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读屏时代传统纸质阅读受到巨大冲击,高校图书馆文献流通率趋于下降,提升文献流通率成为业内关注的焦点,开展读屏时代高校图书馆文献流通率的研究具有一定的理论和实践价值。文章采用文献研究法、社会调查法、比较研究法等,深入分析“读纸”“读屏”的社会认知以及“读屏”对高校馆藏文献流通的影响,指出高校图书馆文献流通面临的困境。基于“读屏”“读纸”两种阅读方式及其影响,文章指出,“读屏时代”改变的是阅读载体和读者获取信息的方式,读者对目标信息的需求仍旧不变,“读纸”“读屏”两者可以共存共融发展。构建文献资源适宜性评价体系、增加文献资源有效供给和合理引导读者需求是“读屏时代”高校图书馆提升文献流通率的重要路径。  相似文献   

互联网信息化时代的到来,促使读者的阅读方式发生极大转变,纸质阅读习惯逐渐被电子阅读、数字化阅读所改变。本文从研究电子信息时代的阅读行为进行分析,并提出建设性意见,旨在为当代青少年的阅读提供帮助。  相似文献   

为了研究互联网时代纸质阅读和电子阅读,笔者针对上海理工大学在校生电子书阅读状况进行了抽样调查,互联网的普及把大学生带入纸质阅读与电子阅读并存的时代,调查发现,大学生电子阅读的时间和数量已占据一定的优势,大学生阅读也出现了碎片化现象,大学生的纸质阅读和电子阅读都存在不同程度的"浅阅读"倾向,电子阅读越多的同学纸质阅读也越多,同学们使用电脑和ipad等电子阅读产品较多。在互联网时代,要引导大学生加强对专业和学术类文献的阅读,在阅读中培养大学生思考和记录下好文字的好习惯,要合理引导大学生根据阅读目的和内容,并且根据自己的情况采取适当的阅读方式。  相似文献   

网络阅读与纸质阅读的行为分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
金嘉毓  陈冬梅 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(5):107-108,80
文章通过对电子超文本与普通纸质文本差异的分析,探讨了网络阅读与纸质阅读各自的功能定位,由此对网络时代用户进行网络阅读与纸质阅读的行为作出分析结论。  相似文献   

“碎片化”“快捷化”的电子阅读普及的时代,纸质阅读却激活了身体的感知,成为不可替代的阅读方式.文章以物与“身体感”的理论作为分析框架,对比分析数字阅读和纸质阅读在身体感知方式层面的差异,回到身体的维度探究纸质阅读在新的媒介时空如何焕发生命力;从传播形态变迁的历史语境中,梳理人与媒介间交互影响的脉络,以“体物入微”的概念重新阐释纸质阅读在数字化语境中的文化意义.实体书店的空间也从传统的单一零售空间转变为具有美学价值和交流意味的多功能文化复合体,空间属性的变化重构了身体与客体空间的关系,客体空间通过“身体”的参与具有了体验的意义,身体空间也成为一个空间结构及其意义分布不断变化的异质空间.  相似文献   

随着新媒体的不断涌现以及人们对电子通讯和网络的日益依赖,传统的阅读方式正悄然发生着改变。从传统的纸质阅读到网络阅读,再到时下盛行的"屏读",多元化的阅读媒介,造就了新的阅读时代。如何在新阅读时代进一步发挥高校图书馆的职能作用,促进高校图书馆工作深入发展,已成为高校图书馆亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

电子阅读器的盛行使人们的阅读方式产生了变革。文章通过对比分析纸质文献和电子阅读器的优劣,论述了图书馆在这场变革当中,如何改变传统的服务意识和工作方式,顺应时代需求,不断推出新的举措,吸引读者,充分发挥自己的情报信息职能。  相似文献   

随着计算机、网络技术的飞速发展,公众的阅读习惯发生了重大改变,电子阅读成为与纸质阅读并行的信息获取方式,并且读屏人群仍在不断扩大,面对这种变化,本文提出了档案编研成果跨屏传播的策略,以增强档案文化产品的社会影响力。  相似文献   

<正>阅读是人类文化传承的重要方式之一。阅读能力的高低直接影响着国家与民族的未来。数字化时代的到来改变了国民阅读的途径。中国几千年来以纸质媒介作为阅读唯一方式的传统被打破,除了传统的平面阅读之外,还出现了电子阅读,主要包括电视阅读、网络阅读和手机阅读。历史上每一次技术进步都对人类的阅读习惯和阅读行为带来变革。文字、纸张和印刷的出现在当时的技术条  相似文献   

本课题从“读者阅读取向”、“本科生阅读行为习惯”、“本科生电子文献认识”、“电子文献使用方法掌握情况”以及“实际使用情况”等入手,对综合大学本科生阅读行为特征进行了“中样本”的调查研究。课题揭示了本科生读者阅读数字化倾向,专业外文献阅读取向集中在“文学、艺术和史传类”等现象,为综合性大学图书馆管理工作提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the use of mobile technology among students of University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia, in order to improve academic library services. We focused on the use of mobile library services of academic libraries in general and students' reading of full text resources on mobile devices in particular. A questionnaire was administered online to collect data from students within all faculties of University of Ljubljana. Assuming that the attitude towards using mobile devices to read scholarly e-resources is also affected by students' perception of mobile devices, we researched this in the context of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). UL students perceive mobile devices as generally useful for reading scholarly e-resources, but with shortcomings. They perceive mobile devices as practical for easy access to e-resources while they do not see them as appropriate for reading. Given the low mobile use of library online resources, UL libraries should develop a plan for the development of attractive mobile services and their effective promotion.  相似文献   

This article discusses problems in the management of library e-resources and attempts to identify potential solutions to the problems. By describing an e-resources enhancement project taken by Rutgers University Libraries, this article points to the importance of providing contextually rich metadata and reorganizing the accessibility of e-resources on a library's website. It introduces how this Rutgers project adopted the National Information Standards Organization Metasearch Initiative to support the identification of appropriate e-collections for metasearching. The outcomes of the project have facilitated a dynamic display of relevant e-resources to library users as an effective way of automatic access to library e-collections.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to identify: 1) usage of library e-resources by faculty and staff affiliation and status to identify research and teaching needs; 2) usage of library e-resources by student major, status, gender, registered disability and registered veteran to establish best outreach practices and areas that need service improvement and collection development in support of student learning; and 3) the correlation between use of library e-resources and student attainment as defined by grade point average (GPA). Demographic data was collected for these users based on their university NetID logins. The findings in this study conclusively document that students and faculty use library e-resources to a statistically significant extent and that a statistical relationship exists between student GPA and their use of e-resources. This information confirms the value of library resources to institutional teaching and research needs and can be used to document library value to the institutional mission.  相似文献   

In early 2010, library staff at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) in Ohio designed and conducted a usability study of key parts of the library web site, focusing on the web pages generated by the library's electronic resources management system (ERM) that list and describe the library's databases. The goal was to discover how users find and choose e-resources and identify ways the library could improve access to e-resources through its web site. This article outlines the usability study conducted at BGSU, presents its conclusions about how students at BGSU find and choose databases, contextualizes these findings with other current research about user behavior, and makes recommendations for increasing student use of library e-resources.  相似文献   

Electronic information is becoming prevalent worldwide, and its use is growing exponentially as more and more users are recognizing the potential that it offers in terms of access and delivery. However, with the introduction of new tools for e-information searching and retrieval, users have to readjust their information-seeking behavior to cope with the corresponding changes. The University of Sharjah library is steadily increasing its investment in e-resources to offer ubiquitous access to the growing body of literature in areas that interest the community it serves. This study reports the findings of a survey conducted to investigate the information-seeking behavior of medical students at the medical library. Results showed evidence of use of e-resources, but they did not explicitly establish that some of the major problems mentioned by participants did hinder the information searches of the respondents. An extensive literature review sets the background for the study.  相似文献   

Electronic information is becoming prevalent worldwide, and its use is growing exponentially as more and more users are recognizing the potential that it offers in terms of access and delivery. However, with the introduction of new tools for e-information searching and retrieval, users have to readjust their information-seeking behavior to cope with the corresponding changes. The University of Sharjah library is steadily increasing its investment in e-resources to offer ubiquitous access to the growing body of literature in areas that interest the community it serves. This study reports the findings of a survey conducted to investigate the information-seeking behavior of medical students at the medical library. Results showed evidence of use of e-resources, but they did not explicitly establish that some of the major problems mentioned by participants did hinder the information searches of the respondents. An extensive literature review sets the background for the study.  相似文献   

Changing trends in library use and management of e-resources were discussed by Jane Burke from ProQuest/Serials Solutions. A paradigm shift in library collections has occurred in which e‐resources are now the major component of new library materials, requiring new ways to manage and display them. The use of e‐resource access and management services was discussed as a helpful tool, along with federated searching. Burke suggested that by spending less time processing print materials and ending bibliographic instruction, more time will be available for librarians to market and manage e-resources, which will be of greater benefit to today's library users.  相似文献   

LibX is an open-source browser extension that pushes access to a library’s e-resources and services out to users wherever they are on the Internet (e.g., Amazon, Wikipedia). In Fall 2012, University of Connecticut (UConn) Libraries unveiled their instance of LibX along with homegrown user guides and instructional materials, as well as targeted marketing and promotion efforts. In this session, the presenters described the successes and challenges of UConn’s LibX implementation and promotion, as well as an analysis of LibX.  相似文献   

电子阅读器应用与图书馆借阅业务的变革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
引进先进技术和设备促进阅读是图书馆在网络时代应该担当的使命,应该抓住电子阅读器出现和发展的契机,保持和扩大图书馆读者群、提高馆藏数字文献利用率、提高图书馆员业务素质、完善数字资源订购机制,推动图书馆业务的进一步发展。  相似文献   

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