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This article focuses on knowledge economy discourse and considers the appeal of this discourse to English educators. Knowledge economy discourse is defined as a mode of thought and expression that assumes a broad-based economy driven by innovation will soon emerge in the USA. This discourse, it is argued, offers English teachers solutions to some of the problems they face in an age of testing and economic turmoil. Specifically, the discourse offers ways of imagining and justifying lessons that reject standardisation in favour of innovation and inquiry. Because the economy anticipated in the discourse is unlikely to arrive, however, teachers might abandon knowledge economy discourse in favour of discourses that offer more practical and more effective ways of addressing socio-economic contradictions.  相似文献   

A discourse of marketisation prevails in recent publications on higher education in Ireland. Higher education is urged to heed the call to the markets and to become the driver of Ireland's future economic success, as Ireland seeks to build a knowledge-based economy. This article questions the dominant marketisation discourse in higher education. It explores the arguments for and against a market-led approach to education and argues that there can be no pure markets in education. It suggests that the real discourse is one of urging universities to follow government- or corporate-led agendas. It proposes a wider-encompassing discourse on higher education's role in society rather than one confined to the socially constructed language of performativity.  相似文献   

Community service-learning (CSL) programs are proliferating in Canadian higher education. University programs promote students’ experiential learning in community as part of a course; students most often engage in unpaid work in not-for-profit organizations and reflect on that experience in relation to their classroom learning. However, programs tend to occupy an ambivalent position in higher education—they are seen as important, but at the same time are often under-resourced and treated as marginal to universities’ core activities. This paper argues that the contradictory position of service-learning is partly related to the bifurcated view of theoretical and practical knowledge perpetuated in knowledge economy discourse. Drawing on interviews with service-learning program leaders, it explores their responses to knowledge economy discourse. Findings suggest varying levels of resistance; some leaders comply with university pressures to engage in transactional approaches to service-learning, while others seek to integrate theoretical and practical knowledge through the creation of hybrid learning networks. This paper outlines the reasons for and implications of different responses and suggests that socio-cultural learning theories can inform pedagogical approaches within programs.  相似文献   

In the past 10 years the Scottish higher education sector has experienced the emergence and continual development of policies for knowledge transfer. This policy partly parallels the wider UK higher education policy agenda and its focus on the “third mission” (i.e. the rate and extent to which universities disseminate knowledge and how commercial organizations can capitalize on it). However, the policy texts on knowledge transfer are, to varying degrees, inflected with content reflecting the specificities of the Scottish context. This paper emerges from research1 1. The paper draws on work in progress on an ESRC funded project on “Knowledge transfer in higher education in Scotland” (RES 000-22-0747). View all notes focused on this context and explores critically the ways in which the discourse of knowledge transfer has emerged and how knowledge, knowledge production, and the dissemination of knowledge have been constructed here.  相似文献   

The ascendancy of neoliberalism and the associated discourses of ‘new public management’, during the 1980s and 1990s has produced a fundamental shift in the way universities and other institutions of higher education have defined and justified their institutional existence. The traditional professional culture of open intellectual enquiry and debate has been replaced with a institutional stress on performativity, as evidenced by the emergence of an emphasis on measured outputs: on strategic planning, performance indicators, quality assurance measures and academic audits. This paper traces the links between neoliberalism and globalization on the one hand, and neoliberalism and the knowledge economy on the other. It maintains that in a global neoliberal environment, the role of higher education for the economy is seen by governments as having greater importance to the extent that higher education has become the new star ship in the policy fleet for governments around the world. Universities are seen as a key driver in the knowledge economy and as a consequence higher education institutions have been encouraged to develop links with industry and business in a series of new venture partnerships. The recognition of economic importance of higher education and the necessity for economic viability has seen initiatives to promote greater entrepreneurial skills as well as the development of new performative measures to enhance output and to establish and achieve targets. This paper attempts to document these trends at the level of both political philosophy and economic theory.  相似文献   

知识经济时代 ,经济增长主要依靠知识的生产、积聚及其更新的能力 ,因此 ,知识经济也被称为教育支撑的经济。本文主要探讨了知识经济背景下教育自身发展所赋予的产业意义及教育产业对大学管理者提出的在管理理念、能力等方面的要求  相似文献   

加强教育、科技与地区经济发展的协同合作是知识经济发展的客观要求。湖北作为高校云集、科技人才辈出的科教大省,应该运用教育、科技、经济一体化理论构想,加强大学、科研院所与企业协同发展机制的研究,推进“科教兴鄂”之教育、科技、经济协同发展系统的形成与运行。当务之急是要推动新的制度环境生成。加大大学和科研院所改革力度,重视科教创新及协同发展机制的创新,强化发展战略的集成和协同。  相似文献   

Public education discourse in the USA has been characterized by messages of crisis shaping education policies across national contexts. Education policy solutions target a lack of qualified teachers and insufficient oversight of teacher practice as central factors in the crisis, placing teacher identity as knowledgeable, authoritative professionals at the center of educational reform debates. Mainstream news media is a key site for education policy debate. I employ critical discourse analysis of education news published in a major US newspaper, uncovering how grammar patterns in news discourse situate teacher identity in relation to knowledge and authority. I demonstrate how the paper's discourse frames teacher identity in terms of Accountability and Caring and discuss how, in the context of larger economic and social policy debates, Accountability gains authority over caring to shape education policy. I call for teachers to integrate critical participation in public education debates as key element of professional identity.  相似文献   

Higher education systems in many parts of the world are experiencing the emergence of policies for knowledge transfer (KT). KT policy discourse reflects attempts to make universities more responsive to the needs of the knowledge economy and can be seen as a trend towards extracting a greater contribution from universities to the economy and society as a whole. This paper explores some of the practical tensions associated with operationalisation of KT policy with an institutional case study. Discourse analysis of university documents, and interviews with managers and academics, highlight the struggle between policymakers and academics around development of a KT strategy. The case reveals the potential pitfalls of adopting a commercially-oriented approach to KT in a service-oriented academic community. Effectively capturing the academic community's sense of service to the community in policy design may be one way of ensuring success and ensuring that KT policy is not ‘lost in translation’.  相似文献   

第二轮“双一流”建设工程中出台了赋予个别高校自主遴选建设学科权的政策,这一政策在当前我国高等教育不断深化改革过程中具有丰富的内涵。基于政策分析的基本框架,从事实、价值、规范和可行性四个维度做了全面剖析。从政策事实维度看,这是高等教育强国建设新阶段对政策创新能力的必然要求,是世界一流大学建设新阶段不断提高政策创新能力的现实需要,是高等教育深化改革新阶段所做出的实质性探索和举措。从政策价值维度看,能提振我国世界一流大学发展的制度自信,是对政策实施对象办学主体性的价值承认,能对其他办学主体产生示范价值。从政策规范维度看,自定建设学科是在世界一流大学建设新阶段的重大政策创新,需要在充分尊重办学主体决定权基础上加强宏观政策指导。从政策可行性维度看,该政策的试点具备技术和经济可行性。在全面建设高等教育强国新阶段,需要进一步优化这一政策举措,具体包括:进一步提升政府的高等教育宏观政策创新能力,进一步完善高校内部治理体系以提升自治能力,进一步探索和凝练中国特色世界一流大学发展模式。  相似文献   

The article discusses higher education policies and policy making during the period of the author's direct involvement between the mid-80s and the present. The author points to an increasingly ideological form of policy making which has emphasised the economic role of higher education and created a higher education 'market'. As the scope of government has widened, the role of the Civil Service as a check on Ministers has reduced. Whilst the sector's influence on policies has also lessened, there is still more the universities could do to protect themselves as the case of quality assurance demonstrates. However this would require a willingness to act on the basis of research evidence, of which the author still sees little sign.  相似文献   

高等教育与社会经济协同发展是知识经济时代对高等教育发展的要求,也是大众化高等教育的重要特征。高教园发挥整合作用和组织作用,促进高等教育系统与社会经济系统之间加强人员和信息交流,建立相互信任,相互依赖的下校,校企关系,实现两者的协同发展。  相似文献   

We examine how global pressures for competitiveness and gender equality have merged into a discourse of ‘inclusive excellence’ in the twenty-first century and shaped three recent German higher education programmes. After placing these programmes in the larger discourse about gender inequalities, we focus on how they adapt current global concerns about both being ‘the best’ and increasing ‘gender equality’ in locally specific ways, a process called vernacularisation. German equality advocates used ‘meeting international standards’ as leverage, drew on self-governance norms among universities, used formal gender plans as mechanisms to direct change, and set up competition to legitimate intervention. This specific incremental policy path for increasing women's status in German universities also mobilised the national funding agency and local gender equality officers as key actors, and placed particular emphasis on family friendliness as the expression of organisational commitment to gender equality.  相似文献   

知识创新是技术创新的前提和基础,也是科技进步和经济发展的动力源泉。在当前的时代背景下,高等教育作为知识经济核心组成部分,必须适应社会经济发展的要求,不断改革与创新自身的教学观念与教学模式,以多元化、现代化的姿态迎接机遇与挑战。文章由知识经济的概念及特征入手,就当前我国高等教育中存在的主要问题展开论述,并深入分析了未来的教育改革与发展路径。  相似文献   

The case for integrating generic skills in university accounting programmes is well documented in the literature, but the implementation of strategies designed to teach generic skills in the context of accounting courses has posed ongoing challenges for academics and course administrators. The imperative for generic skills in accounting programmes derives from an economic view of the role of universities, reflecting the views of government and employers who perceive graduates as economic assets to business and the economy. It is argued that the role of universities extends beyond the economic imperative to encompass a greater social and cultural role. This paper traces the historical evolution of the generic skills discourse with an emphasis on accounting and places it in the broader context of the social and economic roles of universities in an era of transformation in the sector. The generic skills discourse, however, transcends disciplinary boundaries and international borders. The new knowledge economy, emerging as a result of technological advancement, needs graduates across disciplines with flexible mindsets and transferable skill sets, capable of innovating and adapting to a dynamic work environment. Consequently, universities must develop the transferable, generic skills required by graduates to advance their careers and contribute to economic innovation and social development. The generic skills debate must, therefore, be addressed from a systemic perspective, reaching beyond national and disciplinary borders. The lessons learned from the generic skills debate in accounting have wider interdisciplinary application for university policy-makers and educators facing the challenges of a new era in higher education.  相似文献   

The knowledge economy is a dominant force in today's world, and innovation policy and national systems of innovation are central to it. In this article, we draw on different sociological and economic theories of risk to engage critically with innovation policy and national systems of innovation. Beck's understanding of a risk society, Schumpeter's innovation thesis, and Perez's techno-economic paradigm are used to consider the risk economy, and the broader risk implications of knowledge economy policies and their associated innovation systems. Derrida's theory of haunting provides the methodological framework for our discussion. We use his notion of “hauntology” to conceptualize the risk economy as a ghost that haunts knowledge economy policies and systems. The spectral risk economy draws attention to the inherent instability of the knowledge economy, and challenges the certainty of its economic dogma by offering an alternative perspective. The risk economy problematizes knowledge economy policies and systems by revealing the uncertain and “undecidable” future of social, political and cultural hazards ignored in the interest of commercial gain.  相似文献   

This paper considers the cultural and economic positions of working-class men in the specific context of Merseyside, their attitudes towards education (taking into account, amongst other things their assumed 'breadwinner' role and its pertinence within the prevalent regional context of 'living off one's wits') and the effects on their levels of participation in higher education. Drawing upon recent research into mature students in British universities, the paper suggests that universities themselves need to change if they are to offer an image and environment that will appeal to the adult working class, and in particular the adult workingclass male (who on paper have the most to benefit from lifelong learning) and, significantly, the universities must reassess their 'community' role, and begin to think of themselves in terms of their 'local' remit.  相似文献   

Ten years after the first global rankings appeared, it is clear that they have had an extraordinary impact on higher education. While there are fundamental questions about whether rankings measure either quality or what's meaningful, they have succeeded in exposing higher education to international comparison. More so, because of the important role higher education plays as a driver of economic development, rankings have exposed both an information deficit and national competitiveness. Accordingly, both nations and institutions have sought to maximise their position vis-á-vis global rankings with positive and perverse effects. Their legacy is evident in the way rankings have become an implicit — and often explicit – reference point for policymaking and higher education decision-making, and have reinforced an evaluative state's over-reliance on quantitative indicators to measure quality. They are embedded in popular discourse, and have informed the behaviour of many stakeholders, within and outside the academy. This paper reflects on three inter-related issues; i) considers the way rankings have heightened policy and investment interest in higher education, ii) discusses whether the modifications to rankings have resolved some of the questions about what they measure, and iii) looks at how rankings have influenced stakeholder behaviour. Finally, the paper reflects on what we have learned and some outstanding issues.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,高等教育被推到社会发展的先导和基础地位。因此,高等教育不仅要适应知识经济需求,更要主动催生知识经济。其首要任务是要求高等教育转变其观念,以新的功能催生知识经济,以战略性产业身份跻身知识经济,以“无边界”状态迎接知识经济,以新型的人才建设知识经济,以终身教育理念影响知识经济。  相似文献   


In the UK, higher education (HE) policy discourse over the past 60 years has advocated flexible part-time HE for social mobility, personal development, economic advantage and leisure. However, part-time undergraduate HE in the UK is in steep decline. Against this backdrop, we were interested in how universities promote, or fail to promote, part-time study options today. We built a corpus of 90 UK undergraduate prospectuses for 2018 entry (5,673,799 words). Using a corpus-assisted discourse analysis approach, we found significant mismatch between policy discourse and marketing discourse regarding part-time study. In particular, we found that UK university marketing discourse positions full-time study as the dominant mode of study and writes of part-time study as ‘second-best’. This discourse mismatch is particularly marked when it comes to the elite Russell Group of universities. Viewing the absence of strong promotional discourse relating to part-time study alongside other factors such as increased tuition fees and the rise of global online education platforms adds a new perspective to the decline of flexible part-time undergraduate HE at campus-based universities in the UK.  相似文献   

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