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文章主要概述了当前我国关于学习障碍儿童的早期发现与诊断、干预和训练的具体内容以及教育干预实践的研究,在此基础上指出学习障碍儿童早期干预存在的问题以及未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

本研究基于听写障碍儿童存在视觉辨别、形音联结缺陷的研究结果,对听写障碍儿童进行有针对性的认知干预训练,并进行实验比较.研究表明:视觉辨别、形音联结的干预能相应地提高听写障碍儿童的视觉辨别能力和形音联结能力;对于汉字学习来说,形音联结、视觉辨别相结合的综合干预训练比单一的视觉辨别、形音联结干预训练效果好.视觉辨别与形音联结相结合的综合认知干预方案更能提高听写障碍儿童相应的认知能力,促进听写障碍儿童的汉字学习质量.  相似文献   

我国学习障碍儿童绝大多数在普通学校普通班接受教育,但目前学校对这部分儿童的教育处于缺失状态,不少教师对学习障碍知之甚少,不能及时、正确、科学地进行教育干预。普通班学习障碍儿童的教育干预应以教师特别是班主任为主体,干预要涉及生理和心理两个层面,干预策略应以心理健康教育为基础,以个别化教育为关键。  相似文献   

文章着力阐述智力障碍儿童在益智训练中的自我概念干预方法,以期逐步培养训练智障儿童对其自身及外界的体验,促进智障儿童的康复。同时,还阐述了自我概念干预的方式主要有以家长一教师为主、以社会为主、加以融合教育的自我概念干预形式,这些方式均凸显了在智障儿童益智训练中实施自我概念干预训练的重要性。  相似文献   

言语交流障碍是自闭症的典型症状。近年来,国内针对自闭症患儿言语交流障碍的干预手段主要有药物治疗、针刺治疗、结构化教育训练、行为训练、感觉统合训练、语言训练、综合训练和家庭指导等,这些策略对自闭症儿童的言语交流障碍的干预作用有效。  相似文献   

文章着力阐述智力障碍儿童在益智训练中的自我概念干预方法,以期逐步培养训练智障儿童对其自身及外界的体验,促进智障儿童的康复。同时,还阐述了自我概念干预的方式主要有以家长一教师为主、以社会为主、加以融合教育的自我概念干预形式,这些方式均凸显了在智障儿童益智训练中实施自我概念干预训练的重要性。  相似文献   

学习障碍(排除原发性学习障碍)儿童常见的心理问题主要有情绪失调、适应不良和人格发展障碍,遗传、心理和不良外部环境是导致其心理问题的主要因素,学习策略辅导、社会技能训练和提高自我意识等策略有利于对学习障碍儿童的心理问题干预。  相似文献   

学习障碍儿童智力正常,但在听、说、读、写、算等学习能力上明显落后,并导致了智力与学习成绩的不匹配。学习障碍主要包括阅读障碍、书写障碍、写作障碍、注意缺陷多动障碍等。它们机制不同、表现各异,但都对学习造成了严重的不利影响。目前,对于学习障碍儿童的干预主要包括心理干预、行为训练和认知训练三个方面。  相似文献   

学习障碍儿童社会技能研究主要围绕社会技能缺失、社会技能训练有效性和社会技能研究方法方面进行。社会技能缺失研究主要探讨学习障碍儿童社会技能缺失成因、分类以及社会技能缺失是否是一种学习障碍等问题。影响学习障碍儿童社会技能训练有效性的因素主要包括干预的频率和强度、干预方法、治疗完整度和训练效果的迁移与保持等。社会技能研究方法的研究主要包括对现有社会技能评定量表和测量方法的分析与评价以及对新的社会技能研究方法———最小可觉差法和功能分析法的特征分析和有效性评价。  相似文献   

李晓娟 《考试周刊》2013,(3):185-186
学习障碍儿童存在许多认知问题,主要表现在注意、视知觉、记忆等方面。作者在总结学习障碍儿童认知问题的基础上,提出了相应的教育干预措施,以期对学习障碍儿童的教育和矫治提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

This article presents a sociomaterial account of simulation in higher education. Sociomaterial approaches change the ontological and epistemological bases for understanding learning and offer valuable tools for addressing important questions about relationships between university education and professional practices. Simulation has grown in many disciplines as a means to bring the two closer together. However, the theoretical underpinnings of simulation pedagogy are limited. This paper extends the wider work of applying sociomaterial approaches to educational phenomena, taking up Schatzki’s practice theory as a distinctive basis for doing so. The question ‘What is being simulated?’ is posed, prompting discussion of multiple bodies, performances and experiences. The potential of adopting such a framework for understanding simulation as a pedagogic practice that brings the classroom and workplace together is illustrated with reference to clinical education in nursing.  相似文献   

The interaction between approaches to teaching and students’ learning has been the focus of research for more than 20 years. Previous studies concerning approaches to teaching in higher education have identified two broad categories: content- and learning-focused approaches. Some studies indicate that teachers do not always adopt a consonant teaching- or learning-focused approach, but might employ elements of both, which results in a dissonant approach. Research on how dissonant approaches to teaching and students’ quality of learning are related is scant. This study explored relationships between how teachers’ approaches to teaching and undergraduate students’ self-reported approaches to learning and learning outcomes. The data for this study consisted of 33 semi-structured interviews with students from three courses. Interviews were analysed with qualitative content analysis. The results demonstrated that, when the teacher used a consonant learning-focused approach to teaching, students’ learning outcomes and approaches to learning were of a slightly higher quality than when the teacher employed a dissonant approach to teaching. However, a dissonant approach to teaching did not always result in a lower quality of approaches to learning and learning outcomes.  相似文献   

Flexible learning has been embraced by higher education for a number of reasons. However, universities' adoption of flexible approaches, particularly those incorporating information technologies has not been unproblematic. While flexible learning promises many advantages for the institution and students, it has received a mixed and often negative reaction from academics. Even in institutions with a tradition of distance education provision the introduction of flexible approaches to learning that incorporate new technologies have not been unproblematic. This paper describes a university-wide programme of academic staff development which sought to familiarize staff with technologies and the appropriate use of technologies in teaching and to support them as they adjusted to changing roles and practices in the shift to flexible teaching and learning. The programme combined multiple approaches to address the needs of new and experienced staff, and to provide training and support in technical dimensions of teaching along with technologies and pedagogical considerations.  相似文献   

Most studies of Augmented Reality (AR) in education have considered students’ learning outcomes and motivation. Previous studies have revealed that AR has the potential to help students learn abstract conceptions in mathematics. In this paper, a series of statistics and probability lessons using AR installed on tablets was designed and developed to examine the effect of the AR technology by comparing the conceptions and learning approaches of junior high school students with different levels of self-efficacy. A total of 101 students were divided into two groups based on their mathematics learning self-efficacy. The analysis of the results shows that AR applications in mathematics courses can help students with higher self-efficacy to pay closer attention to higher level conceptions. It can also help higher self-efficacy students to apply more advanced strategies when learning mathematics.  相似文献   

One form of educational inequality is the disparity that exists between urban and rural settings. Equal distribution of quality education is a challenge for developing countries due to the unavailability of resources. Various approaches to equal distribution are distance learning, telecast learning and e-learning; however, these approaches cannot achieve the desired objectives due to their limitations. This research aimed to investigate the interesting question of whether mobile technology can bring urban and rural settings closer together. A mobile application for learning Urdu grammar was designed to measure the learning gains of fourth-grade students at two different schools from urban and rural settings. A quantitative technique, the quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test method, was used to measure the effectiveness of the mobile application. The comparison of the students’ performances at the urban and rural schools illustrated the role of mobile technology in mitigating the educational gap. The present study provides evidence that children from different social backgrounds may benefit equally from mobile technology.  相似文献   

Reflective learning in distance education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article addresses one of three major challenges which it is argued, currently face distance education, namely its claimed over-reliance on behaviourist approaches to teaching and learning. In particular, the derivation of principles of course design which can be applied irrespective of difference of context, content and learners, has not proved to be a realistic and effective way forward. Fortunately, the practice of distance education has not been limited to applied behaviourism only, and has included approaches which draw upon social constructivist and cognitive approaches to learning. These have worked well in combination with regular feedback to students in programmes at undergraduate level at the UK Open University (UKOU). Other conceptualisations of learning have also begun to make an impact, notably the experiential and the relational. The former emphasises reflection on direct experience and the transformation of existing knowledge. The latter reveals the shaping influence of students conceptions in these areas. Distance education already has many examples of activities and projects which require students to process existing and new experience in relation to course concepts and goals. A number of courses at the UKOU are also encouraging students to review their own learning approaches and to be proactive about their study methods. A case study of two courses is introduced, as an example of teaching approaches which foster reflection on experience, integrated with conceptual learning, and reflection by the learner on their own learning process in parallel with the study of course content. Evidence is provided from evaluation of the extent to which these learning process oriented course materials, have affected the learned outcomes students identify for themeselves. The integration of a reflective component into assessment of the course has been especially effective. Students report changes most frequently at the level of general awareness of purpose of study and learning transfer, rather than in the area of detailed study skills.  相似文献   


The need to develop reasoning skills in children through discussion is generally acknowledged by curriculum aims. There is, however, a lack of any definite teaching strategy to fulfil this need. Matthew Lipman's Philosophy for Children programme has had success in this area. As with other ‘collaborative enquiry‐based’ approaches to learning, it depends upon a teaching strategy which enhances children's self‐esteem. This seems a necessary ingredient for the development of rationality, critical awareness and autonomy in children. Inadequate teacher training is suggested as a major reason for the failure of ‘collaborative’ approaches greatly to influence educational practice. With a shift away from the ‘authority/knowledge‐based’ paradigm and the provision of effective teacher training, it is considered that our educational institutions could become more democratically organised, and we would move closer to realising the liberal ideal of developing human potential to the full.  相似文献   

This study develops a tool for identifying students' preferred teaching approaches, with high internal consistency for the scales involved. We examined these preferences in relation to students' approaches to learning and to two academic disciplines with contrasting academic environments. The sample consisted of 175 engineering and education undergraduates at a major university in Israel. Responses to our questionnaire revealed students' preferences for four approaches that correspond to the four main instructional approaches that had been identified in research based on teachers' sources. Students' most favored teaching approach is the lecturer who is organized, clear, and interesting, and the second, with a large gap from the first, is the instructor who provides for students' needs in learning. The two approaches least favored are information-transmission and promotion of self-regulation. Students with different approaches to learning preferred teaching approaches that best served their learning approaches. There were few discipline-related differences in students' preferences, in spite of the very different learning environments. However, all participants preferred teaching approaches that they perceived as beneficial for learning but that they had not often experienced, if at all.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, a large body of research has reported on the differences between deep and surface approaches to student learning. More recently, however, this metaphor for students’ approaches to learning has been applied to the practice of teaching. Studies at the university level have identified two approaches to teaching: the information transmission/teacher-focused approach and the conceptual change/student-focused approach. The present study analyzes the relationship between teachers’ approaches to teaching and high school students’ approaches to learning. The data were analyzed by fitting a two-level structural equation model based on the hypothesis that student academic achievement is significantly determined by the way they study and that the way they study is partially determined by the way teachers teach. The participants were high school students (778 twelfth graders) enrolled in biology courses and their teachers (40 total). The same model was proposed at both levels (i.e., within and between levels) and fit the data quite well. As expected, within level, the effects of the ‘approaches to learning’ on ‘biology achievement’ regression were far larger than the corresponding effects at between level. The central findings suggest worthy directions for future research.  相似文献   

With the advent of increasingly multinational student cohorts in many higher education institutes, the possible influence of ‘national culture’ on students’ learning approaches has become a focal point of attention. In particular, the claim that Asian (Confucian) students adopt (primarily) surface learning approaches has attracted much debate despite, or perhaps because of, relatively little empirical research on the matter. Similarly in Ireland, while much concern has been voiced regarding the existence of a culture of surface learning in higher education, few studies have been conducted on the matter. The purpose of this research is to strengthen our understanding of these two areas through empirical evidence. This study examines the preferred learning approaches of students (n?=?327) from 37 nationalities studying in a higher education institute in Ireland. Two hypotheses are tested: Confucian Asian students will have higher surface strategy learning scores than western students (Hypothesis 1) and Irish students will have higher surface learning scores than other western students (Hypothesis 2). The results indicate important differences in preferred learning approaches according to nationality and cultural cluster, where Hypothesis 1 is rejected and Hypothesis 2 is supported. The study is of particular interest to HE management and educationalists working with students entering higher education from diverse national backgrounds. Recommendations are made at an institutional level as to how HE management might address student surface learning approaches.  相似文献   

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