas the low citation behaviour trend might make the citation counts take off for papers with a long citation history span; (b) the high citation trend has a stronger influence and greater control over the intellectual structure, but this relationship is true only for papers with a short or normal citation history span. These findings could play important roles in scientific research evaluation and impact prediction.  相似文献   

科学知识图谱方法及其在科技情报中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
进入新世纪以来,科学知识图谱与知识可视化得到迅速的发展,已成为科学计量学和情报计量学的主流领域。文章借助科学知识图谱的方式和实例,来展示和分析科学知识图谱的基本概念、发展历程、前沿领域、主要方法和类型,以及在科技情报领域中的广泛应用。从知识图谱研究文献的共引知识图谱,发现了知识图谱和知识地图的差异,知识图谱研究的前沿动向及其知识基础。从科技情报数据的共引知识图谱,展现了知识图谱方法在探测学科前沿、科学发现、科学合作和科技战略诸方面的引领作用。知识图谱不仅创新了分析科技情报的模式,而且改变了人们观察世界的方式。  相似文献   

Scientific knowledge is constantly subject to a variety of changes due to new discoveries, alternative interpretations, and fresh perspectives. Understanding uncertainties associated with various stages of scientific inquiries is an integral part of scientists’ domain expertise and it serves as the core of their meta-knowledge of science. Despite the growing interest in areas such as computational linguistics, systematically characterizing and tracking the epistemic status of scientific claims and their evolution in scientific disciplines remains a challenge. We present a unifying framework for the study of uncertainties explicitly and implicitly conveyed in scientific publications. The framework aims to accommodate a wide range of uncertainty types, from speculations to inconsistencies and controversies. We introduce a scalable and adaptive method to recognize semantically equivalent cues of uncertainty across different fields of research and accommodate individual analysts’ unique perspectives. We demonstrate how the new method can be used to expand a small seed list of uncertainty cue words and how the validity of the expanded candidate cue words is verified. We visualize the mixture of the original and expanded uncertainty cue words to reveal the diversity of expressions of uncertainty. These cue words offer a novel resource for the study of uncertainty in scientific assertions.  相似文献   

Constructing academic networks to explore intellectual structure realize academic community detection, which can promote scientific research innovation and discipline progress, constitutes an important research topic. In this study, tripartite citation is fused with co-citation and coupling relations as a way of weighting the strength of direct citations, and all-author tripartite citation networks were constructed due to the contributions of all authors to the resulting publications. For purpose of exploring the potential of the all-author exclusive and inclusive tripartite citation networks, gene editing is taken as a case study. The extensive experimental comparisons are conducted with the traditional author single-citation networks and first-author tripartite citation network in terms of network structure characteristics, identifying core scholars, and exploring intellectual structures. The following conclusions can be drawn as follows: our all-author tripartite citation networks are able to help identify the most influential scholars in the field of gene editing, and the intellectual structures from exclusive tripartite citation networks are optimal.  相似文献   

科技奖励制度与知识产权制度是推动我国科技创新的两大基本制度。二者在推动创新的功能、途径和范 围上既有差异也存在很强的互补性。文章通过对科技奖励与知识产权制度二者差异性分析、本质互补性分析,研究科 技奖励动力和运行机制以及知识产权促进创新作用机制,在此基础上进一步对二者协同促进创新的运行模式进行研究。  相似文献   

科技藏品与互动展品的关系,是研究博物馆与科技馆教育功能关联性的基础。本文从科技藏品与互动展品的不同来源与特性入手,分析了科技藏品与由科技藏品转化而来的“互动展品”之间的关系,以及转化的原因和途径,并从教育学和认知的角度分析归纳了科技藏品与互动展品的本质差异。在此基础上,说明依托科技藏品的博物馆教育与依托互动展品的科学中心教育的不同思路和策略。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]鉴于国内对"睡美人"文献研究的不足,介绍一种新的识别"睡美人"文献的方法——K值算法,并利用该算法识别图书情报学(Information Science&Library Science,ISLS)领域的"睡美人"文献。研究对发现ISLS领域科技成果的发明人和倡导者、保护并促进重大科学发现的推广应用等均具有重要意义。[方法/过程]以Web of Science数据库中1988-2007年ISLS领域的3460篇文献为例,构成识别"睡美人"文献的数据集,利用K值算法识别其中的"睡美人"文献,总结ISLS领域"睡美人"文献的特征,并分析其唤醒机制。[结果/结论]结果表明,K值算法能够较好地识别ISLS领域的"睡美人"文献,用该算法从ISLS领域文献中共识别出6篇"睡美人"文献,这些文献的沉睡时长从7-14年不等,其研究内容主要是新方法、新系统在医学上的应用。唤醒上述"睡美人"文献的动因包括:理论和技术的后续发展、系统的商业化、作者后来赢得的声誉、知名学者的引用等。  相似文献   

图书馆面积规划的环境心理学因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境心理学主要从领域性、隐私及个人空间学说三个角度解释人的社会行为与空间的关系,它在建筑学、社会学、图书馆三个方面对图书馆面积规划活动施加着各种影响。  相似文献   

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