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核心价值研究是图书馆服务转型过程中绕不开的热点问题。文化权利,知识自由,开放、平等、包容、隐私等主流观点更多倾向价值观念而非价值本身,难以达成行业共识。文章从价值哲学视角分析图书馆价值及其主要价值关系:馆员、读者与文献信息三者之间的推广关系与阅读关系共同构成图书馆阅读推广体系。文献信息资源、读者资源和馆员队伍共同构成图书馆核心竞争力。阅读推广从“满足阅读”到“推进阅读”、从“被动服务”到“主动服务”,发挥图书馆在全民阅读中的主体地位与引领作用,成为图书馆核心价值。  相似文献   

In contemporary African societies where multiple systems of knowledge coexist, and the use of informatics is becoming increasingly widespread, conventional perspectives drawn from cultural anthropology, environmentalism, development studies and intellectual property rights are insufficient guides to thinking about the digitization of indigenous knowledge. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, three moments in South African knowledge dynamics are used to probe some of the ontological, epistemological, and performative implications of science/IKS interaction in the design and construction of archives and databases of local plants. Twenty-first century databases of indigenous African medico-botanical knowledge need to assure that it is recontextualized historically and socially; that its multiplicity, visuality, and orality are retained; and that “articulation work” is done to make sure that design choices and use are cognitively just.  相似文献   

This essay explores a non-negationist approach to the “critical” by recounting cultural studies's recent articulation of intellectual work to social movement practice. The academicization of cultural studies is evaluated not as cooptation of criticality, but as subsumption, which creates new platforms for action. Ultimately, Cultural Studies would benefit from its own “reception study” in which its powers to be affected could be enhanced to reconnect it with ongoing popular struggles.  相似文献   

分析了现有专利排名方法的局限性,介绍了专利资产指数这一新的专利组合分析方法。该方法采用组合规模、市场范围、技术重要程度3个指标评价企业专利,提供了一个能够更准确评估企业知识产权价值的工具。  相似文献   

The growth of the Internet has created a host of thorny legal issues that range from defamatory postings on computer bulletin boards to “spamming”; (unwanted email) and invasion of privacy rights. This study reviewed 400 student‐authored World Wide Web pages to assess the use of intellectual property. A review of these pages found that 43.8 percent appropriated images that would likely qualify as protected intellectual property, and that the students who used images averaged three such uses per page. The final section briefly discusses three of the more troublesome implications of these findings.  相似文献   

长株潭城市群知识产权发展现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过网络和文献调查及实地调研,收集长株潭城市群1998年-2007年十年间的知识产权投入、知识产权成果、知识产权运用以及知识产权保护和管理四个方面的指标数据,对长株潭城市群的知识产权发展现状进行分析,大量的系统统计数据表明,需要从发展知识产权文化、实施知识产权战略等几方面努力保护知识产权。  相似文献   

图书馆知识产权管理现状的实证调查与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对高校、公共、科研三大系统的134个图书馆进行知识产权管理现状的问卷调查,统计数据显示:大多数图书馆都重视知识产权对图书馆的影响,部分单位还拥有自主的知识产权,有些单位缺乏明确的知识产权相关制度,并有一定的知识产权问题及障碍。据此,要重视知识产权培训,重视知识产权在图书馆具体实践中的贯彻,重视图书馆之间的合作,争取立法上的发言权。  相似文献   

The study analyzes the dynamics of intellectual property (IP) negotiations between mainland China and the United States from the late 1970s to 2007. As China has industrialized, it has faced significant pressure from its international trading partners led by the United States to improve protection for intellectual property rights (IPR). Analysis of the progress of IP protection in China provides an opportunity to test and modify a model of IP policy development in developing countries, and the impact of U.S. actions on internal IP politics and cultural development.  相似文献   

论知识产权与图书馆权利的协调   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解决知识产权专有性与图书馆权利公共性的矛盾是知识产权与图书馆权利协调的关键.实现二者间的最优配置,必须从行政、法律、市场等机制入手,采取多种路径与方式,综合、动态地进行.  相似文献   

文章通过专利产出分析探索高校知识产权信息中心建设途径。基于Innography检索南方医科大学近30年专利,分析总体态势、有效专利、技术类别、专利受让、专利强度等,总结专利产出与转移转化的态势。提出南方医科大学知识产权信息服务中心建设策略:关注已授权PCT专利,提高PCT国际申请授权率;建立专利布局与预警机制,重视高强度权利;提高有效专利占比,加大国际专利申请力度;推进高校知识产权贯标,加强知识产权转移转化;筹建知识产权信息服务中心,助力高水平大学建设。在分析高校知识产权信息服务中心成立沿革、专利信息服务是高校知识产权信息服务主要形式的基础上,提出以专利信息服务为重点推进知识产权信息服务,对标高校国家知识产权信息服务中心的建设思路。  相似文献   

企业知识产权资产价值链模型及其分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于知识产权逐步取代实物成为当今企业最重要资产,成为企业核心竞争力关键所在的现状,借助于波特的价值链模型及前人对知识价值链的相关研究,提出企业知识产权管理实质是知识产权资产价值链管理这样一种认识,并构建知识产权资产价值链模型;通过分析知识产权资产产生与流动的基本活动与辅助活动的构成及其之间相互关系,形成知识产权资产价值运动的范式与规律, 指导企业知识产权管理实践活动。   相似文献   

While both the growth of services industries and the nature of creativity as a productive input are widely recognized, they are poorly understood. This paper considers the relationship between services industry growth and creativity inputs as part of a “cultural turn” in contemporary capitalist economies, with particular reference to the recent work of Scott Lash and John Urry, Jeremy Rifkin, and Richard Florida. It proposes ways of rethinking the relationship between services and creativity, particularly in understanding the role played by “creativity brokering” in the creative industries, and draws attention to growing tensions surrounding the concept of intellectual property.  相似文献   

为了消除必要专利与技术标准之间的利益冲突,标准组织通常遵循合理无歧视原则、专利权免费原则以及 非排外原则制定均衡的知识产权策略,吸引所有利益相关者参与技术标准化的过程。文章在辨析必要专利和技术标准 关系的基础上,对合理无歧视原则的合理性和无歧视性展开研究,探讨单个必要专利合理许可、多个必要专利总体合 理许可、许可费合理核算以及全供应链无歧视许可等要点。最后建议在信息披露公开和承诺公开的前提下应寻求专利 权人合理无歧视许可的承诺。  相似文献   

文章介绍了知识产权和知识产权制度,阐释了知识产权保护对信息资源共享的意义,最后提出了加强知识产权保护以促进信息资源共享的三种取径。  相似文献   

为了消除必要专利与技术标准之间的利益冲突,标准组织通常遵循合理无歧视原则、专利权免费原则以及非排外原则制定均衡的知识产权策略,吸引所有利益相关者参与技术标准化的过程。文章在辨析必要专利和技术标准关系的基础上,对合理无歧视原则的合理性和无歧视性展开研究,探讨单个必要专利合理许可、多个必要专利总体合理许可、许可费合理核算以及全供应链无歧视许可等要点。最后建议在信息披露公开和承诺公开的前提下应寻求专利权人合理无歧视许可的承诺。  相似文献   

针对联盟合作中知识共享与保护之间的矛盾,从交易成本论、企业能力论和社会资本论对风险产生的根源进行考察,指出组织特性、知识特性和知识产权保护环境三个主要原因。知识共享风险是不可避免的,从产权、控制与交流三个方面探讨防范策略,知识产权策略包括专利保护、商业秘密保护和新生知识保护,知识控制强调对人员和过程的控制,知识交流体现为公开、分层与封闭三种策略。  相似文献   

信息资源知识产权发展之合理性探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从信息资源特点着手,分析了信息资源知识产权的特征;详细地从自然权利理论和黑格尔的人格理论来探究信息资源知识产权合理性的本源,并基于知识产权制度架构中的衡量准则利益平衡论,进一步从社会的角度阐释了知识产权合理性;指出由于技术扩张导致知识产权权利扩张的正当缘由与现状,通过案例具体分析了解决知识产权问题的立场,最后指出知识产权的良性发展需要构建新的平衡,反垄断法与信息资源开放存取成为信息资源知识产权的有效制衡与有益补充。  相似文献   

乡村文化的传承与变迁,本质上是一种具有鲜明“自组织”特性的乡村文化“再生产”过程。然而在社会大变革、文化大变迁以及城市化、现代化的多重“挤压”下,乡村文化“再生产”秩序受到不同程度的破坏,文化“自组织”能力也日渐式微。“安康新民风建设引领乡村公共文化服务创新发展”制度设计与实践探索,就是要通过主动干预,建构起乡村文化“再生产”的新秩序,推动乡村文化繁荣与发展。现代公共文化服务体系建设与优秀传统文化传承发展两大国家战略,无疑是介入乡村文化“再生产”秩序的重要“他组织”力量,为乡村特别是集中连片贫困地区重构乡村文化“再生产”秩序提供了路径探索和经验借鉴。  相似文献   


In library makerspaces, there is a potential for users to infringe on other’s intellectual property rights through illegal reproduction. There is also the opportunity for makerspace users to create their own new intellectual property which could then be protected. This article presents a case study from a library makerspace working to address intellectual property issues, as well as a survey of other library makerspaces detailing how they are currently addressing such concerns. Results conclude that while currently there is a lack of targeted services and resources, libraries need to create policy, services, and collections targeted towards intellectual property in their makerspaces.  相似文献   

Patents are one of the most reliable sources of technology intelligence, and the true value of patent analysis stems from its capability of describing the content of technology based on the relationships between keywords. To date a number of techniques for analyzing the information contained in patent documents that focus on the relationships between keywords have been suggested. However, a drawback of the existing keyword approaches is that they cannot yet determine the types of relationships between the keywords. This study proposes a novel approach based on preposition semantic analysis network which overcomes the limitations of the existing keywords-based network analysis and demonstrates its potential through an application. A preposition is a word that defines the relationship between two neighboring words, and, in the case of patents, prepositions aid in revealing the relationships between keywords related to technologies. To demonstrate the approach, patents regarding an electric vehicle were employed. 13 prepositions were identified which could be used to define 5 relationships between neighboring technological terms: “inclusion (utilization),” “objective (purpose),” “effect,” “process,” and “likeness.” The proposed approach is expected to improve the usability of keyword-based patent analyses and support more elaborate studies on patent documents.  相似文献   

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