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There is a trend among academic libraries to increase collaboration between interlibrary loan and collection development to improve patron access to materials and build library collections. Instead of borrowing returnable materials, interlibrary loan may initiate purchases that will become part of the library's collection. This can mean anything from an organizational change combining interlibrary loan with the acquisitions unit or creating new workflows to facilitate purchasing. At the University of North Texas Libraries, the Interlibrary Loan office is a unit of the Access Services Department. Buying instead of borrowing for the ILL unit began with a Demand Driven Acquisitions (DDA) program and has expanded with the establishment of the University of North Texas Libraries' access-based collection development policy. Interlibrary Loan provides “Just-In-Time” (JIT) access to materials not available through regular interlibrary loan sources and adds relevant materials to the Libraries' collections.  相似文献   


ILLiad is an interlibrary loan borrowing system designed and implemented in the University Libraries at Virginia Tech. ILLiad models the ILL borrowing process so as to track the status of an ILL request as it is processed, either by the staff or by software. This process approach to automating interlibrary loan is leading to fundamental improvements in ILL management and service. The process approach allows continued expansion and modification of the system, including the addition of electronic delivery of articles. The process approach results in substantial improvements in customer service by allowing customers to intervene directly in the borrowing process without staff assistance.  相似文献   


The article presents a case study of Empire Express, a resource sharing network among the libraries of the State University of New York (SUNY) University Centers at Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, and Stony Brook, along with Syracuse University. The network involves an expedited interlibrary loan service, in which requests and documents are transmitted via Ariel and books are delivered by UPS, The service was formed in 1993, based upon an analysis of interlibrary loan patterns which revealed considerable potential for equitable resource sharing among the SUNY University Center Libraries. Syracuse University, as a peer institution with complimentary collections, later joined the network, which is formed on the “miniature cooperative” resource sharing model. With data now available about Empire Express, it is possible to assess the service and gain insight about the “miniature cooperative” model as a strategy for equitable resource sharing.  相似文献   

Oregon State University Libraries piloted a one-year interlibrary loan purchase on demand service beginning in February 2009. An online survey was used to measure patron satisfaction and determine future borrowing and recommendation behavior. These results, along with patron comments, were used to explore future success of the service and ways to enhance the permanent service. Results provide context for the success of purchase-on-demand programs and support the development of innovative tools that increase the efficiency of purchase-on-demand workflow. Oregon State University Libraries permanently adopted the successful service and is working to incorporate patron input on purchase decisions.  相似文献   


Technology is rapidly moving libraries toward a self-service interlibrary loan model. Patrons currently request books and articles through OCLC's unmediated ILL Direct Request service, and interlibrary loan management software enables users to request, track, and renew borrowed materials unassisted online. In addition, products such as SFX and Serials Solutions further expand unmediated requesting. Peer-to-peer resource sharing defined by the ISO ILL Protocol and direct consortial borrowing, which has become possible following the recently approved NCIP standard, encourage and support the widespread development of self-service interlibrary loan. As borrowing from other collections becomes an almost effortless process for library users, reference librarians must find ways to encourage patron use of local collections, as well as familiarize themselves with the mechanics of unmediated interlibrary loan to better assist patrons in their use of evolving interlibrary loan technology.  相似文献   


The Interlending Section, University Library System, Chinese University of Hong Kong provides centralized, charging back interlibrary loan services. Overseas document delivery vendors are essential to the Interlending Section in satisfying the information needs of its users. Based on nine considerations, the Interlending Section seriously and carefully selects a few overseas document delivery vendors that are able to satisfy nearly 90% of photocopy requests in 14 days. Such performance matches that of the local sources. The considerations used by the Interlending Section are cost and pricing structure, response and efficiency, fill rate, specialty, in-house collection, royalty arrangement, charges other than document cost and royalty, method of payment, and means of request transmission.  相似文献   


In these times of growing journal prices and shrinking budgets, alternative methods of information access are a necessity. Document delivery services have become an important alternative to providing information access beyond traditional interlibrary loan services. This article analyzes the effect the “unmediated” EbscoDoc document delivery service had on traditional interlibrary loan in a medium sized academic library. Access to the service was provided to faculty members at Wichita State University for a period of approximately two years. Use of the service varied from faculty members who ordered one article to the “super” users who ordered from 100 to 400 documents. This study indicates that while the few “super” users had a strong impact on document delivery, the presence of the EbscoDoc service did not reduce the use of interlibrary loan as the majority of the registered faculty continued to use traditional interlibrary loan.  相似文献   


The evolution of statewide resource sharing and reciprocal borrowing for Maryland public libraries is discussed. Beginning in the 1950s, the Enoch Pratt Free Library assumed responsibility for filling interlibrary loan requests for the state due to the size of its collection. In 1971, Pratt became the State Library Resource Center and its interlibrary loan responsibilities became formalized. Through a series of technological advancements in library catalogs and interlibrary loan systems, Maryland has arrived at the MARINA system to facilitate sharing resources throughout the state. The state has a long-standing philosophy of cooperation, which makes the MARINA endeavor possible.  相似文献   


Expanded Collection was an analog version of a “virtual” collection that relied on the Document Delivery Department and vendor intervention to obtain materials. Developed to offset budget cuts, it was a list of 205 periodical titles that were cut from the collection but remained listed in the library catalog. Although initially successful, it became difficult to administer. Court interpretations of copyright law caused the Document Delivery Department to rely on standard interlibrary loan procedures and raised ethical questions about Expanded Collection. Improved efficiency in the interlibrary loan process and the increased access to electronic journals made Expanded Collection obsolete.  相似文献   


Many of the processes for interlibrary loan are not unique to law firms, but may have unique applications given the substantially shorter deadlines and the possibility of allowing increased costs. Rapid borrowing of standard and obscure material-same day or next day deliv-ery-via interlibrary loan is considered standard. Within that environment, learning how to make tools which will work the first time can make the difference between meeting deadlines and failure. Discussion includes principles of interlibrary loan behind the immediate transaction, a discussion of applying “fair use” to a law firm context, the history and philosophy of interlibrary loan, and the nature of collaboration. Specific tools for interlibrary loan are discussed with an application to a law firm library context. Bibliographic utilities (like OCLC) and the use of lender Online Public Access Catalogs are discussed for maximizing the percentage of first attempt affirmative responses. The role of consortia and the use of online resources are discussed, with an eye towards licensing issues that can prevent lending libraries from providing information. Lending and borrowing policies are discussed with a focus on the nature of reciprocity. The positive and negative impact of using broadcast e-mails to identify and find resources is outlined. Request transmission protocols like the ALA form, OCLC and other methods of request transmission are discussed within the context of law firm interlibrary loan. Protocols for when transactions go awry are discussed. The role of continuing education is emphasized.  相似文献   


Technological advances in the processing of interlibrary loans have enabled libraries to deliver materials electronically to users. Delivery is especially beneficial for distance education students for whom typical interlibrary loan services are often not a viable option. The author conducted a survey of libraries that serve distance education students to determine which systems and processes, used in traditional interlibrary loan, are transferable to the delivery of materials from the “home” institution to off-campus students. To complement the survey, the results of a case study of experiences at Western Michigan University (WMU) are presented. WMU uses ILLiad and SFX systems to facilitate the request and delivery of interlibrary loan and document delivery requests to students both on and off-campus students.  相似文献   


The “difficult” requests submitted by the research library users prove document delivery vendors could hardly replace interlibrary loan librarians. “Difficult” requests ask for the “grey literature” not traded commercially and not kept in libraries. They require the special attention and professional knowledge of the interlibrary loan librarian. Besides usual bibliographic and reference tools, the Internet, e-mail, and the search engines have to be employed to solve them. The help of those responsible for the production of the literature in question is significant. In tackling “difficult” requests, interlibrary loan librarians may further add value to their services by facilitating sharing between scholars or researchers. Five actual cases are presented to illustrate how the “difficult” requests were tackled and solved.  相似文献   

As libraries increase their electronic journal collections, would dependence on interlibrary loan decrease? This paper reports a case study at the University of Nevada, Reno, University Libraries (UNR) focusing on the usage of the Elsevier online journal package and interlibrary loan (ILL) borrowing activities. It analyzes four-years' worth of UNR usage and ILL statistics, gathered between July 1999 and June 2003. It also provides observations and explanations from a perspective beyond statistics, at the level of library services and the campus demographic and research environments.  相似文献   


In July 2017 the California State University system of twenty-four libraries started an unmediated interlibrary loan service for print materials, known as CSU+. This paper examines four years of interlibrary loan data, from two years before CSU+’s launch to two years after, to explore the impact of the new service on interlibrary loan usage. The data shows that CSU?+?dramatically increased interlibrary loan use across the California State University system.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to outline the “best common practices” at Regent University Library, and share survey data illustrating their effectiveness. Also discussed is how transitioning from an entirely graduate university to a university serving both graduates and undergraduates has influenced library services. The new constituency will increase interlibrary loan transactions and test the library's practices. Providing quality interlibrary loan service to a growing academic population requires innovative ideas and practices while keeping the workflow streamlined. New programs implemented over the past several years include books on demand and providing more electronic books and journals. A growing distance education student population has led to paying for library cards for academic libraries located near students' homes and permitting them to return materials to satellite campuses.  相似文献   

The University of North Texas Libraries provide extensive online access to academic journals through major vendor databases. As illustrated by interlibrary loan borrowing requests for items held in our databases, patrons often have difficulty navigating the available resources. In this study, the Interlibrary Loan staff used data gathered from the ILLiad interlibrary loan management system to investigate why patrons request locally available materials. This study resulted in recommendations for the Libraries' linking strategies in EBSCOhost databases. Several user education needs were identified and communicated to the Libraries' Subject Liaisons.  相似文献   

As libraries increase their electronic journal collections, would dependence on interlibrary loan decrease? This paper reports a case study at the University of Nevada, Reno, University Libraries (UNR) focusing on the usage of the Elsevier online journal package and interlibrary loan (ILL) borrowing activities. It analyzes four-years' worth of UNR usage and ILL statistics, gathered between July 1999 and June 2003. It also provides observations and explanations from a perspective beyond statistics, at the level of library services and the campus demographic and research environments.  相似文献   


ARL interlibrary loan statistics and most other interlibrary loan cost studies provide only the mean and median unit cost. The author suggests that future statistical survey include marginal cost in addition to unit cost. Another important factor that is not included in the current interlibrary loan cost studies is the copyright fee, or royalty fee. When the sixth article from a journal is requested for copying by a library in the same year, a copyright fee is incurred, and it can be more than $50 per article. However, the copyright fee is not listed as a separate category in any of the current interlibrary loan cost studies. Since the copyright fee is an additional cost to the borrowing library, it is a marginal cost, not a fixed cost (such as staff salaries). Zhou's formula to include the copyright fee into the marginal cost study is presented, and the marginal analysis and the copyright fee are incorporated into the interlibrary loan cost study for the first time.  相似文献   


Virginia Commonwealth University has interlibrary loan staff members who work in a variety of locations. A review of library and business management literature and an informal survey of interlibrary loan managers was conducted to assess the extent and practices for managing interlibrary loan and document delivery staff members who work in separate locations. Data was collected to highlight common problems and challenges faced by managers who deal with this situation, and to consider the best practices used by the managers. The practices of interlibrary loan managers were very similar to those of managers found in management literature, indicating that library managers, particularly in interlibrary loan, can benefit from reading business management sources regularly.  相似文献   

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