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<正>我国首次颁发"杰出工程师奖章"近日,我国首次颁发"杰出工程师奖章"。全国工程技术界30位工程师获杰出工程师奖,68位工程师获杰出工程师鼓励奖。颁奖大会上,首届杰出工程师奖获奖代表、中国电子科学研究院陆军倡议"践行中国工程师精神"。"杰出工程师奖"由中华国际科学交流基金会于2011年批准设立,是目  相似文献   

简述"卓越工程师"培养的重要意义,明确"卓越工程师"培养的核心任务。结合桂林理工大学资源勘查工程专业"卓越工程师"培养的设想及措施,从人才培养目标、课程体系构建、师资队伍建设、实践教学基础条件建设四个方面对"卓越工程师"培养作初步探索。  相似文献   

卓越工程师培养质量是"卓越计划"参与高校能否培养出合格的卓越工程师的标志,是"卓越计划"的主要目标能否实现的根本。本文试图从八个部分系统地分析和研究卓越工程师培养质量保障这一重大核心专题:影响卓越工程师培养质量的因素分析、人才培养全面质量管理的核心内涵、构建卓越工程师培养质量保障体系、卓越工程师培养质量的过程监控、卓越工程师培养质量的持续改进、卓越工程师培养企业学习的质量保障、大学质量文化建设以及质量保障需要处理好的若干关系等,以期为"卓越计划"参与高校培养满足专业质量标准要求的卓越工程师提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

"卓越工程师"教育培养计划是适应我国社会发展需要应运而生的,对高等工程教育的改革发展具有重大意义。校企合作培养是实现"卓越工程师"目标的重要路径。为了实现"卓越工程师"培养创新,要加快"卓越工程师"的机制构建,打造具有资金保障、师资支撑、组织支持、制度保证的动力机制,以保障校企联合培养"卓越工程师"的有效运转。  相似文献   

近些年国民经济的不断发展,促进市场经济逐渐的壮大,目前社会对于卓越工程师的需求越来越迫切。以此为背景,教育部门下发了"卓越工程师教育培养计划"的相关方案,促使高校提高培养卓越工程师的水平,为社会和国家培养大批量、高素质、高水平的卓越工程师作出贡献。在"卓越工程师教育培养计划"实施的同时也要注意培养卓越工程师的社会责任感。本文首先阐述培育卓越工程师的社会责任感的必要性,其次分析培育卓越工程师的社会责任感的主要实施方案,最后研究培育卓越工程师的社会责任感的实现途径。  相似文献   

教育部"卓越工程师教育培养计划"将行业企业的参与作为成功培养卓越工程师的关键。本文以大连工业大学材料成型及控制工程专业卓越工程师培养为例,阐述了校企协同培养模具卓越工程师的机制构建、培养模式、具体举措和培养成效。以期为"卓越计划"参与高校和企业合作开展卓越工程师培养提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

以"卓越工程师"培养理念,依据我校卓越计划培养思想,结合我校的专业特点和学科优势,以面向铁道工程行业、机械行业等相关的创新性工程技术人才为培养目标,探讨"卓越工程师"班级学生培养的运作模式,提出搭建"工程训练"与"工程创新"的实践教学平台,并将"卓越工程师"培养理念灌输到其他非"卓越工程师"班级学生的实践教学中。  相似文献   

"卓越工程师教育培养计划"将行业企业的参与作为成功培养卓越工程师的关键。本文以同济大学土木学院桥梁系教学培养为例,试图讨论和研究"卓越计划"参与高校与企业合作全过程开展卓越工程师培养这一重要专题,着重关注"卓越计划"中企业在校企全程合作的意义和桥梁工程系校企全程合作培养卓越工程师机制的建立以及经验总结等方面的内容,以期为桥梁工程系校企合作开展卓越工程师培养提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

通过校企联合构建基于"行动导向"为中心的教学体系,促进卓越工程师的培养.卓越计划是企业全程参与培养卓越工程师,是卓越工程师能否培养成功的关键.介绍了以"行动导向"为中心教学体系的内涵和推进"行动导向"教学的基本方法,构建了以"行动导向"为中心的教学体系,有利于促进卓越工程师的培养.  相似文献   

"卓越计划"不仅要求卓越工程师在各自的专业领域是高水平的专家,更要求他们能够全面发展,综合素质高,成为所在行业企业的领军人物。工程师领导力的培养多年来一直得到美英等世界发达国家的高度重视,也是卓越工程师培养的一项重要任务。本文试图系统地讨论和研究当前国际高等工程教育界高度重视的这一重要专题,包括卓越工程师领导力培养的重要性、卓越工程师领导力的构成要素、卓越工程师领导力培养的L-A-R模式、卓越工程师领导力培养的课内学习、卓越工程师领导力培养的课外实践以及卓越工程师领导力培养的教师选择等六个方面,以期为"卓越计划"参与高校开展卓越工程师领导力培养的教育教学工作提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

应用型卓越工程师的素质结构及其培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“卓越工程师教育培养计划”提出我国的高等工程教育应培养应用型、设计型、研究型卓越工程师。其中,应用型卓越工程师是我国未来工程师队伍的主体,培养应用型卓越工程师是实施该计划的第一步。未来的工程人才必须是集知识、素质和能力于一身的高水平人才,应用型工程师培养方案的制定必须立足于其基本素质结构的要求;围绕应用型工程师的培养目标科学合理地设置课程、选择课程内容和教学方法;实施通识教育基础上的专业教育模式。  相似文献   

绵阳师范学院园林专业的现状、问题及其对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结分析国内园林本科教育现状的基础上,充分考虑我院具体情况,提出将园林工程师、监理师、预算师、养护师和设计师作为培养目标,以园林工程技术,小尺度的园林景观设计和园林养护作为突破口,加强现场教学环节与过程监控,走特色化、差异化的培养路径。  相似文献   

The roles of chemical engineers and environmental engineers in the post-socialist society are discussed. Details of the environmental education system at Tallinn Technical University and within its Chemical Engineering Faculty are presented. The importance of teaching the basics of ecology and environmental technology, as well as cleaner technology for chemical engineers are emphasized. The list of specialized courses for chemical engineers interested in environmental problems for undergraduate and postgraduate studies is given and the content of some more important courses characterized. The possible changes to the study plan in connection with transferring to a 4-year BSc curriculum are discussed. The importance of continuing environmental education and cooperation between different universities in the field of environmental education is emphasized.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the continuing education needs and career path development of engineers in Saudi Arabia. A survey of practising engineers in the Kingdom teas conducted. This was supplemented by in-depth interviews with experts in industry. The paper focuses on three issues: (i) the changing job responsibilities as engineers move into management; (ii) the actual, recommended and required undergraduate preparation for engineers in management topics; and (iii) the specific topics in management of merest to engineers. It is recommended that universities and private/public organisations should join together in providing continuing education to the professional engineer. This is necessary for the engineer to fulfil both his technical and managerial responsibilities.  相似文献   

大学生思想政治教育生活化是思想政治教育的应然要求,卓越计划培养模式为大学生思想政治教育生活化提供了契机。文章分析了当前大学生思想政治教育生活化存在的问题,卓越计划培养模式下大学生思想政治教育生活化的优势,并提出了从教育观念、教育内容及教育载体和方法等方面建构科学合理的卓越计划培养模式下的高校思想政治教育生活化范式的途径。  相似文献   

The problem of technological creativity in Russia is briefly discussed. Special attention is paid to the development of indigenous engineering corpus in unfavourable conditions and some reasons for engineers’ low creativity are revealed. The Soviet system of engineering higher education (HE) is criticised as not focused on fostering creative engineers and the existing HE system as a degraded relic of the Soviet one. Continuous education and training in advanced corporations engaged in innovations seems better suited for preparing engineers.  相似文献   

The paper combines findings from three sources: an international workshop on the environmentally educated engineer, research on the characteristics of the effective engineer and an early-level undergraduate course for civil engineers which aims at laying down an educational foundation for the education of environmentally effective engineers. The main findings are that there is a need for a more general education for some engineers, that an ability to understand and deal with complex systems is a key element for environmental effectiveness, that there is no correlation between engineering effectiveness and the degree of educational attainment, and that the characteristics of effective engineers can be learnt, but are not normally taught in engineering institutions.  相似文献   

“卓越工程师教育培养计划”是推进我国高等工程教育改革的重大举措。现代制药企业需要多学科交叉、综合能力强的卓越制药工程师,如何提高制药工程师的培养质量成为高校亟待解决的问题。本文从卓越工程师应有的基本素质出发,探讨了校企合作的优势,以及如何通过校企合作培养和增强学生的工程能力和实践能力,提高卓越制药工程师的教育质量。  相似文献   

Due to increased use of technology, the workplace practices of engineers have changed. So-called techno-mathematical literacies (TmL) are necessary for engineers of the 21st century. Because it is still unknown which TmL engineers actually use in their professional practices, the purpose of this study was to identify these TmL. Fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with engineers with a background in different educational tracks in higher professional education (e.g. civil, chemical, biotechnical and mechanical engineering). As a result of the data analysis, 7 commonly used TmL are identified: data literacy, technical software skills, technical communication skills, sense of error, sense of number, technical creativity and technical drawing skills. Engineers also noted a discrepancy between their education and workplace needs; they characterized mathematics in their education as an island with limited relevance. These findings lead to recommendations for the future of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in higher technical professional education that can help students learn STEM for the future.  相似文献   

The Engineering Council in the United Kingdom recommends that engineers undenake continuing education and training (CET) in order to keep up-to-date with changing technology an4 where appropriate, management and business skills. The Council is also convinced that engineers are particularly we11 place4 by virtue of their education, training and experience, to become successful managers, provided they possess the right abilities, make eflorn to progress their own self-development and are suitably encouraged and developed by their employers. In the future, we wish to see more and better engineers entering all levels of management and we wish to encourage suitable continuing education and training so that more will reach leading positions in industry and commerce.  相似文献   

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