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There has been widespread discussion that a new ‘settlement’ is emerging in post‐compulsory education, a political settlement that has progressive educationists, unions, business, the Labour Party, the New Right and Government sharing a similar vision of vocational education for the 21st century. It is argued that this policy consensus is consistent with the post‐Fordist analysis of economy and that such an analysis may ‘offer bonuses to radicals’ (Kumar 1992: 66). This paper provides evidence in support of Avis (1993) that a new ‘settlement’ exists, and that a consensus has emerged in policy proposals for the rationalization of the ‘New Qualifications Framework’, a consensus in which parity of esteem between vocational and academic qualifications was central and supported by government in the introduction of the General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ). Yet GNVQ as part of the New Qualifications Framework has been characterized as a form of tripartite education post‐16. This paper will examine the New Qualifications Framework and argue that a settlement has emerged which will facilitate further rationalization of the post‐16 curriculum, rationalization that will provide an overarching Advanced/NVQ, Level Three Award, similar to the ‘British Baccalaureate’ or ‘General Education Diploma’ of the National Commission on Education. If the New Qualifications Framework proves credible, modularization within the framework provides a key to incremental change towards comprehensive tertiary education.  相似文献   

At a time when Britain's vocational education and training (VET) system and vocational qualifications are undergoing a major review and restructuring in response to critical reports about the model established under the former National Council for Vocational Qualifications, the British Council and associated agencies is currently trying to market National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) overseas. The chief weaknesses and failings of NVQs and the competence‐based education and training (CBET) system on which they are based are outlined in terms of assessment anomalies and the needs of firms, trainees and employers. Since these shortcomings are so so serious, it is suggested that‐‐until they have been remedied through the current reforms under the aegis of the new Qualifications and Curriculum Authority‐‐it is ethically unjustifiable to export a failed VET system to countries which may be unaware of the critical research surrounding NVQs and CBET.  相似文献   


This paper explores the relationship between changes in the labour process, recent developments in the vocational curriculum and challenges that these changes present to the preparation of further education lecturers in England and Wales. Firstly it will be argued that the economy is moving from a Fordist to a post‐Fordist phase and that this change is affecting the vocational education curriculum. Previous attempts to relate post‐Fordism to education have tended to analyse the relationships in terms that are too general. When a specific aspect of education and training is examined such as the introduction of National Vocational Qualifications and General National Vocational Qualifications in England and Wales, more light is shed on the question of ‘correspondence’. This in turn reveals issues such as divisions between mental and manual work and issues of conception and execution which tend to be ignored or overlooked in debates about changes in the curriculum and changes in the economy. Secondly it will be argued that the new curriculum demands a new kind of professionalism for vocational teachers and a new kind of teacher preparation and expectation  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of competence‐based education (CBE) through the work of the National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) has now, thanks to generous public funding and official endorsement by the Department for Education, penetrated the theory and practice of professional studies in teacher education at both school and post‐school levels. The NCVQ model of CBE is criticised and alternatives described. The current NCVQ approach is neither the only nor necessarily the most appropriate model of occupational development on offer. Models of professionalism based on the concept of ‘expertise’ are recommended as the ones most likely to produce the reflective practitioners required to enhance the status and quality of teaching in schools and colleges.  相似文献   

The National Council for Vocational Qualifications established assessment procedures for qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in which portfolios play a central role. The relevant qualifications (National Vocational Qualifications and General National Vocational Qualifications) have been taken by large numbers of young people in upper secondary schooling, and young people and adults in work or in government training schemes; and are intended to have labour market currency and to provide routes into further and higher education. The use of portfolios derives from a commitment to direct and comprehensive assessment of the whole ‘syllabus’, but also from a belief in certain pedagogical approaches and in enhancing students' independence and initiative. There is evidence that the approach has affected learning styles, but major problems have arisen relating to the manageability of the approach and the reliability of assessor judgements.  相似文献   

The recent Smithers critique of the role of the National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) has opened up the debate about the effectiveness of this system for achieving the current goals of upgrading vocational studies and reforming the 14‐19 curriculum. It is argued that, although Smithers is broadly correct in his attack on the NCVQ, there are some areas of ambiguity and also ways in which the critique fails to capture the full scope of the problems. The nature and full implications of the inappropriateness of the NCVQ enterprise is illustrated through an examination of the main weaknesses of National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) and the competence‐based education and training (CBET) strategy which underpins them and, in particular, by reviewing some specific problems of learning and assessment and the findings of a number of recent critical studies. In view of the seriousness of these shortcomings of the NCVQ system it is suggested that perhaps the only genuine solution to the current difficulties lies in the recommendations of the 1993 National Commission on Education report for the abolition of the present system of academic and vocational qualifications.  相似文献   

Two of the newer bodies producing syllabuses for the 16 to 19 year age range are the Technician Education Council (TEC) and the Business Education Council (BEC). Trevor Easingwood, the chairman of the joint BEC/TEC committee for mathematics and statistics, describes the background to the statistics in the TEC courses.  相似文献   

德国职业教育给我国高职教育带来的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对德国职业教育体系、职业教学方法与理念、以及教师在职业教育中的角色介绍,结合其可借鉴的经验,阐述了德国职业教育对我国高职教育的启示。  相似文献   

为提供技术熟练和合格的劳动力,巴基斯坦国家职业技术培训委员会颁布了“国家职业资格框架”。作为一种国家资格证书制度,该框架旨在满足巴基斯坦的行业需求和提高职业教育的质量,并为职业资格的分类和分级、进入和获得、等值和转换、学分积累、先前学习认定以及职业教育的发展途径等提供国家政策和指导方针,促使巴基斯坦建立一个连贯的国家职业教育资格体系。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the rise of the ‘competency’ movement in education and beyond. It argues that ‘competency’ should be understood in terms of a change in the social control of expertise in society involving a move from a relatively autonomous form of liberal professional community to more direct State control. This, in turn, is located within a broader analysis of the nature of regulation in late modern societies and draws upon the recent work of Guldens and Bernstein in order to analyse the positioning of expertise between its primary theoretical base in higher education and the social relations of everyday life with which it is concerned. The move by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications into the area of graduate level occupations ('NVQ level 5') is discussed with reference to the role of ‘functional analysis’ as a methodology for translating expertise into ‘competencies’ and controlling professional practice.  相似文献   

全国职业教育会议和中国国际职业教育论坛分别于2005年11月7日至8日和10日在北京和重庆举行,可见职业教育已成为当前教育发展的热点问题。本文结合当前重庆经济发展的形势和国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定,深入地分析了重庆经济发展和职业教育的密切关系,并围绕着如何有效地促进重庆职业教育的发展,使其更好地适应重庆经济建设的发展需要,提出了一系列参考性的发展职业教育的建议。  相似文献   

国外学分互认制度对我国中高职与开放教育衔接的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳大利亚国家资格框架下职业教育与普通教育体系互通及学分互认、欧洲ECTS和ECVET的学分计量与评定制度以及美国的学分互认及课程衔接模式都为我国中高等职业教育和开放教育的纵向衔接提供了重要参考。我国应发挥政府的推动作用,通过明确学分互认的依据、对中高职与开放教育进行一体化设计、建立国家课程等措施来推动中高职与开放教育学习成果的认证。  相似文献   

中泰两国在高等职业教育发展上存在各种层面上的差异。从两国高职适龄人口、经济发展水平以及职业教育政策这三方面,比较分析两国高等职业教育的发展潜力,可以深刻把握我国高等职业教育发展的机遇和挑战。结果发现两国在不同方面各具优势,我国应发扬优势,学习并借鉴泰国的长处,推动我国高等职业教育优化发展。  相似文献   

职业教育法是规范与调整职业教育活动的基本行动准则。面对社会阶层固化、职业教育发展不均衡及企业差异化制约办学质量的困境,德国于2019年颁布了新版《职业教育法》。此研究以德国《职业教育法》(2019版)为研究对象,运用LDA模型对德国职业教育法案主题关键词、热度、强度、聚合程度及它们之间的关系结构进行深入分析。研究发现,该法案围绕着职业教育考试、职业教育规划、职业教育管理与监督机制开展、职业教育学习者以及职业教育保障与决策五大维度展开,主题热度与强度聚焦于解释职业教育中学习者与提供者之间的关系,主题关联性则紧扣职业、教育、主管与考试四方面。德国《职业教育法》(2019版)对我国职业教育未来发展的启示:培养具有生命自觉的职业人,建立知识与实践相统一的职业教育。  相似文献   

发达国家职业教育的体系比较完整,人才培养方案的特点比较突出,积累了值得学习和借鉴的成功经验。通过对德国和奥地利两国几所职业技术学校的考察,结合对国务院关于职业教育决定的学习,阐述了高职教育在办学定位、学生实践能力和职业技能培养、弹性学制和学分制、职业技术培训、师资队伍建设、产学研结合与校企合作等方面的启示。  相似文献   

大学生科技创新教育是高职教育的一项重要任务。当前我国的高职教育仍然存在不利于创新能力培养的各种因素,为改变这一状况,需要在观念、管理、师资、学生、课程等方面进行改进和加强,这是当前加强高职院校大学生科技创新教育的可行思路。  相似文献   

The success of the New Deal policies of the current Labour administration – particularly the Welfare to Work and University for Industry initiatives – will depend crucially on the co-operation of the vital small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) sector of British industry. In turn, the reaction of small employers to the new policies will be structured by the national vocational education and training (VET) efforts and the vocational qualifications system. Against the background of our recent research on SMEs in the West Midlands region, we argue that the New Deal policies will fail to engage with SME needs and interests unless the new Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) effectively abandons the old agenda of the former National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) in its ongoing restructuring and radical review of issues and policies for VET.  相似文献   

教育部出台的《教育部关于推进中等和高等职业教育协调发展的指导意见》(教职成[2011]9号),明确了中等和高等职、Ik衔接发展,为中高职自考衔接指明了方向。对中职学校而言,中高职自考课程体系应体现学生的主体性地位,要符合学生的身心发展规律,并在学习中使其心灵与情感得到升华。中高职自考衔接教育的真正目的应是培养学生养成良好的学习习惯,掌握一定的学习技巧和自学方法,为学生终身学习打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

运用贝雷迪的“比较四步法”,对中关两国中等职业教育教师的资格标准进行了比较研究,通过描述、解释、并置和比较四个阶段的探析,发现问题,找出我国中等职业教育教师资格标准中存在的不足之处,旨在为完善资格标准制度提供参考依据。  相似文献   

国务院印发《国家职业教育改革实施方案》明确指出,职业教育是不同于普通教育的教育类型。通过分析国家对职业教育改革的一系列文件通知可知,高等职业院校在办学目标、专业建设目标和教师队伍建设目标等方面与以往参照本科教育的模式发生了很大的变化,高等职业院校改革发展面临巨大的挑战。为适应职业教育这种类型教育,高等职业院校可从以冲击国家级教学成果奖为抓手,以提升教师能力水平为着力点,以赛促研、以赛促教、以赛促学,政策制度的保障等方面加强内涵建设。  相似文献   

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