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来自父母的支持是影响学生非认知发展的重要因素之一。运用路径分析模型对PISA2018我国4省市数据进行分析,探讨父母情感支持对学生阅读学业表现的影响。结果发现:阅读兴趣和自我教育期望对学生阅读学业表现起积极的中介作用;自我教育期望—阅读兴趣、自我效能感—感知的阅读能力—阅读兴趣对学生阅读学业表现起积极的链式中介作用。据此,父母应为学生提供适当的情感支持,通过促进学生非认知发展进而达到促进认知发展的目的。  相似文献   

当前,学者们在研究高等教育获得的影响因素时,对家庭社会经济地位、同胞数量等先赋性因素的关注较多,而对自我教育期望等自致性因素的关注较少。基于2010—2016年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,通过Logistic回归分析和结构方程模型(SEM),本研究发现:家庭社会经济地位和自我教育期望正向影响学生高等教育获得结果,同胞数量负向影响学生高等教育获得结果;此外,家庭社会经济地位和同胞数量还可以通过自我教育期望间接影响学生高等教育获得结果。  相似文献   

本文利用"中国教育追踪调查"(CEPS)数据,重点关注教师鼓励对学生自我教育期望的影响及其存在的性别差异。研究发现:初中生的自我期望的确存在性别差异,且女生的自我期望高于男生;教师鼓励对学生自我期望的影响具有正向作用,且不同任课教师正向作用的程度不同,其中班主任的正向作用最大;教师鼓励对学生自我期望的影响也存在性别差异,且对男生的影响高于女生。因此,在实际教学中,教师应多给予学生鼓励,尤其是班主任老师,并重点关注男生自我期望的发展。  相似文献   

专项计划生面临着严峻的学业挑战,高校有责任帮助他们实现从高中到大学教育的过渡,提供持续的学业支持。本研究以S校为例,调查了该校大学过渡和支持项目中的416名专项计划生,基于期望确认模型,结合课程乐趣、信任和推荐意愿三个变量,构建了学生的满意度和持续参与意愿理论模型。结果发现,期望确认度正向影响感知有用性、信任和课程乐趣;感知有用性和信任在期望确认度和满意度之间起完全中介作用;感知有用性、信任正向影响满意度;课程乐趣、信任正向影响持续参与意愿;持续参与意愿正向影响推荐意愿。为此,对希望开展类似项目的高校,建议事先做好宣传工作,提高学生的期望确认度;兼顾课程的有用性和乐趣;提高学生满意度,筑牢与学生的信任纽带。政府和高校应构建学生满意度的长效保障机制,积极开展学业弱势群体的补偿教育。  相似文献   

为了探讨生态移民区中学生学业自我效能感对学习满意度的影响以及学习态度在其中所起的作用,本研究采用学业自我效能感问卷、中学生学习态度量表、青少年学生生活满意度量表,对宁夏红寺堡生态移民区3所中学进行问卷调查,得到857份有效问卷.结果表明:(1)移民区中学生学业自我效能感在年级上存在显著差异,初一、初二学生学业自我效能感显著高于高一、高二学生;在语言效能感和数学效能感维度上存在性别差异,女生的语言效能感高于男生,男生的数学效能感高于女生.(2)学业自我效能感、学习满意度和学习态度均呈正相关.(3)中学生学业自我效能感对学习满意度产生显著的正影响,并且学习态度在学业自我效能感对学习满意度之间起着部分中介作用.  相似文献   

对农村贫困地区初中学生学业自我效能、期望水平与学业成就的关系进行测量研究表明:学业成就不同组学生的学业自我效能、期望水平存在明显差异,且呈显著正向关系,学业优秀组学生的学业自我效能和期望水平最高、中等组次之、较差组最低。逐步回归分析显示,学业自我效能对学业成就具有很强的积极影响作用,可作为衡量学生实际学习能力的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

基于“中国教育追踪调查”数据,探讨了教师期望、教师鼓励对学生自我教育期望的影响及其城乡差异的体现。研究发现:初中学生的自我教育期望存在显著的城乡差异,城区学生的自我教育期望在研究生及以上阶段的比例显著高于乡村和城镇等地;教师期望受城乡差异影响,期望学生上中专/技校、当一名乡镇的农村教师和乡镇教师比例均显著高于城区教师;我国不同地区类型对自我教育期望的整体影响并无显著性差异,但在局部因素影响下,不同地区的教师期望、教师鼓励对学生的自我教育期望的影响程度存在差异性。  相似文献   

基于中国人民大学中国调查与数据中心提供的“中国教育追踪调查”基线数据,通过线性回归和独立样本T检验,分析家庭社会阶层较低的子女中哪些获得了优异的学业成就,以期帮助更多的弱势职业阶层子女提高学业成就,以助于实现社会和谐、教育公平。研究表明,弱势职业阶层子女获得高学业成就的关键在于其所特有的文化资本,父母的教育期望、自我教育期望、学校归属感、同伴表现、学习态度是弱势职业阶层子女获得优异学业成就的重要因素。因此,政府应联合学校、社区,健全家庭教育指导服务体系,使弱势职业阶层父母形成正确的教育价值观,提高教育期待;学校应该关注弱势职业阶层子女的归属感;弱势职业阶层子女要利用自己吃苦耐劳的禀赋优势积累人力资本。  相似文献   

研究者采取问卷法,通过对北京市某高中396名学生的调查,探究了父母教养方式和青少年学业自我效能之间的关系。结果发现,在直接效应模型中,父母情感温暖和拒绝否认不仅可以直接正向或负向预测青少年的学业自我效能,还能通过青少年的自尊和学业自我概念对青少年的学业自我效能产生间接影响。父母过度保护则可通过青少年的自尊和学业自我概念对青少年的学业自我效能产生间接影响。自尊与学业自我概念在父母教养方式和青少年学业自我效能之间起到了链式中介的作用。  相似文献   

基于PISA2015中国四省市数据,采用泛精确匹配和Logit模型探讨参与课外补习能否助力处境不利学生成为抗逆学生问题,并利用Shapley值分解揭示了影响抗逆学生学业表现的关键因素.家庭处境不利学生的学业成绩显著低于处境有利学生;参与课外补习并不能助力家庭处境不利学生成为抗逆学生;抗逆学生与处境不利非抗逆学生在自我教育期望、学习效率上存在明显差异.建议政府和教育部门努力为进城务工人员随迁子女提供进入办学条件好的学校就读机会,使他们接受高质量的正规学校教育;家庭处境不利学生要努力提高自我教育期望和学习效率;处境不利学生的父母要理性看待课外补习的作用,审慎为子女购买相关服务.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine the mediating effect of learning engagement on the relationship between perceived teacher feedback and college students’ academic performance, and the moderating effect of assessment characteristics on the relationship between perceived teacher feedback and learning engagement. A sample of 2,458 students in a university in mainland China was studied. Results indicated that perceived teacher feedback had a positive impact on students’ academic performance; learning engagement had a mediating effect on the relationship between perceived teacher feedback and students’ academic performance; and assessment frequency, difficulty and diversity had moderating effects between perceived teacher feedback and learning engagement. With the three factors of high frequency, difficulty and diversity assessment, perceived teacher feedback was more likely to improve students’ learning engagement. In contrast, feedback without these three factors could decrease or have no impact on students’ learning engagement. This indicates that teacher feedback indirectly affects college students’ academic performance by promoting their learning engagement, and is more effective when the frequency, difficulty or diversity of assessments is high.  相似文献   


The use of flipped classrooms, blended learning environments and the application of technology has been extensively studied and reported in the literature, but the impact of learning activity design on cultivating better learning attitudes has rarely been explored. A rapid adoption of ‘e-schoolbag’ in basic education in China has been observed in recent years. Its impact on academic performance varies from different ways of e-schoolbag adoption. We conducted a two-year longitudinal study to review the relationship between learning behaviours and academic performance in a primary school with a blended learning environment, and investigated how interventions through learning activity redesign could improve the academic performance by cultivating better learning attitudes. The results show that learning attitudes are positively related to academic performance with proper learning activity design. It is therefore suggested that teachers’ interventions through learning activity redesign can cultivate better learning attitudes and thus improve academic performance for learners.  相似文献   

农村留守儿童的学习适应是农村留守儿童教育问题的核心议题。基于文献梳理,设计了农村留守儿童教师支持与学习适应的评价指标并提出研究假设,将问卷调研区域聚焦在县域层面,选择河南省X县为样本采集区域,采集调研数据,并进行数据分析,探寻教师支持对农村留守儿童学习适应的影响机制。研究发现:情绪性支持对工具性支持具有直接的正向影响效应;工具性支持对学习态度、学习成效具有直接的正向影响效应;学习态度对学习成效具有直接的正向影响效应。研究发现,从留守儿童学习适应改善的角度提出相应的教师支持策略:以鼓励、关爱及尊重为教师情绪性支持要点,助推工具性支持改善;以倾听、沟通与指导为工具性支持策略,改善学习态度及成效;以学习认知、表现及体验为关注点,提升留守改善儿童的学习成效。  相似文献   

The GoKoan e-learning platform supports face-to-face training in an educational community. Its aim is to optimise the way and the time of study in order to improve academic performance. To evaluate the GoKoan platform’s effectiveness as a tool for improving academic performance, an experimental study was carried out using a sample of 171 university students enrolled in the psychology degree programme who were randomly assigned to the two different conditions (the experimental group: traditional learning + e-learning with the GoKoan platform; and the control group: traditional learning without e-learning). The findings showed that using GoKoan had a positive impact on the students’ academic performance (d = 0.39, 95 % CI [0.08, 0.69]). The results highlight the importance of blended learning in improving students’ learning performance. Other aspects of its effectiveness (e.g, the levels achieved in student learning outcomes) will be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

教师期望效应在教师进行教学的过程中发挥着重要作用,教师的期望可以给学生带来学习态度及方法上的积极性变化。文章阐述教师期望效应的基本内涵,并结合数学课堂教学分析其正向意义,进而提出运用教师期望效应提高数学教学效率的方法和思路。  相似文献   

彭正秀  姚继军  周世科 《中学教育》2022,19(1):32-42,62
利用江苏省2020年度基础教育学业质量监测数据,采用多元线性回归及夏普利值分解技术,分析了父亲、母亲不同陪伴方式对学生学业成绩的影响.结果表明:父亲陪伴和母亲陪伴一样,对子女的学业成绩有着重要的影响;不同的父母陪伴方式对子女的成绩影响不同,父母的情感陪伴对子女学业成绩具有正向影响,娱乐陪伴和学习陪伴并不能有效促进甚至负...  相似文献   


An association between attachment and academic performance appears to be consistently found in children; however, reports on such an association in adolescents are contradictory. This study aimed to determine whether the attachment dimensions of anxiety or avoidance significantly correlate with a student’s academic performance at university. Moreover, since individual differences in attachment index distinct self-regulatory capacities, this study aimed to determine whether any correlation exists between a student’s attachment dimensions and measures of self-regulated learning. Attachment dimensions were determined by the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised questionnaire, while self-regulated learning was determined by the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, in a sample of university students (n = 185). Neither attachment dimensions correlated significantly with measures of academic performance. However, attachment dimensions did significantly correlate with measures of self-regulated learning in this study.  相似文献   

Several studies provide preliminary evidence that computer use is positively related to academic performance; however, no clear relationship has yet been established. Using a national database, we analyzed how students’ school behavior (i.e., evaluated by English and math teachers) and standardized test scores (e.g., math and reading) are related to computer use for school work or other than school work for the tenth grade student. While controlling socioeconomic status (SES), home computer access, parental involvement, and students’ academic expectation variables, the students who used a computer for one hour per day showed more positive school behaviors and higher reading and math test scores. This article concludes with implications for future study to better understand the impact of computer use on adolescent academic development.  相似文献   


Much research has been conducted to investigate the effects of inquiry-based learning on students’ attitude towards science and future involvement in the science field, but few of them conducted in-depth studies including young learners’ socio-cognitive background to explore mechanisms which explain how inquiry experiences influence on career choices. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate in what ways and to what extent the inquiry learning experiences in school science affect students’ future career orientation in the context of socio-cognitive mechanisms based on socio-cognitive career theory(SCCT). For the purpose, Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 data were used focusing on science literacy, and the sample of Finnish 15-year-old students (N?=?5782) was analysed by structural equation modelling with the hypothesised Inquiry-SCCT model. The results of the study showed that inquiry learning experiences were indicated as a positive predictor for the students’ career aspiration, and most of its effects were mediated by outcome expectations. Indeed, although self-efficacy and interest in learning science indicated positive correlations with future aspiration, outcome expectation presented the highest correlation with the science-related career. Gender differences were found in the model, but girls indicated higher outcome expectation and career aspiration than boys in Finland.  相似文献   

近年来,我国高等教育由注重“教”逐渐转向注重“学”,学生的学习过程和学习结果越来越受到重视。以建构主义学习理论关于学习过程的假设为基础,探讨在大学生群体结构日趋多元化和复杂化的背景下,学业准备与学业收获的关系,分析人际互动与学业自我效能感在两者间的中介效应。采用整群抽样对某大学484名大学生进行调查的结果显示:大学生的学业准备情况整体良好,但是学习态度的准备水平不高;学业准备可以显著预测大学生的人际互动、学业自我效能感及学业收获;学业准备通过人际互动、学业自我效能感的链式中介作用影响学业收获,间接效应占总效应的43%。  相似文献   

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