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This article evaluates practices on metadata quality control in digital repositories and collections using an online survey of cataloging and metadata professionals in the United States. The study examines (1) the perceived importance of metadata quality, (2) metadata quality evaluation criteria and issues, and (3) mechanisms for building quality assurance into the metadata creation process. The survey finds wide recognition of the essential role of metadata quality assurance. Accuracy and consistency are prioritized as the main criteria for metadata quality evaluation. Metadata semantics greatly affects consistent and accurate metadata application. Strong awareness of metadata quality correlates with the widespread adoption of various quality control mechanisms, such as staff training, manual review, metadata guidelines, and metadata generation tools. And yet, metadata guidelines are used less frequently as a quality assurance mechanism in digital collections involving multiple institutions.  相似文献   

The meta-synthesis method has received increased interest in social science research, but relatively few meta-synthesis studies have been conducted in the library and information science (LIS) field. The purpose of this study was to analyze 44 LIS-related meta-synthesis studies in terms of contribution, meta-synthesis methodology, and research topics. The results revealed that there are four types of contributions of meta-synthesis research: isolated findings, non-dynamic relationships, dynamic relationships, and models. Moreover, a variety of methods have been used to search, select, analyze, and synthesize the individual studies. Finally, although meta-synthesis studies have been conducted on some LIS topics (e.g., health informatics, library user services, and information management), it has been an undervalued method for other research topics. Recommendations are offered to encourage the use of this method and to guide researchers to conduct more rigorous meta-synthesis studies on LIS topics.  相似文献   

This article analyzes resource authors' use of a metadata creation application at the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). Users' behavior was observed as they created metadata, and feedback about the application was solicited. Data analysis focused on usability—specifically task structure, duration, user perceptions, and researcher observations. Developing a conceptual understanding of metadata and its use in retrieval was challenging for users. The study identifies particular interface elements (e.g., input fields) as well as element semantics and syntax that impact application usability and metadata creation. Implications for information architecture and interface design include the need to incorporate metadata creation into user-centered design processes and develop advanced applications that reduce the burden on authors.  相似文献   

Metadata go through an evolutionary process from creation to archival preservation. During this process, some metadata are re-used (inheritance), other metadata are eliminated (extinction) and still others are updated or newly generated (mutation). Unlike other literature that focuses on metadata inheritance and mutation, this evolutionary view highlights the extinction of metadata. As such, it might raise awareness about the appraisal and selection of metadata in digital curation practice.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of quality management for print and electronic resource metadata, summarizing problems and solutions encountered by the Cataloging and Discovery Services Department in the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida. The authors discuss national, state, and local standards for cataloging, automated and manual record enhancements for data, user feedback, and statewide consortial factors. Findings show that adherence to standards, proactive cleanup of data via manual processes and automated tools, collaboration with vendors and stakeholders, and continual assessment of workflows are key to the management of biblio-graphic data quality in consortial academic libraries.  相似文献   

在数据化的网络时代,用户需求与图书馆服务形式向深度专业的知识化和智慧化发展。面对这种新常态,第三代图书馆服务平台的元数据管理不仅需要解决图书馆集成管理系统甚或是"下一代"图书馆服务平台受困于MARC的现状,满足资源的统一管理与业务整合,更需要考虑统一的数据建模与编码方式,实现跨类型的数据流通和知识的组织与融合。这就为元数据管理提出了新的需求,包括:完整的生命周期管理,资源类型兼容,标准规范兼容,互联网环境下的书目与规范控制,知识组织与融合。这种运用平台化思维、改变图书馆运行生态的可能性可以在FOLIO项目中看到希望。FOLIO作为以微服务架构设计的图书馆服务平台,在设计之初就定义了一个核心的微服务域--Codex。一方面,Codex作为数据注册中心和数据链接中介位于FOLIO架构的顶层,通过Codex消除不同域中数据的编码、格式和存储位置的差异,以减少域之间的交互与耦合。另一方面,Codex以BIBFRAME 2模型为基础设计了"作品-实例-单件/馆藏"的抽象数据模型,并参考DC元素设计了一套最小核心元数据元素集。Codex记录不描述资源的详细信息,只起到揭示与定位的作用。专有的业务信息或更详细的记录信息都可以通过Codex链接到相应的记录层获取。Codex作为核心的元数据管理域,将被设计成为FOLIO平台的资源链接中心、规范数据中心、跨域的全媒体资源管理入口,并通过模型中的抽象实体揭示资源间的关系。虽然现阶段仅实现了不存储自身数据的Codex Search,对关联数据的支持也不够完善,但无论是其抽象的数据模型,还是最小化的元数据方案,以及"统一记录-业务记录-正式记录"的分层描述原则,Codex都有足够的灵活性支持面向实体对象的描述与组织。  相似文献   

As the amount of research data management is growing, the use of identity metadata for discovering, linking, and citing research data is growing too. To support the awareness of different identifier systems and the comparison and selection of an identifier for a particular data management environment, there is need for a knowledge base. This article contributes to that goal and analyzes the data management and related literatures to develop a data identifier taxonomy. The taxonomy includes four categories (domain, entity types, activities, and quality dimensions). In addition, the article describes 14 identifiers referenced in the literature and analyzes them along the taxonomy.  相似文献   

非遗数字资源的元数据规范与应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现有非遗元数据标准研究进行分析归纳,以国际通用的DC元数据标准为基础,结合我国《国家级非物质文化遗产代表作申报书》和政府非物质文化遗产数据库的实际情况,从资源内容及属性、管理规范两个角度提炼出非遗资源的核心元数据集,再根据非遗特点进行元素扩展,从而构建一套更具兼容性、互操作性和非遗特色的元数据规范体系。在此基础上,通过RDF/XML实现该元数据方案的实例化,以瓯塑为例探讨其在非物质文化遗产数字资源组织中的应用。  相似文献   

中文拓片资源库的建设与服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中文拓片资源库是国家图书馆古籍数字图书馆的重要资源。本文主要介绍和论述国家图书馆中文拓片资源库的建设目标、关键组成部分和相关应用服务。该资源库是在数字图书馆标准规范的指导下,利用数字图书馆的相关技术建设的,它包括元数据、对象数据和应用系统三部分。目前,已完成拓片元数据制作16000余种,影像数据21000余幅,资源库已有一定的规模。  相似文献   

黄国彬  王涛 《图书情报工作》2021,65(21):131-140
[目的/意义] 缺乏科学数据元数据知识与高效易用的元数据创建服务阻碍了科研人员科学数据的共享与重用,综合型科学数据仓储因数据存储量大、面向用户广,其所提供的元数据创建服务对改善上述困境具有借鉴意义。[方法/过程] 以Springer Nature和Scientific Data推荐的6个综合型科学数据仓储为样本,从服务的内容构成与服务的实现模式两个方面对其元数据创建服务进行调研分析,归纳其服务特点与先进经验。[结果/结论] 综合型科学数据仓储所提供的元数据创建服务具有沿袭传统并有所创新、力求简洁并凸显自身特色、重视元数据知识普及与能力转化、充分保证数据民主、注重关联资源组织并鼓励数据引用五大特点,其服务模式既重视服务的易用性、有用性又注重元数据知识普及,对我国图情机构数据仓储建设及元数据创建服务开展具有重要启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

张洁  李芳  汤萌 《图书情报工作》2017,61(8):106-111
[目的/意义]图书馆界开展以契约文书为代表的民间历史文献的保存、整理、组织,各机构分别制定自建元数据方案,缺少统一规范与标准,在资源互操作与关联方面也较为薄弱。为此,设计易于使用与关联的契约文书描述元数据规范,为该类型资源的组织与互操作提供解决方案。[方法/过程]针对兼具文献与档案特征的资源特点,结合契约文书描述元数据功能及原则,复用已有元数据规范,设计契约文书描述元数据方案。[结果/结论]结合上海交通大学图书馆应用实例,解析图书馆应用描述元数据开展契约文书组织的方法与工作重点。  相似文献   

统一检索服务关键技术的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 分析并总结4大类数字图书馆资源,分别是商业数据库资源、Internet网页资源、本地自建特色资源和OAI收割元数据资源,研究不同方式的资源整合技术来实现对这几类资源的整合;在此基础上提供一系列服务,重点对统一检索服务的关键技术进行分析,并详细阐述其实现机理和工作流程。统一检索服务通过数据请求模块获取用户的检索条件实现对资源的检索,通过数据分析抽取模块进行分析抽取并存储检索结果,通过Ajax技术将检索结果动态展示给用户,以达到良好的用户体验。  相似文献   

There is a current trend to make museum collections widely accessible by digitising cultural heritage collections for the Internet. The present study takes a user perspective and explores the characteristics of online museum visitors' web search behaviour. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods was deployed in a case study at a National Museum of Military History. Quantitatively, data from a web questionnaire survey and a user study of interactive searching behaviour were collected and analysed. Qualitatively, observation protocols were coded and analysed based on inductive content analysis. It was found that metadata elements on factual object related information, provenience, and historic context was indicated to be relevant by the majority of the respondents, characterising the group of special interest museum visitors as information hungry. Further, four main characteristics of online museum visitors' searching behaviour were identified: (a) searching behaviour has a strong visual aspect, (b) topical searching is predominantly exploratory, (c) users apply broad known item searches, and (d) meaning making is central to the search process.  相似文献   

数字保存系统的基本价值在于提供用户可信任的数字资源存取能力,实现该价值的最有效方法是制定质量保证标准,并按规范程序对其认证。用户服务质量标准是整个数字保存系统质量保证标准体系的有机组成部分。本文首先论述了用户服务质量标准在整个数字保存系统质量保证标准体系中的地位与作用,然后创建了数字保存系统中用户服务质量标准框架结构体系的三个模块:目标用户团体的界定、元数据的要求和数字保存系统的服务,并全面阐述了各模块的基本内容。  相似文献   

中国科学院国家科学图书馆成都分馆启动中国科学院科技会议文献资源库的研究与建设,并取得阶段性成果。从软件系统配置、系统安装、系统中文检索功能的实现和界面汉化、资源库元数据规范的制定、资源组织结构设计、用户管理、资源管理以及对OAI协议的支持等方面具体介绍该库的研建内容和实现方法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 从用户感知角度构建公共档案馆用户感知服务质量评价指标体系,为提高公共档案馆服务质量提供评判标准与数据支撑。[方法/过程] 通过问卷调查法对公共档案馆用户感知服务质量评价框架与指标体系进行预设计,借助SPSS软件,利用探索性因子分析法检验预设评价指标体系,根据结果修正预设评价指标体系。[结果/结论] 构建的公共档案馆用户感知服务质量评价指标体系,可以从用户感知视角全面、综合衡量公共档案馆服务效果。  相似文献   

图书馆特色数据库质量控制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
特色数据库的质量由其生命力和价值来体现,对特色数据库的质量控制应贯穿于整个建设过程。论文探讨和研究特色数据库规划质量控制、元数据质量控制、数据源质量控制、数据著录规范控制、检索功能质量控制和数据库建成后的质量控制。  相似文献   

科研实体唯一标识系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贤信  曾建勋 《图书情报工作》2015,59(12):113-119
[目的/意义] 从科研实体间的关联关系出发,构建科研实体唯一标识符的关联元数据框架,分析科研实体唯一标识系统的运行及应用机制,为我国开展科研实体唯一标识项目提供建议。[方法/过程] 利用文献调研现有科研实体唯一标识符项目概况及其发展历程,通过网站调研分析各类科研实体唯一标识符的元数据结构以及唯一标识符系统的运行机制;通过对各大数据库系统的使用实践验证该系统科研实体的关联方式与效果。[结果/结论] 构建以实体唯一标识符为节点的关联元数据框架,形成以“ID”为中心的科研实体网络格局。指出科研实体唯一标识符系统应完善页面功能和后台功能、强化数据质量控制、加强应用机制建设;我国相关个人与机构应提高自觉标识的意识,加强科研实体唯一标识系统间的关联,强化科研实体唯一标识符的应用与共享,实现科研实体的一体化标识标注。  相似文献   

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