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李献惠 《报刊之友》2011,(7):137-139
目前的国际传播系统中,媒介帝国主义甚嚣尘上。面对媒介传播偏见的客观存在,面对蕴含着各种价值观念和意识形态的信息和媒介节目的大量涌入,受众媒介素养教育问题变得日益紧迫而严峻。受众媒介素养教育实施途径包括面对青少年的学校教育、媒介自身的正确引导以及受众的自律与自我教育等,通过多种渠道的配合,共同提高受众媒介素养教育的效果。  相似文献   

李献惠 《今传媒》2011,(7):137-139
目前的国际传播系统中,媒介帝国主义甚嚣尘上。面对媒介传播偏见的客观存在,面对蕴含着各种价值观念和意识形态的信息和媒介节目的大量涌入,受众媒介素养教育问题变得日益紧迫而严峻。受众媒介素养教育实施途径包括面对青少年的学校教育、媒介自身的正确引导以及受众的自律与自我教育等,通过多种渠道的配合,共同提高受众媒介素养教育的效果。  相似文献   

这里所分析的沉默受众属于媒介批评主体受众部分的范畴。沉默受众并非等于所有受众面对媒介活动采取的是沉默定式,因为他们存在批评行为的取向,但是这种取向由于受自身知识结构水平、认知能力或者媒介环境的原因影响,而隐匿起来成为潜在。作为在市场化、全球化大背景下发展的媒体,应该发掘沉默受众潜在的批评行为参与到媒介批判当中,实现有效的自律机制,促进媒体的发展。  相似文献   

况扬  江婕 《传媒》2015,(9):78-79
本文主要分析了新媒体环境下,媒体如何失去自律,导致行为失范,并探讨了媒体坚持自律与他律的重要性.首先分析了新媒体的涌现给受众提供了平等的信息传播平台,借助新媒体平台,受众获得信息传播的自由,接着论述这种自由带来的信息传播问题,最后指出了在新媒体环境下,媒介的自律、社会及法律的监管极其重要.  相似文献   

李武祥 《记者摇篮》2006,(10):50-51
随着大众传播事业的繁荣和技术的进步,受众不仅可以比较自由地选择媒介,还能在一定程度上影响着媒介传播的内容和形式。如今的受众研究,更多的是注重对受众的保护和解放,受众早已不再只是应声而倒的“靶子”,或被动的接受信息者,在传播过程中,他们的主动性和参与性也在日渐凸显。一、受众喜好左右媒介发展方向如今我们正处在一个媒体激烈竞争的时代,媒介如果不想被挤出市场,淘汰出局,就必须要有很强的市场意识和受众意识。在当前的竞争环境下,谁能赢得受众,谁就能实现社会效益和经济效益的最大化。因此,受众得到了媒介前所未有的关注,满足受…  相似文献   

“受者中心论”负面效应评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从“传者中心”论到“受者中心”论是传播理论的发展,它提升了受众的传播地位,消解了传者的独霸,促进了媒介的发展;但物极必反,“受众中心论”的理论在商业化背景中正被演变为“受众决定论”,其表现特征是:媒介追逐着受众,迎合受众,讨好受众,因此,随之而来的是媒介社会责任和功能的衰减,媒介主体意识的弱化,媒介内容的泛化和庸俗,品位与格调的低下等负面消极影响的连锁反应。媒介应正确处理好两个效益的关系,在坚持“社会效益”,发挥其社会责任和功能的前提下,最大化地满足受众需求,从而实现媒介的“经济效益”。  相似文献   

吴刚 《新闻前哨》2010,(6):33-35
为了应对视频网站对受众的争夺,电视媒体开始了整合文字、声音与影像传播的媒介融合之路,并借助多媒体网络传播平台,以实现受众与媒体影响力的最大化。本文通过分析CNTV媒介融合策略,对CNTV未来发展作出积极的思索。  相似文献   

媒体经常滥用手中的话语权肆无忌惮地"狂欢",而在信息传播中处于不对称地位的受众声音显得相对沉默,而这种沉默益发助推了媒体无理"狂欢"的螺旋上升。改变种种愈演愈烈的畸形传播环境,既要加强媒介自身的自律,也要加强对受众的媒介素养教育,从而使传者自重,使受者真正参与到信息的传播中去。  相似文献   

张帆 《今传媒》2016,(2):38-39
伴随着媒介技术发展而来的新媒体环境,给予了新闻自由极大的突破空间,同时出现了新闻侵权、媒介逼视、媒介暴力、媒介审判等现象.因此,强调相对自由的重要性,以及将道德与法律、自律与他律有机地相结合起来,规制并完善新媒体环境下的新闻自由尤显重要.媒体应恪守新闻专业主义和新闻职业道德,受众应加强媒介素养教育,社会规范和制度也应该规范完善.  相似文献   

世界范围内的新闻媒体目前正在以不同速度朝着相互融合的方向迈进,同时受众群体日渐分层的趋向,又使得新闻媒介不得不坚持分众传播的经营理念,由笼统地追求共赏,走向更现实和细致的分赏之路。媒介融合与受众细分二者都是为了更好地满足受众的信息需求,它们应运而生,也必将应运而盛,其终极理想应是在争取受众最大化的前提下,细分受众。  相似文献   

自律是传媒职业问责框架下的决定性因素.职业问责框架下的传媒自律以媒介专业主义为基本原则,包括传媒从业者个体、传媒组织和传媒行业三个层面的自律,其固有的缺陷近年来在欧美引发了尴尬的遭遇与尝试性突破.建立一个新型的职业问责框架下的传媒自律机制,应是当前重构我国传媒自律机制的一个可行方向.  相似文献   

The article contributes to the research on media management by approaching the audience as consisting of communities, instead of considering it a mass audience. By developing audience community as a concept in media management and audience research and investigating mainstream newspapers’ perceptions and practices of audience community relations, the study aims to provide a future outlook for the changing community nature of audiences. Newspaper organizations are starting to perceive the audience as a more concrete network of people, and journalistic processes can increasingly consist of generating platforms and practices for communication and communal activities with and among the audience. In the article, these processes are studied empirically by means of a qualitative study carried out in Finnish, Japanese, and Korean newspapers. Interestingly, the findings indicate that audience communities do not, after all, play an important role in the daily practices of the newspapers. The engagement with audience communities in social media is only occasional, intermittent, and by no means systematic. By contrast, interaction with offline communities seems to be more familiar and considered more valuable than connecting with audience communities in social media.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of the online audience community as a strategic resource for media work. It opens up a current perspective on the audience community, which has received scarce attention in research both conceptually and empirically. The article provides an empirical analysis of the various ways in which the audience community can serve as a resource in the work of journalists. The conclusion is that the audience community can have wide-ranging strategic significance and implications for media work and media brands. In particular, observing and connecting with the audience community can help journalists acquire deeper knowledge and understanding of the audience, as well as strengthen commitment and engagement among the audience with the media brand. As a consequence of collaborating with the audience community, new journalistic roles and tasks are emerging.  相似文献   

This study adopts a network analytic approach to understand media audiences in relation to media markets, bridging the literature on audience behavior and media economics. Using audience data in the Chinese and U.S. markets, we apply multi-level measures to compare audience fragmentation patterns, a key indicator of market structure, across television channels. Drawing on McQuail's four–stage fragmentation model, we find the Chinese television market exhibits the Core-Peripheral model where a few channels dominate the marketplace and the rest are viewed by niche segments of the audience. In contrast, the U.S. market represents the Pluralism model with extremely high levels of audience duplication across channels, suggesting overlapping patterns of exposure throughout the market rather than isolated segments.  相似文献   

This article explains and implements a network analytic approach to the study of cross-platform audience behavior. It begins by conceptualizing large-scale patterns of media use in network terms, treating media outlets as nodes and the levels of audience duplication among them as links. Following that, it explains 2 common measures of audience duplication, Absolute Duplication and Primary Duplication, and offers a new measure, Deviation-from-Random Duplication. In doing so, techniques for converting duplication data into network data are discussed. This approach is then applied to analyze patterns of audience fragmentation, media publics, and audience polarization using data from Nielsen's TV/Internet Convergence Panel. The findings show the value of using a network approach, by contributing to an alternative understanding of these patterns. Economic and policy implications are discussed, as well as broader reflections on the use of network analysis in the study of audience behavior.  相似文献   

以界面传播理念重新界定传受关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互动界面是以互联网为代表的数字互动媒介区别于传统媒介的最大特点,以互动界面为依托展开的界面传播是网络媒介传播的特质。本文在探讨媒介界面的基础上,明确界定了界面传播的内涵,提出界面传播的核心在于构建新型的传受关系的观点。在媒介受众充分占有媒介终端设备、可以方便灵活地借助界面行使参与权和表达权的媒介环境下,媒介经营者应该以界面传播的理念来促进与受众之间的关系,即使那些还没有将核心业务转移到数字互动媒介上的媒体,也应该利用互动界面的传播机制,不断满足受众的需求,从而提高媒介的竞争力。  相似文献   

The proliferation of new communication technologies over the last 2 decades has increased opportunities for audience activity by offering more choices and greater control aver the communication process for media consumers. However, extant research on the degree of user activity with new media portrays conflicting views of audience members as more active or more passive. This study attempts to sort out this issue by exploring audience activity levels among users of new and traditional media, as indicated by instrumental or ritualized orientations toward media use. Results indicate that new communication technologies are motivated by both instrumental and ritualized motives, but are used more instrumentally than traditional channels, particularly among older users.  相似文献   

电视连续剧《蜗居》引发的全民热议,为研究受众的媒介使用行为提供了良好契机。对《蜗居》受众的实证调查表明媒介文本的符码因为受众生活境遇和所属阶层的不同而拥有了差异化的意义生产过程,并且经由受众的媒介体验行为在其内心投射出强弱不一的心理影响。  相似文献   

This article explores how journalists negotiate notions of autonomy in their daily exchanges with politicians. Based on qualitative data analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted in Chile, this article argues that, when analysed from the perspective of journalists, notions of autonomy appear to be negotiated in three distinct dimensions. First, a professional narrative built upon news values firmly grounded in commercial considerations; second, an organizational narrative that rests upon editorial lines that occasionally become explicit editorial biases, and third, a sense of belonging to an encapsulated community inhabited by journalists, politicians and communication officers. Data analysis suggests that core claims of autonomy in political reporting stem from values of newsworthiness greatly influenced by a commercial logic of audience maximization. This professional autonomy, though, has to be upheld at the organizational and the relational level, and appears tensioned by the appearance of new media and political actors who push journalists towards a public-oriented role. The implications of these findings for journalistic practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Mediatization of politics in the institutional perspective is commonly taken to refer to the interactions between political actors and media actors, where the first become increasingly governed by media logic and the latter become increasingly independent from other institutions. Even though we could picture the relations between the different constituents as a triangle with audience, media and political actors as equally important corners, the institutionalist perspective does not give equal attention to the audience as actor in the process. In this article, I ask to what extent audience participation in news production affects our understanding of the process of mediatization of politics. I discuss both how audience participation can be seen as a challenge to media's role in politics (challenging the current conceptualization of mediatization of politics) as well as how the theory of mediatization can be seen to be confirmed by currently dominant audience participation practices. In the first understanding, we can argue that audience participation challenges independence of institutional media actors (to give more power to both audiences and politicians). In the latter understanding, audience participation can be seen to be governed by the same commercial interests as other media production and in addition that both mainstream and alternative media are subject to search engine logic. This article then calls for a critical examination of our understanding of mediatization of politics to do justice to the multiplicity of logics informing media practices, the multiplicity of actors producing news and, crucially, the interaction between those logics and actors.  相似文献   

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