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Leaders need to surround themselves with colleagues, mentors, and individuals who will support, challenge, and encourage development. Forming a network will aid a library leader in their individual growth as well as provide informal consultants who can see the broader pictures or tease out an issue that might not be evident to the leader. Colleagues who share the same vision or goals will encourage each other and provide support during personal and professional challenges. A library leader should be strategic about selecting and curating a network that will meet a variety of needs as well as being a resource. Doing so, a leader will have a sounding board to consider ideas and strategies while gaining different perspectives. The end result is that a library leader will build professional relationships that will enhance personal and professional success.  相似文献   

Leadership language communicates more than words. Leaders are able to use the power of language to not only articulate an organizational vision but to create excitement and support around that vision. Library leaders can model organizational values through speech strengthening a written policy into practice. Organizational culture is difficult to change but leaders can counter negative and deceptive messages into productive statements that help employees move forward to understand and embrace library strategic goals. How a leader chooses to use language to articulate a vision, advance organizational values, and to change organizational culture is critical. Ignoring language opportunities will hinder not only leader success but organizational success as well.  相似文献   

学习型组织建设为新型主流媒体的组织管理提供新的思路。学习型主流媒体组织的实践是一个全方位的过程,需要从组织目标、组织结构、建设路径、组织文化等各个方面共同施策。认同与超越是构建学习型新型主流媒体的组织目标;扁平化的组织结构、践行知识管理的建设路径是构建学习型新型主流媒体组织的运行策略;合作与创新是构建学习型新型主流媒体组织的文化追求。  相似文献   

Starting New     
New leaders have unique challenges in orienting themselves to a new position and likely a new department or organization. There are some actions an individual can undertake that will ease the transition and build relationships, create an understanding of the new organization, and build confidence of the employees in the leader. There are issues to be aware of as a new leader adjusts to a new position and awareness will facilitate the transition in working within a new department or organization.  相似文献   

Leadership calls for the ability to work well with people, communicate with stakeholders, participate in and lead meetings, and often public speaking. As a leader advances within an organization, expectations increase for the individual to engage with others as leaders spend more time working with colleagues and stakeholders to advance the organization. These expectations tend to favor extroverts in leadership roles but organizations may overlook the strengths of introverts as leaders losing out on the potential for effective management. An understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of personality types will help individuals as well as organizations in developing leadership in order to achieve organizational goals.  相似文献   

Because tasks and materials related to serials processing and use are often dispersed in a library, serials specialists must develop personal influence strategies and use informal communication systems that cross organizational lines and boundaries. In the absence of a serials department, therefore, serials specialists and informal serials communication systems will continue to exist. There is wide agreement that informal communication systems do emerge spontaneously in organizations and that individuals without formally conferred authority may use various types of personal influence strategies to accomplish organizational objectives. While serials processing and public service could be most efficiently handled through a serials department, informal communication systems, utilized by serials specialists, will develop if such a department does not exist. In determining if a serials department has a place in a particular library organization, library planners should be concerned about natural communication channels and should, in addition, try to identify individuals who can communicate effectively across organizational barriers.  相似文献   


Within organizations, employees often discuss the need for transparency but what exactly is transparency? Transparency is often linked with communication in an effort to create an organization that is more informed about decisions and processes creating a sense of employee engagement. But leaders are not able to operate in a completely open manner due to a variety of factors. What leadership activities can be conducted in a transparent manner and how is transparency balanced with confidentiality? Transparency is not just a leader responsibility but other managers and employees contribute to organizational transparency. This column will provide more insights into the complex issue of transparency within libraries.  相似文献   

Column Editor's Note. Leaders need to develop long term perspectives if they are to be successful in leading their organizations into the future. A vision is a good start but the leader needs to be able to anticipate developments, opportunities, changes, and finances if they are to guide their organization through a changing landscape. Successful leaders are able to develop insights into the future and position their organization to positively interact with their environment. While some of these skills are intuitive, leaders are able to develop a long term perspective through several strategies. Interested authors are invited to submit articles for this column to the editor at .  相似文献   


Rather than reinventing the wheel for each new position, leaders in libraries may choose to rely on heuristics that leading thinkers in organizational theory have pointed out exist in many organizational settings. One of the central concerns they have elucidated is the dynamic between dependency and autonomy, which are ways of understanding a main theme in the narrative the organization is telling about itself in direct and indirect ways. This column adapts this framework to a new leader’s first few months on the job in order to highlight organizational signals or tells that would key the new leader into how dependency and autonomy exist as a balance.  相似文献   

组织学习、知识管理与组织创新的耦合性研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
首先分析组织学习、知识管理与组织创新三者两两之间的关系,发现组织学习过程与知识管理过程是相互伴生的,组织知识存量突破一定的阈值会使得组织创新的方式发生改变,在组织创新的不同阶段伴随着不同形式的组织学习。接着,详细论述组织学习、知识管理与组织创新通过知识的获取、转移、共享和运用联系起来,在改变企业知识状态的过程中,彼此之间相互联系、相互作用,存在着耦合性关系。  相似文献   

组织的环境是动态变化的,因此,组织的知识资产需要不断更新,组织知识管理的战略要不断变化。提出支撑知识变革管理的框架和在组织变革中可操作的流程。图1。参考文献13。  相似文献   

Similar to individuals, organizations display characteristics that speak to qualities and abilities. Our guest writer, Lisa Bodenheimer, discusses a trait that is critical for library organizations during this period of constant change and transformation. Resiliency is the ability to rebound and flex as circumstances shift enabling an organization to thrive and adjust during difficult times. This skill is typically developed through experiences, but, as Ms. Bodenheimer outlines, organizations are able to strategize in order to build employee and organizational resilience. Such a proactive approach will enable a library organization to better weather challenging situations and times as difficulties will enviably occur. The following article provides practical suggestions for library organizations that will enable them to be more successful while leading and managing in a changing environment.  相似文献   

Organizations by their very nature will incur conflict and individuals will need to negotiate differences, behaviors, and performance. Effective leaders understand that difficult conversations are necessary in managing an organization or unit. No one wants to initiate a difficult conversation or to address performance issues but it is essential that leaders face the need to have hard conversations and in so doing, the organization will benefit from an ongoing dialogue. This column will discuss the need for difficult conversations and some tips for facilitating a dialogue. Interested authors are invited to submit articles for this column to the editor at farrell@uwyo.edu.  相似文献   

The task of finding and developing potential leaders from within the library profession requires an understanding of what a leader is, as well as the challen es that librarianship will face as it enters the twenty-first century. ~ f i s article explores five fundamen- tal leadership competencies: vision, communication, trust, risk-tak- ing and em owerment and examines how individuals learn from personal an ! organizational experiences. It sug ests ways of incor- porating programs and activities into the workp k ace that support the development of leadership skills. If everyone within the library community assumes responsibility for recognizing untapped talent and providing developmental opportunities for it to mature, it will ensure that the library field has a pool of competent, confident, com- mitted leaders for the future.  相似文献   

比较组织知识管理和个人知识管理的区别,分析两者矛盾统一的关系;论述个人知识和组织知识转换的重要意义,并从树立以“人”为中心的知识管理思想、培养知识共享与使用的文化并建立相应的人才激励机制、设立知识主管(CKO)、构建以知识为导向的信息网、建立组织内部知识市场等方面,提出实现个人知识和组织知识转换的具体措施。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为更好地发挥组织惯例的作用,提高知识管理绩效,针对惯例的知识属性,从知识管理的视角概括惯例的形成与发展过程,分析惯例对知识管理过程的影响,构建惯例演进过程中的知识管理模型。[方法/过程] 通过梳理国内外惯例研究与知识管理研究的相关文献,从个人惯例、团队惯例、组织惯例3个层面,分析知识管理视角下的惯例形成机制,并结合知识获取、知识转移、知识整合以及知识利用等4个知识管理流程,分析惯例对知识管理过程的影响,通过知识管理模型的构建和知识管理措施的提出,为组织实践提供管理启示。[结果/结论] 惯例的演进是通过组织学习来实现的,作为知识的集合,惯例在演进的过程中,先分解为搭载了隐性知识的惯例模块,经过隐性知识到显性知识的信息传递,完成隐性惯例到显性惯例的转化,并以此规范成员的活动行为。同时,不同层次的惯例在知识管理的不同阶段发挥出重要的作用,有针对性的知识管理措施能够更有效地促进组织的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

图书馆员职业发展中的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代图书馆中,馆员在职业中的成长与发展,直接关系到工作效益的提高和图书馆服务质量的改善,所以如何使员工的成长与组织目标相配合是人力资源开发的重要议题.文章细致地分析了图书馆员的职业需求,指出了国内图书馆职业管理中存在的问题,并提出了适合图书馆职业管理的方法.参考文献7.  相似文献   

王晓园 《出版科学》2016,24(6):17-22
组织承诺是组织行为的一个重要领域。青年编辑的组织承诺就是青年编辑愿意为单位付出心力,并希望留在单位服务的意念。我国青年编辑组织承诺结构模型的维度主要包括:感情承诺、规范承诺、经济承诺、机会承诺和理想承诺5个维度。青年编辑应当通过做好职业规划、发挥个人优势、提高职业素养与研究能力等来提高组织承诺。  相似文献   

Boundary theory has assumed that two distinct organizations—scientists and policy-makers—can interface with one another via an external boundary organization, yet boundary management contexts often call for different strategies where a neutral third party is not involved. Recent scholarship has highlighted alternative models for boundary organizations, including the emergence of boundary organizations within universities. Most of these studies have taken an organizational perspective, yet as universities increasingly fulfill the role of boundary organizations by direct engagement with policy-makers, we need a deeper understanding of the roles scientists should play within this context. This study highlights the need to understand context before designing and implementing boundary management strategies, and considers the complexities of direct engagement between scientists and policy-makers. We draw from a case study conducted in Maine to argue that there are contexts in which scientists need to manage and span the science–policy boundary. The complexities involved in preparing scientists to engage more thoroughly in policy activities and the challenges in garnering institutional support for advancing the participation of scientists in boundary-spanning activities are explored.  相似文献   


Leadership training tends to focus on development and performance of leadership skills with the implied understanding that the position is permanent or the appointment is formalized. Yet organizations require temporary leaders during leadership gaps but there is limited information on serving in an acting role or for a short period of time. Serving as an interim leader has unique challenges and opportunities but several considerations should be made to make this a positive experience providing smooth transitions for an organization.  相似文献   

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