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在数字时代,充分掌握政务档案信息用户的利用需求特征、偏好,有助于全面提升政务档案信息服务水平,增强我国政务服务能力和社会办事满意度。当前,我国涉企政务档案信息整合利用存在以下问题:以纵向业务系统内整合为主,横向整合度低;政务档案存储较为分散,整合难度大;档案信息化水平良莠不齐,个性化服务能力欠缺。鉴于此,本研究引入大数据用户画像技术,精准捕捉企业用户在办理政务服务事项过程中涉及的各类信息,绘制“企业用户办理政务事项与档案信息关系图谱”,勾勒企业用户画像。在此基础上从企业用户画像构建、涉企政务档案信息资源整合、涉企政务档案信息资源服务三大模块出发,搭建基于企业用户画像的政务档案信息整合利用模型。  相似文献   

日前,河北省委办公厅、省政府办公厅出台了《关于着力改善发展环境,进一步深化政务公开加强政务服务的实施意见》。政务公开信息目录定期审核和公开意见提出,政务公开信息目录体系主要由政府信息目录、行政职权目录、便民服务事项目录和年度性重点公开目录构成。政务公开信息目录定期审核并通过政府门户网站和其他公开载体及时向社会公开。各级政府每年度要对目录内容进行一次动态调整,必要时随时调  相似文献   

面向用户需求的个性化政务信息服务模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在分析电子政务环境下用户需求与服务个性化发展的基础上,首先指出建立以“用户为中心”的政务信息服务模式的必要性,接着构建个性化电子政务信息服务系统的服务模式,并指出这种模式与其他个性化政务信息模式的不同之处。同时,还讨论其主要模块的建立,包括用户需求及行为分析、用户模型、个性化政务服务平台、政务信息资源库与政务信息资源主题图。  相似文献   

政务服务O2O,作为一种新型的"互联网+政务服务"电子政务生态,有助于拓宽便捷高效的公共服务渠道,有利于简化民众办事流程,有利于优化公共服务资源配置;随着大数据、云计算等数字技术的快速发展与运用,政务服务将呈现政府各部门联动与信息共享、政务服务一站式无缝衔接、移动政务等发展趋势。  相似文献   

谢丽娜 《图书情报工作》2015,59(19):113-121
[目的/意义] 政务社交媒体已成为各国电子政务的核心组成部分,为了更好地推广政务社交媒体的应用,需要了解影响用户使用的因素。[方法/过程] 梳理和总结当前国内外新媒体环境下电子政务用户接受/采纳模型的相关研究,从概念界定、基础理论及其应用、研究方法、影响因素等方面进行了述评。[结果/结论] 将政务社交媒体用户信息获取影响因素划分为5个层面,即技术层面、组织层面、环境层面、任务层面和个人层面,以期为相关的研究人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   

政务微信是电子政务在移动互联网和新媒体极速发展阶段的主要表现之一,同时也是当前政府探究如何结合互联网移动终端发展电子政务应用模式的重要尝试。政府与普通民众之间的交流伴随着信息技术日新月异的发展不再是空想,各种政务新媒体助力政府开展日常事务,移动政务在世界各地如火如荼地开展起来,借力于移动政务为民众提供更加便捷、高效、优质的服务,是各国政府的愿景,政务微信就这样以自身的点对点信息传播可达性优势及互动优势,火速在全国各地兴起并且不断壮大发展,它正在为政府展现沟通、便民、施政价值,实实在在地将"微服务"提升到更高的阶段。  相似文献   

针对目前电子政务信息服务的现状,在个性化政务信息服务基础上提出进行交互式的电子政务信息服务,构建以用户模型为核心的交互式政务信息服务系统总体构架,再由抽象到具体对用户模型的建模过程和结构进行着重分析,明确用户模型在政务信息服务中的核心作用,有利于系统实现自适应检索,为用户提供一种个性化、智能化的政务信息检索服务,同时也有助于预期定位用户的需求从而进行主动推荐服务。  相似文献   

政府门户网站的影响力主要源自其提供的信息公开和网上政务服务,通过分析23个省级政府网站的年度报告数据发现,目前政府网站的影响力主要源于信息公开而非政务服务,不过两者均与网站影响力的相关性不强;当前政府网站传播能力偏低,应从发挥政务新闻信息的发布优势、建设智能化的政务服务事项体系、提供人性化的移动端体验三个方面入手,采取得力措施,努力提升政府网站的影响力,以更好地为民众提供公共服务。  相似文献   

图书馆在线帮助是图书馆提供的辅助用户利用图书馆网站进行信息检索的服务。当前图书馆网站的在线帮助服务普遍存在不利于用户发现、帮助信息针对性不强、更新率低等问题。要想提高在线帮助服务满意度,图书馆必须充分调查了解用户对图书馆在线帮助的需求,为用户提供情景敏感的在线帮助,加强交互式在线帮助,并有针对性地对在线帮助服务进行优化改进。  相似文献   

随着电子政务的深入发展与移动通信技术的不断成熟,移动政务已经成为传统电子政务的重要补充。在总结国内外移动政务成功案例和相关理论研究的基础上,分析移动政务的实现过程与社会需求,归纳移动政务的4种服务模式,包括手机短信、移动互联网、无线电广播和移动办公服务模式,并对其进行SWOT分析,在此基础上,提出移动政务进一步发展所需要的条件。   相似文献   

The number of migrant farmer workers in China has increased so rapidly that they can't be ignored anymore as a vulnerable group in the coming information society. This study formulates a theoretical framework on the process of seeking for government information online and employs a method of questionnaire survey to investigate the information needs of migrant farmer workers and their behavior of using e-government service. The findings drawn include inconsistency of information seeking behaviors with information needs, and conditions of transfer from potential users of e-government services to actual users, such as information literacy, IT environment, the influence of social networks, the operations of government websites, and targeted services. Several policy recommendations are presented based on these findings, including improvements in the workers' information capacity, construction of special e-government programs aimed at such workers, and enhancement of public library systems and government service offerings to this target group.  相似文献   

Providing government information, services, products and transactions electronically has the potential benefit of accessibility for a wider audience, political and administrative transparency, and improved service delivery. By using e-government websites, citizens can conveniently access government information and services and gain greater opportunities to participate in democratic processes. The present study aims to evaluate National Portal of India, which provides single window access to 601 e-government portals and websites in India. A total of 1576 online services are provided by these portals responding to information needs of the citizens. Ranking of the state and union territory portals has been done based on the number of online services they provide. The paper also focuses on the digitization of documents, acts, rules and schemes of central and state government departments and their availability and accessibility through government portals.  相似文献   

Providing government information, services, products and transactions electronically has the potential benefit of accessibility for a wider audience, political and administrative transparency, and improved service delivery. By using e-government websites, citizens can conveniently access government information and services and gain greater opportunities to participate in democratic processes. The present study aims to evaluate National Portal of India, which provides single window access to 601 e-government portals and websites in India. A total of 1576 online services are provided by these portals responding to information needs of the citizens. Ranking of the state and union territory portals has been done based on the number of online services they provide. The paper also focuses on the digitization of documents, acts, rules and schemes of central and state government departments and their availability and accessibility through government portals.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine gender inequality in the use of the Korean central government website in 2010. Adapting the digital divide and the gender differentiation hypothesis, we analyze e-government users and the determinants of their demand for e-government websites. Specifically, after controlling for socio-economic factors and family characteristics as demand determinants, we test whether gender inequality in e-government access and usage persists across central government units that provide differentiated public services. Our regression results indicate (i) no persistent gender inequality, supporting the gender differentiation hypothesis, and (ii) the importance of family characteristics as a determinant of demands for e-government websites. However, we also find a persistent divide in access to and usage of central e-government services by education and occupation, which deserves more attention and further research.  相似文献   

Delivering public services to citizens via the Internet is the basic goal of E-government. Although websites are becoming essential elements of public e-services in local public administration in China, little is known about their efficiency and effectiveness. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the actual status of Web-enabled public services to citizens in municipal e-government implementation in the Yangtze River Delta. Eight categories of public services to citizens delivered through the Internet have been identified in the websites of the 14 local municipal governments. These public services include birth, marriage, domicile register, education, social security, public utility, health and traffic. Using the methodology of service maturity, this study evaluates the quality and usage of public e-services to citizens in the Yangtze River Delta. The results of this study show that almost all city governments are shifting from the traditional bureaucratic paradigm to the e-government public service paradigm, albeit with significant differences in public e-services level in these cities. At present, e-government public services to citizens in almost all the cities studied are mostly limited to on-line presentations of government information with a low degree of development of interaction and on-line transaction. The municipal governments and policymakers in the near future will have to strengthen the interactivity of their websites with citizens and improve the on-line transaction level in order to deliver citizen-centric public e-services.  相似文献   

Delivering public services to citizens via the Internet is the basic goal of E-government. Although websites are becoming essential elements of public e-services in local public administration in China, little is known about their efficiency and effectiveness. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the actual status of Web-enabled public services to citizens in municipal e-government implementation in the Yangtze River Delta. Eight categories of public services to citizens delivered through the Internet have been identified in the websites of the 14 local municipal governments. These public services include birth, marriage, domicile register, education, social security, public utility, health and traffic. Using the methodology of service maturity, this study evaluates the quality and usage of public e-services to citizens in the Yangtze River Delta. The results of this study show that almost all city governments are shifting from the traditional bureaucratic paradigm to the e-government public service paradigm, albeit with significant differences in public e-services level in these cities. At present, e-government public services to citizens in almost all the cities studied are mostly limited to on-line presentations of government information with a low degree of development of interaction and on-line transaction. The municipal governments and policymakers in the near future will have to strengthen the interactivity of their websites with citizens and improve the on-line transaction level in order to deliver citizen-centric public e-services.  相似文献   

我国各级政府网站提供了多项电子政务服务,但公众对其的使用率偏低。公共图书馆在提供电子政务服务方面有着极大的优势和责任。根据美国纽约皇后图书馆和佛罗里达州的儿童与家庭部项目开展税务、医疗等电子政务项目服务的经验,我国公共图书馆应联合共建电子政务资源,提供多种整合服务方式,加强对服务人员的培训,加大宣传与推广,从而推进公共图书馆的电子政务项目整合服务。  相似文献   

The last few decades have witnessed unprecedented transformations in every sector of society, resulting from the explosive advancement of information and communication technologies. This drastic development has raised the hopes of citizens for better lives, in both developing and advanced countries, urging innovation in government to make it more competent. Due to e-business revolutions, governments around the world have applied similar principles and technologies to government by opening their websites for more efficient publication of information and more effective delivery of public services. While a government website is an important venue for citizens to participate in public affairs and decision-making processes, early e-government practices tended to overlook democratic purposes by focusing on the features of e-business and information systems. There have been increasing criticisms that e-government system design has focused mainly on the provider's perspectives. Reflecting on the theoretical implications of this, we argue that a government website should facilitate democratic processes involving not only information sharing and delivery of better public services, but also deliberation and coproduction. The purpose of this study is to probe into multidimensional features that enable government websites to fulfill their promises. Developing an integrative model for evaluating a government website, namely the Democratic E-governance Website Evaluation Model, we conducted a qualitative meta-analysis of four strands of literature: information systems, business, public administration, and democratic theory. Our study contributes to the literature by extending the purview of e-government website analysis beyond the question of citizens' acceptance and towards the issue of their engagement, bringing a stimulating view of citizens as active agents in governance, and it provides a holistic model for public authorities to improve their websites to facilitate democratic e-governance that helps to create more effective public outcomes.  相似文献   

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