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浅谈象征手法在张艺谋电影中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董励思 《新闻世界》2011,(7):238-239
象征是艺术创作的基本手法之一,最早是在文学作品中运用,后来扩展到影视艺术。张艺谋所执导的电影运用象征手法几乎达到了挥洒自如的程度,向世界充分展示了中国电影的崭新形象。本文以张艺谋导演的电影为例,探讨了电影创作中象征手法的多种表现形式。  相似文献   

仲秋白 《大观周刊》2012,(20):17-18
象征主义手法的运用是艺术表现的重要形式,色彩特征则是构成象征意象的基础条件、梵高绘画以浓丽的色彩表现深刻的象征意象,同理,闻一多诗歌以奇异的色彩构筑了富于内涵的象征意象、因而,他们两者间存在内在的审美共性。  相似文献   

在《呼啸山庄》中,艾米莉用巨大的激情刻画了希刺克厉夫和凯瑟琳之间的强烈情感,特别是小说运用了大量象征手法,很好地揭示了人性的冲突,深化了小说的主题。本文着重从文本分析的角度出发,赏析探讨小说在艺术表现手法方面独特的象征创新。  相似文献   

“象征主义强调展示隐藏在自然世界背后的理念世界,要求凭感觉和想象力,运用象征、隐喻、烘托、对比、联想、比兴等手法,通过丰富的形象和扑朔迷离的意象,来暗示、透露隐藏于日常经验深处的心灵隐秘和理念.”①由于投射着创作者对社会现实观察判断能力、审美品位和艺术水准,象征一直是中外高品位的影视人所追求的境界,像《摩登时代》中一群绵羊和涌入地下铁道的拥挤的人群的影像组合,《公民凯恩》中隐喻主人公与第二任妻子分手的廊间放飞的白鹦,《野草莓》中的眼睛、钟表等,都是世界电影史上运用象征手法的典型案例.  相似文献   

在散文的写作中,常常见到作者运用象征手法和衬托手法来抒写胸臆的。先谈谈象征手法。作者对于象征手法的运用,要借助于客观景物,就一般情况讲,作者从自然界某一特定的具体景物中获得启示,展开想象,把思想感情隐匿有一种形象之内,如高山,巨石,树木,花草,风雨,雷电,江海,河流,等等,使内情与外物达到完美的结合。运用象征手法,是为了把自己的思想感情形象地传达给读者,使读者从艺术境界中得到启发,受到鼓舞,吸收到某种积极的影响,或者说感受到了散文中所包含的感人力量。  相似文献   

象征艺术作为一种文学作品中十分常见的表现手法,是指通过某一特定的具体形象以表现与之相似或相近的概念、思想和感情。它往往涉及作品的全篇艺术构思,起码也涉及一个句子或一个段落,它是比喻的扩大与延伸,而其蕴含之深,又是超过比喻的。象征艺术或称象征手法包括三个因素:象征形象、象征对象、象征意义。作品中创造的具有象征意义的文学形象,叫象征形象。象征对象则是通过象征形象所要表现的客观事物。一般来说,象征对象很少出现在作品中,而是通过作者靠象征形象暗示给读者。象征意义就是象征对象和象征形象所表达的意义。有的作品通篇创…  相似文献   

贾樟柯和李樯的影片都表现出鲜明的纪实风格,在文本的叙述层面,都以日常生活中的小人物来表现主题,除此之外,他们的文本叙事都采用了人物群像的叙述结构,在艺术手法的运用上不约而同地选择了对比、象征和省略等表现手法。本文选择其中的四个方面对其进行比较研究。  相似文献   

朱春凤 《新闻世界》2012,(11):170-171
2008年中国奥运会已经不仅仅是一场国际体育赛事,它也是承载政治象征意义的载体。奥运会开幕式更是一次盛大的政治仪式,具有强大的政治象征功能。本文主要采用结构功能主义的视角,分析在北京奥运会中政治象征具有一些什么样的形式,发挥着什么样的功能,解读奥运会中的政治象征物、象征化的人和象征行为,探讨人们如何通过这些中介符号来传...  相似文献   

主观音乐在纪录片中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓主观音乐,是作为背景出现的乐音或歌音。从纪录片本身来看.坚持真实性并不意味着排斥象征、联想等艺术手法的运用,合理的主观音乐在表达创作意图、刻画人物形象、营造情绪基调、提升镜头韵律等方面能够起到纯客观声音所不能替代的画龙点睛作用。  相似文献   

段婧 《报刊之友》2013,(9):85-86
电影《杀生》自上映以来,争议不断,其快节奏的剪辑手法、多层次的时空架构以及随处可见的隐喻象征吸引了观众对电影文本进行了多种角度的解读。作为一部商业电影,如何讲述一个好故事是首要任务,而本文也将从情节外壳、行动元、时间轴、视角以及象征手法的设置和运用几个方面,探讨《杀生》的叙事策略。  相似文献   

This article describes the first half century of the Communist government’s supervision and management of the central-government archives of the last two dynasties. Immediately with the Communist ascent to power in 1949, the new government took great interest in assembling and protecting the country’s archival documents, readying the Ming-Qing archives for access to scholars, and preparing for publication of selected materials. By the 1980s Beijing’s Number One Historical Archives, in charge of the largest holding of Ming-Qing documents, had become the first Chinese authority to complete a full sorting and preliminary catalogues for such a collection. Moreover, to facilitate searches, an attempt has recently begun to create a subject-heading system for these and other holdings in the country. In the first half century’s final decades, foreign researchers were admitted for the first time and tours and international exchanges began to take place.
Beatrice S. BartlettEmail:

Census information of some form has been collected in Canada since the 1611 census of New France. Aboriginal people, identified or not, have been included in these enumerations. The collection of this information has had a profound impact on Aboriginal people and has been an element that has shaped their relationship with the dominant society. In response, Canadian Aboriginal people have often resisted and refused to co-operate with census takers and their masters. This article is an examination of this phenomenon focused on the censuses conducted in the post-Confederation period to the present. A census is made to collect information on populations and individuals that can then be used to configure and shape social and political relations between those being enumerated and the creators of the census. However, the human objects of the census are not just passive integers and they have resisted its creation in a number of ways, including being “missing” when the census is taken, refusing to answer the questions posed by enumerators or even driving them off Aboriginal territory. A census identifies elements of the social order and attempts to set them in their “proper” place and those who do not wish to be part of that order may refuse to take part. Archivists and historians must understand that the knowledge gained in a census is bound with the conditions of own creation. This has been noted by contemporary Aboriginal researchers who often state that the archival record of their people often distorts history and reflects the ideas and superficial observations of their Euro-Canadian creators. Changes to the Census of Canada since 1981, have increased the participation rate and therefore changed the nature of the record.
Brian Edward HubnerEmail:

Brian Edward Hubner   is currently Acquisition and Access Archivist at the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections. He was previously employed at the Archives of Manitoba, in Government Records; Queen’s University Archives, Kingston; and at the National Archives of Canada, Ottawa. He has a Master of Arts (History, in Archival Studies) from the University of Manitoba, and a Master of Arts (History), from the University of Saskatchewan. The 2nd edition of Brian’s co-authored book on the history of the Cypress Hills of Saskatchewan and Alberta is being published in 2007. He has published articles and delivered conference papers on Canadian Aboriginal peoples including “Horse Stealing and the Borderline: The N.W.M.P. and the Control of Indian Movement, 1874-1900.” His current research interest focuses on relationship between Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian archives. Brian is married and has two children.  相似文献   

The article investigates the relations between the technological innovation and the usage done, in particular but not exclusively, by the young generation in Italy: the basis for the analysis will be the results of the 2008 edition of the Permanent Observatory on Digital Content. Moreover it presents an overview on how the use of technologies affects the consumption of cultural and entertainment content. It highlights that there is a strong relationship among the level of consumption of these kind of goods and the way technologies are used and, more in particular, shows how the more advanced use of the technologies is depending, more than from the frequency or regularity, from the level of awareness in their use, deriving in general by a strong knowledge and skill, and, especially by the consumption done by the users of the cultural and entertainment goods. The research shows two different clusters of innovative users of technologies: Technofan and Eclectic with very different habits.
Cristina MussinelliEmail:

This article analyses the review, acceptance and publication dates of a sample of 21,890 articles from 326 Ibero-American scientific journals from all subject areas and countries included in the Latindex Catalogue 2.0 and published between 2018 and 2020 (freely available as an open access dataset). The aim is to discover evaluation and publication times. The evaluation process takes a median of 110 days, the publication process, a median of 82 days, and the whole process, a median of 224 days. Statistical differences are found according to periodicity, subject areas, countries, existence of a printed version and article type (Call for Papers or General articles). From the data we find that the delay in publication is longer than publishers themselves report to the DOAJ. STEM areas present the most similarity in publication patterns, having a higher number of evaluation days (Ed) than publication days (Pd); Arts and Humanities present the opposite pattern, with a higher Pd than Ed. In the case of Social Sciences, the times are similar. General articles and Call for Papers articles differ in terms of Ed, but not Pd, indicating that Call for Papers revisions are faster.  相似文献   

基于资源的稀缺,“如何让更多的人享有图书馆资源”,既是“公平”问题,又是“效率”问题。“效率”与“公平”的共生是图书馆服务能力的特征所在,但始终受到服务的不确定性、无偿性和刚性的影响。如何营造并维系“效率”与“公平”的“相互促进、协同发展”共生关系,从图书馆创造社会效益的角度出发,通过适度化控制服务质量和数量去构筑服务“效率”与“公平”和谐的共生。  相似文献   

The emergence of the new format of electronic/digital records provides the opportunity for archivists to reconsider the presumed format-neutrality of professional practice. As research in electronic records has served to re-emphasise, without an understanding of the needs and forms of material, then the work of archivists can have a profound impact on the evidential value and long-term research potential of the material. This paper attempts to broaden the debate about the requirements of all archival formats, and to build a new regime of 21st-century format specialists.
Joanna SassoonEmail:

Dr. Joanna Sassoon    is currently seconded to Edith Cowan University as Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer and Information Science. Her permanent position is in the State Records Office of Western Australia. She has long experience in managing archival collections, and has written extensively on a range of topics including digitisation, the effect of institutional practice on archival materials, environmental and indigenous history, and photographs as archives, and her work has been recognised with two Mander-Jones awards from the Australian Society of Archivists. She holds a Ph.D. in history with distinction from the University of Western Australia.  相似文献   

Deciphering the diplomatic archives of fifteenth-century Italy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article examines the repercussions of the explosion of paper documents generated by new developments in diplomatic practice in Italian city-states between 1450 and 1500. With the proliferation of resident ambassadors whose daily duties centered around writing and receiving letters and other documents, a flood of written material was produced. The management and archiving of all this material triggered the formation of new institutions, of new methods of working, and of new personnel. Though the results of the efforts at archiving were often fitful and incomplete, the governments of the Italian peninsula henceforth sought to collect, control and preserve diplomatic documents so that they could be referenced in the future.
Paul Marcus DoverEmail:

Paul M. Dover   is Assistant Professor of History at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia. He has published several articles on the political and intellectual history of Renaissance Italy. He is currently writing a book on ambassadors and the culture of diplomacy in fifteenth-century Italy. He holds a PhD from Yale University.  相似文献   

World Book and Copyright Day was established by a resolution of the 28th General Council of UNESCO in 1995. Its avowed aim was ‘to pay a world-wide tribute to books and authors on this date, encouraging everyone, and in particular young people, to discover the pleasure of reading and gain a renewed respect for the irreplaceable contributions of those who have furthered the social and cultural progress of humanity.’ This article examines the context for World Book and Copyright Day, the extent to which cultural and commercial interests have converged in the activities of the day and argues that an analysis of the activities of the day reveal a specifically European attitude to book culture.
Alexis WeedonEmail:

Text document clustering provides an effective and intuitive navigation mechanism to organize a large amount of retrieval results by grouping documents in a small number of meaningful classes. Many well-known methods of text clustering make use of a long list of words as vector space which is often unsatisfactory for a couple of reasons: first, it keeps the dimensionality of the data very high, and second, it ignores important relationships between terms like synonyms or antonyms. Our unsupervised method solves both problems by using ANNIE and WordNet lexical categories and WordNet ontology in order to create a well structured document vector space whose low dimensionality allows common clustering algorithms to perform well. For the clustering step we have chosen the bisecting k-means and the Multipole tree, a modified version of the Antipole tree data structure for, respectively, their accuracy and speed.
Diego Reforgiato RecuperoEmail:

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