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面向“知识服务”的布鲁克斯情报学思想的现实意义分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾英国著名情报学家布鲁克斯的思想体系,抽取其逻辑主线,并结合其所阐释的情报学的任务、远景目标等核心问题,呈逻辑关联地分析它对目前及未来网络信息与知识服务的影响及其发展定位和走势。创新性地构建“知识组织与世界2与世界3”的“三角关系”模型,并以“知识超网络”为例,分析布鲁克斯所预见的“以世界上各个个体认知结构为背景的知识地图和体外大脑”的生成过程和功能。  相似文献   

首先讨论“知识”语义环境的涵义和主要表现,继而对数据、信息、知识和智慧的含义与特质进行比较分析,重点研究四者之间的语义-逻辑关系和源流状态,在此背景上进而探讨知识与其他重要概念即心智因素的语义联系,最后集中研究处于知识语义环境中的主要因素之间的逻辑联系、层次关系以及其理论基础,提出以认知域为横坐标、知识层面为纵坐标,对“数据-信息-知识I(模糊知识)-知识II(明晰知识)-智慧”连续统一体进行语义-逻辑分析的层次模型,并以此层次模型为分析框架,深入探讨在不同逻辑层次上“知识”及知识相关因素的动态运动机制和递进跃升规律,重点包括数据的筛选和聚合、从数据萃取信息、信息内化为知识I、知识I向知识II的转化蜕变和知识向智慧的升华,以从原始与基础概念层面为构建知识创新理论框架打下认知基础。  相似文献   

“公共知识中心”说诘难-与龚蛟腾等同志商榷   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分析图书馆是“公共知识中心”一说值得商榷:“公共知识”有很多含义,此处“公共知识”定位不明确;知识必须通过信息化处理后才能存储与流通,而文献是知识信息化的方式,图书馆资源是文献信息,说图书馆是“公共知识中心”并不恰当; 图书馆是“公共知识中心”没有凸现图书馆的人文精神。指出图书馆是读者与文献信息资源双向互动的中心,这一定位说明了图书馆存在和发展的根据即本质,也充分体现了图书馆事业的人文传统。  相似文献   

对“知识组织”研究的反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对以往有关“知识组织”的研究进行分析和反思的基础上,提出对“知识组织”及与其 相关的“信息组织”的定义、内容、原则、形式、方式方法和技术等的见解。  相似文献   

&;nbps;&;nbps;在这样的大背景下,针对文本分类方法在发展过程中出现的问题,围绕“本体及其在文本分类中的应用”和“海量网络学术文献自动分类”两个方面展开深入的研究,笔者有幸申请到国家社会科学基金一般项目“海量网络学术文献自动分类研究(项目编号:10BTQ047)”和教育部人文社会科学一般项目“基于本体集成的文本分类关键技术研究(项目编号:09YJA870019)”。  相似文献   

“十一五”期间我国文献情报领域知识发现研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对近年来关于知识发现的大量相关论文从概念关系辨析、知识发现方法体系、文本挖掘与文本趋势挖掘、非相关文献知识发现、数据挖掘研究拓展等方面开展研究,总结“十一五”期间我国文献情报领域知识发现研究成果,重点介绍有关知识发现的内容分析、关联理论、领域驱动、可视化、文本挖掘模型等研究进展,最后分析展望今后该研究领域的研究热点和研究方向。  相似文献   

知识发掘的概念及其相关理论研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
程鹏 《图书情报工作》2010,54(18):111-115
知识发掘是撷取隐含、有用、未被发掘、有潜在价值的知识资源的一种过程,采用先进和传统的技术、方法和手段,对数据库内外的知识进行系统分析、挖掘、发现和利用,区别于数据库中的“知识发现”,强调发掘目的的有用性、发掘源头的广泛性、发掘手段的综合性、发掘内容的知识性、挖掘价值的潜在性、应用方式的具体性等特征。通过对“酵论”、“差论”、“圈论”的重点阐述,试图分别回答知识发掘过程中发掘什么、发掘范式、发掘环境等问题。  相似文献   

分析国内外学者构建的典型的知识管理学科体系,总结这些知识管理学科体系基本特征,并认为这些体系可归纳为4种类型:“理论-方法-应用”型、“流程-价值链”型、“实践应用”型、“战略管理”型。在此基础上,提出本文的综合集成型知识管理学科体系。  相似文献   

赵晓航 《图书情报工作》2016,60(20):104-111
[目的/意义] 旨在通过对突发事件舆情研究,探索危机传播管理中的舆情研判方法,并进一步为政府信息公开提供实操方法的建议。[方法/过程] 在理论研究层面,基于危机传播的基本要点,对信息发布效果和舆情实时反馈进行综合分析;在应用处理层面,以新浪微博中“天津爆炸”事件相关信息为例,爬取新浪微博全量数据,基于危机传播领域知识和信息发布文本构建领域词表,并结合危机传播阶段特征,对全量数据进行主题提取和情感分析。[结果/结论] “后微博”时代,微博用户量下降,但其仍旧是突发事件信息公开和舆情扩散的主要阵地。探求突发事件下政府如何利用微博平台,收集、研判、应对网络舆情,为做好信息发布工作提供科学的分析方法和应对手段。  相似文献   

大学生知识吸收行为现状调查与思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以一次全国性问卷调查为基础,从“现在接触最多的知识吸收方式”、“各种知识吸收方式的有效性”和“传统的两大知识吸收方式的效果”等角度,揭示当代大学生知识吸收行为的现状,分析大学生对高校知识传播方式的反馈信息,最后从课程内容、实践教育、阅读习惯、馆藏资源利用率、职业规划、师生交流、讲座和培训等方面提出几点应对之策。  相似文献   


Health science library service often includes identifying drugs manufactured, prescribed, or dispensed in other countries. Discussion of complexities in drug nomenclature, establishing equivalency, and differing standards adopted by reference sources may encourage more effective information provision. Statistical data gathered from a drug information center's experience with identification requests can indicate relevant sources. An analysis of such data, collected over a 40-month time period and involving over 550 foreign drug information questions, may contribute practical knowledge to individuals responsible for collection development, reference service, or bibliographic instruction. Guidelines for print and online search strategies are included, applicable in answering both domestic and foreign drug information questions.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(22):271-282
A significant problem in reference service at the present time is the shortage of reference librarians. The work of answering reference queries places great demands on such professionals. Success in answering reference questions is mainly based on the level of the librarian's knowledge and experience. The traditional method of answering queries emphasizes experience and mental "detective work" based on sources familiar to the librarian from previous searches. This is extremely difficult for the novice librarian, who usual1 lacks a history of exposure to the literature upon which to draw. The following paper presents a method for addressing queries by means of secondary reference books, referred to as the SRB method. It describes the process of answering queries explains the nature of SRBs, and introduces a method an techn~que for answering queries by consulting SRBs.  相似文献   

基于文本情感挖掘的企业技术竞争情报采集模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析情感知识的技术竞争情报价值和文本信息资源的情感特性及情感化方式的基础上,围绕企业技术竞争情报获取目标与环境,结合文本情感挖掘流程构建由数据层、处理层、应用层组成的采集模型,可用于从以网络技术评论为典型代表的主观性文本信息资源中识别出情感知识作为对传统的主题式情报采集的有益补充,实现情感类技术竞争情报的智能获取。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]面对海量专利文献,如何使用户快速、精准地掌握知识,是优化专利服务的关键课题.中文专利文献中大量存在的零形回指现象,严重影响了知识的自动识别与提取,但由于专利文献零形回指识别与消解涉及到众多文本分析技术及特定资源建设,因此,目前尚未发现针对性研究.[方法/过程]在物性结构理论、语义角色及修辞结构关系理论的指导下,展开相关规则的研究,开发句法及语义角色标注工具和篇章标注工具两种工具,并构建了4个资源库:①"专利动词物性角色库",将专利的动词归纳为4类;②"专利知识论元结构库",用于自动标注专利动词物性角色及其论元结构;③"专利动词论元结构规则库",用于分析零形回指的先行语;④"零形回指修辞结构类型库",用于分析当零形回指搭配"功能角色"和"部件角色"的情况.[结果/结论]通过资源库的建设,得出5条消解规则.初步成果已成功应用于机械领域专利文献的自动处理工作.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective is to investigate the effectiveness of evidence-based medicine (EBM) resources in providing evidence for complex clinical questions versus general care management questions to identify situations for their optimal use. METHODS: In this investigation, forty complex clinical questions were randomly selected from an in-house archival database of questions received by librarians during clinical rounds. An additional forty questions were selected from a list of general care management questions received by the library from Pathways teams. To measure the effectiveness of resources in answering the questions, a team of librarians was asked to search UpToDate, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and HealthGate Clinical Guidelines (formerly, EBM Solutions). The team then established consensus on whether a question was fully or partially answered by one of the above-mentioned EBM resources and was instructed to record the instances in which the primary literature needed to be used to answer the question completely. RESULTS: The study found that the EBM resources completely answered 20.0% of the 40 complex clinical questions and 47.5% of the 40 general care management questions, partially answered 40.0% of the complex clinical questions and 22.5% of the general care management questions, and did not answer 40.0% of the complex clinical questions and 30.0% of the general care management questions. CONCLUSION: The pervasive use of EBM resources in answering clinical questions is making it imperative for information specialists to develop an expertise on their appropriate use. By exploring their use in answering complex clinical questions and general care management questions, this paper underlines the strengths and weakness of EBM resources and provides information specialists with some basic knowledge about how these resources can be combined with the primary literature to strengthen their effectiveness.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 分析答案质量反馈对社会化问答社区用户持续答题意愿的影响,可以对社会化问答社区增加用户粘性、提高用户体验起到一定的指导作用。[方法/过程] 从社会资本理论中提取答案质量反馈变量并分析其对社会化问答社区用户持续答题意愿的影响。通过结构方程方法对收集整理的调查问卷数据进行分析,验证模型的可行性和优越性。[结果/结论] 构建答案质量反馈对社会化问答社区用户持续答题意愿影响模型;结论表明,答案质量反馈正向影响反馈期望确认程度与反馈感知有用性;反馈期望确认程度正向影响反馈感知有用性与反馈满意度;反馈感知有用性正向影响反馈满意度与持续答题意愿;反馈满意度也同样正向影响持续答题意愿。  相似文献   

问答式信息检索是新一代搜索引擎,它接收自然语言描述的问题,在文档集合中搜索并返回问题的精确答案.问答式信息检索中,检索模块性能的提高将直接影响问题回答系统的整体性能.本文研究系统中的查询优化技术,包括两种策略:基于模式知识库的查询优化;挖掘Web语义蕴含信息,构建查询扩展资源.本文利用TREC提供的问题集与答案集(TREC8-TREC13)做实验来测试查询优化方法的性能,实验结果表明,相对于传统的查询生成,本文采用的查询优化技术在检索精度上取得了提高,t-test结果证明,系统性能提高统计显著.  相似文献   

Objectives: For general practitioners (GPs), an important obstacle to practising evidence‐based medicine is lack of time. An evidence‐based answering service was developed that took over searching and appraisal of medical evidence from the GPs. GPs sent in questions, and the informationist formulated the answers. Our objectives were to find out if such an evidence‐based answering service was feasible, including assessing the effect of the answers on GPs and their patients, as reported by the GPs. Methods: After attending a workshop on building well‐formulated questions from daily practice, the GPs sent in questions to the informationist. The literature was searched, the relevant information was appraised, and the answers to the questions were formulated. With a questionnaire, the effect of the answers on the GP and the patient was assessed, as well as the perceived barriers to implementing the answers. Results: From 26 GPs, 61 questions were received. For 12% of questions, information was found with the highest evidence level, while for 36%, no information was found. However, for 89% of the questions for which no information could be found, the answer ‘no information found’ did have an effect on the GP concerned. In total, 81% of all the answers had an effect on the GP, and, according to the GP, 52% had an effect on the patient. Few barriers to implementing the evidence were perceived. Most of the answers were found in Pubmed/Medline, the Cochrane Library and Embase. Conclusions: This study indicates that an evidence‐based answering service can have an impact on GPs and their patients. Librarians can provide an evidence‐based answering service for GPs and their patients. The evidence‐based answering service for GPs in this study had an impact on 81% of the GPs and on 52% of their patients. Although for one‐third of the questions no evidence‐based answer was found, this message in itself had an impact on 89% of the GPs. An informationist as mediator between medical information and doctors can save doctors’ time.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 图书馆用户信息模型是对用户及其与图书馆互动过程中各种属性的描述,也是用户信息资源化的前提与基础。[方法/过程] 在分析并借鉴几个学习者信息模型基础上,构建出图书馆用户信息模型框架。[结果/结论] 在保护用户隐私权的前提下,如果图书馆将用户信息通过关联数据方式发布,那么各种知识生产与服务系统便可以利用它来扩展服务,从而实现图书馆用户信息资源化之根本目的。  相似文献   

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